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Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?

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--- Quote from: KittenClaws on December 16, 2013, 09:17:55 PM ---
--- Quote from: oldcoastie6468 on December 16, 2013, 04:16:52 PM ---KC, I agree 100% with what you posted.

Our country is in serious condition. We need to find a true leader, and not some dweeb with no experience in anything. My personal belief is that having served in our military forces should be a prerequisite for any president.
--- End quote ---

As Commander-in-Chief, yes, the President should have served honorably in the military. But, as with Dubya, this does not guarantee good judgement in all the things. Congress is a grave problem, too many electeds are not serving the people, just themselves.  The checks and balances that ensure rule of law no longer exist.  The people nor the States enjoy representation these days.

My friend, even a leader such as Reagan will not solve these problems.  Ted Cruz has the qualities of a leader, but look at how he is already being shut out.  I do not believe he is THE leader we need, we need a leader who Will not work the system that the liberals created. I don't know how to say it, but, we need a leader who will not play by the enemies rules.

I think if and when the people find themselves on the defensive against hard tyranny, a leader will arise. Who knows, that Leader could be you, me, Libertas, AmericanPatriot, Weisshaupt, AlanS or any ordinary American.

Leaders very seldom know they are about to lead.
--- End quote ---

There are no guarantees with any person, civilian, dumboasss, or military. All we can do is look at his or her past record and make a judgement call.

Not me, for sure. I would not open my personal life and/or finances to investigations by anyone, particularly the dimbocraps.

I sure wish a true and electable leader would appear. It's getting late in the game for such a decision. Of course, a leader could be nominated and if he/she accepts the nomination, be approved by acclimation by some Conservative Party or reputable organization.

Assuming there is time for a political solution, which I have almost zero faith in, the answer to your Leader question is not going to come from established ranks.  The closest thing we saw was Palin and IMO her decision to bow out of the 2012 race is one of the reasons why 10m people stayed home election day.  The people in the system are tainted by the system, no matter the good intentions they may have.  Our leadership is us, we need not look anywhere else.  Let politics play out however it will, I deem it largely irrelevant to what is coming.  We need to think beyind the present and create the future from the remnants of what was...what presently is.


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