Author Topic: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!  (Read 3361 times)

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Offline Libertas

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80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:14:05 PM »
Settled Science?  Yes, but against the Cultist's.  The real science deniers are the Cultist's themselves!!!

How can antiquity be so warm so often and with fewer people and no internal combustion engine or mass carbon emitters?

Stick that up your AlGore and smoke it! 
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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2017, 03:47:25 PM »
Funny how they never note that one volcano eruption on one mountain causes more carbon then man has done throughout all of history,  ever!

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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2018, 05:58:32 AM »
"New Best Selling Book ‘Body Slams Climate Agenda In New Bestseller’"

Like it says.

Text from the link:
Marc Morano: the climate science Prince of Darkness
Viewed as the Prince of Darkness by climate-protection activists, Morano in his new book describes how he is in fact a real environmentalist and who, as almost every skeptic does, truly cares about the real environmental problems we face. However, one day back in 1992 the movement left him disenchanted after recognizing how leading green activists wildly exaggerated the situation in the Amazonian Forest and intentionally fabricated false stories of a world in environmental peril.

For Morano, all the fabricated doom and gloom was just too much to take. The data didn’t fit, and the characters behind the movement were clearly driven by dogma.

He has since become a hardened climate science skeptic – precisely the kind needed to critically research and expose the outright scandalous activism, deception, politicization, gross distortion and fear-mongering that climate “science” is fraught with. His book has done just that and with profound eloquence and success.

Humorous, chock-full of data and inconvenient facts
Having received an advance copy, Marc’s renowned, upbeat attack-style comes through in full color. Not only is the book humorous, but it’s also chock-full with data, facts and recent hard scientific findings that will make the Al Gore-acolytes cringe in embarrassment.

The book presents the strong arguments over a wide range of climate related issues – from energy, to natural climate factors, to weather anomalies, to sea level rise, etc. – in an easy to understand manner. It’s the book to go to if you’re having doubts about the alarmist science and the “green” direction we are being steered into.

Green hypocrisy exposed

Morano’s book exposes the hypocrisy of jet-setting, yachting limousine billionaire leftist elitists, who lead pampered lives in energy-guzzling mansions and private jets while preaching to the rest of us trying to make ends meet about the need to forego fossil fuels.

Only one rational conclusion
After reading this book, there is only one conclusion a rational reader could possibly draw: Climate science is corrupt, wildly exaggerated and a hoax propagated by a cabal of leftist elitists. The climate issue is the greatest distraction of our generation and among the most monumental waste of resources in human history.

“Warmists’ worst nightmare”
In the final chapter “On The Way Forward”, Morano writes climate sanity was restored to the United States with Trump’s election, and that Trump is: “The warmists’ worst nightmare: the first Republican presidential nominee who ever staked out a strongly science-supported skeptical position not only on climate change claims but also on the socalled ‘solutions’.”

Great progress in a long fight
Morano, however, does think Trump needs to do more because in his view “there is a huge vacuum when it comes to administration officials actually challenging climate change claims,” and that “this silence may result in only half-hearted measures to reverse Obama’s climate policies“.

Morano, the man behind Climate Depot, warns that the fight is far from over and that now is not the time for skeptics to let their guard down:

The green movement essentially put all of their chips onto the climate scare, and it is unlikely that they will back down anytime soon.”

Yet, after reading Morano’s book, the skeptic warriors and climate realists can rest assured that a lot of things are going their way on a number of fronts. The climate scam is moving well beyond its best-before date.

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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2018, 06:34:59 AM »
Welcome to the party, pal "effect" strikes again. It is a beautiful thing when a mind is awakened to truth.

Oh, and crush climate cultists like bugs! It's ALL about cradle-to-grave control for these tyrants!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2018, 06:56:43 AM »
Oh, so now it's "climate protection" according to the "activists"?  What gigantic hubris.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2018, 08:53:06 AM »
I love constructing non-vulgar methods by which to plug in the Christian community (specifically, Christians who buy into leftist bullsh*t).

When Climate Change/Global warming comes up (I don't raise the issue - but we ALL know idiots who want to spew their "intelligent" opinion on a host of topics) - I simply tell them that their "god" is small & dumb. They worship a tiny & stupid "god".

My God, OTOH, is BIG & powerful & all-knowing & all intelligent. The last thing my God would do is unwittingly design a planet & populate it with creatures whose very exhalation dangerously warms the planet as to lay the groundwork for its own destruction.

My God doesn't lovingly gaze down upon His creation & think . . . "Oh sh*t - the Co2 thing never even occurred to me!"

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

Offline NHTom

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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2018, 02:03:12 PM »
I've concocted my own pet theory about CO2.  I may have mentioned it here before.  Unfortunately it hasn't caught on.   >:(

Earth started out w/ an atmosphere of mostly CO2.  Plants converted most of it into carbon and carbon based substances that ended up in the ground.  Even after animals appeared, it kept going into the ground.  This isn't sustainable.

Only man is capable of freeing this life giving carbon back into the atmosphere by digging up coal and drilling for oil.

We don't want to bring the levels of CO2 back primordial levels.  Just enough to  sustain life.  W/o man the planet would die.

When I mentioned "life giving carbon" my cousin da*ned near soiled his diaper!  "Don't you care about your grandchildren!?!?!?"

They're precisely why I feel this way.  I don't want their lives ruled by some faceless global bureaucracy.

I'm not always popular at family gatherings.

Online Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: 80 kicks to the Climate Cultist's crotch!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2018, 01:21:52 PM »
I make music mixes on Mixcloud & get most of my music gratis, sent by the artist for inclusion on future mixes. The problem with dealing with the artistic community is that they're ALL (predominantly) snowflake/progressive whiners & babies - and they ALL, eventually assume that I'm in their camp & start sending me petitions & protest causes to join.

Just this morning, one of 'em sent me a few albums (of really awful drones) called 'The Emission Series' - designed to bring attention to Global Warming - and asked that I take a listen & consider them for future mixes (my mixes get about 250 downloads/each, giving little know artists increased exposure).

Here's what I wrote back (most likely resulting in his going away . . .permanently!


Thanks, T_______

While I make creative, kick-ass ambient, techno & experimental mixes – I’m also a conservative, Christian leader & I teach leadership development within the business & church community.

The problem I consistently run into with artists, other mixers & Netlabel owners is that, invariably, they want to push their progressive/liberal points of view my way because they assume I’m in their camp. I’m not.

I voted for Donald Trump & I’ll vote for him again. Not because I particularly like him – but because I couldn’t stand to see what Hillary Clinton (who spends more time whining & falling down drunk than actually doing anything constructive) would have done & I detest the limp-wristed non-leader & former U.S. president, Barack Obama’s attempt to redistribute wealth & put transgendered freaks into the same restrooms as my mom, wife & daughter.

As a Christian, I reject a billion year old earth, the nonsense spouted by Chuckie Darwin & his zero evidence, pro-chimp followers as well as the largest hoax ever to be foisted upon humanity, Global Warming (which is nothing more than an attempt to control more money & subjugate the masses).

I’m a proud gun owner & believe in the United States Constitution. And I do not believe that Almighty God created man while at the same time failing to realize that our exhaled breath would unduly warm the planet. Global Warming is a Fairy Tale best regulated to books by The Brothers Grimm.

There is zero evidence for Global Warming – ZERO. The only “evidence” is inverted graphs (inverted because the data was going in the wrong direction, so they simply flipped it upside down – in order to keep their scientific grant money coming in).

However, I keep these views to myself when making, mixing & distributing my Ambient output – and take my political views to political chat-rooms.

If you happen to see me proselytizing or going full-on Gospel on the site – please feel free to call me out on it. Otherwise I’ll stick to discussion regarding ambient, techno & glitch.

I enjoy many of your collaborations & wish you all the best in your musical endeavors.


. . . and another head explodes in 3...2...1...

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.