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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1220 on: January 19, 2023, 07:05:04 PM »

Also I came across this really new. A tour of a biolab taken over by Russians. Pfizer and AstraZeneca was testing out lots of drugs on Ukrainians, often poor people. The guide said they tested on Ukrainians before animals. This goes back to 2015. So the US backs a violent coup, brings in greedy soul less big pharma who uses the locals as lab animals. When the Kiev soldiers left they took all the hard drives and shelled the places apparently to destroy evidence.

And here I thought big pharma were the good guys. /s Can you imagine the fraud and corruption behind those labs? How much money ended up in DC?

Inside Pfizer and AstraZeneca's UKRAINIAN BIOLAB!
Employees reportedly FORCED to take UNTESTED drugs or BE FIRED. @JohnMarkDougan-BadVolf , Masha and I got a guided tour of the ruins of a Ukrainian BioLab on the front lines near in Rubizhne.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1221 on: January 19, 2023, 07:17:19 PM »
Some military analysts question the wisdom of sending these newer batches of tanks to Ukraine.
It makes the western leaders feel good but it takes a long time to get qualified to use them and fix them.
Unless western contractors use them and repair them it will take a long time. Even some western generals are saying it is a crazy idea.

The idea is to standardize on weapons but the west is doing the opposite and providing Ukr with lots of incompatible weapons that require new training. US generals say sending the Abrams to Ukr is insane.

One guy Brian Berletic is US ex pat, ex Marine. He keeps going to US DOD published sources for info on how long it takes to train the crews and longer to get good at it.

Russia said they wanted to 'demilitarize' Ukraine. It looks like they are demilitarizing the entire west by taking all their equipment.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1222 on: January 20, 2023, 08:41:43 AM »
So you're saying insanity is being ignored?

Obviously...and it is ignored on all sides...else rational people would have resolved this...but everybody has a Jones to emerge things will get more insane, more violent and more senseless...

Here's some more insanity...Germans beating up other Germans for not being militantly gender-balanced -

Hilarious!  Lambrecht was an unmitigated failure...and these sundy SPD whackjobs expect another pair of tits no matter what...   ::hysterical::

Whatever...doesn't matter...German males lost their hoden long ago...

PS-I doubt a single Abrams will go to Ukraine...not when they would be needed elsewhere along the Eastern Front should greater festivities ensure...and they'll probably only get a handful of Leopard's and Challenger's for the same reasons.

The burning question is - will Russia come down from the North and with or without the forces of the mouth-breathing lunatic Lukashenko?

ETA - Aaaand, the Leopards are gone!  LOL

Going into the meeting it was widely reported days ago that Berlin has told European allies that it will authorize Leopard tanks only if Washington first leads the way with supply its own Abrams tanks. But the Biden administration has shut the door on these heavy, advanced tanks for the time being.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2023, 12:14:41 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1223 on: January 20, 2023, 05:18:59 PM »

I had Alex Mercouris on. He talked about a German ex-General Kujat who is pissed about Germany thinking of sending tanks to Ukraine partly because it guts Germany and will do no good. I think the politicians just want to "do something" but most non political military think it is stupid. Also he earlier talked about another German General Vad?

An older article. I can't find the recent article or interview about tanks.

Maybe this is the recent interview.

No here it is ???

Boris Johnson prevented Russia-Ukraine peace in April — RT EN
20.01.2023 9 0

Jan 20, 2023 10:06 p.m

Here Alex talks about the Vad interview at 10:00 min.

general a D. Harald Kujat spoke in a Swiss magazine on questions of war guilt and Ukraine’s prospects of winning the war. The announcement from “reliable sources” that Boris Johnson intervened in April 2022 to prevent the Ukrainian-Russian peace treaty that had already been negotiated is sensational.

The general a. D. and former Inspector General of the German Armed Forces Harald Kujat said in a statement published on Wednesday interview took a position on the current situation in the Ukraine war and the conflict between Russia and the political West with the Swiss magazine Zeitgeschehen im Fokus.

The longer the military phase of the conflict lasts, the more difficult it will be to reach a negotiated peace. The territorial changes that Russia made at the end of September are “difficult to reverse,” the general said. They are also a consequence of the fact that Ukraine had previously broken off the promising negotiations mediated by Turkey. At that time, Ukraine would have had to give far less in return:

Good comments on the above ex German general.

Another German General older?

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By John Helmer, Moscow

The German generals are trying it again. That’s the Wolf’s Lair plot of July 20, 1944.

To save themselves,  they are begging their counterparts in Washington, DC, to find a way to lose the war in the Ukraine as quickly as possible without losing the US empire in Germany. This means overruling or replacing, not only Vladimir  Zelensky’s  regime in Kiev but also the Green Party ministers in power in Berlin, Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock, and maybe Chancellor Olaf Scholz to boot.

The Wehrmacht plotter this time is a retired brigadier general named Erich Vad (lead image, right).  As German military officers go, he’s unusual. He was trained by a German-born Israeli infantry general turned academic.  Vad then reached general’s rank, according to a senior German politician, but “never led a battalion, never led a brigade, and was never deployed in active operations”; he is a “desk general”.

Vad’s self-advertisements  mention no active service or combat command. Instead, he has filled advisor posts at the Bundestag (2000-2006) and the Chancellery (2006-2013) when Angela Merkel was chancellor.  Since 2014 he has been selling his advice either through Vad’s own consulting firm in Munich  or a Swiss intermediary company in Zurich.  

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1224 on: January 20, 2023, 05:22:35 PM »
So you're saying insanity is being ignored?

Obviously...and it is ignored on all sides...else rational people would have resolved this...but everybody has a Jones to emerge things will get more insane, more violent and more senseless...

Here's some more insanity...Germans beating up other Germans for not being militantly gender-balanced -

Hilarious!  Lambrecht was an unmitigated failure...and these sundy SPD whackjobs expect another pair of tits no matter what...   ::hysterical::

Whatever...doesn't matter...German males lost their hoden long ago...

PS-I doubt a single Abrams will go to Ukraine...not when they would be needed elsewhere along the Eastern Front should greater festivities ensure...and they'll probably only get a handful of Leopard's and Challenger's for the same reasons.

The burning question is - will Russia come down from the North and with or without the forces of the mouth-breathing lunatic Lukashenko?

ETA - Aaaand, the Leopards are gone!  LOL

Going into the meeting it was widely reported days ago that Berlin has told European allies that it will authorize Leopard tanks only if Washington first leads the way with supply its own Abrams tanks. But the Biden administration has shut the door on these heavy, advanced tanks for the time being.


The idea that big pharma is experimenting on poor Ukr folk is easier to believe than the scarier bio-weapon stories but they likely do both. People in the Mpls medical device field say they test on Europeans because chimps cost too much.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1225 on: January 20, 2023, 05:29:24 PM »

More on  this, so I do not lose the link.

There is also the false impression, pushed by some weapon dealers (in German), that there are 'hundreds' of Leopards available. This is nonsense. Not every Leopard is like the other.
There is also the important issue of training. This does not only include the technology of the tank but its tactical use in the field. The Turkish experience in Syria showed that bad tank tactics inevitably lead to bad outcomes, no matter how good the tanks are.
The £4million German tank dubbed 'one of the best in the world' is shown up in Syria: Leopard 2 bought by Turkey to fight British-backed Kurds has numerous faults exposed in lethal fashion

    The German government has come under domestic pressure after images showed Turkey deploying the tanks
    From the late 1970s to today, more than 3,000 of the tanks have been built at a cost of around £4million a unit
    Turkey bought 354 of them, and has started using them to fight Kurdish fighters in cities in northern Syria
    But they are proving to be ineffective, with the tanks being picked off by allied forces as they are sent in alone
ISIS claimed it destroyed 10 of the Leopard 2 tanks, dubbed invincible in some quarters, and while the terror group's estimates are regularly exaggerated, analysis of fighting around al-Bab in Syria puts the figure at 'at least eight'. Pictured: The remnants of one of the German-built tanks as shown in a January 20, 2017 Isis video recorded near al-Bab. It was reportedly blown up by a mine. In the background is a destroyed Kobra armoured personnel carrier
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1226 on: January 23, 2023, 08:28:48 AM »
Vad was a favorite lapdog of Merkel...both about as trustworthy as FJB & Lloyd Austin...

And any talk of exiting Ukraine under any scheme is total BS...the globalist totalitarians cannot afford a humiliating abandonment...their entire reason for existing would is about as likely as seeing them kill is not in their is about as likely as Russia backing down when they have all but depleted the West of its ability to arm itself and their economies are on the edge...

No, there will be more war, and lots of it.

Otherwise, what is Moscow afraid of from above?

Are they just paranoid?

Or do they know as soon as they march South from Belarus with or without Lukashenko's lunatics the gloves come off?   ::whatgives::
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1227 on: January 23, 2023, 10:52:19 AM »

Someone said that when Kiev loses the MSM will just stop talking about it. Like Afghanistan etc.
Also some excuses for the Turkish Leopard tanks getting clobbered by ISIS.
Bad tactics, no infantry support, they forgot any reactive armor, they were not designed for urban conflicts.
The could all be valid reasons.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1228 on: January 23, 2023, 12:08:16 PM »
Don't recall cities stopping a single tank attack in any of the major wars utilizing was other tanks, anti-tank weapons and airpower that stopped them...


Don't have to worry about losing Kyiv...the only losing that will happen will impact everyone...

And the Rus once again (and I don't how many times this is now...20, 30?) that if they are denied a win in Ukraine...all will burn.

Nobody is deviating from the script...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1229 on: January 23, 2023, 04:15:01 PM »
I think tanks in cities are a bad mix. Tanks need infantry to protect their flanks and enemy infantry with anti tank weapons can get real close and even on top of  tanks from buildings. ISIS did kill maybe 8-10 Turkish operated Leopard tanks. So the Germans had to explain that away.

Infantry protect from close up enemy to protect the tanks and tanks kill the far away enemy. Pike men protected archers from close up charging enemy cavalry while the archers killed far away enemy. The bayonet turned infantry into pike men to scare off horses.

I once read my only book on tactics, The Art of War in the Western World, from hoplites to the IDF. The author explains war using only 4 groups: light infantry, heavy infantry, light cavalry, and heavy cavalry. Each major battle might be 1-2 pages and the book in maybe 700 pages long.

 I just watched a doc on the battle of Carrhae with the Romans in Syria. Mostly horse archers riiding around the Romans. The Romans figured they would run out of arrows, then came the trains of camels carrying arrows.

It was a horrible Roman defeat.
The Battle of Carrhae (Latin pronunciation: [?karrae?]) was fought in 53 BC between the Roman Republic and the Parthian Empire near the ancient town of Carrhae (present-day Harran, Turkey). An invading force of seven legions of Roman heavy infantry under Marcus Licinius Crassus was lured into the desert and decisively defeated by a mixed cavalry army of heavy cataphracts and light horse archers led by the Parthian general Surena. On such flat terrain, the Legion proved to have no viable tactics against the highly-mobile Parthian horsemen, and the slow and vulnerable Roman formations were surrounded, exhausted by constant attacks, and eventually crushed. Crassus was killed along with the majority of his army.

Not to be confused with Cannae
The Battle of Cannae (/?kæni, -e?, -a?/) was a key engagement of the Second Punic War between the Roman Republic and Carthage, fought on 2 August 216 BC near the ancient village of Cannae in Apulia, southeast Italy. The Carthaginians and their allies, led by Hannibal, surrounded and practically annihilated a larger Roman and Italian army under the consuls Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro. It is regarded as one of the greatest tactical feats in military history and one of the worst defeats in Roman history.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1230 on: January 24, 2023, 10:18:02 AM »
The Roman's were better under Caesar...his raid into Germany, the brilliant Alesia battle, stomped Pompey at Pharsalus, defeated Ptolemy 13th and installed his sweetie Cleopatra as Queen and after that won some battles before Brutus et al stabbed the living sh*t out if him on the Ides of March.

OK, that was fun, back to modern warfare...

Communist China in cahoots with Russians?!

Must have come as a real shock to these mush-headed losers...

Anyway, just another hot point, BFD...

As for this...

...let the Gorshkov go play with South African 7 Chinese commies...getting them out of the Med a while might be a good thing...

As for this...

I always love it when the Rus are true to their character and reaffirm my view of their psyche...

'When we speak about what is happening in Ukraine – it is a war, not a hybrid one, almost a real war, that the West has been plotting for a long time against Russia,' Lavrov said today.

Yes, yes...when experiencing butthurt a Rus loves to go back to the beginning of time...they have a scorned woman's doesn't matter if it is a made up memory either...

...plotting, for a long time...yes, since the first half-Slav half-Mongol was birthed upon the Steppes...


'But those who refuse must understand that the longer they refuse, the more difficult it is to find a solution,' Lavrov said.

As always, only one side is refusing...  War, like dancing, sex, chess, etc etc takes at least two...   ::bus::

How about just announcing a conference in Geneva, send Sergei if you are serious Putin...make the West come or don't come...

If peace is worth it stay there till somebody shows up and a deal is cut.  If not you have your boogieman...this is how your Soviet iteration typically did things...even the preceding Imperial iteration were more reasonable...

As for the rest of the diatribe...don't care, like in the extreme I do not care...all that nonsense of using past conquest and infiltration as a ethnic/cultural claim to territory...

If people were consistent in that bullsh*t people everywhere would have to kill themselves and surrender to invaders...

Screw that idiocy.   ::mooning::

War, it's all any of these morons agrees on...and if the world ends, BFD...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1231 on: January 24, 2023, 04:04:28 PM »
The Roman's were better under Caesar...his raid into Germany, the brilliant Alesia battle, stomped Pompey at Pharsalus, defeated Ptolemy 13th and installed his sweetie Cleopatra as Queen and after that won some battles before Brutus et al stabbed the living sh*t out if him on the Ides of March.

But then came the Teutoburg Forest...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1232 on: January 25, 2023, 08:19:12 AM »
The Roman's were better under Caesar...his raid into Germany, the brilliant Alesia battle, stomped Pompey at Pharsalus, defeated Ptolemy 13th and installed his sweetie Cleopatra as Queen and after that won some battles before Brutus et al stabbed the living sh*t out if him on the Ides of March.

But then came the Teutoburg Forest...

That came later, under Varus.

What I liked about Caesar was his intelligent aggression.  He is one of the few field commanders in history who if transported into any other era in history would have been just as effective.  Shortly after a brief foray in Britain he wisely returned to Gaul and confronted the Germanic tribes...his first crossing of the Rhine saw the stunned tribes watching Caesar build a marvelous and sturdy bridge pilings and all in just 10 days, crossed over and raided some villages and when he caught word of a massing of tribes went back over the bridge and dismantled it...

A couple years later he did it again in a different location...but didn't find any tribes...went back and took that one down too...

Have to admire that kind of power projection.  He will fight on his terms and his ground. 

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1233 on: January 25, 2023, 09:25:56 AM »
Here's where perhaps some more people learn how deep in the sewer we truly are...

IMO only the corrupt and stupid can be surprised by any of this...

Corruption there cannot happen without corruption here...

Now, if in the face of this...we still send money and weapons to Ukraine...the insanity is irreversible and the end is near...

Sadly, I cannot predict a change in trajectory...

PS - I am also hearing that we are not only raiding pre-positioned material in Israel for use in Ukraine but also South Korea.  So, we are weakening ourselves in an area we cannot afford to be weak we are wasting them in a meat-grinder whose outcome being favorable to BlackRock et al appears dubious at best.  I guess that is the one positive...having BlackRock et al taking huge loses.  And the introduction of Abrams tanks is unlikely to help Ukraine...i

The is off the charts...
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 09:36:41 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1234 on: January 25, 2023, 12:20:03 PM »
Corrupt criminal POS DeepState-Puppet announcing Abrams' for Ukraine...

Germany reversing course yet again back to Leopard 2's to Ukraine...

Pedo said Challengers going too, and arms from other NATO members...

Ukranian's better use cardboard cutouts disguising them as an ambulance or their destruction will occur in record time...

As for this "training"...means NATO, means Americans...means training sites even if in Poland or Hungary...could be declared open targets...

If the goal is to open more fronts to war and escalate to throwing nukes...this will help.

#$%&ing assholes!!!
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1235 on: January 25, 2023, 12:51:57 PM »
Here's where perhaps some more people learn how deep in the sewer we truly are...

IMO only the corrupt and stupid can be surprised by any of this...

Corruption there cannot happen without corruption here...

Now, if in the face of this...we still send money and weapons to Ukraine...the insanity is irreversible and the end is near...

Sadly, I cannot predict a change in trajectory...

PS - I am also hearing that we are not only raiding pre-positioned material in Israel for use in Ukraine but also South Korea.  So, we are weakening ourselves in an area we cannot afford to be weak we are wasting them in a meat-grinder whose outcome being favorable to BlackRock et al appears dubious at best.  I guess that is the one positive...having BlackRock et al taking huge loses.  And the introduction of Abrams tanks is unlikely to help Ukraine...i

The is off the charts...

Analysts are scoffing at the idea that the recent purge was related to corruption. Maybe to remove most very close to Zelensky. Others say it was to remove those more connected to UK than to US.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1236 on: January 25, 2023, 01:13:07 PM »

I sure as sh*t wouldn't go anywhere near there!

Stupid ass distraction that is a Euro issue not an American issue...

Our real enemies are Communist China, Communist North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist Venezuela, Communist Brazil and the Mahdi Death Cult in Persia!
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1237 on: January 25, 2023, 06:08:15 PM »

I mostly stay off telegram now. I went through a phase where I watched lots of videos, mostly civilian testimonies, to figure out what was going on.

There are lots of videos from western Ukraine and around Kiev of kids celebrating real fascists and mass murderers.

The Russians made several errors. That included not realizing that the people in the areas they were attacking were not defending those areas. Rather Kiev shipped in people from elsewhere who hated the locals and Russians. They also failed to account for the 8 years of education/brainwashing the populace to hate Russians. This included shutting down political parties, TV stations, newspapers.

Here is just one video.
🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazies.

Brainwashing starts early for young Ukrainians.

Parents of this Ukrainian toddler play neo-Nazi dubstep songs for him instead of lullabies.

Lyrics of the song before the drop "The dead body of an orc (russian) will fall on the ground, UAF will help in that."
I wonder what's in the video clip..

2014 video from Kiev
You ain’t seen nothin’, until you’ve seen the below video.

I’ve sat on this for a long time.

This is from an elite Kiev nightclub, 2014, shortly after the coup, revolution, or whatever you want to call it.

They are serving a cake with a Russian flag and a realistic, live-size “Russian infant”, lying on its back atop the flag.

The server cuts the baby from groin to head.  People love it.

One girl asks if the diaper is edible, another says she wants the tummy.

One guy jokes, “Putin, help!” while another shouts pleadingly, “Ruuuussia, Ruuuuussia!!!“…..

…..indicating the baby is the people of the Donbass (Donetsk and Lugansk) and other Russians or pro-Russians in southeast Ukraine, who were hoping for the Russian army to move in at that time.

There’s more than just a few people here, it’s packed.

Of course, like everyone in Kiev (back then, anyway), they’re all speaking Russian.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1238 on: January 25, 2023, 06:16:12 PM »

This video is from Mariupol. He interviews two women who say they were inside the Mariupol theater when the explosions went off. They say the Ukr soldiers brought in chests with explosives and below it up from inside after they left.

I notice how the west mostly has no reporters from areas under Russian control. IMO to prevent reporting.
CNN could have reporters interviewing the locals.
 What REALLY Happened At The Mariupol Drama Theatre.
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Survivors of the explosion that occurred at the Mariupol tell us what they saw and why they DON'T believe that Russia was responsible for what took place.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1239 on: January 26, 2023, 08:30:57 AM »
All it takes is two countries led by lunatics to end the human race...

I reckon near the end of the end more than two will be playing...


As expcted, the Rus are butthurt over being identified as part of the reason...

...but the pointy-headed Bulletin scientists are not misspeaking...those "thinly veiled threats" to use nukes if their conventional forces fail have been made several times...

Whatever, lunatics are running all shows...the lucky ones will be those vaporized...the unlikely ones will die in various degrees of horror depending upon radiation absorption...if you see mushroom clouds you may want to run towards them, not away from them.

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