Author Topic: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?  (Read 1740 times)

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Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
« on: February 21, 2011, 06:43:55 PM »
Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by irondiopriest on Feb 15, 2010, 5:18pm


Red wine and dark chocolate cancer killers: researcher

Red grapes and dark chocolate join blueberries, garlic, soy, and teas as ingredients that starve cancer while feeding bodies, Angiogenesis Foundation head William Li said at a prestigious TED Conference.

"We are rating foods based on their cancer-fighting qualities," Li said. "What we eat is really our chemotherapy three times a day."

The Massachusetts-based foundation is identifying foods containing chemicals that evidently choke-off blood supplies to tumors, starving them to death.

Li cited a Harvard Medical School study showing that men who ate cooked tomatoes several times weekly were 30 to 50 percent less likely to have prostate cancer.

"There is a medical revolution happening all around us," Li said. "If we're right, it could impact on consumer education, food service, public health, and even insurance agencies."

About a dozen drugs are already in use to deprive tumors of blood supplies in a treatment tactic called "anti-angiogenesis.

The foundation pitted some foods against approved drugs and found that soy, parsley, red grapes, berries and other comestibles were either as effective or more potent in battling cancer cells.

Eaten together, the foods were even more effective in fighting cancer.

"We discovered that Mother Nature laced a large number of foods and herbs with anti-angiogenesis features," Li said.

"For many people around the world, dietary cancer treatment may be the only solution because not everyone can afford cancer drugs."

The foundation also discovered that anti-angiogenesis properties of foods melt away fat, which relies heavily on blood flow to sustain itself.

Tests showed that mice genetically prone to be chubby could be trimmed to average mouse size using the approach.

"It got weight down to a set point for normal mice," Li said. "In other words, we can't create supermodel mice."
Re: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by pandora on Feb 15, 2010, 6:14pm

Parsley and garlic goes into the making of a decent meatball.

Not a fan of dark chocolate.

Got the wine part covered, though. 
Re: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by userinvisible on Feb 15, 2010, 6:24pm

Feb 15, 2010, 6:14pm, pandora wrote:
Parsley and garlic goes into the making of a decent meatball.

Not a fan of dark chocolate.

Got the wine part covered, though. 

This is a very good wine:

The “Bocksbeutel” bottle, trademark of Franconia I spent a considerable amount of time in the area......

The above bottle from “Staatlicher Hofkeller”, the second of the three big wineries in Würzburg (the third one is “Bürgerspital”), was the first I drank with a glas enclosure in my life. It was a “2005 Hammelburg Trautlestal, Silvaner Kabinett, dry” which displayed all the characteristics of an excellent Franconian Silvaner wine. For newcomers to Franconian wine I can highly recommend this drop.
Re: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by libertasinfinitio on Feb 15, 2010, 6:25pm

/Harvard? If I eat all that I won't go apesh*t and kill people, will I?

Oh, wait, I'm not obsessed with Obama (the leg-tingle kind) so I'm good!

Cheers! (Hic!) 
Re: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by charlesoakwood on Feb 15, 2010, 6:39pm

>>""For many people around the world, dietary cancer treatment may be the only solution because not everyone can afford cancer drugs."<<

When I read that, the hair on the back of my neck stood up - don't know why.

>>"Tests showed that mice genetically prone to be chubby could be trimmed to average mouse size using the approach."<<


Am waiting with great anticipation; between this research, adult stem cells, and cholesterol research (barring interference) they are on the tips of revolutionary medical miracles.

Izzy Rosenfeld talked about above mentioned components and Resveratrol last Sunday, maybe Sunday before last.

Resveratrol, Foods With

Resveratrol is a natural compound found in some plants. It is classified as a phytoalexin, which means it is part of the plant's natural defense system, helping it to fight off bacteria and disease. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, phytoalexins offer health benefits to humans, including helping to lower cholesterol, fight cancer, reduce inflammation and release antioxidants, which help fight off aging-related diseases. Resveratrol is a powerful phytoalexin, found in a limited number of foods.

Grapes and Grape Products

The best food source of resveratrol is grapes, but it is found in the skins. This is the reason that wine, particularly red wine, has such a high resveratrol content.


Along with grapes, dark red or purple berries also contain resveratrol. These berries are primarily from the vaccinium family of berry plants, which are low-growing shrubs.


The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports that peanuts, along with pistachios, contain resveratrol.

when berries are cooked they lose some of their resveratrol, it is the opposite for peanuts.

Japanese Knotweed

is known more as an invasive weed than as a food source. ... if the shoots are harvested before they are a foot tall, they can be cooked and eaten as a substitute for asparagus.

To obtain resveratrol from Japanese knotweed, however, it is best consumed as a dietary supplement.

The National Institutes of Health Dietary Supplements Label Database reports show that most supplemental resveratrol is derived from Japanese knotweed root extract.

mm mmm, that's what I want, some Japanese Knotweed, yummy
Re: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by userinvisible on Feb 15, 2010, 6:42pm

You know, they have to have people willing to test their theory, how exactly would one sign up to, ahem, partake in the consumption of squashed red grapes.........

Maybe they would be willing to adopt an entire blog.....for scientific purposes only of course!!!!!
Re: Red Wine, Dark Chocolate: Cancer Killers?
Post by rocketman on Feb 19, 2010, 11:13am

Hemmer, Hemmer ...

Frankenwein aint that good. Germans do make some good dessert wines though.
Oh, and the excellent Mosels.

Now, give me a good Bordeaux, Chateau Neuf du Pape, or an EYEtalian Barolo any time.
There are some decent Merlots and Cabernets from CA and Australia.

Gots ta have me a wee little bit o'chocolate too.
Add wine, lots of garlic, but save the soy - blech.
I'm safe from cancer and glaucoma.


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~ Ann Barnhardt