It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 10:09:04 AM

Title: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 10:09:04 AM
There isn't a whole lot to be happy about these days.

The economy is nearly beyond recovery. Unemployment numbers are a joke that no one laughs at since half the country is actually out of work. The war is being mismanaged and our troops are dying over politically correct stupid rules of engagement and moronic non-strategies. The social order is absolutely going nuts with  bands of minority thugs running wild in the streets (they used to call these "race riots").

So... you gotta get your laughs where you can. And, one of the best sources for cheap laughter is O'BamaVoters® regretting that they elected a dope.

Here is a great article to kick this thread off. ( I hope that more will follow and that everyone can find a way to contribute to this thread.

“Remember that 3 a.m. phone call? Remember the warning about the rose-colored petals falling from the sky? Remember about learning on the job? Sure you do. Doesn’t a part of you, deep down, realize she was right?” wrote Dickinson, a political-science professor at Middlebury College. “If I heard it once this last week, I heard it a thousand times: You were duped by Obama’s rhetoric—the whole ‘hopey-changey’ thing. And you wanted to be part of history, too—to help break down the ultimate racial barrier. That’s OK. We were all young once. But now it’s time to elect someone who can play hardball, who understands how to be ruthless, who will be a real ... uh ... tough negotiator in office. There won’t be any debate about Hillary’s, er, ‘man-package.'"

Pure comedy gold. Read the whole thing.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 08, 2011, 10:14:28 AM
Not to derail the thread right out of the box, but I think there is a real possibility of a Hillary Clinton primary challenge to Obama, despite her protestations. We'll know when we know, but I'm beginning to see it as the only viable way for the Democrats to hold onto the "transformation" they've so recklessly accomplished in the last 2 1/2 years. I think the calls for her to challenge him will hit critical mass.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 10:23:21 AM
I don't see that as a derail. It's more of a confirmation of O'BamaVoter® regret. But primary or not there is bound to be plenty more where this came from. Things are miserable for everyone and yet this doofus plays golf every weekend and tells everyone that things are getting better and how wonderful he is. It's a perfect setup for O'BamaVoter® regret and angst.

And it's not as if HRC is left untouched by the tar baby that is the O'Bama presidency. It cracks me up how the O'BamaVoters® in the article think she has had such a stellar performance at she is so much more "experienced" than BO. What a crock. Her resume is every bit as thin as his with perhaps a better academic record. Her only "qualification" is that she was married to a guy who was president during a time when it was pretty hard to screw things up...not that he didn't try. O'BamaVoters® are clearly nostalgic for Slick and the good old days when a Democratic president didn't turn everything he touched to crap. They long for days when the only problems (that they perceived) were presidential sex hijinks.

Well, this is their president now and they don't like him very much. They have buyer's remorse for various reasons but the funniest ones center around how he is just getting rolled by the Republicans. IOW, they want even more leftist stuff 'cause we aren't going to hell fast enough for them.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on August 08, 2011, 10:29:31 AM

One could argue that things are right on schedule for him and Bill.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 10:46:48 AM
Really, this is sort of like shooting fish in a barrel...

Schieffer: I want to show you something. This is an interview that the President had with Matt Lauer of the Today program about a month after he took office in 2009. I just want you to listen to this.


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Look, I'm at the start of my administration. One nice thing about - the situation I find myself in is that I will be held accountable. You know, I've got four years. And -

MATT LAUER: You're gonna know quickly how people feel -

PRESIDENT OBAMA: - and - and -

MATT LAUER: - about what -

PRESIDENT OBAMA: that's exactly right. And - and, you know, a year from now I think people - are gonna see that - we're starting to make some progress. But there's still gonna be some pain out there. If I don't have this done in three years, then there's gonna be a one-term proposition.


Schieffer: So there you are, Mr. Axelrod, that was the President at the start. We're getting right up to that three year point. Is this going to be a one-term presidency?

Axelrod: I think the question is what this election...first of all, let's certify that we have, we're in a different place then we were on the day he did that interview.

Schieffer: Well we are, things are worse.

LINK (;contentBody)

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Alphabet Soup on August 08, 2011, 10:55:44 AM
Not buying it. The Hildebeast won't run.

She should have run in '06 - she coulda won (glad she didn't!). She waited too long and now the window has closed. Bill brought the fiercest political machine of the last four decades to bear in '08 and got trounced by a nobody with zero experience.

Since then she has worked as one of Øbozo's toadys and, in recent months acted disturbingly like the cat lady. Add to the equation the finality of her insistence that she has no presidential aspirations and I would say her cachet has all the fragrance of a summertime garbage dump.

There may come a "Mrs. President" but it won't be clinton.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Alphabet Soup on August 08, 2011, 11:00:13 AM
I'm a big fan of the "DUmmie FUnnies"

Today's offering is right in line with the general DUmmie teeth-gnashing. (

"An underperforming president"
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 08, 2011, 11:07:21 AM
The self-described smartest woman on the planet will not want to be remembered as the person who de-railed a halfrican president...her multi-culti/diversity/pc hard-wiring will not allow it.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 11:25:56 AM
The self-described smartest woman on the planet will not want to be remembered as the person who de-railed a halfrican president...her multi-culti/diversity/pc hard-wiring will not allow it.

That didn't stop her in 08. Not that I think she will run, either. I don't. The funny stuff is the Democrats' regrets over electing a dope.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 08, 2011, 11:34:13 AM
The self-described smartest woman on the planet will not want to be remembered as the person who de-railed a halfrican president...her multi-culti/diversity/pc hard-wiring will not allow it.

That didn't stop her in 08. Not that I think she will run, either. I don't. The funny stuff is the Democrats' regrets over electing a dope.

Heh.  I still think they're in denial about that.  But maybe there is a critical mass point being reached where even a libtard begins to experience cognitive dissonance.

Rush is talking about this.

Perhaps if the DemonRat PTB's put a plan in place to replace Duh Wun...but to what end?  Are they truly deluded enough to think a seemingly loyal member of the Obama Court will be more palatable for the electorate than anything the Repub's put up?  She'll still spend a buttload of money too, right?

Goog luck selling that.

Maybe if she resigns on principle first, like umm, now!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 11:51:57 AM
Another funny point is that the MFM is fixated on the far left's regrets about BO not being far enough to the left for them.

The real (untold) story is how the non-affiliated O'BamaVoters® are turning away in droves. That's the number that will make for a landslide next year. The far left O'BamaVoter® is regretful only that BO isn't the lefty they thought he was. They will still grudgingly vote for him the same way that the diehard libs grudgingly voted for Carter in 1980. In other words, BO will always be able to count on the hopelessly stupid demographic.

I think, though, that in the coming weeks the MFM will print more and more of these regretful O'BamaVoter® stories because, like it or not, that is the mood in every nook and cranny in the country. People are pissed and that attitude won't get better as the election approaches. I believe that BO will eventually have a lower approval rating than GWB did at the end of his second term and that it will continue to be a downward trend all the way to the end. He would already be there if he had a press as hostile as GWB had for all eight of his years.

But the good news is that BO won't do an LBJ and announce that he won't run for re-election for the good of the party. BO is too much the narcissist for that. He'll ride those piss poor approval ratings all the way to the basement all the time saying it's GWB's (and the tea party's) fault and that things are better.

So, more funny regretful O'BamaVoter® stories are on the way.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on August 08, 2011, 11:53:34 AM

The self-described smartest woman on the planet will not want to be remembered as the person who de-railed a halfrican president...her multi-culti/diversity/pc hard-wiring will not allow it.

True but only for the public, Marxists are also wired to, in obscurity, eliminate obstacles.  

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 08, 2011, 11:55:38 AM
No doubt many interesting days ahead...
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 08, 2011, 11:32:34 PM
The NYTs offers this whiny (and very long) piece titled, "What Happened To Obama?" ( by a snooty psychology prof at Emory, Drew Westen. Most of the column is typical whiny very far left liberal drivel and it's insufferably boring. The angst and regret comes at the end...

THE real conundrum is why the president seems so compelled to take both sides of every issue, encouraging voters to project whatever they want on him, and hoping they won’t realize which hand is holding the rabbit. That a large section of the country views him as a socialist while many in his own party are concluding that he does not share their values speaks volumes — but not the volumes his advisers are selling: that if you make both the right and left mad, you must be doing something right.

As a practicing psychologist with more than 25 years of experience, I will resist the temptation to diagnose at a distance, but as a scientist and strategic consultant I will venture some hypotheses.

The most charitable explanation is that he and his advisers have succumbed to a view of electoral success to which many Democrats succumb — that “centrist” voters like “centrist” politicians. Unfortunately, reality is more complicated. Centrist voters prefer honest politicians who help them solve their problems. A second possibility is that he is simply not up to the task by virtue of his lack of experience and a character defect that might not have been so debilitating at some other time in history. Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a law professor, publishing nothing in 12 years at the University of Chicago other than an autobiography; and that, before joining the United States Senate, he had voted "present" (instead of "yea" or "nay") 130 times, sometimes dodging difficult issues.

Pieces such as this are the beginning of a narrative. That a narrative which runs counter to the "BO as god" meme has begun is remarkable. It will be interesting to see how quickly this narrative is expanded. I do not think that this is a fluke. I believe that the tipping point has passed.

Good times, good times.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: warpmine on August 09, 2011, 05:41:44 AM
Another funny point is that the MFM is fixated on the far left's regrets about BO not being far enough to the left for them.

The real (untold) story is how the non-affiliated O'BamaVoters® are turning away in droves. That's the number that will make for a landslide next year. The far left O'BamaVoter® is regretful only that BO isn't the lefty they thought he was. They will still grudgingly vote for him the same way that the diehard libs grudgingly voted for Carter in 1980. In other words, BO will always be able to count on the hopelessly stupid demographic.

I think, though, that in the coming weeks the MFM will print more and more of these regretful O'BamaVoter® stories because, like it or not, that is the mood in every nook and cranny in the country. People are pissed and that attitude won't get better as the election approaches. I believe that BO will eventually have a lower approval rating than GWB did at the end of his second term and that it will continue to be a downward trend all the way to the end. He would already be there if he had a press as hostile as GWB had for all eight of his years.

But the good news is that BO won't do an LBJ and announce that he won't run for re-election for the good of the party. BO is too much the narcissist for that. He'll ride those piss poor approval ratings all the way to the basement all the time saying it's GWB's (and the tea party's) fault and that things are better.

So, more funny regretful O'BamaVoter® stories are on the way.

The left simply didn't understand that there had to be some semblance that he was trying his best at making the country better. Many of his actions were done by executive order by and large it was a democratic elected dictator so he couldn't just do it on his own like Chavez or Mao much to the chagrin of his supporters. His Congress, a rubber stamp for the destruction thrust upon the country, made themselves irrelevant asap. The winds of "change" shifted rather abruptly during the healthcare debate and he was caught flat footed by the overwhelming dissent of the populous demanding that he stop with the procedural takeover of the healthcare system. It got worse from there on out.

It's sad indeed that it took a bitchslapping and Sister Mary Elephant for the centrists to wake up to the nightmare hat is Obama the Terrible.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 09, 2011, 07:13:51 AM
I wonder if Obama really thought the deification would last. I wonder if he thinks he can recreate it. I wonder if he even realizes it's abating.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on August 09, 2011, 09:44:44 AM

To the Marxist it's proportional: the ratio of loss of public support to the increase in control of the levers of power.  The levers of power that were once invested to us and delegated to our representatives.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on August 09, 2011, 10:09:47 AM

To the Marxist it's proportional: the ratio of loss of public support to the increase in control of the levers of power.  The levers of power that were once invested to us and delegated to our representatives.

I believe that's correct.  The less support, the tighter he grips, using his minions.  He's writing EOs; the EPA/FDA/NLRB are still issuing mandates and churning out new regulations.  Should his place in power be firmly cemented, the public support will be required to be feigned.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 09, 2011, 11:28:28 AM
Another ratio - desperation:action, the Obama economy is imploding and the proglodyte trash is about to go full-blown ape-sh*t - (

Let that asshole focus on Romney, while my gal Michele gains traction. (

He tries this crap on Michele he's gonna be in a world of hurt!

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Glock32 on August 09, 2011, 11:35:22 AM
Quote from: Libertas
Let that a$$hole focus on Romney, while my gal Michele gains traction. (

He tries this crap on Michele he's gonna be in a world of hurt!

I've been thinking for a while now that it would behoove us to get behind a clear choice early, and for my money that choice is Bachmann. There's a number of things I want to nip in the bud early: Romney and the Rovian constellation in orbit around him, and also this coquettish "will he / won't he" messaging from Rick Perry. Michele has the goods, and more balls than the rest of those Ruling Class eunuchs combined. She has momentum right now, and I'd like to for once employ the technique of "fait accompli" for our own purpose.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: AlanS on August 09, 2011, 06:04:18 PM
I've been thinking for a while now that it would behoove us to get behind a clear choice early, and for my money that choice is Bachmann. There's a number of things I want to nip in the bud early: Romney and the Rovian constellation in orbit around him, and also this coquettish "will he / won't he" messaging from Rick Perry. Michele has the goods, and more balls than the rest of those Ruling Class eunuchs combined. She has momentum right now, and I'd like to for once employ the technique of "fait accompli" for our own purpose.

Sounds like a plan except with the election so far off, we don't know who'll have the momentum by new years.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on August 09, 2011, 07:18:53 PM

I like all of them Michele, Herman, Rick, and Sarah; they should go cartel on the establishment and each get a big piece of the pie. 

mixed metaphors included
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 09, 2011, 07:21:56 PM
I wish Santorum would catch hold. I really, really like that guy, and he seems presidential to me.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 09, 2011, 08:56:08 PM
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 09, 2011, 10:23:33 PM
Okay... back to the regret and angst over BO.

This time it comes from across the pond in the online pages of Der Speigel:

All that remains of the great hopes Americans and the world had pinned on Obama, inspired by his stirring campaign speeches about change and renewal, is a battlefield of unsatisfactory and contradictory compromises. Obama, who just turned 50 and was once a symbol of youthful change, suddenly seems old and worn out, as gray as his hair has become.

His decline in popularity has also destroyed the hope that Obama could bring new momentum to America and the world. With the debt-ceiling debate, the right-wing Tea Party movement has taken both Congress and Obama's presidency hostage. It is no longer the president who determines the issues and sets the tone of the debate, but a small, radicalized group of unashamedly amateur politicians who have declared the government to be their enemy. As the Tea Party gains stature, Obama loses credibility. Musician Harry Belafonte, once an ardent Obama supporter, has talked of his disappointment with the president. "He has only listened to the voices that shout the loudest, and it's all those reckless right-wing forces," Belafonte told CNN. "It's almost criminal."

This is a big two part article called, "How Obama Disappointed The World" (,1518,779043,00.html) (Part 2 is called "Losing Respect Worldwide" (,1518,779043-2,00.html))

Hoo! Hoo! Ha! Ha!

Lots of angst but also unintentionally funny stuff like this paragraph:

Obama has always managed to win over Americans with big words. He used big words to raise expectations and establish a mood of change in the 2008 presidential election campaign, when he inspired the country with his slogan "Yes, we can."

Apparently the Germans think that the "big words" for Americans consist entirely of single syllables.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 09, 2011, 10:28:58 PM
Obama has always managed to win over Americans with big words. He used big words to raise expectations and establish a mood of change in the 2008 presidential election campaign, when he inspired the country with his slogan "Yes, we can."

That's as awesome as the three interlocking gears graphic.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 09, 2011, 11:04:59 PM
Der Spiegel is on a roll with this short interview (,1518,778990,00.html) with iconic race baiter, shakedown artist and opportunist extraordinaire, Jesse Jackson:

SPIEGEL: Is it true that even among African-Americans Obama's standing has suffered?

Jackson: We blacks were the first people embracing Obama, long before the people at expensive fundraisers were supporting him. We gave him his first love, 96 percent of blacks voted for him in 2008. Yet today we are the number one in unemployment, with 16 percent of American blacks out of work. We are number one in foreclosure, number one in short life expectancy, in loan default. Big banks steered their toxic products toward minorities and Congress did not oversee them properly because it is basically corrupted by all the money it is raising on Wall Street. So there is a lot of pain here in our community and this pain must be addressed.

SPIEGEL: And you don't feel the President is doing that?

Jackson: Obama used to be a community organizer. He knows how to build communities. In Afghanistan, there is a plan to build democracy; hundreds of thousands of troops are protecting it. There is a plan to rebuild and reconstruct there. But many thousands of Americans die from violence and poverty every year and we don't have a plan for reconstruction at home.

He can't quite bring himself to say it but you can sense the undercurrent of bitterness and crushing disappointment. This is clearly a man who thought that his ship had finally come in. And now it turns out that the ship sank in the harbor before it even set sail and all of the passengers are standing knee deep in swamp water with their hands out, wondering where their share of O'Bama's stash is.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 09, 2011, 11:22:07 PM
From the loony bin that is the PuffHo, some twit going by the name of Cenk Uygur whines thusly: (

After yet another unconditional surrender in the debt ceiling talks, he's hit his tipping point. Just go talk to any group of liberals in the country and see if half of them aren't incredibly pissed off at him. I do it all the time and their whispers of discontent has grown into a cacophony.

Finally, nearly every progressive commentator is talking about his profound weakness, if it even is that and not something worse (some have started to question whether he even wants to win on progressive issues or if he is fundamentally conservative).

That last line, of course, betrays the lack of mental functionality of the writer. But the regret and angst (and, even anger) are on full display throughout this ridiculously self-absorbed and self-indulgent column.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 09, 2011, 11:43:17 PM
Okay, a palate cleanser: The "O'Bama Is, In Fact, A Pretty Dim Bulb" ( article from the WSJ:

Socrates taught that wisdom begins in the recognition of how little we know. Mr. Obama is perpetually intent on telling us how much he knows. Aristotle wrote that the type of intelligence most needed in politics is prudence, which in turn requires experience. Mr. Obama came to office with no experience. Plutarch warned that flattery "makes itself an obstacle and pestilence to great houses and great affairs." Today's White House, more so than any in memory, is stuffed with flatterers.

We all know it. He's stupid. This article does a great job of explaining why.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2011, 07:11:03 AM
JJ is still on the reconstruction kick eh?  More proof that he is displaced in time and space...

That WSJ editorial is awesome.  Didn't someone link that in another thread?  Anyway, it can't be cited enough.  That entire editorial needs to be put into a YouTube production, maybe one of them Xtranormal productions, and every jacksass that voted for this POS should be strapped in a chair with their eyes taped open and made to watch it over and over again!  Maybe then half of that brain-dead group could regain some consciousness and self respect!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 10, 2011, 08:17:04 AM
...every jacksass that voted for this POS should be strapped in a chair with their eyes taped open and made to watch it over and over again!  Maybe then half of that brain-dead group could regain some consciousness and self respect!


O'BamaVoters®, fat chance.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2011, 08:37:45 AM
...every jacksass that voted for this POS should be strapped in a chair with their eyes taped open and made to watch it over and over again!  Maybe then half of that brain-dead group could regain some consciousness and self respect!


O'BamaVoters®, fat chance.

Yeah, that's what I get for trying to be helpful!

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on August 10, 2011, 08:49:01 AM
Well worth watching. This Leftist screed isn't notable for his blame of Republicans. But it is definitely noteworthy for it's extreme disgust with the Democrats and Obama.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on August 10, 2011, 09:01:31 AM

Sí, se puede::pokeineye::

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Dan on August 10, 2011, 09:14:44 AM
Belafonte needs to have his brain aerated. Criminal? As opposed to what the tiny, vociferous minority has been doing to this country is just a-ok to him.

I hope their heads explode.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2011, 10:40:22 AM
Belafonte needs to have his brain aerated. Criminal? As opposed to what the tiny, vociferous minority has been doing to this country is just a-ok to him.

I hope their heads explode.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on August 10, 2011, 11:50:35 AM
Just for the sake of how much fun it would be to watch....I believe a covert campaign should be excuted to flood hillary with e mails to "save our country" and run for Prez.

I love others eating thier own.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on August 10, 2011, 01:16:56 PM
Just for the sake of how much fun it would be to watch....I believe a covert campaign should be excuted to flood hillary with e mails to "save our country" and run for Prez.

I love others eating thier own.

Ooohhh!  I like that idea!


Operation Chaos - Part Duh
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on August 10, 2011, 02:25:45 PM
...every jacksass that voted for this POS should be strapped in a chair with their eyes taped open and made to watch it over and over again!  Maybe then half of that brain-dead group could regain some consciousness and self respect!


O'BamaVoters®, fat chance.

Fat chance, indeed.  Talked to the ObamaVoter neighbor last night; he "still likes Obama".

I thought MY head was going to explode.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Dan on August 10, 2011, 03:00:15 PM
Neighbor, eh? Won't have to far to go to deliver retribution then.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on August 10, 2011, 03:03:18 PM
Neighbor, eh? Won't have to far to go to deliver retribution then.

Probably not that, nor much of anything else either.  He'll be on his own at the fit-shan.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 10, 2011, 10:11:54 PM
UK Telegraph Article (

Mr Reid added that the president remained a formidable campaigner and fund-raiser and should not be ruled out of the fight in 2012. But he said some Democrats were feeling "buyer's remorse" for selecting the president in his epic battle with Mrs Clinton for the 2008 Democratic nomination.

"The notion everyone is talking about is 'is he Jimmy Carter or will he be a one-term president'," he said.

Gary Pearce, a Democratic strategist in North Carolina, a swing state Mr Obama is likely to struggle to retain in 2012, said: "Democrats are worried. He looks weak, he doesn't say anything that grabs you, and people are looking for some kind of magic."

'is he Jimmy Carter or will he be a one-term president'  ? ? ?

What is this? A trick question?

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on August 10, 2011, 10:24:48 PM
Teh stoopit.  It's ever'whar.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on August 10, 2011, 10:41:55 PM

It will not be a fun campaign.  It may resemble the Hairy Reed campaign in Nevada.

Nobody liked Harry but he successfully framed her as more dislikeable than he.  Those he
couldn't convince of that were either scared not to vote for him or bought.

This will be a viscous and difficult campaign.  Considering Acorn and affiliates assistance it will also be a difficult election day and a difficult recount.    It's tenter hooks all the way.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 10, 2011, 10:51:56 PM
The Crumbling Cult Of O'Bama (

The romance is gone. But don't worry. It's not him; it's you.

It turns out we are the ones who failed Him. We weren't prepared for a mega-dosage of awesomeness. We were too dimwitted to grasp the decency of central planning. And the insistence of troublemakers to engage in debate and vote, in fact, is the most serious threat to this nation's future.

The sight of a crumbling Cult of Obama -- and with it the end of the progressive presidency -- has many on the left so frustrated that they simply dismiss the very idea of ideological debate. To challenge the morality and rationality of Obamanomics only means you're bought, too stupid to know any better or, most likely, both. A slack-jawed hostage-taking saboteur.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on August 11, 2011, 02:13:08 AM
I voted for Obama in the primary and then again in the general election. I even left the election night party at the Pageant — a party with an open bar and filled with state legislators, union guys and other acquaintances — to go to the Chase Park Plaza, where the Obama people were celebrating. I knew almost nobody at that second party, but I was there when the networks declared that Obama was the next president. People cried and hugged. I got teary myself. A black president. The times they are a-changing.

Indeed. They keep getting worse.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 04, 2011, 03:22:41 PM
Maureen Dowd ( joins the ranks of the newly disappointed:

...why is the White House so cocky about Obama as a TV draw against quick-draw Rick Perry? As James Carville acerbically noted, given a choice between watching an Obama speech and a G.O.P. debate, “I’d watch the debate, and I’m not even a Republican.”

The White House caved, of course, and moved to Thursday, because there’s nothing the Republicans say that he won’t eagerly meet halfway.

No. 2 on David Letterman’s Top Ten List of the president’s plans for Labor Day: “Pretty much whatever the Republicans tell him he can do.”

On MSNBC, the anchors were wistfully listening to old F.D.R. speeches, wishing that this president had some of that fight. But Obama can’t turn into F.D.R. for the campaign because he aspires to the class that F.D.R. was a traitor to; and he can’t turn into Harry Truman because he lacks the common touch. He has an acquired elitism.

MSNBC’s Matt Miller offered “a public service” to journalists talking about Obama — a list of synonyms for cave: “Buckle, fold, concede, bend, defer, submit, give in, knuckle under, kowtow, surrender, yield, comply, capitulate.”

And it wasn’t exactly Morning in America when Obama sent out a mass e-mail to supporters Wednesday under the heading “Frustrated.”
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on September 04, 2011, 03:34:54 PM
He forgot "implode", as in, to wind up as a little pile of empty skin, which is what I wish on him, her and all things Duh Wun connected.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 04, 2011, 10:21:48 PM
Lots of angst, liberal angst...the best kind, about President Zero from our friends at the NYTs... (

This has been the summer that liberal discontent with Obama has finally crystallized. The frustration has been simmering for a while — through centrist appointments, bank bailouts and the defeat of the public option, to name a few examples. But it has taken the debt-ceiling standoff and the threat of a double-dip recession to create a leftist critique of the president that stuck.

Obama’s image as a weakling and sellout on domestic issues now centers on his alleged resistance, from the very first days of his presidency, to do whatever was necessary to heal the economy. “The truly decisive move that broke the arc of history,” wrote the Emory professor Drew Westen in this newspaper, “was his handling of the stimulus.” Just as the conservative repudiation of George W. Bush boiled down to “he spent too much,” the liberal repudiation of Obama has settled on “he didn’t spend enough.”

It's pretty bad when the NYTs talks about "magical thinking" by the left. But that's exactly what happens in the very next paragraph of the article.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 04, 2011, 10:36:05 PM
This one ( is too precious not to post. The title alone is justice in and of itself:

Department of I'm An Idiot: Solar Company Goes Bust

You see, it was only a month and a few days ago that this Time Mag reporter was ridiculing Republicans ( for wondering how you can sell something for $2 that costs $6 to make. Maybe he will learn something from this fiasco and start doing his job, reporting, instead of regurgitating WH talking points. Sucks being a liberal stooge.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: rickl on September 05, 2011, 01:23:44 AM
No. 2 on David Letterman’s Top Ten List of the president’s plans for Labor Day: “Pretty much whatever the Republicans tell him he can do.”

How cute.  Letterman's brain-dead audience goes away thinking that those mean intransigent Republicans are bossing the President around.  They're probably a bunch of racists, too.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 05, 2011, 08:25:38 PM
From ( O'Bama be primaried?

No one, not even the president's defenders, expect his coming jobs speech to mean anything. When the president spoke during a recent market swoon, the market dropped another 100 points. Democrats may soon have to confront an uncomfortable truth, and ask whether Obama is a suitable choice at the top of the ticket in 2012. They may then have to ask themselves if there's any way they can push him off the top of the ticket.

That these questions have not yet been asked in any serious way shows how weak the Democratic Party is as a political organization. Yet this political weakness is not inevitable, it can be changed through courage and collective action by a few party insiders smart and principled enough to understand the value of a public debate, and by activists who are courageous enough to face the real legacy of the Obama years.

Obama has ruined the Democratic Party. The 2010 wipeout was an electoral catastrophe so bad you'd have to go back to 1894 to find comparable losses. From 2008 to 2010, according to Gallup, the fastest growing demographic party label was former Democrat. Obama took over the party in 2008 with 36 percent of Americans considering themselves Democrats. Within just two years, that number had dropped to 31 percent, which tied a 22-year low.

Be sure to check the comments.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 05, 2011, 08:54:11 PM
I'm all for more gas on the bonfire, but hey, y'all knew that already!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on September 05, 2011, 09:00:02 PM
I had to stop reading them.....because I was laughing to the point I couldn't breathe.

No wonder the libs are in disarray. All those personalitiy cultists, looking for thier piece of appeasment, then faced with abject failure.....Thier heads are exploding.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Alphabet Soup on September 05, 2011, 09:05:46 PM
Great find Trap  :D

I have several friends (and family members) who don't quite believe me when I claim that the dhimmi's are in every bit as much disarray as we are. I sent this piece off to them not so much to convince them as to cheer them up  ;D
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Glock32 on September 05, 2011, 09:36:28 PM
It is so thoroughly hilarious watching them rationalize that Obama's plummeting popularity and the ass-kicking they received last November are because, doggone it, he just hasn't been left-wing enough!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: rickl on September 06, 2011, 12:50:31 AM
From ( O'Bama be primaried?


Be sure to check the comments.

"Can you imagine what even four years of President Perry or Bachmann would leave this country looking like?" -- Alan Lloyd

Hmm. A White House that embraces every chance to snub liberals while taking its policy cues from Tea Party Republicans? A White House that loves Wall Street and hates Main Street? A president who embraces endless wars abroad while attacking the New Deal at home? A commander in chief who claims the authority to surveil, arrest, imprison, and assassinate us upon mere suspicion?

Yeah, I can "imagine" that. Just walk over to the nearest window and look outside.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 06, 2011, 01:18:50 AM
And if you thought that was funny (and it was) then check this idiot out:

Obama's incompetence...

...and his sheer mendacity have been cited here often enough. I have no use for this worthless coward and to hear any number of Obamapologists whining and wheezing about how bad the Republicans are is simply laughable.

If Republicans are so bad why is Obama placating them at every turn ? capitulating to them at every opportunity ? Why did Obama fail to come out swinging the day after his inaugural and pin the blame on exactly who drove the economy over the cliff, which he inherited, and where and how it was robbed ?

Why all this bending over and grabbing of his ankles when Mitch McConnell shouts, "Boo!" ? why sellout promise after promise, doublecrossing a once enthusiastic base and volunteer pool ? why piss all over his own supporters and then sit around blaming them while scratching his ass over how he had his clock cleaned in the midterms by the very teabaggers he all but invented ?

Obama owns his miserable presidency and he owns the fact that he has on his hands an extraordinary problem. I sense from folks like teresa and g50 that there is now a whiff of concern in the once solid edifice of support for Obama. As well there should be: on the one hand this fool could yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory; on the other, he could stumble through a second term just as foolishly as he has his first. Either option is pretty sad commentary on his abilities, which are pretty pathetic to say the least. As time rolls on toward the general this whiff of concern could develop into full blown panic over these possibilities.

I say dump this political coward. It may well result in Republican rule for 4 years but that's just about what we've had thusfar; sure, Obama is a bit right-of-center as opposed to a full blown loon. But why is he pointed that direction in the first place ? He's supposed to be a Democrat, not a DINO. If I wanted a Republican in office I would have voted for Gramps and that Wasilla hillbilly. Of course, watching Obama reverse himself on FISA told me all I needed to know about him.

Primary this f**ker, go after his support state by state; force him to defend those areas he otherwise would (as always) take for granted; nibble away at his funding wherever it is found and by whatever means possible; talk up his betrayals and his capitulations; sandbag this charlatan at every turn. Do everything possible to prevent his reelection; weaken him; erode his support in Congress and statewide by voting against anyone who supports him.

Obama deserves neither the respect nor the support of any Democrat who believes in the ideals the Party was founded on. I am a LIBERAL Democrat and I'm proud of the tradition that Democrats once brought to the political scene. It's a shame that so many so-called Democrats are now lily-livered wimps who shy from the good fight. The patty cake which Obama has been playing with the Republicans and Wall Street--among others--can not be rewarded with support or votes.

Ditch this coward, now, before he demolishes the Democratic Party. Because if you don't, that's exactly what's in store.

—Sheri Lynn

Come on, Sheri Lynn, tell us what you really think of the Bamster. "LIBERAL Democrats" are so polite and intelligent. She voted for him, too. If she hadn't she would have boasted about it.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 06, 2011, 01:22:51 AM
Marxist policy implemented through tyranny by regulatory fiat isn't good enough for these true believers.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 06, 2011, 02:02:03 AM
DailyKos readers/commenters are mostly in favor of a primary challenge. Here is one example. (
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: rickl on September 06, 2011, 02:24:07 AM
DailyKos readers/commenters are mostly in favor of a primary challenge. Here is one example. (

Wow.  Some of the commenters are pushing Al Gore.

Please don't throw me into that briar patch.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 06, 2011, 07:04:03 AM
They can push for whoever they want, IDK!


And while it is fun enjoying the libtard meltdown...none of those morons is going to vote for anything else but more proglodyte our only real interest in enjoying this is to a) hope they do run someone against Stymie and b) relishing the spectacle.  Even if it just suppresses libtard voter enthusiasm in the general the exercise is worth encouraging!

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 06, 2011, 09:11:05 AM
Robert Redford joins the ranks of the "regrets and sniffles" crowd with this column ( in the PuffHo:

One reason I supported President Obama is because he said we must protect clean air, water and lands. But what good is it to say the right thing unless you act on it?

Since early August, three administration decisions -- on Arctic drilling, the Keystone XL pipeline and the ozone that causes smog -- have all favored dirty industry over public health and a clean environment. Like so many others, I'm beginning to wonder just where the man stands.

For months, the Environmental Protection Agency has been poised to issue new ozone rules to reduce the smog that causes asthma attacks and other respiratory ills. We badly need these new standards, which the EPA estimates could prevent 12,000 premature deaths a year.

On Friday, though, the White House put the new rules on ice. The result: these vital protections will be delayed until at least 2013 - conveniently after next year's presidential election.


I have to believe that President Obama still knows it's important to protect clean air, water and lands. Like so many, I'm waiting for him to stand up for all that. I'm waiting for him to stand up for our future. But we can't wait forever.

Stuck on stupid.

Great pic of old leather face ( at the Politico.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Glock32 on September 06, 2011, 09:32:31 AM
I don't think it's entirely hyperbole to observe that much of their angst stems from the fact that the Bamster hasn't yet packed people like us into Gulags. Some of these True Believer cretins seriously wanted reeducation camps and unmarked graves.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 06, 2011, 09:49:21 AM
Redford: "Like so many others, I'm beginning to wonder just where the man stands."

Really? You don't know yet?? Are you freaking retarded?
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on September 06, 2011, 09:55:03 AM
Astounding.  Stricter ozone regulations, really?  The man has been issuing Executive Orders like nobody's business; what exactly do they want him to decree that he hasn't already?!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 06, 2011, 10:09:29 AM
You know the answer to that one Pan, but by declaring it the whole cat would be out of the bag...and we'd be in a shootin' civil war for sure!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 06, 2011, 11:23:21 AM
They want him to go full-on double dictator.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on September 06, 2011, 11:37:59 AM
They want him to go full-on double dictator.

I guess so.  Ya know what "they" say, "be careful what you wish for".  Does Redford believe he'll be exempt?  Apparently so .... until they come for his Sundance holdings ......

Redford and his ilk remind me of the wealthy Cubans who were so enamored of Castro until he and his army turned on them like a pack of vicious dogs, as portrayed in The Lost City (

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Alphabet Soup on September 06, 2011, 12:43:42 PM
They want him to go full-on double dictator.

"It's for your own good, comrade".....Ptew!  ::gaah::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on September 06, 2011, 01:44:43 PM
This is what happens when your party is built on the support of 3,937,938,000 individual  groups with thier own little causes.

We need clean water! We need clean air! We need no nukes! We need no war! We need free healthcare! We need more social programs! We need less fossil fuels! We need more solar! We need more....we need more....we need more..... It never ends.,,,As we are reading with great delight.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 06, 2011, 06:56:29 PM
I found this ( at AoS. Some wussy writing for Rolling Stone says, darn it, he just can't believe O'Bama anymore...

Listening to Obama talk about jobs and shared prosperity yesterday reminded me that we are back in campaign mode and Barack Obama has started doing again what he does best – play the part of a progressive. He's good at it. It sounds like he has a natural affinity for union workers and ordinary people when he makes these speeches. But his policies are crafted by representatives of corporate/financial America, who happen to entirely make up his inner circle.

I just don't believe this guy anymore, and it's become almost painful to listen to him.

As usual...lot's of fun to be had in reading the comments.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on September 06, 2011, 07:00:59 PM
I found this ( at AoS. Some wussy writing for Rolling Stone says, darn it, he just can't believe O'Bama anymore...

Listening to Obama talk about jobs and shared prosperity yesterday reminded me that we are back in campaign mode and Barack Obama has started doing again what he does best – play the part of a progressive. He's good at it. It sounds like he has a natural affinity for union workers and ordinary people when he makes these speeches. But his policies are crafted by representatives of corporate/financial America, who happen to entirely make up his inner circle.

I just don't believe this guy anymore, and it's become almost painful to listen to him.

As usual...lot's of fun to be had in reading the comments.

I so feel for these suckas.   ::smallestviolin::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Glock32 on September 06, 2011, 07:08:00 PM
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 06, 2011, 10:08:52 PM
I feel that I have to include this essay by VDH ( since it's about the subject at hand and was mentioned by Rush today...

Strange indeed is the sudden Democratic furor at Barack Obama. In fairness to the president, though, much of it seems to be a matter of scapegoating.

On the domestic front, for example, we forget that Obama “went big” on the stimulus, giving a number of speeches about the “historic” size of his “investments” and why we should not worry about the timid naysayers. At the time, he was widely praised for his audacity. He also went big on Obamacare, despite worries from party centrists. Again, he was praised for forcing through such a radically new program. In other words, few Democrats have tried so eagerly to advance the liberal domestic agenda. His appointments, the politics at the Department of Justice and the EPA, and his use of executive fiat to circumvent bothersome laws bear that out.

If Obama were enjoying a 60 percent approval rating and the economy were humming at 5 percent annual growth and 5 percent unemployment, the Democrats would be singing his praises despite his stumbles. The problem Obama poses to Democrats is not his policy but his popularity — in their ‘what-if’ minds, he is sinking because he did not do enough rather than far too much.

In other words, the furor comes not so much because he has embarrassed them on national security and seems increasingly detached from the job, but because that he nearly destroyed the congressional Democrats in 2010, often hovers below 40 percent in popularity, and has the potential to really do some big-time damage to the party in 2012.

But again, why is that?
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 06, 2011, 10:16:17 PM
Rush responds... (

I think Victor Davis Hanson is over-thinking this. When I first saw this, I thought that, but I'm gonna mention it to you anyway.  "Were Obama to show the same flexibility on the economy as he has on the War on Terror he still might revitalize the economy a bit."  For example, if he would "junk the Keynesian model, radically revise and simplify the tax code, address entitlements, talk up employers, prune regulations, and compromise on spending cuts, he still might revitalize the economy a bit.  It's hard to destroy the greatest economy in history in three years," Victor Davis Hanson writes, although I'd say Obama has done better at it than anybody would have thought. "Then, when his numbers improved, he would win Democratic adulation for his Clinton-like savvy."

Now, let's look at this.  To think that Obama is gonna change this radically on his economic policies is a bit of a stretch.  And you know of my profound respect for Victor Davis Hanson, we've interviewed him for the Limbaugh Letter and I've spoken to him a number of times.  And while he didn't close Gitmo, and while he expanded Afghanistan, and while he did go to war in Libya, and while we're still in Iraq, that's just the continuation of what was.  That really wasn't the repudiation of anything.  But for Obama to pull similar moves on his own economic policies is something I can't see.  Obama's not gonna junk his Keynesian approach.  Obama's not gonna junk this whole business of growing the economy by growing government spending.  He's not gonna lower taxes on producers and the wealth creators.  

Now, Victor Davis Hanson is saying what if he does, though, what if he did do that?  And what if it revived him?  Victor Davis Hanson's point is, then, his approval numbers would rise and even his Democrat opposition right now would revel and how he's outfoxed us, the same way they reveled in how Clinton outfoxed us.  Remember, I've said this I don't know how many times, I think one of the big reasons for Clinton's popularity was how he outfoxed Newt and how he outfoxed us, not what Clinton did, but that he defeated us.  Remember, we are hated more than Al-Qaeda is hated by these people.  This is Victor Davis Hanson's point.  If Obama can come up with a way to pull a rabbit out of his hat here and really outfox us and use our own ideas as his, and they work, that he can turn this all around and resume being adored and adulated by people who are now angry at him.  I just don't see him doing it. I can't see him repudiating himself this way.

There's a bit more at the link.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 06, 2011, 10:26:27 PM
Hey, lemme help you down those stairs Mr. President...

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 06, 2011, 10:32:24 PM
...this essay by VDH (

(From a little further down the column...)

...But remember, for all the jokes about his teleprompted eloquence and canned monotonous speeches, it is not all that easy to be eloquent on a teleprompter, and what now sounds trite, canned, and predictable, just three years ago brought paramedics to fainting audiences. The problem is not just Obama, but his rigid adherence to a statist economy that has terrified capital-laden employers into near complete stasis.

Were Obama to show the same flexibility on the economy as he has on the War on Terror (junk the Keynesian model, radically revise and simplify the tax code, address entitlements, talk up employers, prune regulations, and compromise on spending cuts), he still might revitalize the economy a bit — it’s hard to destroy the greatest economy in history in three years. Then, when his numbers improved, he would win Democratic adulation for his Clinton-like savvy.

"Flexibility on the economy" would obviously mean abandoning a "rigid adherence to a statist economy", but it is that rigidity that is producing the desired result - terrified employers. Flexibility works against his goals.

I do not assume that Barack Hussein Obama values "Democratic adulation for his Clinton-like savvy". His perception of his personal value is one and the same with the success of his ideology. He let this be known, when he stated that he would rather be a "really good one-term president" than a bad two-termer. In his mind, doing good is destroying the engine of capitalism, and he will judge himself on that basis, not on adulation from Democrats.

Pundits who assume that the same things drive this man that seem to universally drive all politicians are making a grave error in my opinion. He is in re-election desperation mode now, to be sure. But not because he wants favor and adulation for making things "better" in the eyes of people who seek a return to prosperity. It's because he knows that if he loses, his "accomplishments" are at risk. So he'll lie right to the faces of the American people in order to make them think he wants their adulation for wanting what they want. But it's only so he can continue his destruction.

ETA: Rush said it better than me. That's why he's Rush, and I'm not.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on September 06, 2011, 10:33:44 PM
Some men just want to see the world burn.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 06, 2011, 10:48:12 PM
We have to work in the name Nero into his moniker...President Nero Obama...or something like that.

My brain is tired and my creative juices spent...

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on September 07, 2011, 07:33:43 PM (

We may therefore conclude that there is neither jihad nor martyrdom outside the realm of truth, that martyrdom applies only when it is preceded by jihad, that jihad is an inclusive struggle for the cause of the truth, that a mujahid dies the death of a martyr even though he does not fall on the battlefield. He dies as a martyr even though he is not killed, on the condition that he stays loyal to the divine truth and stands ready to fight for the truth and to defend it at all costs, even at the cost of his own life. He is a mujahid while he lives, and a martyr if he dies or is killed for it. 

We have explained that a martyr establishes himself as a paradigm and a model. Both shahid (martyr) and shahid (model) are derived from the same Arabic root. In this sense, the concept of shahada is closely related to the concept of prophethood in Islam. Both the martyrs and the prophets are regarded as paradigms (2:143). 

I'm not as accomplished with the written word as some of you, but the excerpt from the above article is how I believe obama views himself. He is systemically destroying the West. The more I study islam, the more I believe it.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Damn_Lucky on September 07, 2011, 08:20:03 PM
Matt Stoler's new article is titled "What Democrats can do about Obama" and is one of the best pundit articles I have written all year.
That says it all............ I AM SICK of all IIIIIIIIIIIII's ...........and MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE's ::puke:: ::mooning::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 07, 2011, 08:27:45 PM
I don't think the Obama voter regret has reached critical mass yet, otherwise Cheney's recommendation would be getting serious consideration by Dem insiders... (

It would be awesome to see though, Operation Chaos on steroids!

 ::stirpot::   ;D
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: rickl on September 07, 2011, 08:35:28 PM
Hillary is philosophically the same as Obama.  The only difference is that he's a black male and she's a white female.  I also think she is more competent than him.  Cheney had better be careful what he wishes for.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: John Florida on September 07, 2011, 08:39:32 PM
I'll wait for the stuttering cliff notes.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on September 07, 2011, 09:55:43 PM
I don't think the Obama voter regret has reached critical mass yet, otherwise Cheney's recommendation would be getting serious consideration by Dem insiders... (

It would be awesome to see though, Operation Chaos on steroids!

 ::stirpot::   ;D

LOL...Cheney recommending Hillary.....I believe it is priceless.....LOLOLOL...... You know the people behind the scenes, possibly pushing Hillary ( and they are there), are having strokes over the Cheney revelation.....LOLOLOLOLOL ::hysterical::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regret And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on September 07, 2011, 10:07:23 PM
It is so thoroughly hilarious watching them rationalize that Obama's plummeting popularity and the ass-kicking they received last November are because, doggone it, he just hasn't been left-wing enough!

Much the same way the libs have been saying we don't spend enough on education and revere teachers enough...

well, we see how that's worked out...

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on September 07, 2011, 10:46:19 PM
...the excerpt from the above article is how I believe obama views himself. He is systemically destroying the West. The more I study islam, the more I believe it.

Yup. And the more I study Obama, the more I believe it.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 10, 2011, 07:16:43 PM
Well, here it is Saturday, September 10th and it's time for another installment in our ongoing series of "gosh, O'Bama sure is a disappointment" stories.

Tonight's exciting episode is brought to you by way of the New York Times ( (which always makes it especially nice).

“The frustrations are real,” said Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, who was the state chairman of Mr. Obama’s campaign four years ago. “I think we know that there is a Barack Obama that’s deep in there, but he’s got to synchronize it with passion and principles.”

There is little cause for immediate optimism, with polls showing Mr. Obama at one of the lowest points of his presidency.

His own economic advisers concede that the unemployment rate, currently 9.1 percent, is unlikely to drop substantially over the next year, creating a daunting obstacle to re-election.

Liberals have grown frustrated by some of his actions, like the decision this month to drop tougher air-quality standards.

And polling suggests that the president’s yearlong effort to reclaim the political center has so far yielded little in the way of additional support from the moderates and independents who tend to decide presidential elections.

“The alarms have already gone off in the Democratic grass roots,” said Robert Zimmerman, a member of the Democratic National Committee from New York, who hopes the president’s jobs plan can be a turning point. “If the Obama administration hasn’t heard them, they should check the wiring of their alarm system.”
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 10, 2011, 07:44:42 PM
Mr. DeFazio recalled attending a dozen or so town-hall-style meetings recently in his district, a slice of western Oregon that Mr. Obama carried in 2008 by 11 percentage points. Mr. DeFazio said party loyalists had bluntly said they were reconsidering their support.

“I have one heck of a lot of Democrats saying, ‘I voted for him before, don’t know if I can do it again,’ ” he said.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: John Florida on September 10, 2011, 08:57:24 PM
Mr. DeFazio recalled attending a dozen or so town-hall-style meetings recently in his district, a slice of western Oregon that Mr. Obama carried in 2008 by 11 percentage points. Mr. DeFazio said party loyalists had bluntly said they were reconsidering their support.

“I have one heck of a lot of Democrats saying, ‘I voted for him before, don’t know if I can do it again,’ ” he said.

 Don't trust them!! Our candidates need to campaign as if they were 10 pointd behind.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 10, 2011, 09:09:09 PM
Mr. DeFazio recalled attending a dozen or so town-hall-style meetings recently in his district, a slice of western Oregon that Mr. Obama carried in 2008 by 11 percentage points. Mr. DeFazio said party loyalists had bluntly said they were reconsidering their support.

“I have one heck of a lot of Democrats saying, ‘I voted for him before, don’t know if I can do it again,’ ” he said.

 Don't trust them!! Our candidates need to campaign as if they were 10 pointd behind.

But of course, JF.

I look on these anecdotes as encouragement.

That and they are funny.

Very funny.

And we deserve a laugh, if nothing else.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 11, 2011, 01:22:38 AM
Alright, this article isn't penned by a distraught O'BamaVoter, depressed over how limp and flaccid his hero has recently become. No. This is a great little piece from the Weekly Standard ( on the Narcissist in Chief. Why am I including it here? Well, first of all it describes a whole bevy of reasons as to why O'BamaVoters are freaking out in ever growing numbers and secondly, it's just a good read...

Earlier this year on March 11, a Friday, Japan was struck by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake. An hour later a 30-foot tidal wave swamped the northeast portion of the country, killing thousands and leaving devastation in its wake. Four hours after that, Japan declared itself in a state of nuclear emergency. Within days, at least three of the country’s nuclear reactors were in states of partial meltdown. While the crisis in Japan was accelerating, oil prices continued to hover around $100 per barrel, America’s domestic economic recovery continued to disintegrate, a revolution in Libya continued to blossom into a full-fledged civil conflict, and American troops continued to fight in Afghanistan.

On Saturday, March 12, President Obama played golf. On Monday, March 14, President Obama visited a middle school in Northern Virginia to kick off a week’s worth of activities centered around “Winning the Future” of education. Because it was a big day, he also kicked off a “Sunshine Week” celebration to trumpet reforms to the Freedom of Information Act. On Tuesday, March 15, President Obama sat down with ESPN to tape a segment about his NCAA March Madness picks.

As he surveyed the globe you could practically hear Obama thinking to himself, Chance the Gardener-style, I like to watch .??.??.

And it sums up this way:

Bill Clinton’s vanity was that he wished he could have been at the center of a world historical event. Barack Obama’s vanity is that he believes he is a world historical event. And the greatness of his being dwarfs any necessity to establish greatness through action. That’s why, despite his passivity as president, we’re likely to see a much more vigorous Obama in the coming months as he switches from governing to campaigning. However ambivalent he may be about leading the country, arguing for the indispensability of Barack Obama is the one project that has always commanded his full attention.

Highly recommended reading.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on September 11, 2011, 09:05:39 AM
Wow. Should be required reading. Kudos. May need to print this one for future reference. Mr Last should be given some sort of award for subjecting himself to This type of torture. I'd need s scrub and multiple showers, a shrink and a vacation after tackling this subject matter.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: rickl on September 11, 2011, 09:06:22 AM
Yes, that was good.

My only quibble is the part "as he switches from governing to campaigning".  He's never not been campaigning.  Remember the Tucson "memorial service" complete with T-shirts?
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Predator Don on September 11, 2011, 09:14:30 AM
Yes, that was good.

My only quibble is the part "as he switches from governing to campaigning".  He's never not been campaigning.  Remember the Tucson "memorial service" complete with T-shirts?

With Obama, there is campaign mode, mid grade mode and high test. Now, at the end of his miserable tenure, he has added turbo boost.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Alphabet Soup on September 11, 2011, 09:46:27 AM
Some interesting insights for sure. In honor of Hussein Downgrayedd...

Toby Keith - I Wanna Talk About Me (
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 14, 2011, 07:56:11 AM
RE: Yesterday's loss of NY-9 and NV-2

Even before the polls closed, the recriminations – something short of panic, and considerably more than mere grumbling – had begun. On a high-level campaign conference call Tuesday afternoon, Democratic donors and strategists commiserated over their disappointment in Obama. A source on the call described the mood as “awful.”

“People feel betrayed, disappointed, furious, disgusted, hopeless,” said the source.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 14, 2011, 11:19:25 AM
I really like the calls to dump Obama!

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: jpatrickham on September 14, 2011, 12:15:22 PM
Bloomberg poll puts Obama re-elect number at … 29%

posted at 9:25 am on September 14, 2011 by Ed Morrissey
"Maybe America is becoming “a very difficult district” for Democrats, especially Barack Obama.  Bloomberg’s new poll puts his job approval rating at a mundane 45/49, although Bloomberg reports that it’s the lowest approval level he has had in the series.  But a peek inside the actual numbers shows a startling data point that should have the Obama 2012 team keeping their resumés updated.
First, Bloomberg headlined their report on the poll “Obama approval plummets on jobs plan,” with a majority of respondents rejecting Porkulus II:
A majority of Americans don’t believe President Barack Obama’s $447 billion jobs plan will help lower the unemployment rate, skepticism he must overcome as he presses Congress for action and positions himself for re- election.
The downbeat assessment of the American Jobs Act reflects a growing and broad sense of dissatisfaction with the president. Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy by 62 percent to 33 percent, a Bloomberg National Poll conducted Sept. 9-12 shows. The disapproval number represents a nine point increase from six months ago. …
By a margin of 51 percent to 40 percent, Americans doubt the package of tax cuts and spending proposals intended to jumpstart job creation that Obama submitted to Congress this week will bring down the 9.1 percent jobless rate. That sentiment undermines one of the core arguments the president is making on the job act’s behalf in a nationwide campaign to build public support.
Frankly, I chalk the fact that Obama even has 40% for this retread of his failed 2009 Keynesian package to the innate optimism of Americans, with a healthy dose of blind loyalty among liberals.  It’s telling, though, that the jobs bill gets less support than Obama’s overall job approval.  He’s not just singing preaching to the choir, he may be only singing preaching to the altos and tenors.  At least to start, the jobs bill won’t be a gamechanger for Obama — at least not in the direction he’d like." (

Turn It Up! ::whoohoo:: ::newyear::
Kool & The Gang - Celebration (

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 16, 2011, 07:59:56 AM
From this morning's Drudge Headline titled "Buyer's Remorse" (

The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans hold a favorable view of her and one-third are suffering a form of buyer’s remorse, saying the U.S. would be better off now if she had become president in 2008 instead of Barack Obama.

The finding in the latest Bloomberg National Poll shows a higher level of wishful thinking about a Hillary Clinton presidency than when a similar question was asked in July 2010. Then, a quarter of Americans held such a view.

“Looking back, I wonder if she would have been a stronger leader, knowing the games and the politics and all that goes on,” said Susan Dunlop, 50, a homemaker in New Port Richey, Florida. “I don’t think she would have bent as much.”

How quickly they forget. Ah, well, the mood is right anyway.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: radioman on September 16, 2011, 08:07:27 AM
All told, she is a flaming communist liberal that subscribes to alinsky/cloward/pivens and we would be thoroughly sick of her had she been elected. I don't have any inclinations about having her as a president. I am waiting anxiously for her to retire with the rest of 'em!!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 16, 2011, 08:15:33 AM
Great column by Byron York ( about this thread's subject:

For generations, Democrats longed for a president who could enact national health care. Barack Obama did it.

For years, Democrats longed for a president who could massively increase federal spending, impose broad new regulations and fight for higher taxes. Barack Obama did it.

For much of the past decade, Democrats longed for a president who could pull American forces out of Iraq and redirect U.S. security policy toward al Qaeda. Barack Obama did it -- and killed Osama bin Laden, to boot.

Obama did all that, and more. And now many Democrats are afraid to be seen with him. Some gratitude.

Democratic grumbling about the president has reached an all-time high. On a recent conference call of party strategists, disaffected Democrats reportedly threw around words like "betrayed," "disappointed," "furious" and "disgusted," with some blaming Obama for the stunning Democratic loss in New York's 9th Congressional District. Surveying the political landscape of Democratic disaffection with the president, longtime strategist James Carville could come up with just one word of advice: Panic!

Good read.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 16, 2011, 10:03:27 AM
And hey, who's up for a pep talk ( from the nation's most infamous Democrat political campaign consultant, "Mr. Kiss Your Election Chances Goodbye", Bob Shrum?

Bob "Wrong Way" Shrum, seeing the very obvious discontent within the ranks of the Democrat party, offers up his trademark contrarian advice in this column. It's long. It's delusional. It's O'Bama ass kissing time. Do you suppose that Bob is looking for work in the campaign? Let's hope so.

Ever since the pains of August intensified, Republicans have increasingly hoped, and Democrats have feared, that Barack Obama is another Jimmy Carter. The GOP is doing its best to block recovery as a conscious strategy to reclaim the White House: kill jobs to get the job. But there is grave risk for Republicans in this transparent cynicism; the president has the voice, and we've learned before that he has the strength of will to set the choice and win the big battle. Indeed, that's what makes the comparison with Carter absurd; from health reform to financial reform to the salvation of the auto industry and the prevention of depression, Obama has a historic record of achievement.

The next step is to consistently push for jobs and growth. The president may not pass his bill — the odds are against it — but you can bet he won't be a prisoner of Republican intransigence. Obama is a fourth quarter player. And the fourth quarter has come. It's time for the crybaby chorus to leave the critic's row and get in the game. The president will do his part. And then his victory in the 2012 election will be remembered long after his phony defeat in a peculiar special election fades into a footnote.

The panic isn't justified — and Democrats can't afford it. Grow up. As Carville might say, there's too much at stake, stupid.

Bob Shrum is 0 for 8 in presidential election campaigns. ( That's a record, I guess. Bob knows a loser and Bob sez, "O'Bama's NOT a loser!" So all you Democrat, liberal and leftist whiners need to shut up and climb aboard the Bob Shrum Soul Train 'cause it's leaving the station. Woo-hoo!
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: jpatrickham on September 16, 2011, 10:22:25 AM
Victor Davis Hanson

September 15, 2011 12:00 A.M.

Obama Becomes the Fall Guy


"The Left turns on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda."

"Suddenly, liberal op-ed writers are trashing — even lampooning — Barack Obama as a one-term president (“one and done”). Centrist Democrats up for reelection in 2012 openly worry about inviting a kindred president into their districts, lest the new pariah lose them votes.

Left-wing think tanks, environmentalists, and academics vent their anger against Obama for supposedly being too soft on Republicans and too ready to compromise with right-wingers. But what really has caused the left-wing falling-out, less than three years after the hope-and-change crush on Barack Obama?" (

oops! I did it again! ::facepalm:: ::doh:: ::angel::

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: charlesoakwood on September 16, 2011, 10:34:52 AM
All told, she is a flaming communist liberal that subscribes to alinsky/cloward/pivens and we would be thoroughly sick of her had she been elected. I don't have any inclinations about having her as a president. I am waiting anxiously for her to retire with the rest of 'em!!

Harridan too
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 16, 2011, 10:52:03 AM
All told, she is a flaming communist liberal that subscribes to alinsky/cloward/pivens and we would be thoroughly sick of her had she been elected. I don't have any inclinations about having her as a president. I am waiting anxiously for her to retire with the rest of 'em!!

Harridan too

har·ri·dan [hahr-i-dn]

a scolding, vicious woman; hag; shrew.

Works for me.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 18, 2011, 03:07:29 PM
Certainly near the top of the list of horrible punishments for a liberal would be to take a scolding from Canadians...

In this article the Canadian National Post ( takes the American MFM to task for enabling an idiot.

Much of the Obama coverage was orchestrated sychophancy. They glided past his pretensions — when did a presidential candidate before “address the world” from the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin? They ignored his arrogance — “You’re likeable enough, Hillary.” And they averted their eyes from his every gaffe — such as the admission that he didn’t speak “Austrian.”

The media walked right past the decades-long association of Obama with the weird and racist pastor Jermiah Wright. In the midst of the brief stormlet over the issue, one CNN host — inexplicably — decided that CNN was going to be a “Wright-free zone.” He could have hung out a sign: “No bad news about Obama here.”

There's no sniffles or regrets here but it's gotta be painful to be taunted by Canadians.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on September 18, 2011, 03:50:53 PM
It probably would be painful for him .... if he ever was exposed to it.  I doubt those generating his protective bubble would allow it.  I would have enjoyed the author including "The Office of the President Elect" also, with which to poke at Duh Wun's pretensions.

Nevertheless, with all that said, the paper chose to run another be-halo-ed pic of his SCoaFM-ness.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on September 18, 2011, 05:14:57 PM
College Republicans are exploiting the fear and angst that is permeating the O'BamaVoters on campus.

Their fears aren't exclusive to their generation. But given that it seems to taken hold in a voting bloc that helped elect Obama with a wave of hope and change, there could be an opening for Republicans, unless the president can find a way to get young people fired up again.

"People are taking out $100,000 in debt and they're graduating next year," says Nick Haschka, a 25-year-old MBA student at Northwestern University.

Haschka voted for Obama in 2008 and remains a strong supporter. "I think he's doing the best he can in these circumstances," he says.

The problem for the young Republicans is that they are trying to flip O'BamaVoters. It's a pretty tough assignment given the very obvious impediments  of both youth (lack of perspective) and stupidity.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: ttomm46 on September 18, 2011, 07:14:20 PM
I got no sympathy for these a-holes...They would vote for another just like him in 99.999% of the time. ::doublebird::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 19, 2011, 08:09:47 AM
I got no sympathy for these a-holes...They would vote for another just like him in 99.999% of the time. ::doublebird::

Yup.  There is a word for people who think rampant dissatisfaction with Obama from any camp means any old Repub will win in 2012...delusional.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 19, 2011, 11:44:31 AM
Why Obama should withdraw,0,622512.column#start (,0,622512.column#start)


Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: jpatrickham on September 19, 2011, 11:50:04 AM
Why Obama should withdraw,0,622512.column#start (,0,622512.column#start)



If Obama was to withdraw now, imagine the wrath of the Liberals?   ::thumbsup::They would tear him limb from limb, maybe, even use the N word to describe him!  ::danceban::Why he could be hanged in effigy, and in the flesh? ::whoohoo::It would be just terrible!  ::hysterical::Sure hope he survives?  ::laughonfloor::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on September 21, 2011, 08:02:28 AM
The Pali issue has the Left's undies in a bunch big time...they want Pali statehood bad...Obama just had a shot across his bow witht he Jewish vote in NY9...risks pissing of congress...risks pissing off his loony base...

Where's that Chesty Puller quote again?  "...They can't escape us now"!  They've surrounded themselves for us! (

 ::danceban::   ::whoohoo::   ::danceban::
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: John Florida on September 21, 2011, 10:04:00 AM
The Pali issue has the Left's undies in a bunch big time...they want Pali statehood bad...Obama just had a shot across his bow witht he Jewish vote in NY9...risks pissing of congress...risks pissing off his loony base...

Where's that Chesty Puller quote again?  "...They can't escape us now"!  They've surrounded themselves for us! (

 ::danceban::   ::whoohoo::   ::danceban::

 This is beautiful!!!either the loons jump ship or the Jews see the light.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: trapeze on January 15, 2012, 11:49:10 PM
This post maybe doesn't belong here because this O'BamaVoter® is apparently stuck on stupid rather than feeling the regret and sniffles that she should be feeling. Earline Coe ( is a stupid person. Very, very stupid. Her life is demonstrably worse since Obongo was elected and yet she, as a certified O'BamaVoter® is too stupid to realize it.

Over the past three years, Coe could have easily become one of those on the other end of the line — a no, a hang-up, a “refused.”

After working for Obama in the last election, Coe lost her job as a retail manager. She got another job, then lost that, too, as the recession deepened. Recently, her unemployment benefits ran out. Her husband’s job as a postal worker could be tenuous.

But her loyalty to a president — who she says made her feel, for the first time, “like I won, like we won, like the people won” — permits no criticism.

She believes things will be better if Obama is reelected. She thinks his jobs legislation will help her. That the payroll tax cut will help her husband, who is feeling the strain of her unemployment, which makes her feel strained, which, when she thought about it one afternoon, made her hold her chin up, cry and look away, which was like snowflaking in reverse.

So, instead of diligently looking for gainful employment, this dumbass O'BamaVoter® is spending her time manning a phone bank in an attempt to recruit other dumbasses to organize for Obongo.

Some people are too stupid to live. Earline Coe is therefore a walking miracle.


“Yes, this is Earline. .?.?. Are you able to volunteer this weekend?”

No. Prior commitment.

“Hi, Carmen?”

Elderly; hard of hearing.

“Hello, Brian?”

Hangs up.

Her phone rings — perhaps a “not home” calling back.

“Hello?” she says, her voice losing enthusiasm. “Yes, I did. I did. My name’s Earline, and I’m with the Obama for America Campaign? And — oh. I’m sorry to hear that. .?.?.”

She makes a note to call the woman later.

“Oh, Lord,” Coe says after another person hangs up.

Nothing says stupid like a committed O'BamaVoter®.
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on January 16, 2012, 07:09:31 AM
I wonder if she'll still have warm happy thoughts of her Messiah once her butt hits the curb?!

Probably not, this one is gone, far far gone.

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Pandora on January 16, 2012, 10:09:34 AM
Just another of Obama's "baby-mamas"; this is the way they react to Black men, they always "give them another chance".
Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: Libertas on January 16, 2012, 11:18:57 AM
Just another of Obama's "baby-mamas"; this is the way they react to Black men, they always "give them another chance".

Even when or especially when they are beaten by them?

Title: Re: The O'BamaVoter® "Regrets And Sniffles" Thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on January 16, 2012, 11:19:41 AM
ROTFL...  ::hysterical::

“Hi, Ellen,” she says. “My name is Earline, and I’m calling from Obama for America? We’re calling strong Obama supporters like yourself, and —?”

“Oh. I understand that. Yes. Would you be interested in doing any volunteer work? Because we’re holding voter registration this weekend, and —?”

Pause. “Okay. I understand that. Right. .?.?. And I hope your mother gets better.”

Under the column labeled “I’m in!” Coe circles “maybe” and dials again.