Author Topic: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine  (Read 97451 times)

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #480 on: February 21, 2022, 08:59:06 AM »
Syria was a distraction to hide the fact Obamao was running weapons to crazies...same reason our Ambassador and American contractors were left to die in Benghazi and senior military leaders in-theater were sacked (and increased all the pace of all sackings that gave us the woke idiot REMFs we have now)...

Now, it appears the Unholy Macron wants an easy dunk with Putin...

...and Putin is glad to play along and look like he is giving something that was already planned...

...leaving DeepState here looking like buffoons again.

Speaking of buffoons...looks like I nailed it in my assessment for Zelensky going to this meeting...

Listening to Heels-Up Harris is painful...skip to 1:47 mark to avoid that sh!t...

...he's polite in this meeting...

...but not pulling his punches in his address - "...someone is lying"...with that he is talking to the puppetmasters, not JoeFraud or well as Putin and his "separatists"...and he is going into details...WaPo & NYT and their masters (CIA & FoggyBottom) not going to be happy...nor is Putin and his people...

...and he is chastising the EU for being feckless and Russia for being ignorant of their past aggressions...he's trying an independent course for Ukraine to determine its own way and own allies in the spirit of past agreements including Minsk...but navigating DeepState American needs for conflict and distraction, conflicting Euro positions and self-proclaimed preeminent Slavic rule of Russia is perhaps the most bold juggling act any human has ever undertaken.

His shot at Russia about NATO Article 5 being a more effective guarantee of peace than Budapest is not without merit...Putin doesn't acknowledge Budapest...and bending the knee to Russia is not an option for any nation wanting to be free.

Actually the most radical solution may be the only solution for an independent Ukraine...becoming a nuclear power...and telling everybody East and West to leave them alone, or else.

CNN twit...doesn't get the answers she wants that puppet JoeFraud or his masters want to hear...

I think his groan was answer enough!   ::hysterical::

Now Zelensky says he might want nukes. Just what the world needs. Knowing how corrupt Ukraine is they might sell them to Iran. Recall how they sold military equipment to drug lords.

I recall some theories on why the US embassy in Syria was attacked.
As you recall, the people attacking said "Corsi sent us." The then Egyptian president. The attackers were professional according to those on site watching the mortars being advanced in professionally.
There had to be a reason.
1. The US was sending the weapons stored at Benghazi to Syria via Turkey and they were angry as they considered the weapons theirs.
2. They wanted to kidnap the ambassador and exchange him for the blind sheik. There was evidence they did not attack him when they could have. He died of smoke inhalation not gun shots or mortars. They apparently wanted him alive.
3. #2 but Obama knew of it. The attackers knew the ambassador was there. That is why Obama lied about the reason for the attack (a movie) when the truth would have been better. Oama had earlier said he might be open to releasing the blind sheik.

Kim reports on the Zero Hedge works for Russia BS
Zero Hedge Labeled 'Russian Asset' Without Evidence By Biden Admin For Countering Narratives
Feb 20, 2022
Kim Iversen

Why so raaaaaciss?!  Nukes for the Mahdi Death Cult is OK (has to be, if Putin's Russia is number one pal!) but not Ukrainians?  It's because they're white, isn't it?!

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #481 on: February 21, 2022, 09:16:11 AM »
Yeah, Keane tows the party line.  And only an idiot thinks Ukraine alone can hold back the Russian would be like the Spanish and the Aztecs...though Ukraine might put up a bit more of a fight.

Vlad extended the Belarus exercises, is pooh-poohing a summit with our puppet...

Tanks, trucks and artillery have been spotted just two and a half miles from Ukrainian territory in Russia's Belgorod region as new satellite images reveal convoys and troops hiding in civilian areas and the tree-lines of forests in Soloti and Valuyki - a short distance from Ukraine's Kharkiv region where major military bases are located.

Vlad convened his security council...and given the "separatist" leader demands recognition of the DPR...I can see this story of a "Ukrainian armored incursion" as being total BS meant to legitimize the "separatists" and force Putin to act militarily.

Update(9:48amET): Separatist leader Denis Pushilin has issued a formal request to President Vladimir Putin calling on Russia to recognize the Donetsk People's Republic. The Luhansk republic has simultaneously published the same request, at a moment Putin is holding an urgent session of the Russian Security Council. This followed quickly on the heels of what Russia's southern command said was a serious attempt of Ukrainian armored vehicles to breach its border, that resulted in five Ukrainians killed.

However, the Ukrainian government and army rejected the entirety of the allegations as "fake news" - rejecting that its forces are even in the area where it's said to have occurred (though without addressing the possibility that they could have been irregular forces). But Russia's FSB Director Bortnikov Russian responding by saying the Russian military "destroyed Ukrainian forces that tried to infiltrate the border and took one Ukrainian POW" - thus doubling down on the claims.

Produce the "POW"...should be easy for Ukraine to search its roster for such a person in their ranks.  Seems illogical for the weaker nation to invade the stronger.  This person is most likely a patsy of a CIA op meant to bait Putin into acting.  Also, that should be fairly easily proven and Zelensky is likely looking into that possibility on his end.  It just doesn't smell right.  But, will Vlad take their bait, recognize this separatist state and drive Ukraine into NATO's arms?


Meanwhile, proof that the puppetmaster's pulling JoeFraud's strings are driven to adventure abroad to hide their culpability at home for a sh!t economy and parabolic inflation...

It is the Marxist policies og JoeFraud, Pelolsi, Schumer et al, not Russia, that saw bloated budget-nuking bills, that crippled domestic oil & gas production and transmission, that exacerbated plandemic economic destruction and logistical nightmares, that criminalized political opposition and dissent, that sent prices soaring...they can run hide and lie all they want...nobody buys this Russian BS anymore.  These are last gasps of a collapsing ideology, period.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 09:59:45 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #482 on: February 21, 2022, 03:50:33 PM »

When the little boy cried wolf the wolf did eventually come. That may happen here. I have heard too much Russia BS over the years and the US pretty much destroyed Ukraine already with the coup and the anti Russia sanctions that mostly hurt Ukraine.

I did not listen to any Putin speech. Not enough time. Maybe a summary will pop up. Does this mean the NS2 pipeline will not get approved? That will show the Russians who is boss! Germany will freeze in the dark. What happens when the Russians say down the line that they will ship gas to Germany, but not via Ukraine, only via NS2? Maybe Germany will shut down some more nuke plants. That will teach Russia!  There are other pipelines to other countries that do not GAF about Ukraine.   

This whole mess was caused by the US coup to block a trade deal between Russia and Ukraine that was a better deal than the proposed EU Ukraine trade deal. Now Russia and China are in bed together making each better able to withstand sanctions. Brilliant moves by the US.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #483 on: February 21, 2022, 04:41:03 PM »
I'm sure everybody thinks they're better off under puppet JoeFraud than Orange Man Bad!, eh?

At least Donald was making some headway in curbing international insanity...and the DeepState knew it and that's why they went all-in with the Marxist DemCom's & axis pals in Media, BigTech & Big Pharma and even got come corrupt pubbies to go along and play rigged ball...

History will not be kind...if anybody is alive to remember it...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #484 on: February 22, 2022, 12:11:18 PM »
Czar Vlad recognizes Russian claims in rebel Ukrainian provinces...issues Imperial warning and decrees:

Update(2:30pmET): It's official: Putin has confirmed the change of status recognition while warning Kiev and the West that Russia's military will act against any further aggression. He warned that Ukraine's government must now halt all military actions against Donbas or whatever happens next will be on them.

Translation - Russian squatters cannot give the finger to Ukraine without the help of Mommy, beg Mommy to legitimize their secession and roll in troops, Czar Vlad naturally agrees to absorb more territory and expand military presence in the area and tells Ukraine (snort!) to cease hostilities and grab ankles like a proper Slavic bitch.

Can't say the c*******er isn't consistent, same message as always after every territorial seizure.  And no matter how he spins this as some sort of brave humanitarian act...the too clever he is stupid SOB just gave the DeepState here the excuse they've been yearning for.

And this BS...

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin stated at the outset of his speech.  (Ha!  You mean conquered & subjugated by Russia!)
PUTIN: UKRAINE HAS BECOME 'A COLONY WITH A PUPPET GOVERNMENT' (Ha!  Invading Russians conquered the Rus origin point and squatted their nobles upon the land...who colonized first, dumbass?!)
PUTIN SAYS UKRAINE PLANS TO CREATE ITS OWN NUCLEAR WEAPONS (They would be stupid not to...given your opinion of them compared to your opinion of the Mahdi Death Cultists!  Hope they nuke up like massively!)
PUTIN SAYS WE WERE PROMISED NATO WOULD NOT EXPAND PUTIN SAYS THE OPPOSITE HAPPENED (Whaaa!  Tough sh*t!  You wanted weak-ass American leadership, as did your Chi-Com and Mahdi pals...don't play the stupid petulant child and hypocrite who ignores Budapest!)
PUTIN SAYS WE SAW FIVE WAVES OF NATO EXPANSION RECENTLY (And you think this will stop more waves?  Ha!  For someone smart you sure are doing a nice job of not understanding the DeepState here!  Duh Fuqh, dude?)
U.S. DOES NOT NEED SUCH A BIG COUNTRY AS RUSSIA IN NATO (Must be a bad translation, no idea WTF this is about, is it a phallic thing - Russia > America or some crap?)
'WHY MAKE AN ENEMY OF US  (Again, the DeepState is your enemy, not the America people...the DeepState trampled us...then focused on you...and you fed them the distraction they lusted for by grabbing these provinces...congratulations on your victory...I think it may prove to be pyric...)
PUTIN SAYS RUSSIA HAS EVERY RIGHT TO PROTECT ITS SECURITY, THAT'S WHAT WE'LL DO (Yes, puny poorly equipped Ukraine posed an existential threat to your vast empire...better look out...those Romanians look sketchy!)
PUTIN: UKRAINE DOESNT WANT A PEACEFUL RESOLUTION (You mean Ukraine doesn't want to kneel before you and show the proper respect to the self-proclaimed preeminent Slavic Master, right?)
PUTIN: RUSSIA WILL TAKE STEPS TO ENSURE ITS SECURITY  (Well, don't be pussy...pick on somebody your own size!)

Instead of resisting this...America should be embracing it...we should be grabbing our fair share...Bermuda, Cuba, Jamaica, Canada, Mexico...lots of places to absorb.  But no, DeepState wants war over there at any cost.

Zelensky is seeking out the UNSC...yah, with Russia & China there to spike anything those morons come up with...

China laughingly tries to sound neutral when we know they are anything but...

Germany decides to lop off its genitals in protest...

...which I don't really care about...

Puppet starts sanctions...

...which I also don't GAFF about...

...actually I care about few of them here, sans Ukrainian people who are getting effed by everybody....

...should be a Euro and Ukraine problem, but no...people want/need NATO and American funding of it because they are too lazy, poor and stupid to stand up for themselves.  Which is why Ukraine should have nukes, sh*tloads of them, because nothing else will keep the ravenous Russian bear at bay...

...and this is the DeepState and its DemCOm bitches and corrupt pubbie Quislings wanting this...not the American people...

...the people prefer to protect Taiwan from the CCP red menace.

But, as always all you can count on is everybody being disappointed...such is corrupt latter day planet Earth...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #485 on: February 22, 2022, 01:36:27 PM »
I got a great idea of using the Putin Doctrine...see Konigsberg...'s an old Prussian capitol that has deep ties...deep!...with Lithuania and Poland...that was held by Germany and (a familiar story) "repopulated" with Russians after the Red Army rolled West...and renamed some Russian BS or other...

I say Lithuania & Poland should reclaim it, heard the cries of their peoples in bondage, recognized their yearning to be independent and rolled in their troops to secure the peace!


Everybody should be acting on their shopping lists...only fools miss out.

And in an all too easy prediction...Vlad's DPR/LPR recognition and dire warning is having the opposite effect...

Zelensky says Ukraine troops not going anywhere...bring the violence!

Probably not a bad move, show the Russians killing and destroying...let them inherit ashes.  Can't blame him...

And since Putin is asking his Duma for permission (likely a mere formality) to operate militarily "outside of Russia" (and the DPR/LPR now being "in" Russia) it seems obvious he wants the latitude to go from a slow roll to a fast incursion elsewhere.

EU nations talking sanctions...blah blah...

The WEF elite have their hands full with plandemic despotism but beyond sanctions and propaganda it is uncertain what military influence they will have on Western members in this show.

And now Zelensky is demanding a "date certain" for Ukraine membership into NATO...

...because without Article V the Rus can roll virtually unopposed through all of Ukraine.

And puppet JoeFraud is likely hamstrung in doing much to stop anything...sanctions, angry words...yadda yadda yadda...

Might Makes Right, get on board or get rolled over.

ETA - But the rogue illegitimate Marxists are more interested in domestic oppression repression and suppression of dissent and civil liberties...

« Last Edit: February 22, 2022, 02:14:18 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #486 on: February 23, 2022, 09:35:15 AM »
In stark contrast to Canada where Castreau is abusing emergency power to crush political opponents...Ukraine has a more traditional need for such actions... for sanctions, whatever...their effect on the intended will be limited and the blowback on imposing nation economies more deleterious.

Dangerous Clown World stupid human games...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #487 on: February 23, 2022, 09:51:24 AM »
Ukraine has been jailing opposition politicians and shutting down radio stations for a while now.
The Grayzone had some Ukraine expert on. Better analysis than most.

Rejecting NATO expansion, Putin recognizes forgotten Donbas civilians
Feb 23, 2022

I learned some trivia. The UN says that 80% of casualties in the past years have been in the Eastern provinces side of the conflict line since 2018. Mostly shelling. The NS2 pipeline is 2000 km shorter than the pipeline through Ukraine. He said that the Putin speech to Russia was very emotional.

Today, Russia further announced that they were recognizing the entire eastern provinces, not just those on the eastern side of the conflict line. So those parts under Kiev control.

Guest: Richard Sakwa. Professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent. His books include “Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands” and his latest, “Deception: Russiagate and the New Cold War.”
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #488 on: February 23, 2022, 11:07:03 AM »
Making it easier for thugs back here to run their distraction game plan...

I guess one could not be faulted to assume all despots the world over are acting in harmony with their own selfish despotic impulses...


I'm sure all of this will be fine...


Get used to hearing these talking points non-stop 24/7/365 for the rest of time (or the Earth ends)...   ::hysterical::



ETA - Cyber attacks on Ukraine...and Russian sites experiencing a tripling of outages...

The initial salvos, eh?

On other fronts...

Finland is nervous, sharing a 830 mile border with a ravenous Bear...

...but all looks quiet there...

I think their pals in the Baltics and Poland should be a little more concerned...

On the plus side for Vlad, he got ringing endorsements from Erdogan & the annexation of a couple other provinces has to be legit...
« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 11:50:52 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #490 on: February 23, 2022, 04:55:53 PM »
Uncle Vinny?   ::hysterical::

I know that word...  ::vafancoul::   ::laughonfloor::

Vlad says hypersonic missiles are "on the table", that should be a bigger BOOM!

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #491 on: February 24, 2022, 09:01:48 AM »
Putin: "Special military operation" because "Russia cannot feel secure"...

Oh, poor Russians!   ::hysterical::

“I have a few words for those who could feel tempted to interfere with ongoing developments: whoever tries to impede us, let alone create threats for our country and its people must know that the Russian response will be immediate and lead to the consequences you have never seen in history,”

Oooh, don't be such a tease!  Tell the consequences never seen in history!  You can't throw that out there without some specifics...that just invites your hand getting called.

Ukraine imposing martial law, UN SecGen asks Russia to stop the attack, which is so cute.

Cruise missile sighting...


Fire and smoke at sunrise...probably not going to be a nice day...

De-militarization and de-nazification?   ::laughonfloor::  The massive military might of Russia compared to little Ukraine and Ukraine needs to be de-militarized?  That's rich.  And did we warp back into WWII?  If I recall if not for the American/British/Canadian second front in Europe we would have had to de-nazify your asses too.  Nazi's...he's just throwing that slur in like he's a Western Marxist.

Basically, the bully says he's scared and he's riding to the rescue of all...

That preeminent Slavic master gene is terminal.

Or as I summarize it - might makes right.  He wants more if not all of Ukraine, and he's on the march to take it...and the US and the Euro's are hamstrung to do much about it unless they want to expend blood and widen the conflict.  And basically since the populations of both are captive to statist globalist forces the people themselves are powerless to stop their masters from doing anything.

Ukraine poses no security risk to America, only the Euro's.  If we were smart, and our occupation government is far far from that, we would be seizing Cuba and any other territory deemed in our sphere...but FJB et al will likely just want this to be the distraction they need to cover more repression at home and we are left hoping they won't crash the nation or the world.


Stinger's via Latvia have arrived in Ukraine...

Reckon some shots of smoldering Russian armor will be available soon to boost morale in Ukraine...but by themselves the end is inevitable.

And sanctions on Russia now include SWIFT... we'll have to see how that plays out.

Explosions heard near Kyiv probably means some activity north from along Belarus border...

The ChiCom's are putting a heavy hand on messaging the invasion...

Yeah, have fine on your tight-rope you red devils!   ::hysterical::

In can we not end with humor?

“I don’t think he’s monitoring, I think he is probably sleeping right now,” said Trump.


Bit it's masters schemes we have to be concerned about.  Oops, sorry...ruined the humor a bit, my bad.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 09:29:06 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #492 on: February 24, 2022, 11:10:15 AM »
Some civilians closer to air-to-ground attacks than they were expecting...

Airports are areas of interest to hit...

Gotta learn to deplete their counter-measures...then hit them...

Chute deployment captured...

Belarussian K-52 prisoner captured...

Russians capture a hydro-electric plant...

Damage at one airport...

Fears of radioactive dust being kicked up by invasion activity around Chernobyl...

And things may get sporty much further east...,18930.msg195638.html#msg195638
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #493 on: February 24, 2022, 12:11:49 PM »
Meanwhile, back in Clown Town -

DeepState Marxist Muppets look and sound like utter imbeciles...

Marxist House Dictatorette mistakes Ukraine for Hungary -  &

Mental illness of the ideological-rot and alcohol-induced dementia variety is hideous to watch...and in a high official as dangerous as it is stupid...


Bride of Chuckie Jen Psucki -

Worked!   ::laughonfloor::

H/T - WZ

And it appears the woke military is incapable of dealing with a few Russian ships...ships I pointed out days ago were in the Med/Black Sea area and drawing on a few more from it's Northern Fleet...

Three Russian guided-missile cruisers have been arrayed across the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to counter three NATO carrier strike groups, causing concern in the Pentagon, a U.S. defense official told USNI News on Tuesday.

A total surprise, eh?   :o


OK, let's take a break for a little quiz...


Ukraine or not Ukraine?  Scroll way down for cheating!
It's a section of Minneapolis after the Marxist sanctioned Summer-Of-Hate riots by anarchists and racist terrorists.

Moving on...

Action in Melitpol -

looks like some Russian prisoners are in hand -

Hopefully Russians are not mistreating civilians or their prisoners...else such lads fate may be grim.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #494 on: February 24, 2022, 07:21:02 PM »

Sorry no direct link
Russia has made two demands of the government of Ukraine in order to immediately end its military incursion. The first is that Ukraine become neutral and not an agent of NATO and secondly that Ukraine not allow foreign and western weapons to be placed on its territory.

on edit
This might be months old.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 09:02:51 PM by patentlymn »
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #495 on: February 25, 2022, 08:56:36 AM »
Same as ZH reports and elsewhere...ultimatum to be Russia's unarmed unaffiliated (except with Russia) bitch for perpetuity or be subject more more raping, pillaging and murder...blah, blah, blah...

And, while the gun is at Zelensky's head...pretty sure "neutral" Ukraine (snort!) will shoot to the top of this chart at 100%...

...after all, you don't just rape your neighbor, you make them pay for the pleasure.

Yeah,, I'm not built to live on my knees for any effing despot...I'd be like those soldiers in the island in the Black Sea yesterday who when told by a Russian warship to surrender told the Russian bastard to "go f**k themselves"!  They were butchered, but they died free.  And I hear that fat Quisling Poroshenko was sighted inside Ukraine...too bad nobody gutted that doubt Puti's plan is if Zelensky goes to Minsk and tells the Russians to screw themselves he gets a bullet in the head and the low-blow insult of reinstalling that fat Quisling bastard will go forward.  Yeah, no...I'd go underground...emerging only to slay as many Russians and Quislings I could get to.

Anyway, America wake up and take Cuba or somewhere else yet?  No?  Pussies!!!
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« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 12:23:26 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #498 on: February 25, 2022, 02:59:56 PM »
Must be a game of who is dumber in the West...dementia-riddled corrupt perv in the White House or a slew of Eurotards...

(Update 13:02pm ET): NATO Chief Stoltenberg said on Friday that NATO members would provide more weapons and air defense systems to Ukraine, according to the Wall Street Journal's Anthony DeRosa.

After some confusion, BILD journalist Julian Röpcke clarifies that Stoltenberg did not say NATO would be providing the weapons - rather, individual NATO members would do so on their own accord.

Perfect timing...for Putin's bandits to get them...just like the Taliwhackers in Ashkhanistan...   ::bus::

And it appears woke POS may have tipped off Russians by blabbing to his ChiCom pals about what US intel showed the Rus were staging...

...probably screwed out of another treason trial here too, eh?

And this...

Meanwhile, Stoltenberg also said that cyberattacks on NATO members might be enough to trigger "Article 5," which considers an attack against one ally as an attack against all allies.

...may have been a hard sell...before this latest threat...

(Update 12:45pm ET): Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday threatened Sweden and Finland with "military consequences" if they were to join NATO.

...yeah, he got a stiffy for more slaughter...and slaughter seems to be foremost on his mind...after Zelensky suggested a negotiation in Warsaw instead of Minsk (yeah, Minsk...might as well have been in the Kremlin...easy march to the Lubyanka and swift firing squad...)...

The Baltics ought to be manning their ramparts, same for Poland and all the rest of the central nations on down through Romania.  I think these lunatics are actually wanting a world war.

And I don't doubt Zelensky's claims that assassins are on the hunt for him and others in his government...

...all the live-feeds in Ukraine are offline...

Latest I can find -

Threatening MOAB... nice, with self-appointed masters of Slavs like this...who needs any other enemy?

Massing in Belarus for the closing ceremonies...

...the general orders to rape pillage loot and kill must be in full fury...and they don't want any of it captured on video or reported on.

Too bad Trump not in still...perhaps animals still in their own pens and not molesting others...

After saying that he “got along great” with Putin and “respected” him, Goodwin drew attention to other comments Trump reportedly made to the Russian president.

“If you move against Ukraine while I’m president,” Trump allegedly stated, “I will hit Moscow.”

After Putin scoffed and said, “No way!” Trump responded, “All those beautiful golden turrets will be blown up.”

During Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Mar-a-Lago in 2017, Trump also apparently warned Xi that, “any military move against Taiwan would be met with an attack on Beijing,” a remark that left Xi stunned.

“While it is also possible that both accounts are exaggerated, it is a fact that neither man made the moves Trump is said to have warned against,” notes Goodwin.

Well, all Clown Town can do is dick everything up and dick us over back here...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #499 on: February 25, 2022, 07:20:51 PM »
The gas chart above is kinda funny. It says Ukraine gets 0% of its gas from Russia and gets it from EU instead.
Ukraine get the gas from the Russian pipeline to Germany and pays EU for removing it and they call it "reverse flow" which is not a real thing.

IMO the US govt might have egged Zelensky on only to dump him at the last minute.

Why take Chernobyl? Maybe to prevent the Ukrainians from taking it first since no one can/should bomb it?

I am surprised the Russians would even try to take Kiev. I expect them to knock out military bases and airports that could used by Ukraine. Then sit and wait.

I  have long heard that Zelensky has more to fear from the Western Ukraine military and militias there than from anyone else. The militias are embedded with the regular military. I read for a long time that if he got too friendly with the Russians he would get a bullet in the head.

UK banned Russian airline flights so Russia banned over UK flights which screws UK big time. No easy way to Asia now.

So far Russia has left power, water, sewer, and communications lines alone.

The Duran said that the heavy shelling of the East was enough to bring the Russians in as they said long ago. Then Zelensky said he wanted nukes AND none of the western countries at the meeting told him to STFU. A huge mistake.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown