Topics > The Departed

Senator Frank Lautenberg

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--- Quote from: Libertas on June 03, 2013, 11:15:17 AM ---Awesome!   ::thumbsup::

"I am removing from our blogroll any blog that says “prayers to the family and well wishes at this time, blah blah blah” for any leftist douchenozzle who takes a dirt nap."

 ::whoohoo::   ::bustamove::   ::clapping::

PS-Hard not to vote for Big Fur Hat after that rant!

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Thanks so much, I despise Hotair and their holier than thou attitude of go along to get along aka RINO. Be nice if they could see the trees from the forest but they refuse to be practical looking more to resemble what FNC is today, a bastion of mediocrity.

The comments over iowntherworld are to the point and certainly worthy of my praise. ::thumbsup::


--- Quote from: Alphabet Soup on June 03, 2013, 08:55:13 AM ---Why should they replace him? I'm sure that he'll get just as much done now as he ever did before...


(and yea, that is as much sympathy as you're gonna get from me frank)

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With that thought, will he now be registered for the rolls as VBD(voting but dead). Frank has now crossed over and now has a fantastic benefit of never again having to explain his vote to any constituent without the use of a ouija board.


RIP, Frank. 

This is an opportunity to observe that grrrreat governor from NJ in action.
He has an opportunity to appoint a pro-life Repub Rino.  Will he do that or
will he do better or worse? 


--- Quote from: Charles Oakwood on June 03, 2013, 02:33:34 PM ---RIP, Frank. 
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Why?  And why should the commie fukc rest in peace?  Burn in hell is more like it.  (I'll bet Snarlin' Arlen is right there to greet him.)

The following article is why I feel no need to read or hear of any positive support for Lousyberg or his family.  We are in a war for the soul of our Country, serious political bloodsport, and Louusyberg was an enemy of my Country.

--- Quote ---Note to other blogs

Home - by BigFurHat - June 3, 2013 - 12:04 America/New_York - 34 Comments

I am removing from our blogroll any blog that says “prayers to the family and well wishes at this time, blah blah blah” for any leftist douchenozzle who takes a dirt nap.

If sites like HOT AIR can’t resist writing this maudlin crapola, then it’s RIP for them.

This is not a football game, where Riverdale High has a heated rivalry with Daleriver High, and the rival quarterback gets killed in an accident. That’s when the stupid veil of partisanship and faux bloodsport gets lifted, and we all go to the funeral, and we all genuinely feel sorry and we all feel a little silly for thinking football mattered.

Does Hot Air think that this is all just sport, and “at the end of the day” everyone slaps each other’s ass and has a beer?

NO. (But I think they do.)

We are currently in a struggle to keep America from falling into the grips of a left-wing ideology that will impact freedom for every future generation.. Frank Lautenberg was the enemy in every sense of the word.

I don’t need to read cordial well-wishes and blown kisses to the Lautenberg clan at the end of their report.

I don’t demand that Hot Air go as far as we go here and say, “good-riddance to bad rubbish.” But they don’t have to take the proactive step of sending flowers.  Here’s a nice alternative – say nothing.

You know the old saying, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”?  It needs revising. If you’re about to say something nice about the left, don’t say anything at all.

And please don’t start with the “it’s common decency” yammering.


It’s perfectly decent to say nothing when these progs drop dead.

Stop the aiding and comforting of the enemy in wartime. If you’re doing that for a 90 year-old fossil I can fully see Hot Air caterwauling ‘WHY???? WHYYYYYYYY?????” over the death of some young commie.

Not only is Hot Air getting on my nerves. The sites that constantly link to them are as well. If these sites think Allahpundit and Ed Morrissey are the answer to what ails conservatism, we are in deep sh*t.
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Love it!  The comments are precious, too.  Tepid Air takes a well deserved beating.

Alphabet Soup:

--- Quote ---Tepid Air takes a well deserved beating.
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They're not as insipid as politico but I've found myself disagreeing with them an awful lot lately. And then it struck me - I recall a saying from years ago "Blowing hot air up my skirt" which meant bullsh*tting me. Now I see how it applies.



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