Author Topic: Trans-Pac:More evidence politics is not the answer but it is part of the problem  (Read 6300 times)

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Online Libertas

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  • Alea iacta est! Libertatem aut mori!]If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.  If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.  And no matter what, you can’t discuss the details of what you’ve read.

“It’s like being in kindergarten,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

No, you Prog Takkiya spewing Fascist, this is like being in Hitler's Germany!

“He’s incredibly condescending. It’s like, ‘You’d be all for this if only you hadn’t gotten an F in economics,’” said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif

Sucks when your own tell you they are better than you, huh?

Administration officials point to other members who’ve publicly praised Froman for his responsiveness and his accessibility. Those include House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who at a late April news conference called Froman a “remarkable, remarkable trade rep” who’s “just fabulous, and he’s been just boundless in his willingness to spend time with members to go through this.”

 ::saywhat::   ::hysterical::

Nice, a ringing endorsement from an evil succubus overflowing with venom!


“He’s indignant when we say it’s secret,” said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.). “Maybe there’s some definition of secrecy he knows that I don’t know.”

On your knees, knave!  Know your place!


It is all ending so rapidly...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Libertas

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Naturally, RINO/AINO POS Mitch is all for this and even goes out of his way to praise the Dear Leader for it and for how it is being handled!

Treason, it is all the rage in latter day America...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Libertas

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Sick, almost as bad as ObamaCare!  At least in that regard Pelosi et al didn't even allow time for anybody (especially the public) to read the damned thing, but this is bad because the habit of not giving a frak about the people is well-ingrained at this point.

Politics is fatally infected. 

Time to induce a purging fever yet?
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Sick, almost as bad as ObamaCare!

No its worse. Not only has no one read it - its top secret to no one who does bother to read it can talk about it without being arrested.
And this is a "TRADE DEAL"?  No its an order to hand over complete power to Obama the same way the German Parliament  voted to hand Hitler such authority.

If it has unrestricted immigration in it like this article suggests, it WILL spark the civil war- TEXAS will secede and Jade Helm will  already be in position.
Its going to be an interesting year I suspect.

Online Libertas

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Sick, almost as bad as ObamaCare!

No its worse. Not only has no one read it - its top secret to no one who does bother to read it can talk about it without being arrested.
And this is a "TRADE DEAL"?  No its an order to hand over complete power to Obama the same way the German Parliament  voted to hand Hitler such authority.

If it has unrestricted immigration in it like this article suggests, it WILL spark the civil war- TEXAS will secede and Jade Helm will  already be in position.
Its going to be an interesting year I suspect.

Maybe it is worse than we thought...

1.  Obama weakens America from within
2.  Obama infests the national security aparatus with muzzies and stooges
3.  Obama purges the military of those pesky experienced officers who question the Dear Leaders orders
4.  Obama lets any trash across the border, especially muzzies
5.  Obama issues warning, not of his new pals he let in, just some nebulous "domestic" terrorists (we all know who he means, and it isn't muzzies!)
6.  Obama deploys troops on US soil
7.  Obama begins to round up enemies


People in Germany went along with will we fare?
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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" Website is offline

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Error 522 Ray ID: 1e36d5646bf413bf • 2015-05-08 17:20:29 UTC
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Is is just me that gets paranoid when I see this sort of thing?

Online Libertas

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Oh good, the warning that the state issued is offline...

Back to the bunker...

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Online Libertas

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While I detest this creatures proglodyte guts...I have to say seeing one prog go after another is perversely entertaining...

...perhaps in an odd twist of fate she can help derail this latest cloaked Obamunist plot...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Libertas

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Oh, hey...I guess I forgot O'Blowme's best allies when he comes under attack from Tea Partiers or Libiots...

Pubbies, who will hail getting this thing done as a triumph of bi-partisan cooperation.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Oh, hey...I guess I forgot O'Blowme's best allies when he comes under attack from Tea Partiers or Libiots...

Pubbies, who will hail getting this thing done as a triumph of bi-partisan cooperation.


Current Main headline on drudge : "DEMS SINK OBAMATRADE- GOP VOWS TO SALVAGE"

And we would vote for the GOP again.. Why?

Online Libertas

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Oh, hey...I guess I forgot O'Blowme's best allies when he comes under attack from Tea Partiers or Libiots...

Pubbies, who will hail getting this thing done as a triumph of bi-partisan cooperation.


Current Main headline on drudge : "DEMS SINK OBAMATRADE- GOP VOWS TO SALVAGE"

And we would vote for the GOP again.. Why?

Umm...ahhh....because they never get out of the way when democraps implode and insist upon helping them and somehow this makes them the stand up guys they think they are and it will attract those precious moderates we hear so much about but somehow they never amount to sh*t because in the end all they ever do is sh*t all over us?

And get a load of this...O'Fvckface, not happy with the Progs controlling 99% of the media, wants to change how the media reports "news"!

Yes, when both Pubbies and his own kind get in his way, the answer isn't more accountability or more freedom, no the answer is more control.

Not since Hitler, Stalin and Mao shed their husks has there been a more craven power-mad petulant dangerous little statist prick walking the Earth!!!
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Online Libertas

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E-GOP gives Obama big fast-track Trans-Pac trade win

Red Team, Blue Team...same fricken team...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Libertas

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Mytch moves to quickly end debate and get this dirty deal done.

Just as Obama is the Islaminals gift, E-GOP stooges like Mytch are a gift to Obama...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Glock32

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Yes, when they have an opportunity to draw blue collar White Democrats into the fold, they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

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Online Libertas

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Uhh huh.


In the Boehner (E-GOP) controlled House.



I don't think the NY Slimes is that stupid, this is just more bullying...but this time it is bullying of Pubbies and DemonRats.  It concerns me that Obama and the E-GOP want this so badly.

PS-And while Julian Assange is a self-promoting asshole, but if his assertions are correct (And htf do we know?  None of the SOBs are letting us know what is in the damned thing!) and this is a stealth Patriot Act type power grab/power retainer bill, then this makes Rand Paul's resistance/filibuster efforts in the Senate on the Patriot Act renewal out to be a grandstanding sideshow.

Anyway, as I said in the other thread, regardless the outcome, anybody thinking anybody is stopping Big Govt from doing what it wants in the current state of things is a fool.

ETA - And this is not surprising -   Corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP made donations of over $1M to Senators as this atrocity was being debated and whose provisions were kept secret from the people.

This tidbit I saw at WRSA captures the right sentitment I think:

In a word...despotism.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 07:37:59 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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WikiLeaks releases documents related to controversial US trade pact

Activists were out in force today, though it appeared that serendipity, rather than coordination, was responsible for the a string of pranks across Capitol Hill that coincided with the WikiLeaks release. Couriers purporting to have a message from President Obama showed up at the offices of several House Republicans with a note reading: “Please rubberstamp [sic] my secret trade agenda. I have included a stamp for your convenience.”

Inside was a list of bullet points about the trade deal, a note “from the president” and a rubber stamp with the face of Barack Obama and the words “I support President Obama’s Secret Trade Deal”.

Leaked TISA Documents Reveal Privacy Threat

Under the draft provisions of the latest trade deal to be leaked by Wikileaks, countries could be barred from trying to control where their citizens’ personal data is held or whether it’s accessible from outside the country.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

Online Libertas

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Kickbacks for Kronies...eff the public and personal liberty!!!  It's the Progressive Way...Bipartisan Approved!  This is some good sh*t, huh?!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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It's the only item on the Federal menu anymore.

People need to walk away from the GOP, they need to go away...they are so stained by prog-rot they simply cannot be trusted with anything anymore.

Utterly beyond salvaging.  Doomed.

Let them die.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Libertas

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“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Paul Pelosi/Nancy Ryan


What a turncoat statist ass-kissing Ruling Class E-GOP beoch!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Paul Pelosi/Nancy Ryan


What a turncoat statist ass-kissing Ruling Class E-GOP beoch!

Sounds like Mr. Ryan is begging to spend some time in the dentist's chair. The real question then becomes will the dentist be shocked when he discovers Obama's DNA in Ryan's mouth?
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.