Author Topic: You know the end is near, when...  (Read 1001 times)

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Offline Libertas

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You know the end is near, when...
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:46:35 AM »
You know the end is near, when...

...Low-Info America is soooo deep into the "Bread & Circus" phase of soon to be former nation states...when they get PO'd that a TV segment featuring a supermodel is cut off for a breaking foriegn policy alert...

More circus!

That refrain will echo into the implosion...

Damn is this fall gonna eff up a lot of stupid people!!!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline whimsicalmamapig

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2014, 02:45:54 PM »
Rome really never fell, it just sorted of faded away with rot from within and a little bit of help on the borders. I am not convinced there is going to be a "fall" where justice is re-instated and the "losers" get their come-uppance. I think we are going to lurch along, slowly bleeding the life out of us while the rats scatter to find new places to roost around the globe.

If you want a retribution you are going to have to start a revolution/rebellion because the other side can keep the status quo going for quite a long time.
Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
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Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2014, 05:38:43 PM »
I'd be POed too.
Would rather watch Kate Upton that that sack of sh... doo-doo

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2014, 06:29:56 PM »
If you want a retribution you are going to have to start a revolution/rebellion because the other side can keep the status quo going for quite a long time.

No, they really can't.  15 years tops,  but I will be surprised if they make it another 5.  The BRICS are building the new world economy - the feds own reports  consider Bit-coin a serious threat to the dollar within 12 years, and Obamacare and other Dem policies  are putting ever more pressure on.. less of real value is being done and ever more currency is being printed to represent that value.

 When no one takes dollars, and the inflation really ramps, the "status quo" is over.  That means no more govt benefits ( oh sure they will pay them, but try spending them..)  That means 10-20% inflation (best case)  and bank deposits paid at near 0 interest.  It means savings will be wiped out, massive numbers of foreclosures, bank holidays, 401K/IRA  seizures, and all of the fun stuff Europe  is seeing now. I Hope China and Russia have the good sense NOT to be baited into a war, and just watch the Former United States of America  languish. There will be skirmishes, of course,  but I suspect WWIII will be more economic in nature- America will no longer be able to field the sort of Army she used to. I certainly will not let my son go and fight commies abroad when we have one right here at home sitting in the oval office and a legislature chock full of them.

If they don't use a bio-weapon (like this ever so convenient  Ebola plague the Administration seems determined to bring to our shores- how I so hate being right all of the time. )  they WILL have to come for the guns if they want to remain in charge as the "Status Quo" deteriorates to the third world equivalent.
So assuming we aren't sick and dying when that occurs, that will begin a civil war - but that may not happen.

The point here is - as Rome fell - the hinterlands were freed from their control.  The great justice will be when millions of the parasites start to die in the streets of starvation.  The psychopaths in control will never see justice, having retreated to the havens their millions have bought them,  but really those psychopaths are only there because of your poor starving libtard neighbor. The corrupt politicians are just a symptom of the the corrupt society - and we all know the Dems would defend Obama no matter what  he did.  He could execute a baby in cold blood during prime time and the Left would be out justifying it in the morning.
The left among us deserve to die.
 Let them. 
Then we can rebuild. 
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 10:43:07 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline whimsicalmamapig

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2014, 07:43:22 PM »
The bureaucracies and local governments in the outer reaches of the empire, such as Gaul, the near east, Egypt, kept plodding along with their local governments, taxes and legions, and I think certain states will continue on but yes, big cities like NY and LA are going to collapse, much as Rome did. Things got so bad there they moved the capital of the still empire to Ravenna.

I would rather a quick and clean rebellion than to see America fall into the disrepair of the empire. But I think that there are global interests that would want to keep us "functioning in a diminished way just because we are so large. I do not see a collapse just happening, if we want change we are going to have to make it ourselves.
Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2014, 08:37:11 PM »
There are of course limits to the parallels between ourselves and Rome.  Technology, especially communications technology, has compressed the scale on which events transpire. What might have been a centuries long trend in ancient Rome could very well occur in decades or even years now. Those astute Romans who could perceive the deterioration of Rome's great and storied civitas didn't have their own equivalent predecessor, a sort of "ancient ancient Rome" to draw comparisons from like we do with them. So I wouldn't discount the possibility of self-fulfillment figuring into American decline, a sort of "yep, this is exactly how it happened to the Romans too" fatalism.

Another important consideration is that up until WWII, hardly anyone was more than a generation removed from the land. Knowledge of basic agriculture was prevalent, because that's how most people put food in their guts. Even if you were part of the new industrial generation, there were living members of your extended family who were still connected to the soil.  Who's going to feed the Democrats' army of urchins when things go sour?  What's Uncle Sugar going to do, pay people to toil in the fields with some more imaginary Monopoly money?  Maybe they'll finally be forced to show their hand and collectivize the farmland?  That worked great for the Soviets, they even have a whole term for it: lysenkoism.  The Free Sh*t Army certainly isn't going to take care of itself, and there are real world limits to the State's ability to further coerce the productive.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2014, 11:00:25 PM »
The bureaucracies and local governments in the outer reaches of the empire, such as Gaul, the near east, Egypt, kept plodding along with their local governments, taxes and legions, and I think certain states will continue on but yes, big cities like NY and LA are going to collapse, much as Rome did. Things got so bad there they moved the capital of the still empire to Ravenna.

I would rather a quick and clean rebellion than to see America fall into the disrepair of the empire. But I think that there are global interests that would want to keep us "functioning in a diminished way just because we are so large. I do not see a collapse just happening, if we want change we are going to have to make it ourselves.

A "quick and clean" rebellion would be preferable - if there is such a thing.  ( I can't think of any rebellion in history that I would regard as such - rebellions be they fast or slow are always messy to my mind)    If we loose the "Big Cities" that is fine with me - they are 80-90%  leftist moron infested hives of sheltered sheep. We won't miss them. 

As for "collapse just happening" - I guess it depends on what you see as "collapsing" -  The Dollar MUST.. because MATH.  I believe this will lead to the collapse of the Federal government, because "what do you pay your enforcement  thugs with?"  It  will also lead to the collapse of the very, very fragile "Just in time" supply chain our very clever industrial society has worked out - a lot of components of which run on very lean margins and can't withstand long disruptions.

So you either have a concerted effort at forming a Soviet Style Police state in which citizens work as slaves and a lot of people starve, or we have looting gangs and then people starve.

 To Glock's point, most of America is now removed from the land - the knowledge is lost to most and I suspect that many have lost the ability to adapt and learn. Ask any millennial anything and get a blank stare. If they are VERY clever, they MIGHT google an answer for you. T
- these people will not and cannot take care of themselves. 

The Nation, like Rome, will balkanize because the central authority will have to pick and choose where to project its diminishing power -- and the global interests will be happy to take the reserve currency into their own hands, and to make sure America remains diminished as far as world trade is concerned, and will probably make every attempt to use their superior economic position to loot us of our natural resources, just as was done to Argentina when her currency collapsed. Free Men will not participate, and being still armed, will fight to keep the bread on their own tables vs. the tables of the non-contributing zeros who voted to  sacrifice their fellow men and liberty on the altar of their self-serving ideology  of envy and greed.

This will not be short. It will very likely be very messy. At this point , it  cannot be averted.  Plan accordingly.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 11:04:28 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: You know the end is near, when...
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2014, 08:06:16 AM »
We'll make the Balkans look like a house party in comparison, and 15 years is generous Weisshaupt, personally I think given the pace of destruction from within and without...I would be surprised if they have 10 years left of this charade!

We should be hastening the quickening not shirking from it.  The longer this takes, the worse it will be in terms of lives lost and property/resources destroyed.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 08:13:45 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.