Author Topic: Pollyanna Hoyt  (Read 35078 times)

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #60 on: April 15, 2019, 08:06:15 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #61 on: April 15, 2019, 08:23:59 AM »
Got me thinking .........
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2019, 11:30:27 AM »

Oh...and for a link-trap...

(Place bait along path)

« Last Edit: April 15, 2019, 11:57:29 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2019, 06:58:55 AM »
I wonder what Hoyt would think of Prepper Math?


37%, and as noted if the small sample size bothers you, go global and make it as near a certainty in a lifetime as one can get that something life-altering will occur.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #64 on: November 02, 2019, 06:38:13 AM »
I am so old I remember when such talk at Hoyt's place would get one branded a war-mongering hater


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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #65 on: November 02, 2019, 11:57:19 AM »
I am so old I remember when such talk at Hoyt's place would get one branded a war-mongering hater


Twas the same in a lot of places; many people, however, have come around.  All one has to do is open one's eyes and ears.

Hoyt, on the other hand, still things the ones abandoning her, mocking her and unfriending her are 'good people'.  More Red Pilling necessary ...............
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #66 on: November 02, 2019, 12:24:42 PM »
To continue with the analogy (and explain why I think the author is wrong)...

Didja ever find yourself in a tug~of~war and pulling with all your might? And sense that you're losing ground? And shift your attention from the immediacy of the struggle at hand to take in the larger picture? Only to find that you're the only one on "your team" pulling?

Yeah, me neither.

Well, maybe just a little bit.

Or a lot...

That's why analogies suck. They are inexact and usually fail, and when they do they take the strength of your argument with them.

Have you ever considered the texture of a potato skin? I have too, but not in context with tug~of~wars and not when contemplating ideologically-based existential battles.

I will say this. I discount those who claim that "the two sides cannot coexist" that's BS. We have demonstrated over the decades and centuries that we can - to one degree or another. The problem is (and here comes another nagging, imprecise analogy) the left is like your bratty little brother who has poked and taunted and presumed upon your good nature and generally irritated the dogshyt outta you. At a certain point he needs to get the crap knocked out of him to put him back in line.

Our bratty little brother has worn out his welcome and it it time for an attitude adjustment.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #67 on: November 02, 2019, 02:33:37 PM »
Your post explains exactly what's wrong with conservatives. It's not BS, they never want to get along, they want it their way, but some like you I guess think we can. Never gonna happen. Hell they used to fight duels over disagreements, one guy beat the shht out of another with a cane.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #68 on: November 03, 2019, 11:25:35 AM »
She is still appropriately named...Pollyanna...for her analogy isn't nearly as bad as her frame of mind...she also needs an attitude adjustment...though I think even the most jarring one possible...the inevitable civil war...will adjust her flawed frame of mind.  As 'Soup basically alludes to the tug of war rope game is a rigged game, the socialists do not want to get along...get along in their lexicon is "get their way" in all things...the problem is not them, which as we know is insane because these are the same morons that blather about "fairness", "tolerance", "civility" and violate the living shat out of all of them without experiencing cognitive dissonance...and not only do they obliterate the social compact with their words and deeds they have no problem violating actual laws if it achieves their ends...proving beyond any doubt that their minds are contaminated beyond salvaging.

And Paul, dueling will come back into fashion...I aim to see it as the law of the land once we prevail, the most effective way to curb runaway slander and libel, we should not have to burden the courts with such easily remedied situations.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #69 on: November 16, 2019, 06:21:23 AM »
I guess we all get there in the end... and that is a good thing..
As for the economics, the wheels will come off in a spectacular way.  Which will create interesting…. reactions.  For one, the world goes down hard, and the EU might get physical internally. Trust me on this. a broke US breaks the world.

For another, in some areas internally things will get interesting too.  Probably interesting VERY briefly, since the dems remaining after the economy crashes are not what I’d call “good strategists”

So: reports of our demise are most certainly exaggerated, though I hope we learn from the debacle.  I also hope we don’t go apesh*t into totalitarian ideologies that are just as bad, though that’s definitely possible (but not inevitable. I trust Americans.)

In the meantime: preparedness is a thing.

Have supplies for a year, even if you’re not Mormon.  Stock up now.  Have at least a few months of extra meds, if like me you are dependent on them to stay alive. Take whatever defensive measures you need to, in case your area is one that goes… sportive.

And start now (I’m looking at me) to get in the best shape you can get.  No more skipping the gym because it’s cold and you feel yucky.  Sometimes running is the fastest way to avoid death. (Mostly if you walk into something you weren’t expecting, around a street corner.)

Gee Sarah, what happened to "there is a whole lot of ruin in a country"? Or did you watch Venezuela turn from the richest nation in South America into a sh*t hole in less than a decade? One of biggest problem is waking up the thick.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #70 on: November 16, 2019, 12:51:54 PM »
No doubt all will experience some unexpected behavior...some more than others...

As the saying goes "sh*t happens", we can prepare for as much of it as we can or as little, beyond that...each according to their gifts...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #71 on: June 18, 2020, 01:01:29 PM »

National Survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters

Conducted June 21 and 24, 2018
By Rasmussen Reports

 1* How concerned are you that those opposed to President Trump’s policies will resort to violence?

 2* How concerned are you that those critical of the media’s coverage of President Trump will resort to violence?

 3* How likely is that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years?

 NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

Questions skewed to present the non-mobocrats as the antagonists...but it is not the non-mobocrats doing all the violence and lawlessness...and the answers confirm to me that it is the mobocrats and their appeasers antagonizing by commission or omission for open warfare...and I am merely totally disinterested at this point in avoiding it because the enemies of Liberty, Founding Principles, biblical Christianity, morals, values and our culture are not interested in dialogue, only outright surrender to their diseased, better to die on ones feet than on ones knees.

Molon Labe.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #72 on: June 29, 2020, 08:52:17 AM »
More speculation...

The Old America Is Dead: Three Scenarios For The Way Forward
Authored by Wayne Allenswroth via,

“Then who do we shoot?” Like Muley Graves the sharecropper, John Steinbeck’s evocative Okie everyman in John Ford’s 1940 film, many Americans are bewildered by a tidal wave of forces that seem beyond their control. The answer is not easy. But increasingly it seems likely to involve geographical partition.
America faces three scenarios.

    One: Trump is re-elected on a wave of anger over the looting and anarchy unleashed by the “I-Can’t-Breathe” narrative. Trump sends Javanka packing, dispatches the troops to restore order, extends the immigration moratorium, finally builds the wall, and begins mass deportations as the White House protects the dissident Right from deplatforming by the Tech Totalitarians.

That scenario is most likely a fantasy.

    Two: Trump loses, and the Blob and its allies triumph. But because this is a country now and not a nation, with no shared sense of common identity and agreed-upon history, culture, beliefs, or language, only a full-blown police state can hold it together.

Even that might not ensure order in a chaotic post-America, and the diminishing number of whites will surely not enjoy the protection of the state. At some point, white Americans might well be living like white South Africans, ever in fear for their lives.

If order breaks down, vigilante groups, even criminal gangs, will step into the void, as vigilantes have done in Mexico and Hispanic gangs have done to protect their neighborhoods during the Floyd riots.

The good news: white men have followed suit when mobs threatened their homes and history. The boys in Fishtown in metropolitan Philadelphia who protected a police station, the heroes who surrounded and protected a statue of Christopher Columbus, and a group of armed Texans who gathered to protect the Alamo,are just three examples.
Meanwhile, following the “higher number than usual” of Atlanta police officers calling in sick when one of their own was charged with felony murder in the shootingof Rayshard Brooks, Seth Cohen at Forbes wondered whether the “Blue flu” would be “America’s next pandemic.” [As Atlanta Police Protest, Is “Blue Flu” The Next Pandemic? , June 18, 2020]. As calls to “defund the police” mount, that’s a good question.

And it raises another: what happens if America’s truckers decide not to deliver to cities with no police protection?

So far, resistance to the Blob is scattered and uncoordinated, but that could change as the American systemic crisis deepens.

    Three: The country breaks apart, and the Historic American people establish enclaves for themselves and others who love and fondly remember the old America.

The breakup, indeed, is underway. Blue states and Leftist kritarchs nullify laws they don’t like. Sanctuary cities and even sanctuary states defy immigration laws. Meanwhile, American patriots have answered with Second Amendment sanctuarycounties and even states. Americans in inland California talk of seceding from the “Left coast.” The Left has floated secession talk as well: anarchists have seized and established their own “autonomous zone” in Seattle. West Virginia’s governor, Jim Justice, invited conservative counties in Virginia to secede and join the Mountain State. [West Virginia Republicans encourage conservative Virginia counties to ‘Vexit’ by Kelly Mena, CNN, Sun February 9, 2020] .

States, counties, and cities that sided with or surrendered to the mob, and the Blob’s intensification of anarcho-tyranny during the recent coronavirus lock down, seem to have sparked a sharp reaction from the American remnant that could provide the bare bones of a Middle American defense movement.

Someday, “blue” and “red” enclaves, even whole states, might evolve into new polities.

American patriots are developing their own hybrid warfare with media of their own, effectively following the Left’s example of nullification and internal secession, as well as organizing an alternative cultural network that publishes its own books, educates its children, and tries to carry on despite the threat of Deep State suppression.

My guess for the future: combination of scenarios two and three. The managerial state tightens its grip, the result on November 3 regardless, but devolution continues.

Meh, nothing new.  As always it is a question of time not pushback...the latter is going to's merely an issue of when...and if not now does the added time help or hurt one or the other or neither.  Frankly IMO waiting is foolish, the enemy is broad but thin and fractured...waiting is going to ratchet up things considerably.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2020, 08:42:25 AM »
Nightmare scenario?


    Accelerating deficits and debts

    Falling dollar and other currencies

    Unlimited money printing to save banks, and failing financial system

    More printing to save failing companies

    Ever higher subsidies for furloughed and unemployed

    Universal Basic Income (UBI) introduced in most Western nations

    UBI means that everyone is paid a basic wage whether they work or not

    This will lead to ever fewer people working

    Higher unemployment means more printing

    More printing leads to more currency debasement

    This leads to higher velocity of money higher inflation

    Central banks lose control of rates as long end of bond market sells off

    High long rates push short rates up

    Rates reach 5% then quickly 10% and on to 15-20% at least

    At 10% rates interest cost on global debt of $275 trillion would be $27t

    $27t is 34% of global GDP – totally unsustainable

    So much more money printing required

    Bad debts surge leading to defaults, sovereign, corporate and private

    Unemployment escalates leading to more UBI and more money printing

    Banks start falling including the $1.5 to $2 quadrillion derivatives market

    Money printing reaches $ quadrillions leading to hyperinflation

    The financial system collapses together with major parts of industry and society

    Social unrest, civil wars, cyber wars and major conflict will be rampant

    Political systems fail as governments lose control leading to anarchy

Pretty sure this is The Illuminati's Master Plan...demonic ass-clowns like Soros, Gates, et al and their political puppets like our DemCom's and fellow traveler socialists of various stripes prodding and paying useful idiots on the streets...all thinking they have a place of honor at the Big Table when the fires go out and the dust settles...

Yeah...go for it, see if it pans out the way any of them think...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #74 on: November 24, 2020, 07:59:21 AM »
A funny yet still important reminder...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #75 on: April 29, 2021, 08:00:17 AM »

And for the record — for the mentally impaired who think to say “I see something coming” is to wish for it — let me be abundantly clear: I don’t want violence. I don’t want destruction. What’s headed for us is going to destroy innocents, burn wealth, and kill billions (most of them in the third world.)  But I now think/feel it’s inescapable.
Posted at 5:42 am by Sarah Hoyt

And now we see the circle of life complete :)
Funny, I  remember saying there is going to be a  war in her forum  got me accused of wishing for it..

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #76 on: April 29, 2021, 10:06:08 AM »
Well, if wishes were fishes...

One cannot "wish" their way through life...try as you might you will be disappointed at every turn...because people don't have to give you what you wish for simply because you wish it.  I "wished" for a meteor to take out a gathering of dangerous elitists hell-bent on destroying or enslaving every human soul...didn't happen, was long-odds to begin with...C'est la vie.

People are responsible for their actions.  Right now the war raging is being fought largely by one side and their street fodder...and the other side (for sake of argument, but in reality there are at least 3 sides because there are those poor conflicted types that are trapped in no-man's-land) has not (for now) engaged in-kind.  Most of the latter's engagement has been lawful, we can argue if that is good, bad or indifferent but there it is.  Those pushing for the unthinkable are on the totalitarian despotism side or used by them.  It is these sinister and unyielding forces that are plunging all to the inevitable with total disregard of anybody's wishes good or ill.

Anyway, that's for future historians to hash out.  At least she sees a need to prepare for the inevitable, all I can say is "welcome to the party".
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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #77 on: October 04, 2021, 12:10:00 PM »
Brandon Smith -

The Real Fight Will Not Be With Average Marxist Leftists
Half the states in the US now have some form of anti-mandate laws or executive orders in place. Half the country is vehemently against the vaccine passports. If Biden continues on his current path, a soft secession of red states will begin and the mandates will be ignored. This will leave Biden with a handful of options. He will invariably seek to punish red states using economic pressure and cutting off federal funds, and when that doesn’t work he will have to put boots on the ground and use Orwellian methods to attack dissidents.

Should civil war erupt (and I’m positive at this point that this is unavoidable), leftists will not last long. The majority of veterans and a large portion of the military are not going to fight against their own people, and they may even step in to assist. A large number of police and sheriff’s are also conservative and are unlikely to intervene. So, the question is, who is willing to die for leftists and their cult? I suspect not many.

But, the people behind the leftist movement, the globalist foundations that fund them, have a vested interest in eliminating conservative ideals and heritage. Globalist institutions working with the Biden Administration will surely seek to intervene. They will call us “white supremacists” even though many conservatives are black and brown. They will call us evil nationalists, even though there is nothing wrong with a national identity that values freedom. They will say we are “insurrectionists” even though we will be acting in self defense against an authoritarian regime. They will call us terrorists while using terrorist tactics and false flags against us. And, they will claim that we are far too dangerous to be allowed to maintain our own nation or our own states.

Their main rationale will probably fall to the US nuclear arsenal. They will claim that a nation of terrorists cannot be allowed to possess nuclear weapons, and at the first sign that Biden (or Kamala) is losing control, there will be a call for UN intervention. Count on it. An international force would be organized to try to stop us from existing. This is where the REAL fight would begin.

The political left is a footnote, and while we should continue to remain vigilant as they push their agenda it is important to remember that there are much bigger fish to fry and we need to plan for the next dozen battles, not just the first. How we conduct ourselves from here on may determine whether or not freedom survives for many decades to come.

Not all that long ago...say 13 years ago...I would have said a UN intervention in any domestic situation was DOA...but with the advent of activist Marxists infesting every level of politics, bureaucracy and's no longer impossible but disturbingly possible...

Well, test the stomachs of foreign interlopers not much different than dealing with un-American domestic despots...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #78 on: October 15, 2021, 12:02:37 PM »
Say hello to a Quisling fool...he essentially comes to the conclusion that might makes right...and it undercuts the Foundational impetus that established us as a free people he properly acknowledges and casually chucks into the trash bin...

His closing remarks -

I maintain that secession and civil war don’t appear to be on the immediate horizon, given that the balance of power in government is such that neither side is hopeless to express its own regional autonomy, to some extent, or to exercise representative power at the federal level.  But the simple fact is that any talk of a civil or amicable national divorce is nothing but a fantasy -- and not a very helpful one, at that.

Umm...wrong, wrong...oh so wrong....

Fugly is on the horizon and doesn't care if you pretend it isn't there...there is no balance in government it is the DeepState, DemComs & DecptiCons and axis pals in corporatist America and a lapdog presscorpse controlling most everything (aka The Club) and the side of Liberty has been denied representation at all levels thanks to gamed elections, corrupt officials and vendors, corrupt laws that reward criminals and punish we are exactly where The Founders were when they were being oppressed and that is no fantasy it is a brutal reality...and the remedy remains the same as then...

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

It is an irrevocable right from Our Creator that no mortal can destroy.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Pollyanna Hoyt
« Reply #79 on: October 21, 2021, 08:47:39 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.