Author Topic: Youcan't fight the Army..  (Read 1563 times)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Youcan't fight the Army..
« on: December 11, 2015, 04:40:36 PM »

You can't fight the army, because,  well it would be hard, and you are too much of a pussy to live in a cave like those people did in Afghanistan

Story  is in the comments of course.

Mike at Sipsey Street Irregulars has already commented of course

The application of 4th Generation Warfare to an American civil war does not require "hiding in caves." It only requires using our ubiquitous deer rifles to target the war makers and decision takers of the regime, to include intellectual apologists for tyranny. We know that the collectivists will fight to the last federal agent and oath-breaking soldier. Will they fight to the first Senator, the second congressman, the third White House aide, the fourth profiteering businessman, the fifth talking head? My grandfather had a saying, "Son, you don't poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want your balls ripped off." For the record, he was talking about my Grandmother, who was known to be so fearless that she once waded barefoot into some bottom land they were draining and chopped the heads off nine water moccasins with her garden hoe. Don't go down this road, or expect that you know how total strangers will react when poked with a sharp stick, or with the muzzle of some government goon's rifle. We won't fire the first shots, but we'll damn sure fire the last.

There will be no Green zone where you dumb ass liberals can hide morons. Your land will be 100%  occupied the minute you being confiscation and anyone with a badge not helping the people resist (like your local sheriff)  becomes a target.

Comments have the usual bunch of "citizens could never win because drones and bombs " , "how dare you decide on your own  when you are justified in protecting your own rights" , and "you aren't preserving America by fighting a war"  -  which are only proof that these people will eventually start a civil war because they refuse to see the inherent dangers and overestimate their ability to control the situation.   Of course there are people pointing out that the miltary will likely have a non-zero defection rate, sabotage from within the ranks would be common,  that carpet bombing of cities to punish a few resisting cells probably isn't practical, and in general people who are in the army aren't going to fire on their own families with such weapons.

The Pro-take-the-guns-and-start- war-side's lack of imagination will start this in the end.
Spade says   

December 7, 2015 at 8:40 am   

I love it when liberals pull out the "lol you'll never resist the federal government with your little rifles."

It's so much fun to compare with their "bombing foreign terrorists just creates more terrorists" and "Iraq and Afghanistan are quagmires where brave freedom fighters with AK's are resisting our colonial oil hungry troops".

It's almost like they hate the idea of bombing people overseas, but get very excited at the thought of bombing their fellow Americans.

But yes, the liberals just can't imagine a world in which their god govt does not keep them safe, and they will, in the end, demand to see such a world.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 10:51:38 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2015, 09:34:40 PM »
Spade says   

December 7, 2015 at 8:40 am   

I love it when liberals pull out the "lol you'll never resist the federal government with your little rifles."

I won't have to fight the government. I'll just find out where your parents and your children live....

Offline warpmine

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2015, 10:27:36 AM »
Prgtards proving beyond a shadow of doubt that their intellect is far inferior than that of a common squirrel.
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Offline Predator Don

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2015, 11:56:17 AM »
After the defections, we won't fight the army.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline warpmine

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2015, 01:36:33 PM »
After the defections, we won't fight the army.
We will, however, sentence it's leaders to death by hanging for violating that pesky oath.
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The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2015, 05:33:33 PM »
They know not what their ignorant wishes will bring them...but I am beyond caring, let the surprise be as brutal as possible.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Glock32

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2015, 11:18:03 AM »
Once civil disobedience and isolated acts of resistance have transformed into open rebellion, guerrilla insurgencies have most of the tactical advantages.  They can engage in 4GW (a rifle might not be any good versus an Apache attack helicopter, but that helicopter requires fuel, parts, and maintenance doesn't it?).  And when the Leviathan enemy becomes angered and turns his Death Star towards Alderaan, he might obliterate resistors but he also demonstrates, for all to see, just exactly what he is.

The people at that link have also failed to consider how domestic insurgencies are different from the same type of conflicts overseas.  An expeditionary force fighting a native insurgency has the advantage of considering everything a potential target.  In a domestic insurgency, the infrastructure cannot be destroyed so haphazardly because it's part of Leviathan's own supply chain.  A clever guerrilla campaign will continually bait the larger and stronger enemy into doing just that -- make Leviathan use his biggest advantage, which is sheer naked force, and let everyone see him driving every nail with his oversized sledgehammer.
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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2015, 01:45:55 PM »
Prgtards proving beyond a shadow of doubt that their intellect is far inferior than that of a common squirrel.

I had the video player on auto-rotate last night and it played "Elysium".

I was reading so it was playing in the background and I wasn't paying particular attention. And then I was.

I got to noticing that this lefty movie written by a lefty screenplay writer and produced by a lefty producer had an ironic meme to it. If you haven't seen it you're not missing much - it's grim and unsatisfying but it does have a message that stands out far beyond its pretend moral of sacrifice for someone you love (I guess even unrequited love counts here). That message is "Yes, you really can beat the government even if you only have a rifle".

The storyline is that the evil corporatists (stupidly assumed to be right-wingers) create an exclusive satellite habitat to escape the damage that they've done to the erf. Naturally they aren't inclined to let in the riff-raff so the surface of the erf is reduced to a 3rd-world hellhole where the inhabitants only purpose is to produce goods for the elites. Keeping a watchful eye on the peasants are fierce-some mechanoids. The peasants are so entirely outgunned that no one stands a chance against their absentee rulers and the whole world resembles Mogadishu.

Through several plot twists that test your suspension of disbelief our "anti-hero" manages to dismantle the entire security apparatus and turn the entire world social structure on its head - in less than a week no less.

The reason why I mention it is because it goes directly against the prevailing sentiment expressed by the left. Of course the left is entirely schizophrenic when it comes to government, politics, or much of anything. But I found it amusing to watch this leftist depiction of good and evil (as perceived by leftists) - much in the same way as I viewed that insipid "V for Vendetta".

They are oblivious to tyranny if the tyrant is a leftist and they trip all over themselves to protest pretend tyranny if it is a pubbie in power.

Offline warpmine

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2015, 02:47:15 PM »
Prgtards proving beyond a shadow of doubt that their intellect is far inferior than that of a common squirrel.

I had the video player on auto-rotate last night and it played "Elysium".

I was reading so it was playing in the background and I wasn't paying particular attention. And then I was.

I got to noticing that this lefty movie written by a lefty screenplay writer and produced by a lefty producer had an ironic meme to it. If you haven't seen it you're not missing much - it's grim and unsatisfying but it does have a message that stands out far beyond its pretend moral of sacrifice for someone you love (I guess even unrequited love counts here). That message is "Yes, you really can beat the government even if you only have a rifle".

The storyline is that the evil corporatists (stupidly assumed to be right-wingers) create an exclusive satellite habitat to escape the damage that they've done to the erf. Naturally they aren't inclined to let in the riff-raff so the surface of the erf is reduced to a 3rd-world hellhole where the inhabitants only purpose is to produce goods for the elites. Keeping a watchful eye on the peasants are fierce-some mechanoids. The peasants are so entirely outgunned that no one stands a chance against their absentee rulers and the whole world resembles Mogadishu.

Through several plot twists that test your suspension of disbelief our "anti-hero" manages to dismantle the entire security apparatus and turn the entire world social structure on its head - in less than a week no less.

The reason why I mention it is because it goes directly against the prevailing sentiment expressed by the left. Of course the left is entirely schizophrenic when it comes to government, politics, or much of anything. But I found it amusing to watch this leftist depiction of good and evil (as perceived by leftists) - much in the same way as I viewed that insipid "V for Vendetta".

They are oblivious to tyranny if the tyrant is a leftist and they trip all over themselves to protest pretend tyranny if it is a pubbie in power.
Yes, living in the bubble, thoroughly insulates the leftist to the damage they foist upon everyone else. Sad how they just can't grasp the very concepts they imagine in their fantasy worlds. Their progressive ideology is never perceived as a root cause of the pain and suffering in their imagined worlds. Other than shoot them, what can yo do? 
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Offline richb

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2015, 02:49:10 PM »
I think by the time the shooting war begins,  most of the warrior class of society will no longer (ironically enough) be in the military.   Most of them have seen the writing on the wall and are beating a path to the exits.   By then the military will be as incompetent as the rest of the government.   You can't run an army well with pajamas boys,  gays, trans, the pc's and the button pushers.   And all of them will want to be generals. 

The US military already has a lot of difficulty fighting guerrillas and that's what constitutional resistors will have to be doing.  They won't be stupid enough to go against massed technology.   In fact I think the guerrillas will often use that tech against it.   

Offline Libertas

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2015, 07:57:36 AM »
Once civil disobedience and isolated acts of resistance have transformed into open rebellion, guerrilla insurgencies have most of the tactical advantages.  They can engage in 4GW (a rifle might not be any good versus an Apache attack helicopter, but that helicopter requires fuel, parts, and maintenance doesn't it?).  And when the Leviathan enemy becomes angered and turns his Death Star towards Alderaan, he might obliterate resistors but he also demonstrates, for all to see, just exactly what he is.

The people at that link have also failed to consider how domestic insurgencies are different from the same type of conflicts overseas.  An expeditionary force fighting a native insurgency has the advantage of considering everything a potential target.  In a domestic insurgency, the infrastructure cannot be destroyed so haphazardly because it's part of Leviathan's own supply chain.  A clever guerrilla campaign will continually bait the larger and stronger enemy into doing just that -- make Leviathan use his biggest advantage, which is sheer naked force, and let everyone see him driving every nail with his oversized sledgehammer.

Yes, and with coward Progtards hiding in their seemingly impenetrable ivory towers and hysterically flapping their arms and shouting at the low-brow crud that bubbled to the top rung of the REMF pyramid to "do ssomething" after each attack it won't be too hard to bait them and get a reaction.  And in such cases there will be those disillusioned from within that will join the freedom fighters and be double-agents while others leave and set up more cells, and with each crashing sledgehammer blow their ranks weaken while the rebels grow stronger.

Plus, how many of these morons will think this civil war will be easier than the last?

They have no idea what total war is, what a total rebellion entails.  And this will not be wealth and industry against vagabonds without resources.  The statists may have inherited the apparatus of the former whole, but in no way will they have all of its resources or territory.

They really have no clue what can and will happen.  And we are just focusing here on the purely domestic, there could be foreign interlopers coming to take advantage of spoils or invited to assist rebels against the statists that could come into play.  How would the world react to a civil war here?  Would the statists enjoy the benefits of deficit financing from foreign nations like they do now?  Doubtful.  Would they enjoy trade like they do now?  Doubtful.  Exports will be spotty and imports will be costly, and any financing is likely going to come with pretty tough strings attached and stiff penalties in case payments wane.  And what will payments be made in, a weak-ass statist dollar?  Doubtful.  Which means fiat/PM premiums and more cost.  Even in statist held territory the "economy" is going to be largely Darwinian, no doubt the important statists will see no appreciable drop in living standard, again another image issue for a regime fighting to retain legitimacy.  And such a fragile economic condition will present many opportunities for enterprising freedom fighters to place more pain and strain on the system.  And the deeper the pain and strain, the more reactionary and oppressive the regime gets, more defections and double-agents will be harvested.  It will devolve into a war of attrition and all the liberty movement has to do is persevere and survive, attack and evade, broadcast the truth of the regime, compartmentalize cells and if possible without selling out principles utilize what foreign assistance you can arrange.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 08:00:52 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline whimsicalmamapig

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Re: Youcan't fight the Army..
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2015, 10:51:14 PM »
I have been steeping myself in Jim Webb's theory of the scots-irish in regards to our national character and I can't help think that many of these descendents are grabbing on to Trump at this oint out of desperation for a Sam Adams.

I am holding out that there is a silent undercurrent of people who have just read their bullsh*t-o-meters and realized that the needle is in the red zone and they are ready to rumble. I do not think the zealous purchaseing of fire arms has anything to do with the high crime rates in the inner cities.

Think "Turning Away" by Celtic Thunder.  In Darkness we do what we can, in daylight we are oblivion.
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