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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1300 on: February 20, 2023, 11:26:24 AM »

Heard some quotes from Chris Hedges
"Out of control militarism is a disease of late stage imperialism."

"The tyranny Greece imposed on others it finally imposed on itself."
Anti-War Activists Infighting Reaches Boiling Point - Chris Hedges Weighs In

Well yumpin' yimminy!  If that's the case the Chi-Com's are in a sh*tload of trouble!

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1301 on: February 20, 2023, 11:29:42 AM »
Oh...and speaking of dangerous clowns...


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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1302 on: February 20, 2023, 12:08:35 PM »
Seems to have a bromance with Putin and Russia...but if the info is correct...larger campaigns seem in the offing...

Point #13 has always been true...Putin loves his timing...

As for Wagner spotted in the far corner of Belarus...well...more fronts equal more likely this thing goes really hot and NATO enters directly...

Everybody seems to be on the same page...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1303 on: February 20, 2023, 01:41:43 PM »
The demographic challenges have been discussed and are interesting; for many countries.
Years ago I read how weak the EU countries' militaries were. Many had turned into social welfare organizations.
The Ukraine army was maybe the strongest in Europe.
Under Ursula as defense minister, the German army degraded. I heard they had to use broom sticks for rifles in some drills. I later heard that these were just used as fake guns on tanks. Doolittle used those as fake guns on his planes to save weight.

US military cannot meet recruiting goals for various reasons.

Well, Patton had fake everything in England when he was in Eisenhower's doghouse...

And that recruiting thing was solved with waiving the HS diploma/GED requirement...

From the few, the the many, the common...the stupid...the gender confused...

Yeah. The armed forces advertising used to be pretty good. Appealed to macho young men.
Now? They'll pay for your sex change and use your preferred pronouns.

The fake army in WWII later crossed the channel and continued. They would plug holes in lines with loudspeaker trucks playing tank noises etc. Also generated lots of radio traffic.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1304 on: February 21, 2023, 09:37:12 AM »

Ha!  Ginned-up drama!  Just like astro-turfed DemoCOmie/Cuck townhall's and vote-flipping "elections"!

And I figured FJB had to have gone in by ground from Poland...SpecOpsMonkey saw no evidence indicating air, which would be insane given Rus shoot everything down with wings or rotors...turns out to be by train...and they told Russia ahead of time he's going in...

I half wonder if the DeepState was hoping for a two-fer with this stunt...


Shows ones priorities yet again...war in Ukraine good, America?  Screw the people...



Sure.  At first I thought it was a spare FJB too...

No Secret Service...looks like just Uke's...again, DeepState still looking for a two-fer?

But, everybody is ramping up their angst...

Putin lashing out...

Suspends, or re-suspends...START...

Puts strategic missile forces on "combat alert"...

Yup, everybody is all-in, nobody interested in backing down and certainly nobody wants to talk except to their own respective captives...

The transition from winter to spring campaigns looks to be quite spicey...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1305 on: February 21, 2023, 12:34:59 PM »
Translation right from the Kremlin...

You have to admire the consistency of the Russian ego and the eons of programming behind it...and the bold throwing of rocks from glass houses...

"our historical lands" - without mentioning who wrote that history...

"to eliminate the threat coming from the neo-Nazi regime" - using your own Wagner Group fascisti...

"we were doing everything in our power to solve this problem by peaceful means" - by brilliantly refusing to talk peace directly with Trump and instead get to deal with a DeepState puppet instead...

"We are not at war with the people of Ukraine" - and the blame is upon the Western Devil's...but yet we Westerner's held captive by these same Devil's deserve no sympathy...hardly seems fair or consistent...later on he says of us captives "these are their problems"...blaming us for the sins of our tormentors...again, asshole, you had a chance to make peace directly with Trump, you failed...IMO this failure and its consequences are "your problems"...

"Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life. They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages." - exploiting the low-hanging fruit of DemoCommie cultural Marxism...this is for domestic Russian consumption as well as the "they are out to get us" must be getting to be a harder sell to convince Russian men to go off to war against the Western Devil's and Ukrainian Nazi's...having to invoke both is classic Soviet era exploitation...I am struck how many phrases could literally have come from Marshall Stalin, Nikita Kruschev or Andrei Gromyko...

"the inseparable link between one’s own destiny and the destiny of the Fatherland" - oh oh...that sounds ominous...but, uhh, aren't you authoring this destiny?

"referendums" - IIRC referendums are what the Nazis used to bestow more power to Adolph Hitler, a referendum drove Brexit and is now being betrayed from within, at the collapse of the Soviet Union we saw Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia and Ukraine all pass referendums of independence...were these referendums in Eastern Ukraine similar to the elections that brought Eastern Europe into the Communist Empire after WWII or like one of the preceding ones mentioned?  IIRC it seemed the voting in these territories once belonging to Ukraine were very the Nazi referendums of the 1930's...

"strengthened their ties with responsible, predictable partners" - yes, Communist China, Mahdi Death Cultists in Iran, Socialists in Venezuela, Brazil and South Africa, Communist Cuba, the House of Saud, the Syrian dictatorship...all very predictable...reliable seems a stretch...very dependent upon your definition of "dependable"...

True.  But it doesn't mean everything this guy says or does is right.

Just like crap coming out of toilets like this is not what we citizens think...

But, I know I ask a lot of people...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1306 on: February 22, 2023, 08:46:22 AM »
Seems another jurnolista wants to see someone fail...

Appears overblown hope to me...

As for "bunga-bunga" Berlusconi...his plan for peace has zero chance with rabid Brussels and even less with the illegitimate puppet regime in America...

I see no break in the Italian coalition, unless "bunga-bunga" wants to push one.

While the jello-headed puppet was stumbling through Kyiv...Putin played with Satan...

...makes sense, really really suspend START...launch a Satan...

In other news...

Whatever.  Just don't ask how "pro-Russian" citizens always reside in the East even in a nation not contiguous except under a democrat party's Gerrymandered district kind of way...cause that is just not appropriate to bring up.  Nothing matters, except that everybody agrees the war goes on!


The Kremlin praised Wang's stance in response, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov welcoming "China's balanced position on the Ukraine issue." He further declared that "ours and China's vision is much the same" concerning the crisis.

However, it will be interesting to see if any further specifics on Ukraine emerged from the China side. So far, Wang appears to be advancing the official party line which has been somewhat ambiguous, also while in Moscow saying that China will maintain its "objective and impartial stance" on the Ukraine crisis. Toward this end, he said that China "appreciates Russia's willingness to resolve the crisis through negotiations," according to TASS.


In what batshyt-crazy world is can China's position both "balanced" and "much the same" as Russia's?  Der?!  Makes the likewise "objective and impartial" crap highly suspect as well...and since when is anybody on any side of this crap willing to negotiate in good faith?

It's NOT just American despots who think people are stupid as spit!

Back to regular programming...

And in an epitaph for a post-apocalyptic world I would offer the failure of Putin to pursue an agreement with Trump...

[Transcript] – World War III has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.

One of the reasons I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war is that I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s Generals, bureaucrats, and the so-called diplomats who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out.

For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it, and I’ve been right about a lot of things. They all say, “Trump’s been right about everything.”

None of this excuses in any way the outrageous and horrible invasion of Ukraine one year ago, which would have NEVER happened if I was your president—not even a little chance. But it does mean that here in America, we need to get rid of the corrupt globalist establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades, and that includes President Biden, whose own people said he’s never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars. We have to replace them with people who support American interests.

Over our 4 years in the White House, we made incredible progress in putting the America-Last contingent aside and bringing the world to peace—and now, we’re going to complete the mission. The State Department, Pentagon, and National Security Establishment will be a very different place by the end of my administration. In fact, just into my administration it’ll be a very different place, and it’ll get things done just like I did four years ago. We never had it so good. We’ll also stop the lobbyists and the big defense contractors from going in and pushing our senior military and national security officials toward conflict, only to reward them when they retire with lucrative jobs—getting paid millions and millions of dollars.

Take a look at the globalist warmonger donors backing our opponents. That’s because they’re candidates of war. I am the President who delivers peace, and it’s peace through strength. There was a reason we had no conflict, there was a reason we didn’t get into wars, because other countries respected us. I entirely built all right from the beginning—rebuilt our military. It’s a big reason for that. They didn’t want to mess around with the United States, and now they’re laughing at us. We could end the Ukraine conflict in 24 hours with the right leadership. At the end of my next four years, the warmongers, and frauds, and failures in the senior ranks of our government will all be gone, and we will have a new group of competent national security officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else.

Thank you very much.

Oh well...

The warmongers the world over will not be deterred...and all will suffer...

Chairman Xi Plans Moscow Visit, Putin Suspends START Treaty, Maersk Exits Russia, Biden Talks Moldova, Planets Aligning for War

War Pigs of the world are united in their inflexibility and determination...

...initiated by The Dark One...and everyone is set to follow him into Hell.

Bad people, bad decisions...bad outcomes.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2023, 12:18:19 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1307 on: February 23, 2023, 10:09:34 AM »

We do not even know if this is the real puppet or a decoy puppet...

SpecOpsMonkey had in his update yesterday photos of Biden at various venues...he's either a fricken chameleon who can alter his look (maybe a Lizard People, would explain his sniffing licking and sucking...or he's just a perv & pedo) or there are doubles out there...the only "real" one has to be the word-salad spewing jello-head...

Anyway...Monkey continues to see nothing but buildups and hardening positions on all sides and I see the same...

Fools are all marching towards oblivion and think it is right and survivable...

They do...but only if all the shot-callers are batshyt-insane...MAD is dead, replaced by TSWCWA (They Suck, We Can Win Armageddon)...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1309 on: February 24, 2023, 08:44:32 AM »
Panda Proposal with a think Bear accent...

I'm shocked!



Yes, the word of a rat-bastard lying DeepState evidence...

...only a moron or a co-conspirator can go along with that BS!

Criminal should be rotting in dank dark cell somewhere...


...but BRICS and usual suspects vote against or not at all...

...well that was fun, what other useless things can we do?  Nothing?  OK, back to the war everybody wants...

« Last Edit: February 24, 2023, 12:17:54 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1310 on: February 24, 2023, 02:21:02 PM »

The US and Russia coordinated to not attack Kiev while Biden was there.
At the moment Biden and Zelensky walked into camera view the air raid sirens went off.
The CNN guy on site said that he had not heard an air raid siren in the 5 days he was there.

Some media are reporting that the brave Biden flew into Kiev. Actually he took a train from Poland. They could at least get their facts straight.

I recall when Angelina Jolie was on camera in Kiev with at least one of her kids the air raid sirens went off and the cameras captured them running to a shelter. It's show biz.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1311 on: February 24, 2023, 03:01:27 PM »
As Sundance says - World War Reddit
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1312 on: February 24, 2023, 04:04:21 PM »
More shoe biz. There was an alleged Russian atrocity in Bucha Ukraine. Someone with film experience noticed that the bodies were placed at intervals forcing a car to do a slalom through the dead bodies on either side of the road. Made for a good video.

Then a French reporter reported that he saw Kiev authorities staging the Bucha bodies. So Kiev put him on the kill list with a bounty for his death. So when he went to the Russian embassy in Istanbol to renew a Russian visa he was attacked by two guys with knives but lived.

Then the facts became inconvenient.There was a social media post by the mayor saying they were conducting a "cleansing operation" after the Russians pulled out. I.e. killing collaborators.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1313 on: February 25, 2023, 10:35:08 AM »
Well, if you follow SpecOpsMonkey or sift a number of similar sites he uses to track is clear that assets have been put into place all around the greater East/West front not just in/near Ukraine and not just one side or the other...but the US and NATO nations in particular have been putting assets in place...and an indicator (beyond the first Leopards and suicide drones and LR missiles being introduced in Ukraine) of more boldness is the overflight of Ukraine airspace by an RQ-4D recon drone.  In the past year they have rarely gone further than mid Black Sea before doubling back...this latest one cruised in at 50k and did a tour over the nominally controlled Western half but still getting close enough to East and South to be in range of Russian SAM sites.  And things continue to pour into Poland.  Wars are full of conflicting stories and in this era of digital fakes, agenda-driven state-run news and sundry opportunists and profiteers getting a clean story on anything seems impossible.  What is certain is this thing is getting hotter by the day.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1314 on: February 26, 2023, 09:13:28 AM »
How about a couple of articles to get the old blood pressure up?  OK then...

First, we have the shakedown king of kings who makes the Justice Bros and Climate Cultists look like pikers -

The direct and implied message is, if America doesn’t continue funding the war in Ukraine, our global credibility will collapse and people around the world will start laughing at us.

Bitch, we are already being laughed at!  The Trump Coup, second round of stolen elections, wide open border, promoting perversion, censorship & propaganda...I know by third world standards this may seem run of the mill, but seriously...we have enough on our plate with our own assholes destroying us, our culture, our economy...our liberty and future!  We don't want or need any of your sh*t!

And this, more Whitehead blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda...

...and this crap - As long as America’s politicians continue to involve us in wars that bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen and women, increase the chances of terrorism and blowback domestically, and push the nation that much closer to eventual collapse, “we the people” will find ourselves in a perpetual state of tyranny.

No sh*t, Sherlock!  It made no sense whatsoever until the 500,000th time you said it.  OK, backing off, I too am guilty of this, we all are.  Without serious help deep inside the belly of the beasts...the beasts win.  They are willing to risk a global thermonuclear war to protect their lies, protect their money-laundering schemes, to protect their bio-labs and using Ukrainians as their lab protect their positions of power.  Sure, they are all committing outright treason, daily...perhaps each minute of every day...and they are all still standing unmolested.

So sick and disturbing...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1315 on: February 27, 2023, 09:09:25 AM »
Anti-Lukashenko partisans take out A-50 near Minsk...

Russia cuts off Poland on anniversary of invasion...

And the most self-negating article of the day goes to Joe Lauria...

Russia is in what Czar Vlad declares is an existential battle for survival of Russia and its people...everybody is saying Russia is not going to tolerate a militarized Ukraine linked with or part of NATO, ever...the Russians bandy about talk of going nuclear even in response to a conventional attack...are they lying?  For the West does anybody think these maniacs who sunk billions into Ukraine, have benefitted itself via corruption with them, have benefitted designing bio-weapons with them, have depleted ammunitions stores for them and keep adding new NATO members is just going to throw up arms in exasperation and walk away in humiliating defeat?  Well, sure but only under FJB and the Afghanistan debacle...I don't see the combined West agreeing to that. 

At best there will be a partition with or without agreements on paper...and a struggle that will always be there and shots at each other that will always take place and useless finger-pointing that will continue until crap explodes again or something happens on another East/West front.

Besides, don't forget China...China will be selling weapons to its Russian ally...and they need this front active to draw some resources away from its unquenchable lusts back East.

I guess folks like Joe think a big push by Russia will destroy Ukraine and the West will run away.  Anybody thinking that is likely please drop me a note to discuss wager terms.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1316 on: February 27, 2023, 01:13:36 PM »

Has this on in background. Some inside details on early positions of Zelensky from pro peace to pro war and why he shifted. This includes some sources I had not heard before including discouragement from US envoy to Zelensky who still wanted to avoid war.

 Zelensky Threatened w/ DEATH If He Negotiated With Russia!
The Jimmy Dore Show
Something all the propagandized Americans demanding continued war in Ukraine might not know about their war hero, Volodymyr Zelensky, is that he was swept into office on the promise that he’d make peace in the Donbas. Except his American benefactors didn’t want to negotiate with Russia, nor did the neo-Nazi extremists doing the bulk of the fighting in Eastern Ukraine – in fact they told Zelensky he’d be signing his death warrant if he talked to Putin – so the only outcome was war and now that’s what we’ve got in Ukraine with no end in sight.

Misc stuff I hear, true or not.
Average Ukr arrival life expectancy in Bakmut is 4 hours.
Ground is covered with corpses in that area. Wagner trying to remove them in their controlled areas ahead of a spring thaw.
US had tried to get Kiev to not keep feeding bodies into Bakhmut but Kiev does not want to lose territory for PR for money raising purposes. Russia does not much mind their slow progress and their main goals are to not lose troops and demilitarize Ukraine i.e. chew up their troops.
Most of the Ukr bodies are from western Ukraine.
I heard more than one Kiev soldier complain that 80% of the locals want the Russians to win and rat out the Kiev troops.
My impression in the fighting in the east is that the people fighting the Russians are not from that area. That is what the many citizens interviewed in Mariupol said. They were invaded first by Azov then the Russians/DPR came.

Interesting thoughtful conversation between Alex Christoforou from Cyprus and Anna from Poland now in Russia. Alex was a diplomat's son and grew up in US, Mexico, and Moscow. Alex's impression of the USSR was different from the US propaganda version as he lived there.
Through the eyes of

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1317 on: February 27, 2023, 03:14:37 PM »

Random thoughts
The US and EU govts did not think this through. The US govt seized Russian sovereign wealth funds and banned Russia from SWIFT over the screaming objections of the fed. What is the legal basis?  EU and some other countries are seizing money from 'Russian oligarchs.' What is the legal basis? Being Russian and rich? The US is the biggest site for hiding assets. So what happens next? How do the rich and scummy around the world react? Who is the next 'bad guy' to have his wealth seized with no legal basis.

I shed no tears for oligarchs or narco lords but their should be some legal basis. How much money will the rich pull out of the US?

The rest of the world saw Russia survive SWIFT disconnection etc. They are joining BRICS, signing non-dollar trade agreements, even the Saudis are talking about getting out of the petrodollar arrangement. I get the feeling there is  a major world wide inflection point as the rest of the world grows a spine. The US threatens and finger wags. Russia and China just want to deal.

Some say that the govt change in Taiwan was caused by Ukraine. People in Taiwan do not want to be the next Ukraine. They do not want to be 'saved' by the US and end up a giant cinder. The US took actions guaranteed to end in the destruction of Ukraine but that is OK as long as the US can blame Putin.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1318 on: February 28, 2023, 01:31:06 PM »
Heard the threats on Z before, heard disagrements in Kremlin too but then they vaporize...could be disinfo campaign...who knows?  By time we know it's too late.

Targeted sanctions, fine, whatever...doing stuff to hurt your citizens...stupid as can be...just shows how insane people are...

Shows there are no exits but bad exits from this pooh!
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1319 on: March 01, 2023, 12:36:17 PM »
Laptop croaked so using pad, sucks, makes typing & linking hard/impossible...

Anyway, read article on WZ sourced out of Jerusalem Post that Vlad is recruiting Pali's in Lebanon to fight for them in Ukraine for $350 bonus and there was a pic of these Hitler fan boys doing Nazi salutes as they go off to fight Ukrainian Nazis!


Can't make this sh*t up!

Vlad sure can get a deal on merc fodder!  Lot cheaper than Wagner Group fascists and even own draftees.

What a fun war...
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