Author Topic: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks  (Read 276120 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #920 on: November 09, 2020, 04:35:25 PM »
They color my county a tie..

 ::cussing::  locusts!   ::rockets::

I can tell you my city and precinct were 60% and up for Trump!

Oh, got a note from a family member to remain anonymous...said people are being urged to contact SCOTUS PIO... I bother?  If I tell them to stick to the Constitution and letter of the law will it matter?  If they fail, it's civil war...would they even care?  Where's the upside?

As of now I have no interest...

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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #922 on: November 10, 2020, 08:17:06 AM »
I expected the  ::cussing:: communists to go full-Stalin and the  ::cussing:: communists did...and Liberty demands going full-Founders on their  ::cussing:: commies asses!

The first legal salvo's...(spoiler - PA judge is a low-life commie rat bastard Obamian!)...

And...not to flog this one too hard...but did I not say all levels of government are rife with un-American commie rat bastards?

Why does it take gross violations of the law so obvious...that a commie rat bastard resigns instead of (as the article quotes) "their f**king job"?

Top DoJ Voter Fraud Investigator Quits After AG William Barr Authorizes Probe

Update (2140ET): In response to AG Barr's decision, NYTimes reports that Richard Pilger - who oversees voter fraud investigations - has quit:

"Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications... I must regretfully resign from my role as director of the Election Crimes Branch."

Does it not seem odd that when asked to investigate voter fraud, the gentleman who is in charge of investigating voter fraud chooses to resign rather than do his f**king job?

Perhaps it was his alleged involvement in the Lois Lerner IRS targeting Tea Party groups debacle that triggered this resignation?

 ::cussing::  ::cussing:: traitors should NOT be anywhere near government...EVER!   ::outrage::   ::angry::   ::gaah::

 ::noose:: ::guillotine::

And WTF, either this is some commietard-level stupid...or somebody left thier fricken time-machine unsecured!!!


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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #923 on: November 10, 2020, 08:47:29 AM »

I do not think certifications can commence and Electoral College convene until legal challenges are exhausted or a candidate concedes.

And as always, like reading Kurt's screeds...

One way or another commie rat bastards will be dealt's merely a question of how and when.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #924 on: November 10, 2020, 10:24:31 AM »
Look at this BS form my Google Pocket-propaganda feed

In order to debunk a theory - you actually have to address the claim - NOT set up strawmen ( a fallacy)  and then knock them down
" Should I be suspicious about the fact that the vote counting is taking so long?"

It not only is taking long - it was SUSPICIOUSLY HALTED. Poll watchers were told to go home and counting resumed. Poll watchers were not allowed entry - and were kept too far away from the process for them to see it - at one point windows looking into the room were boarded up. Eyewitnesses show a drop off of new ballots when everyone was told the last ballots has arrived.

" Should I be suspicious that mail-in ballots are overwhelmingly Democratic? No."

No you should be suspicious of them when the ratio of GOP/DEM votes CHANGES -- the mail shuffles the mail in ballots. The ratio of GOP to DEM should not change much  over time. If anything it should skew to Trump as rural area mail would come in later.. The Sudden bump of 23,000 ballots all for Biden was  IN MAIL IN VOTES that were mixed together. But don't worrk  there a plausible explaination
" Election officials and vote tabulators occasionally enter results one candidate at a time, and it looks like that’s what happened here,” said Bycoffe. “That would explain why Trump had zero votes in this one update. His votes would have been added in a subsequent update.”"

Wouldn't  we see similarly large bumps for Trump because all of his votes were being updated at once then? We don't? And would the general slope of the curve be unaffected..because the changes would average out?   Hmm. Only happens with Joe Biden
When all accounting and clerical errors and updates all occur in one way --  that  is a sign of Fraud. 

Should I be suspicious of the extraordinary turnout numbers in swing states?
But it is extraordinary turn out in JUST THOSE COUNTIES where democrats are using illegal measures to count the votes. An overly high turn out  when compared to surrounding areas or other places with similar politcal demographics is suspicious to say the least

Okay, but I’ve heard that Republicans have been barred from observing the count. Is that true? No. It is true that there have been disputes about the number of observers and their proximity to the count (and observers have been permitted to approach closer to the count), but Republicans are not on the outside, looking in as election workers do their job
This is a bald faced  lie. They were not allowed entry after counting resumed  in some places - Democrat officials cited  "occupancy violations"  and were EXCLUDING GOP watchers. Other watches  were indeed inside the room - but excluding anyone while under the citied limit was ILLEGAL.. that is WHY they were banging on the windows.

Wait. It looks like there were multiple jurisdictions where down-ballot Republicans received more votes than the president. Isn’t that suspicious? No. It’s evidence of the existence of one of the most talked-about constituencies in American politics—the Never Trump conservative.

THe never trump conservative would have voted Conservative on the OTHER candidates. Did they? The house returns suggest they did -- but the margin different between th house returns and the Ballots that are just Biden with no corresponding down vote -- don't add up.

Finally it s a candidate's right to challenge the results  that is why WE HAVE COURTS. If there is Fraud Trump gets a chance to prove it in court.  So sit down and shut up A hole and stop trying to tell people what to think - especially when all you do is set up straw men and tell BLATANT lies about what is actually occurring in those voting centers - We have sworn affidavits from eyewitnesses as well as Video SHOWING that GOP poll watchers are barred and that others were allowed to bring in bags and coolers without security. And That all by itself is enough to invalidate the results.

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #926 on: November 10, 2020, 11:07:35 AM »
Liars gonna lie, Weisshaupt.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #927 on: November 10, 2020, 11:45:01 AM »
If a commie is breathing...they're lying...

And cheating, and stealing and... ... ...

See this?

POS is admitting multiple Logan Act violations...when the results are not even official yet...

Hang 'em all for treason!

And, lunatics doing what they do best...

...meaning if the steal is allowed and corrupt China Joe and Heels Up Harris slither into the White House, people are immediately  justified in refusing to acknowledge them, plot to overthrow them, ensare them, make fun of assassinating them, actively undermining them, burn, loot and murder people we think are enemies and impeaching these illegitimate frauds?  Yes, I agree, we WILL do exactly as you did...and then some!

« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 02:37:57 PM by Libertas »
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #928 on: November 10, 2020, 12:31:18 PM »
From the Correia link comments.. He got a "concern troll" about how talking about Election fraud will divide us as a nation.
( Now Pan-- Watch your tone!)
But I love (this part of ) Larry's response:

"The real division comes from half the country feeling like their votes are meaningless due to cheating, and that’s true regardless of who wins this because of this ridiculous clusterf**k of an election. The entire US media and Big Tech have spurred this division… but NOW it is apparently my responsibility to sit quietly and let democrats f**k America in the ass for the good of the nation. How dare I be polarizing by talking about painfully goofy levels of crime. How rude!"

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #929 on: November 10, 2020, 02:38:59 PM »
From the Correia link comments.. He got a "concern troll" about how talking about Election fraud will divide us as a nation.
( Now Pan-- Watch your tone!)
But I love (this part of ) Larry's response:

"The real division comes from half the country feeling like their votes are meaningless due to cheating, and that’s true regardless of who wins this because of this ridiculous clusterf**k of an election. The entire US media and Big Tech have spurred this division… but NOW it is apparently my responsibility to sit quietly and let democrats f**k America in the ass for the good of the nation. How dare I be polarizing by talking about painfully goofy levels of crime. How rude!"

The rudeness has only just begun, MFer's!!!
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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #930 on: November 10, 2020, 03:55:18 PM »
From the Correia link comments.. He got a "concern troll" about how talking about Election fraud will divide us as a nation.
( Now Pan-- Watch your tone!)
But I love (this part of ) Larry's response:

"The real division comes from half the country feeling like their votes are meaningless due to cheating, and that’s true regardless of who wins this because of this ridiculous clusterf**k of an election. The entire US media and Big Tech have spurred this division… but NOW it is apparently my responsibility to sit quietly and let democrats f**k America in the ass for the good of the nation. How dare I be polarizing by talking about painfully goofy levels of crime. How rude!"

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #931 on: November 10, 2020, 04:24:18 PM »
From the Correia link comments.. He got a "concern troll" about how talking about Election fraud will divide us as a nation.
( Now Pan-- Watch your tone!)
But I love (this part of ) Larry's response:

"The real division comes from half the country feeling like their votes are meaningless due to cheating, and that’s true regardless of who wins this because of this ridiculous clusterf**k of an election. The entire US media and Big Tech have spurred this division… but NOW it is apparently my responsibility to sit quietly and let democrats f**k America in the ass for the good of the nation. How dare I be polarizing by talking about painfully goofy levels of crime. How rude!"



Brevity...sometimes it just eludes me.

Well said!

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #932 on: November 10, 2020, 06:53:04 PM »**kery-is-afoot/

I caught this over at the Freepers in its brief appearance before the prudes deleted it because of the language. Good article.

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #933 on: November 10, 2020, 07:33:21 PM »
Read this and the comments, this is the work of the elites world wide and if Trump is not President on 1-22-21 we are all going to be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism.
Eschew Obfuscation

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #934 on: November 10, 2020, 08:16:38 PM »
Read this and the comments, this is the work of the elites world wide and if Trump is not President on 1-22-21 we are all going to be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism.

What's the old adage? “I came into this world covered in someone else’s blood and screaming. I’m not afraid to leave it the same way.”

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #935 on: November 11, 2020, 07:32:33 AM »
Either you believe that as precincts got more Republican they were less likely to vote for Trump in a perfect linear fashion, or there is widespread cheating.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #936 on: November 11, 2020, 07:39:20 AM »
Read this and the comments, this is the work of the elites world wide and if Trump is not President on 1-22-21 we are all going to be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism.

And at best you can expect to be Hong Kong'd...but I think the DemCom's and all their crazy tribes won't be happy with just that...

Either way...FTN!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #937 on: November 11, 2020, 07:41:05 AM »
Read this and the comments, this is the work of the elites world wide and if Trump is not President on 1-22-21 we are all going to be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism.

What's the old adage? “I came into this world covered in someone else’s blood and screaming. I’m not afraid to leave it the same way.”

Work's for me.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #938 on: November 11, 2020, 08:12:15 AM »
Either you believe that as precincts got more Republican they were less likely to vote for Trump in a perfect linear fashion, or there is widespread cheating.

Yes...they have actually used the lame claim that a large contingent of #NeverTrumpRepublicans voted for China Joe & The Ho...which is ridiculous on its face as those ass-clowns are few in number and largely relegated to the elite 1%er's...

But that is just one lie among many...

There is widespread fraud everywhere...the DemComMedia and chumps like Faux don't care and won't talk about it...the DemCom and allied Quisling Pubbie swamp-dwellers refuse to admit it and call it a conspiracy theory...

We have fricken Praetorian's coercing the sh!t out of a USPS whistleblower to recant his allegations he witnessed first hand and the Pravda puppets at WaPo spewing the flip...and the chatter that DeepStaters including Senators are in on this coercion...

And we have the only President in the last several decades to even try to correct this statist mess bleeding from several knife wounds delivered by enemies and Quislings doing whatever he can to fight for us but our slim hopes of maintaining any semblance of a Republic are at the mercy of a corrupt judiciary system that in my eyes is not morally or ethically up to the challenge...

Kayleigh, still fightling like Lady Liberty incensed over such grotesque franchise larceny isn't backing down one iota...and that warrior deserves a doubling of pay and benefits!

DemCom scum would have you believe time travel is real and whistleblowers are full of crap...

And for fricken crying out loud...did not everyone here say we need to effing tear these socialist machines out?!  Should be a mass of angry people destroying these damned things...well, whatever...if this is allowed to stand then voting is over anyway...what's the difference between a Stalinist election or a fraudulent election?  Correct, nothing.

Boogaloosians 5.56 - Thou shalt not suffer the tyranny and oppression of socialist despots!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2020, 08:17:55 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #939 on: November 11, 2020, 10:07:02 AM »
Not that it will help any but last nite Sekelow said so far 13 state AG's have filed briefs with SCOTUS supporting the PA lawsuit