Author Topic: Manhattan Declaration: Religious Liberties - Update  (Read 1096 times)

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Manhattan Declaration: Religious Liberties - Update
« on: September 12, 2011, 03:15:50 PM »
Religious Liberties - Update

In this time of national reflection, it is appropriate to look back and consider the journey our nation has taken these past ten years.  Through many highs and many lows, we have been attacked and yet conquered as we continue to be incredibly blessed amid the trials.  On September 11, 2001 we saw injustice, death, and mourning.  Today, as a nation, we continue to strive for justice, life, and peace.  Let's celebrate our God-given religious freedoms, the sanctity of life, and the holiness of marriage as we reflect on this season of life and look ahead towards the next ten years.

Thank you for signing the Manhattan Declaration and for your defense of human life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty.  May we all redouble our efforts to defend religious liberties-both at home and abroad.

Please visit to get all your up-to-date news on the sanctity of life, dignity of marriage and religious liberty. And join us at our blog.  Also, discuss the Manhattan Declaration with your friends, ask them if they have signed it, explain to them the importance behind these critical moral issues of today's culture.


Again, thank you for your part in supporting the Manhattan Declaration.  We

appreciate your interest and action!



Manhattan Declaration

« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 03:21:01 PM by jpatrickham »