Author Topic: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine  (Read 97238 times)

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #600 on: March 15, 2022, 02:38:05 PM »
U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine confirmed by multiple sources (scroll up one click to view video with subtitles)

US biolabs in Ukraine confirmed by multiple sources including Russian MoD, US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, and more! ?? INERNATIONAL BIOWEAPONS PROHIBITION VIOLATED BY THE USA!!! DEEP STATE BUSTED!

Mittens rips Tulsi for saying there are biolabs in UA. She tears him a new A-hole.

I hope that UA does not release some bio weapons then blame Russia. Remember how easy it was for AQ to stage some fake gas attacks in Syria and make the US AQ's air force?

Mittens is a featherweght trying to dance with a light-heavyweight champ...mentally and morally speaking...really wish he would get physical destroyed too...I'd pay good money to watch that!

Thought all the nasty labs under Rus control now???
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #601 on: March 15, 2022, 02:46:18 PM »
Tulsi on the Ukraine "democracy" Ooops

True, Zelensky did what Putin did...

Even better....look what the so-called "democrats" (commie rat bastards every last one of them!) want to do/are doing!

*Demonizing political opponents in the national capitol & state capitols?  Yes.

*Demonizing political opponents in national and big city MarxistMedia outlets?  Yes.

*Illegally holding and persecuting political prisoners in DC?  Yes.

*Using state power to target political opponents up to and including a sitting and former President?  Yes.

*Threatening to persecute political opponents?  Yes.

*Staging false flag hearings and covering up past false flag ops?  Yes.

*Stealing elections and planning to steal more?  Yes.

*For censorship of political enemies?  YEs.

*For denying citizenship to citizens for being political enemies and granting unquestioned citizenship to foreign invaders?  Yes.

*For ending all opposition media permanently?  Yes.

*For stoking racial hatred and promoting deviant sexual perversions?  Yes.

*For removing your right to speech, assembly and right to keep and bear arms?  Yes.

*Admiring the totalitarian BigBrother Chinese Communist Party?  Yes.

*Destroying families, destroying morals, destroying the economy and livelihoods?  Yes.

Is this "democracy"?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 02:51:46 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #602 on: March 16, 2022, 08:56:50 AM »
Tyler(z) pimping so-called "neutrality"...

It's not legitimate "neutrality" if terms are weighted towards Russia's me silly, but I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees under the Soviet-like specter of constant threat of violence if my neighbor thinks I'm misbehaving by his criteria.  Best just obliterate the entire nation and rule over ashes.  And I would like nothing better than true legitimate neutrality, no East, no West...nobody telling me WTF to do or how I do it...which in this example would be arming to the teeth with everything I can get my hands on so I can slap either direction if somebody dares mess with me...and establish unilateral agreements only with whoever I wish to contract with.  Bit that will never happen here, I doubt it will happen anywhere.  Also, I would hardly describe Sweden and Austria as model neutral nations...and heck, Putin is threatening Sweden and Finland too, and why?  Easy, they are vulnerable because they are militarily weak on their own.  They should be armed to the teeth as well.

And Putin declined to observe COld Response 2022, I reckon he didn't want to be teased over not having the same consideration extended to the West for the Belarus buildup before the Ukraine invasion.

As for the situation on the ground in Ukraine seems the Rus are still on their slow consolidation of the countryside and not pushing into the big cities...just lobbing some shells and missiles occasionally...seems the action as such is more West of Kyiv and popping sounds can be picked up on city live cams now and then from those miles distant engagements...

Something different in skies over Romania and Poland...have the Rivet Joint snooper as per usual, tankers, standard E-3's...but today saw a JSTARS an E-3 but more robust and more for attack...reckon they have a need to practice active targeting over the horizon...

And then there is this -

Well, Jeepers...I'd like some of those!
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #604 on: March 16, 2022, 06:26:27 PM »

Well, that's nice...
Thx I needed a good laugh. The court orders Russia out of UA.

Meanwhile this opinion of one guy in UA, Kharkov. He was stuck in Kiev for awhile. UA has lost.

I agree. I recall how easy it was for the fake gas attacks to suck  the US into Syria air support.
Ukraine: A False Flag Is Coming _ Gonzalo Lira
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #605 on: March 17, 2022, 08:02:53 AM »

Well, that's nice...
Thx I needed a good laugh. The court orders Russia out of UA.

Meanwhile this opinion of one guy in UA, Kharkov. He was stuck in Kiev for awhile. UA has lost.

I agree. I recall how easy it was for the fake gas attacks to suck  the US into Syria air support.
Ukraine: A False Flag Is Coming _ Gonzalo Lira

There is odd chatter out of Belarus and not sure if I can suss out anything legitimate but I'll look...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #606 on: March 17, 2022, 10:13:58 AM »
Lordy, is she a lightweight...I mean mentally... usual she is trying to dance on a tightrope at 80k feet with a defective inner-ear...

...but Jeepers is she dense...

She is one of the 35 Pelosi Pubbies that voted for the nefarious Pelosi Jan6 Kangaroo Court...

Anyway, back on topic...

I don't see this European crap trending well...we now have more troops in Europe since 2005...

...and I've seen the daily heavy-mover flights to back it up, as well as the Marines going to Australia.

Heck, yesterday morning over CONUS we had like 25 tankers up!  That's topping off a lot of fighters/bombers.  Like a squadron of fighters or a bomber or more depending on load need.

Slow change on the ground...seems Eastern theater has the most violence still -

E3 up on patrol along the borders again.

Cannot find much on Belarus...they only have 62k active personnel and 6 active combat brigades, there has been some social media posts about citizens volunteering to fight for Ukraine that may or may not be propaganda, and statements by senior military leaders saying they do not want to enter Ukraine  that also may or may not be propaganda...but the murkiest may be the reports of Russian air raids along Belarus-Ukraine border to prod action.  I would think Belarus entering beside Russia would escalate matters, so the Russians with their Syrian and Chechen mercenaries and separatist allies will have to continue to carry the load.


OK, have to snort at this...

How about Taiwan?   ::pokeineye::

And, a Medvedev sighting...

Dmitry Medvedev, who served as president from 2008 to 2012 and is now deputy secretary of Russia's Security Council, said the United States had stoked "disgusting" Russophobia in an attempt to force Russia to its knees.

"It will not work - Russia has the might to put all of our brash enemies in their place," Medvedev asserted.

Baiting with language of the Western lefty...threats...

JoeFraud calling Putin a war criminal...

Yeah, this is ratcheting down...go back to your regularly scheduled domestic sop!

As for this...I hesitate posting it...but...


...I call total BS on that!  That reads like the kind of fantasy jibberish we saw Q-Anon put out in the Trump years that was equal parts wrong, scattershot lucky and nonsensical filler...we know about the Clinton Crime Syndicate, the Biden Crime Family, the other pol's dirt, the Epstein and related perverse filth, The Steal, the bogus Russia Collusion/Mueller witch hunt, all the coups past and present...

And it has all resulted in a big fat stinking NOTHING!!!

Anybody believing this dreck is being suckered by the same people perpetrating past and current plots against us!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 11:35:24 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #607 on: March 17, 2022, 02:37:22 PM »
Lordy, is she a lightweight...I mean mentally... usual she is trying to dance on a tightrope at 80k feet with a defective inner-ear...

...but Jeepers is she dense...

She is one of the 35 Pelosi Pubbies that voted for the nefarious Pelosi Jan6 Kangaroo Court...

I saw part of that clip last night. She scared me with her idiot talk. She said that Russia was losing and would resort to chem/bio weapons.  I recall she wanted the US to intervene and risk nuclear war.

IMO that means that the ground is being prepared for the UA govt to stage a gas attack to bring in the US just like AQ did in Syria with their fake gas attacks. If there is a gas release 99% of the MSM will blame Russia.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #608 on: March 17, 2022, 02:59:32 PM »
Lordy, is she a lightweight...I mean mentally... usual she is trying to dance on a tightrope at 80k feet with a defective inner-ear...

...but Jeepers is she dense...

She is one of the 35 Pelosi Pubbies that voted for the nefarious Pelosi Jan6 Kangaroo Court...

I saw part of that clip last night. She scared me with her idiot talk. She said that Russia was losing and would resort to chem/bio weapons.  I recall she wanted the US to intervene and risk nuclear war.

IMO that means that the ground is being prepared for the UA govt to stage a gas attack to bring in the US just like AQ did in Syria with their fake gas attacks. If there is a gas release 99% of the MSM will blame Russia.

See her ridiculous explanation for her earlier question on the street about the no fly zone and shooting down Russian planes?  Idiot trying to say her affirmative answer was taken out of context...that she meant she understood what she was being asked not that she agreed with it...

What a load of rat droppings!!!

Same jibberish on not telling Zelensky what to do then telling others what they have to do...

Carlson needs to institute interview abortions...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #609 on: March 17, 2022, 03:29:15 PM »

Interesting channel on youtube bc there is almost no other coverage of the eastern UA.
Some guy with a camera who speaks poor Russian. He has been there for many years. Also Armenia.

The rest of the press are in hotel bars in Kiev reporting on the lack of Russian progress in Kiev, therefore that means Russian defeat.
IMO the Russians do not care much about Kiev other than to apply pressure there.
The Duran reported that Kiev is sending more troops into the cauldron in the east for political reasons. To the extent the troops can still get in.
Shelling Attack Hits Donetsk Destroying Home
Mar 15, 2022

Patrick Lancaster
137K subscribers
Dozens Killed By Ukrainian Cluster Bomb Attack On Center Donetsk
Mar 14, 2022
Patrick Lancaster
137K subscribers

Much earlier video from feb 27. Mostly DPR troops advancing.
DPR & Russia Military Charging Toward Ukraine Territory In the Volnovakha area
Feb 27, 2022
Patrick Lancaster
137K subscribers
With DPR &  Russia Military Charging Toward Ukraine Territory In the Volnovakha area and into newly captured territory.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #610 on: March 17, 2022, 10:13:23 PM »

This 13 min history video came up to remind me that NATO is not a benevolent defensive organization. The MSM kinda buries this history.
How Western Propaganda Destroyed Libya (and Got Away with it)
What Was Libya Like 20 Years Ago?
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #611 on: March 18, 2022, 08:33:13 AM »
Yah, don't care about the breakaways...and news out of there is likely propaganda from one source or another anyway...

Don't know what NATO has to do with Libya...

Do I care about Muslim on Muslim theft and violence?  Do I care what Euro-Clowns like France does with those crazies?  Do I bear any responsibility for Obama/Clinton activities in Libya and stoking the wider Arab Spring bullsh!t?  Do I care if a Marxist Muslim ruled petro-kingdom is stable? 

It's like a laundry list of stuff I don't care about and as far as I can tell NATO didn't drive any of was along for the ride...and like anything if the US was no longer attached to NATO not giving a crap what Euro's and warlords do would be limited by their actions against us...not other assholes.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #612 on: March 18, 2022, 10:03:06 AM »
Today's news...

A clear case of it isn't the message, it's the messenger giving it...

PCR may hope the message gets to we the oppressed who in turn tell our oppressors to back off...but it is childish to believe the oppressors will give the slightest damn...they haven't yet, in fact they convene kangroo courts to legitimize totalitarian actions against us and imprison us without due process...he even acknowledges this, really it is more pissing into a hurricane, nothing more.  We know we are oppressed, we know we are being demonized, lied about, targeted and if they had their way would already be loading cattle cars, ovens and mass graves.

What is the problem?  Simple, being easily and in some cases willing dupes of a poor messenger.  IMO Putin hurts our cause at home instead of helping it.  It gives Quislings like this the encouragement to appease the Marxist talking points!  Putin is no hero, he is in reality the top oligarch in an empire wanting to regain its former size and influence and ensure its continental dominance in energy, arms and nuclear technology, period.  If this message came from Alexei Navalny it would carry more moral authority, more gravitas...and as such it would be infinitely more difficult to allow our oppressors to link us knee-jerk to the person of Vladimir Putin.  We would then be in the better position PCR wishes us to be in.  Maybe I am the few, the outnumbered who can acknowledge the accuracy of the message and the inadequacy of the messenger in this drama, and if so, so be it.  I am used to being alone, but I have no evidence I am in error.  I never have and never will be able to choose a lesser evil for mere convenience sake.  All that matters to me is truth, nothing else matters.

As for the situation on the ground in Ukraine, seems status quo.  The link below has a decent rundown of what's currently happening.

Highlights seems to be Mariupol being squeezed harder, negotiators still sparring, Russia no fly zone in East, chatter of more sanctions, Russian debt rating lowered again and seeing where meetings with Xi (JoeFraud) and Macron (Putin) go.  Nice to see an agreement on 9 humanitarian routes opened for refugees.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2022, 10:08:49 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #613 on: March 18, 2022, 12:53:48 PM »
Leveraging on the previously mentioned "propaganda" problem...hard to get truth out of the breakaway areas in the East...reports of pro-Russian fighters targeting civilians including kids, bit how to confirm?  Likewise, coming out of Russia news can be confusing.  There is the more visible social media clips of people speaking out against the war being shuffled off by police, that seems more legit, then there stuff like this...

How do we know this is true?  There are similar reports of high-ranking IC officers being sacked and jailed.  True or not?  I don't think anybody can say with certainty.

In other news...

Material being pulled from the far East to the Ukraine theater?  Seems there may be some of that going on.

Reports of Syrian mercenaries seems legit too.

But until confirmed on the be determined.

And I find it interesting that this anonymous CIA training info comes out now...

...and as far as I can tell the only confirmation it may in fact be true is if the reports of high-ranking Russian officers (at least 2 generals possibly) being killed are true and if this is why some movement has been slow.

Today's map via Daily Mail seems roughly accurate from what I know, though I think the UA map shows a little more penetration around Kyiv than this shows.

There is also something I watched, a long clip by a Pakistani military analyst...I'm not posting the link because it is long and because it seems it is his opinion, but it is a disturbing enough opinion that if true does not bode well for peace and stability...anywhere...but as I say it is this one guy's opinion and finding proof for it would be a scoop of monumental importance.  Basically he floated the thought that this was a trap baited for Putin to enter, to make a large incursion into Ukraine that in a very near date the West could pounce and destroy Putin's forces and allies.  As I said, very speculative...and insane if that is a real plan.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #614 on: March 18, 2022, 02:58:59 PM »
Yah, don't care about the breakaways...and news out of there is likely propaganda from one source or another anyway...

Don't know what NATO has to do with Libya...

Do I care about Muslim on Muslim theft and violence?  Do I care what Euro-Clowns like France does with those crazies?  Do I bear any responsibility for Obama/Clinton activities in Libya and stoking the wider Arab Spring bullsh!t?  Do I care if a Marxist Muslim ruled petro-kingdom is stable? 

It's like a laundry list of stuff I don't care about and as far as I can tell NATO didn't drive any of was along for the ride...and like anything if the US was no longer attached to NATO not giving a crap what Euro's and warlords do would be limited by their actions against us...not other assholes.

I recall NATO was involved. US, France, and UK for sure.
UN health organizations gathered stats on stuff word wide. Literacy, life expectancy, nutrition, children health etc. Libya ranked high compared to others until the US destroyed that. You can believe that or not. You can believe what the people of Libya reported then and now or not.

The video was 13 min long and gave some details and reasons for the US and France to destroy Libya. The US established a no fly zone so that Ghaddafi could not put his country back together. Also bombed the hell out of some huge water works projects. Wonder why so many African countries did not condemn Russia? They know how evil NATO is. A US drone tracked down Ghaddafi so he could be killed after being sodomized on video. Other countries saw what happened after he gave up WMD programs. Not a smart US move in that way. Libya could not have been destroyed without the help of US, France, and UK.

The UK house of commons did a late report on why the UK helped destroyed Libya. In short., no good reason. No factual reason. US congress will do such a study when hell freezes over.

The US govt is a source for evil in the world.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #615 on: March 18, 2022, 03:41:47 PM »
Yah, don't care about the breakaways...and news out of there is likely propaganda from one source or another anyway...

Don't know what NATO has to do with Libya...

Do I care about Muslim on Muslim theft and violence?  Do I care what Euro-Clowns like France does with those crazies?  Do I bear any responsibility for Obama/Clinton activities in Libya and stoking the wider Arab Spring bullsh!t?  Do I care if a Marxist Muslim ruled petro-kingdom is stable? 

It's like a laundry list of stuff I don't care about and as far as I can tell NATO didn't drive any of was along for the ride...and like anything if the US was no longer attached to NATO not giving a crap what Euro's and warlords do would be limited by their actions against us...not other assholes.

I recall NATO was involved. US, France, and UK for sure.
UN health organizations gathered stats on stuff word wide. Literacy, life expectancy, nutrition, children health etc. Libya ranked high compared to others until the US destroyed that. You can believe that or not. You can believe what the people of Libya reported then and now or not.

The video was 13 min long and gave some details and reasons for the US and France to destroy Libya. The US established a no fly zone so that Ghaddafi could not put his country back together. Also bombed the hell out of some huge water works projects. Wonder why so many African countries did not condemn Russia? They know how evil NATO is. A US drone tracked down Ghaddafi so he could be killed after being sodomized on video. Other countries saw what happened after he gave up WMD programs. Not a smart US move in that way. Libya could not have been destroyed without the help of US, France, and UK.

The UK house of commons did a late report on why the UK helped destroyed Libya. In short., no good reason. No factual reason. US congress will do such a study when hell freezes over.

The US govt is a source for evil in the world.

Still, would it have happened at all if rival Gulf State kingdom's weren't involved?  Or the Arab Spring BS had not been going on?   ::whatgives::

It's hard to GAFF...

Others can commit atrocity in Armenia, or Chechnya or Africa or the 'Stans...Korea, Mongolia, China, Tibet...Cuba, Venezuela, Iran...

Who cares?  Favorite Ox have I none...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #616 on: March 19, 2022, 03:18:48 PM »

The UK Daily Mail has been a pro Kiev propaganda rag up until now. I wondered how and when they would switch to reality. This may be a start.
Putin may be losing the information war, but Zelensky's NATO concession suggests Ukraine may be losing on the battlefield. The West must not fool itself into thinking otherwise, writes military expert BILL ROGGIO
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #617 on: March 19, 2022, 03:21:37 PM »
The Sea of Azov is under Russian control now.

The Russians wanted humanitarian corridors in Syria and UA for two reasons.
1. They reduce civilian human shields which make the Russians look bad when killed.
2. Soldiers sneak out with civilians when can, reducing the  military force inside the encirclement.

The military inside hate the humanitarian corridors for the same reasons. I read that UA was delaying negotiations for such humanitarian corridors for these strategic reasons.

ISIS shot fleeing civilians in Syria. UA govt may be doing the same. Short video clip.
Here’s a look at survivors who just managed to escape Mariupol you won’t see on CNN or NBC
TruthPatriot17 Published March 19, 2022 88 Views
Here’s a look at the survivors who just managed to escape Mariupol that you won’t see on CNN or NBC - They break down in tears describing how Azov nazis hold the city’s population hostage & 'executed the convoys of civilians who tried to evacuate' to Russia
Testimony from Ukraine citizens
TruthPatriot17 Published March 19, 2022
Testimony from Ukraine citizens - They were being forced to stay in their houses...were being used as human shields in Mariupol
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #618 on: March 20, 2022, 10:58:21 AM »
Probably the same reasons we don't see Russians shelling citizens in the East on TASS, Sputnik or whatever...

And we know these "citizens" are Ukrainian citizens and not Russian citizens in Ukraine. how?  Otherwise the story and the Nazi goblins just fades with the rest of the fog...

And Mariupol being in the Pro-Russia dominated East and comprising 45% ethnic Russians makes me think this is propaganda...that and I thought the Nazis were all in the West and not any further East than Kyiv...and with Russians controlling much of the interior and this being a largely ground campaign...these Nazis must be supermen to get that far East and cause this much havoc...

That, and pretty sure nobody has given a crap about the heavily industrialized and exploited East since Soviet days...the pollution is notorious...Mariupol is heavy in iron and chemicals...and their canneries I would avoid like the plague...the Russians can have the sick mess back with my endorsement.

Also, Ukraine agreed to the 9 humanitarian corridors...and citizens are getting out to neighboring countries, especially Poland...

I just don't trust news out of the East by anybody...

The Russians appear to want to split the nation down the middle...

...but even if the rest of an agreement falls in place...a big sticking point is going to be WTF is going on in the Southwest...if Russia has plans to be a total dick and push West to have a corridor that Ukraine is cut off from any access at all to the Black Sea and Russia links up with their assclowns in Transnistria...setting the stage for future conflicts in Moldova...

Well, might as well push all the buttons now and be done with it.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 11:05:56 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #619 on: March 20, 2022, 12:24:55 PM »
Russia used KInzhal in Ukraine for the first time...

...seems legit, given that the target was in the West and the missile is likely to slow a bit when acquiring final instruction to target and still hauling ass.

If it carried a nuke, well...there'd be no stopping it...only responding to it.

And I don't see Putin sitting down with Zelensky...

...if he did there would have to be resolution...why bother when he can take what he wants?

An expanded war seems unstoppable...and it won't matter who blames whom.
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