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Offline Weisshaupt

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A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« on: March 15, 2019, 04:12:56 PM »
Hi all,

So I would like to wargame this idea a little and propose a bit of an experiment with it.. I would like you to propose it to Liberal family and friends and note their reactions.. I originally posted the idea to Facebook for a bit of a laugh...and if you hate a part of it yourself or think there are issues - let me know what they are ..

So here is the proposal.  Peaceful separation. Both sides get what they want.  Liberals can live in a place  where they can have Gun Control, Abortion on Demand,  Limits on Hate Speech, Guaranteed Incomes,  State or Worker owned companies-  everything on their laundry list and that their little hearts desire.  And the racist, deplorable, bitter bible and gun clinging morons in Flyover country can have what they want - to be left alone.

The Liberals draft a new Constitution for the City-States, and Backwater America keeps the old one- but now it is made clear it  will enforced according to the original meaning.
Each County votes to decide if they want to join the New, Enlightened,woke and  Superior Socialist City States of America, or if they want to remain in racist, bigoted, superstitious Backwater America. 

Individuals would then Choose which new government  they wish to be a citizen of: Backwater or City State. Individuals - regardless of citizenship, may choose to live and/or work in either Backwater America or in the City-States. Only Backwater Citizens may vote in Backwater elections, and only City-State Citizens may vote in City-State elections.  At any time a county may vote to leave their current government without penalty - to join the other government under conditions and terms dictated by that government  at the time of the vote. Only people who live in the county and who are citizens of the current government can vote to do realign the county to a new government.
Any Citizen wanting to become a citizen of the other government must petition that government to make the switch, and meet whatever criterion set forth by that government's legislature.

While any individual is present in a  jurisdiction  the laws of that jurisdiction will apply. Crimes committed in a jurisdiction will be prosecuted within that jurisdiction according to that jurisdiction's laws. Juries will  be composed of only Citizens drawn from that jurisdiction..

Any programs using  powers not specifically enumerated in the old Constitution will be cancelled and discontinued  in Backwater America , but the City States have the option to continue them. 
Therefore  current Social Security, Welfare and other entitlements can be transferred and administrated by the City States. The City States will be free to remove Backwater citizens from the benefit and entitlement  rolls, or they may offer non-citizens an opportunity to continue with those programs voluntarily, under such payments, terms & commitments ,  buy in or buy out conditions as the City-State Government deems acceptable. No Backwater citizen may be compelled to participate in or fund such programs via the use of government force, but will be subject to the terms of such programs if they participate voluntarily.

Each new government  is responsible for policing any international border in any county in their membership.
Backwater America , however, will be responsible for protecting the nation in general, and will take over operation of the military.  The City States may choose to create  their own military and fortifications,  however Backwater America is obligated to protect all of the former United States of America from foreign invasion, and the City-States may not make any military alliances or wage wars without Backwater America's approval.
The current National debt will be split.  The Federal Reserve will continue to operate as normal, and each new government may borrow money on the same terms as the old federal government
The City States can make their own international trade alliances, but all trade between Backwater America and the City-States will be unrestricted.

Established Corporations from the old  United States of America are treated as foreign corporations by the new governments. A corporation may choose to re-incorporate under one  or both governments. If It reincorporates under only one government, then the other government treats it as a foreign corporation.
A corporation pays corporate taxes and follows the regulations established by either government according to its status.
Sales or property  tax  may be established by jurisdiction and by both the local and new national governments if their constitutions allow it.
Regulations are also jurisdictional.  If City-States require a corporation  to provide insurance , day care or other benefits - any location owned or operated by that corporation in a City-States  county would be obligated to provide those services and abide by any regulations or inspections required by the City-State government.

Either government may impose income taxes if their constitution allows it, but only upon the citizens of its nation.

For example, if a City-State citizen  lives in a Backwater County, but works at a City-State location,  they are subject to the taxes on property or sales tax in that Backwater  county, but may also be taxed on income   and receive benefits (like insurance)  from their employer because of the laws of the City-State government.

Current  State Governments are abolished, but Counties may decide to band together to form new State governments if that is desired or needed.

And the Libtards on facebook respond with

"you are dividing us!"
We are already divided.

"Thats not what our soldiers fought for!"
Self-determination isn't an American value? They didn't fight for gun control, abortion or unrestricted immigration either. This way you can have all of those things.

"We can't set up checkpoints at every county border!"
Who said anything about checkpoints? I said free movement of people and goods.What are these checkpoints for? Why do you think they are needed? ( no answers)

"We can't duplicate every court and school system ..its wasteful!"
Schools and Courts are already based on County.  If a county moves, so does the school system and the laws that apply to it.
For higher courts, are you saying Judges are too stupid to apply one set of laws in one case and another in a different one?
Even if Judges couldn't be trusted, weigh the cost of a new set of courts and judges vs. the costs of a civil war. Heck just the money not spent lobbying could probably pay for it
(no answers)

"This is totally unworkable!"
The Maori and Kiwis  can do it and live among each other - why can't we?

"If we don't work together in the same government, there will be no balance of politcal ideas"
What would prevent either side from hiring consultants from opposing politcal  viewpoints to testify to their legislatures?
Wouldn't those consultants be even more influential because no one is playing a winner-take-all game when listening to them?

And they didn't even notice or object to the real trap set there.. that they take entitlement programs. You know they would cut off Rural America- they would HAVE to - since they couldn't force participation... so you know the real  non-productive zeros would move to the City State areas.  Rural America would go back to funding things via  Private Charity -  It would force the collapse of the City States in maybe 10-15 years and then those counties, eventually, and peacefully , vote to join Backwater America.

Of course the real reason they won't agree is because Freedom offend them. See if you can get them to say it - that they need and want totalitarian control because they think everyone should behave as they think they should..

Online Pandora

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2019, 07:46:35 PM »
We'd need separate courts, imo.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2019, 08:43:57 PM »
A couple of random thoughts, presented in no particular order (and obviously not comprehensively thought through)

1. It's giving up and I hate that.
2. It makes us even more vulnerable to attack/invasion/conquest than we already are.
3. It would likely reduce us to 2nd (if not 3rd) world status
4. What would become of those trapped behind enemy lines?

As you can see, if this is a serious proposition and not just a thought exercise I'm against it.

And I close with this caveat: I can't run this by my liberal friends because they all walked away from me and now I have none. (not that I am complaining!)

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2019, 12:27:32 AM »

1. It's giving up and I hate that.

Not really. Giving them their own space to hang themselves is ensuring we win.  The City-State County's would be begging to rejoin Backwater in 10-20 years.
It just gets them off our backs while they self destruct. Or at least that is the intent of the deal. The Left can't win. They can round up and kill every conservative and in the end they get poverty and misery spread equally - because that is what their stupid ideas do. America has cancer. We need to cut it out and make sure it doesn't spread anymore. If you mean I am giving up on liberals and idiots too stupid to look up from their candy crush? Yeah.. I AM  doing that.

2. It makes us even more vulnerable to attack/invasion/conquest than we already are.

Right now people just walk across the border.

Can you Explain? Backwater keeps the Military and duty of Nationwide protection. The City-State can import as many immigrants as they like... even make them City-State Citizens.  Doesn't mean they get to vote in Backwater elections.  And Since one would have to petition each government to change citizenship.. no Birth Cert? No Job? No  skills?  On Welfare?  Denied.  The only people really vulnerable to attack would be the coastal city-states.. and only if Backwater allows it. Backwater no longer pays for social security or other entitlements.  Backwater keeps roughly 1/2 of the GDP - te part actually produced by work and not paperp pushing services and the GDP will grow faster without the stupid regulations, and the current military budget is 1/3 of current spending.. and a lot less will be spent on lobbying - because most of the decsions will be at a county level and people will be far more politically aligned..   Backwater could afford at least the current level of  military engagement.

But maybe there is an angle I am missing?

3. It would likely reduce us to 2nd (if not 3rd) world status

Look around lately? Some places in the US (Any California city) already are. A Civil war will ensure 3rd world and worse.
 But not sure why you feel this deal would accelerate that trend.  Useless people would largely move  to the cities for the socialism -- after all, its almost a sure bet the liberals would cut off benefits to backwater areas - especially if they can't compel taxes to fund them. And useful people move into more rural areas, because Backwater will be Captialist and have low tax rates    But anyone can work or live anywhere.
GDP will probably go down-- but not anywhere near as much as it will when the dollar collapses

4. What would become of those trapped behind enemy lines?

How are they trapped? Part of the deal  is that anyone can move to live anywhere - they just can't vote if they live among the "other"
If the liberals started building walls or  checkpoints - its an act of war - and we have the military and Militia .   City-States  are allowed to raise an Army - but they probably won't - as they are pacifist, cowardly and that money could be better spent on the children.   So I don't understand how anyone becomes trapped. Your county part of City-States?  Sell your property and get the hell out.  Miss your friends? drive to go see them, just like you can now.

I do welcome the constructive criticism - but I am afraid I don't understand the reasons/scenarios driving your thinking.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2019, 12:33:40 AM »
We'd need separate courts, imo.

Yeah, Probably. The particular liberal that brought that up is double evil -  a lawyer and a Democrat . So I was more digging at his elitism about how lawyers and lawyers who become Judges are just so dang smart and honorable and would never bring politics into their jobs.. see how stupid it sounds when you say it out loud .... So Yes, we would probably need to duplicate the court systems above the county level, just so we can appoint and remove if needed, judges behaving badly. Still seems way cheaper than shooting each other.. especially - if left unopposed and to their own devices,  the liberals will shoot themselves.

Online ToddF

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2019, 07:05:40 AM »
I'd do it by state. 

You'd need separate money.  Just look at Europe, and their adventures with the Euro.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2019, 10:04:38 AM »
I'd do it by state. 

You'd need separate money.  Just look at Europe, and their adventures with the Euro.

Oh yeah,  that would be ideal.. The fed would have to remain in place, but Backwater would stop using it. But "new money" is a hard thing to issue-- would probably have to peg it to the Dollar for some period of time.. but then perhaps issue a new petro -currency based on American Oil.. or maybe a basket of  durable goods - oil, gold, silver, rare-earths, steel... But adoption of the new currency will be problematic I suspect.

Online Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2019, 11:00:31 AM »
What about a Cryptocurrency?
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2019, 02:45:58 PM »
What about a Cryptocurrency?

Problem with that is you never know when or how it could be hacked.

Eventually code will evolve till its nearly unhackable.. but we obviously aren't there yet. Plus its a lot of resources to put into making something virtual.
A lot of bitcoin miners were operating out of multiple houses in Venezuala just because electricity was that cheap..

A Currency based on some activity that creates an object of value probably still tends to be a better choice..

Of course wit all of that Solar up at my bugout - I probably should start a small bitcoin mine there.. .

Online Pandora

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2019, 03:50:46 PM »
I've been around the Web today and I'm here to tell you there will be no agreement with any plan.,17058.0.html

We've got f**king Rs double-dealing us on guns and this Red Flag Law -- Risk Protection bullsh*t -- is on the up-swing.

These people want war and they're gonna keep pushing until they get it.  After that -- may be time for a plan.  If we live.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline richb

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2019, 04:13:12 PM »
And what would happen when the socialist state collapses?     It doesn't matter how rich California,  New York etc were.    When you burn up the wealth,  there just isn't anything left. 

Offline John Florida

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2019, 05:32:15 PM »
  Can I ask why fight a civil war to separate when it should be winner take all.   Or am I nut here?
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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2019, 05:50:09 PM »

When the US govt was created the fed govt did very little and the bill of right applied only against the fed govt, not the state govts, so it was kinda like the suggestion.  The bill of rights was applied against the state govt by SCOTUS applying the 14th amendment in a weird way.

Not only was the 'separation of church and state' not in the constitution, the first amendment only applied  to the fed gvot. Some states had official state churches.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

Online Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2019, 08:12:20 PM »
What about a Cryptocurrency?

Problem with that is you never know when or how it could be hacked.

Eventually code will evolve till its nearly unhackable.. but we obviously aren't there yet. Plus its a lot of resources to put into making something virtual.
A lot of bitcoin miners were operating out of multiple houses in Venezuala just because electricity was that cheap..

A Currency based on some activity that creates an object of value probably still tends to be a better choice..

Of course wit all of that Solar up at my bugout - I probably should start a small bitcoin mine there.. .

Blockchain is certainly getting better & better regarding security. There’s a new virtual coin launching in August tied into one of the new Shopping Boss smartphone Apps - apparently already accepted by approx 100,000 retail vendors (Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Staples, Petco, etc) - from what I understand, operating like a rewards program with the Cyrpto spendable at all the partners in the eco-system (e.g. - earn it @ Home Depot, spend it @ Krispy Kreme) - - unless the Crypto’s accepted as currency in the marketplace, it’s virtually worthless.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 08:15:52 PM by Pablo de Fleurs »
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2019, 11:57:11 PM »
And what would happen when the socialist state collapses?     It doesn't matter how rich California,  New York etc were.    When you burn up the wealth,  there just isn't anything left.

Well, when THEIR state collapses ,its THEIR problem.  They have no power over Backwater, unless they want to get violent..and then  we can easily defeat any who would go that route. Being hungry and desperate means you don't get far. Or we simply control them with food from the outset.  The point is we are somewhat extricated from the situation when it happens and in  a position to dictate what will happen next.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2019, 11:58:31 PM »
  Can I ask why fight a civil war to separate when it should be winner take all.   Or am I nut here?

Its still winner take all. CityState America couldn't last .  But let them kill themselves first. No point wasting our blood on it.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2019, 01:03:45 PM »
I read a fair amount of SHTF stuff and police state stuff and prepper stuff and arch politics. I'm cognizant of the brinkmanship at play in discussions of "We need to Divorce" as a nation. Remember that my patron saint is the badger - the inoffensive critter that minds to his own affairs but greets others with a "Fcuk with me at your own peril" gaze that sears titanium.

I'm also a hopeless romantic who adores the 50 states. Warts and all. And hates to even contemplate the notion of yard-saling her. Mark my words: We will be the less for it if we do this. America will cease to be what it was - and will never (at least in our children's lifetimes) be here again. Any dissection of our nation will certainly weaken us and make us more vulnerable to attack, both from without and from within.

This is not to be confused with a reluctance to take it to the streets should other interests initiate hostilities. I am itching to git er done, I have my list, and I am checking it twice. I'm happy to report that I have had my cataract surgery and now my long range vision is wickedly clear.

I'm not at all happy with the present state of affairs but I would prefer not to take a slide out of the frying pan and into the fire.

My fourth point was offered rhetorically, but does reflect my likely plight (as well the plight of literally millions of Americans) who would be displaced if such a realignment were to occur. I live in a state and region that is overwhelmingly leftist. It is truly unfortunate because (leftists notwithstanding) it truly is God's Country.

During the Civil War tens of thousands of union sympathizers living in the south were forcibly relocated. They lost everything, and only because they loved their nation and wanted to see it survive. A scenario such as you describe would be the (not so) happy precipitator of similar events.

No thanks.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2019, 02:36:07 PM »
I'm also a hopeless romantic who adores the 50 states. Warts and all. And hates to even contemplate the notion of yard-saling her. Mark my words: We will be the less for it if we do this. America will cease to be what it was - and will never (at least in our children's lifetimes) be here again. Any dissection of our nation will certainly weaken us and make us more vulnerable to attack, both from without and from within.

We have already ceased to be America in the sense you discuss it. America is already gone and   it will never again be what is was in our children's lifetimes. I don't see any path that will restore her to greatness or turn back time.  The very people are corrupted.   What you want and romanticize about is simply not on the menu.  What is on the menu ( as I see it)  are three basic courses:

1) Hard Civil War : A hard civil war is a huge risk.   Most such wars and revolutions in human history end up on the French Revolution Road -  with winners eating their own till  a tyranny is  established. The American Revolution was very unique , and while me may have to be forced to try for another such a unique  outcome in the end,  its hardly a guaranteed event, and in fact its an unlikely one. Far more likely is that the Generals in power refuse to relinquish it, or that factions refuse to relinquish power to others, and we balkanize. Infrastructure and GDP will be destroyed, and we will be more at the mercy of foreign powers and markets. If we are very, very lucky, we can unite again as one Nation - geographically.  However our infrastructure will be damangedand we will have half or less of our population left and grievances that will be difficult to put behind us.

2) Soft Separation :  A Soft separation like the one I propose will certainly weaken America somewhat - but it preserves a lot of infrastructure that will other wise be destroyed. The outcome is negotiated and planned and not subject to whatever vagaries of war , personality , and law of the jungle a hard civil war would result in. Trade continues.  Defense continues.  We live among each other, are friends with one another and our differences are no longer as relevant because what the left wants, it cannot impose on the unwilling ( which is why such a compromise is just about as likely as the ideal "one nation" outcome of a hard civil war ). Its not a defeat - its a recognition that humanity comes in two forms -  a Liberty Minded Individualist K-Type individual and a R-Type Herd animal.  The herd wants to live as a herd. The Individual wants the dignity that should be afforded to that station.  As humans become prosperous , R-type individuals form into clumps, procreate heavily, and eventually destroy the civilization. Recognizing this and forming a system that adapts to it will make the collapses less impactful.

3) Socialist Creep :  We do nothing, and liberals continue to infringe until America is essentially living under a European style "Democratic Socialist" state - each generation is indoctrinated to be more socialist than the last, and finally the Dollar collapses, The Federal government becomes irrelevant and , if there are any freedom loving people left, pockets secede and the US Balkanizes. If they can kick the can  till after I am dead, my kids inherit a United States version of Venezuela. 

Is there another way forward I don't see?

We are already out of the frying pan..  the question is where we land - in the fire is the hot civil war,  in the pot of boiling water full of frogs is doing nothing.   On the ground and able to get up-- that is the middle road I propose. 

My fourth point was offered rhetorically, but does reflect my likely plight (as well the plight of literally millions of Americans) who would be displaced if such a realignment were to occur. I live in a state and region that is overwhelmingly leftist. It is truly unfortunate because (leftists notwithstanding) it truly is God's Country.

The realignment would be by COUNTY, not by STATE.

The final map would look similar to this :
 The 3d-map there roughly shows population ( its # of votes per county )

Under my plan there would be nothing at all (except left is being jerks)  that would prevent you from living in a "blue" county.  You would declare to be a Backwater Citizen.  You would therefore not pay taxes to Blue America.  You would still pay sales and property  taxes in the Blue county, and get any benefits offered by your employer if your employer's place of business is in blue county as well.  You would not be eligible for any benefits ( like social security ) as a Backwater Citizen, unless the City-States offer a means of participation and you CHOOSE it.

Nothing would displace you -- unless the Blue county rules became so offensive that you could no longer live with it.  As it is NOW ,  that is likely to happen anyway, and NOW you have no where to run.  If the National Government passes red-flag laws , or magazine banns or gun registry, or what have you- your choice is to become a criminal and fight or to lay down and surrender.

If a soft separation is effected,  you simply move out of the county. Sun Tzu  in The Art of WAR  suggested a good general will always leave their enemy a place to retreat to. Failing to do so only ensures they fight all  the harder and fiercer - since they don't have the option to quit and leave.  Napoleon said  “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake. " I am simply proposing a way that we can get out of the left's way as they make their mistakes, and therefore be in a better position to pick up the pieces once they are done.

The America you and I grew up in and loved is over.  She was mortally wounded during the civil war, and then repeatedly raped - Income Tax, FDR's New Deal, The Great Society, and then once she was dead, they skinned her, and now wear her skin like a shield  while demanding the respect of the original institution  Grieve for her, and then accept we have to move on and make the best decisions for our children. She is dead and she is never coming back .

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2019, 08:13:21 AM »
I read a fair amount of SHTF stuff and police state stuff and prepper stuff and arch politics. I'm cognizant of the brinkmanship at play in discussions of "We need to Divorce" as a nation. Remember that my patron saint is the badger - the inoffensive critter that minds to his own affairs but greets others with a "Fcuk with me at your own peril" gaze that sears titanium.

I'm also a hopeless romantic who adores the 50 states. Warts and all. And hates to even contemplate the notion of yard-saling her. Mark my words: We will be the less for it if we do this. America will cease to be what it was - and will never (at least in our children's lifetimes) be here again. Any dissection of our nation will certainly weaken us and make us more vulnerable to attack, both from without and from within.

This is not to be confused with a reluctance to take it to the streets should other interests initiate hostilities. I am itching to git er done, I have my list, and I am checking it twice. I'm happy to report that I have had my cataract surgery and now my long range vision is wickedly clear.

I'm not at all happy with the present state of affairs but I would prefer not to take a slide out of the frying pan and into the fire.

My fourth point was offered rhetorically, but does reflect my likely plight (as well the plight of literally millions of Americans) who would be displaced if such a realignment were to occur. I live in a state and region that is overwhelmingly leftist. It is truly unfortunate because (leftists notwithstanding) it truly is God's Country.

During the Civil War tens of thousands of union sympathizers living in the south were forcibly relocated. They lost everything, and only because they loved their nation and wanted to see it survive. A scenario such as you describe would be the (not so) happy precipitator of similar events.

No thanks.

I understand and can relate to every bit of what you said.  Like Weisshaupt I too cannot ignore the overwhelming signs of decay that have almost completely wiped away the America given to us by Our Founders and like you I really really despise giving up anything to my enemies.  And I determined a while back that we are likely well past too late for any peaceable resolution to irreconcilable issues, so basically this is an academic exercise whose sole merit to any actual attempt in fact is relegated to one of propaganda value in having sought the moral high road before doing what is necessary - slitting the throats of the enemies who would enslave us.  So, I am not against any attempt at a peaceful, negotiated and final long as that separation is total, that all assets (especially military and infrastructure) are equally divided, and after a date certain no unfettered travel between new independent nations...and any traitors discovered within the free zone under original Founding structures established under the Constitution are dealt with severely.  Since this will never be agreed to by our enemies it might as well be a total separation.  We can say we tried, it on to the rat-killin' and enough of this noise!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: A Modest Proposal to avoid Civil War - An experiment
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2019, 09:21:30 AM »
  And I determined a while back that we are likely well past too late for any peaceable resolution to irreconcilable issues, so basically this is an academic exercise whose sole merit to any actual attempt in fact is relegated to one of propaganda value in having sought the moral high road before doing what is necessary - slitting the throats of the enemies who would enslave us.

Don't under estimate the value of such propaganda. The opinion it sways can have lasting effects and push people towards one side or another.
But yes, It was originally conceived of as an attempt to make liberals confront their own authoritarian nature.  I wanted to make them say " But I have to be able to force you into my collective, because without that , my collective would fail."
But I also think its a reasonable proposal.  I  would probably split resources largely based on the numbers electing to become citizens of either faction. Let the military split itself the same way . If a soldier elects one side, it would be foolish to make him serve in the opposing side's army.

as long as that separation is total, that all assets (especially military and infrastructure) are equally divided, and after a date certain no unfettered travel between new independent nations...and any traitors discovered within the free zone under original Founding structures established under the Constitution are dealt with severely.

Why is total separation required? Under the proposed plan, Blue America doesn't get a vote in Red America, and if you want to switch sides you are basically an immigrant requesting citizenship. But really,  there is no reason we can't work and live along side each other -  at least not from my view.  It would be fun to watch them beg  as things got worse for them. And yes, Red America's Constitution would probably require a few clarifications via amendment..  including an expansion of the definition of treason,

Also would need

1) repeal of income tax  for a VAT like flat tax ,
2) A senate structure - allowing popular vote to nominate candidates, from which the legislatures select - but its unclear to me that States serve a purpose.. and that perhaps the basic unit should be a county. 
3) Explicit authorization to create statistical data collection and  standards and regulation bodies - with NO Authority to mandate - only to recommend- and individual states or counties adopt, or adopt regulations or standards  as amended or don't adopt them at all.
4) Explicit Nullification  - if 1/4 of states ( or counties)  vote to nullify a national law - it is nullified. (in theory the National government only gets to do things 3/4 of us agree on) 

But of course none of it matters and its entirely academic as you suggest. . They are going to force a fight, and they will get it.