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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #100 on: May 30, 2019, 06:32:43 AM »
The comparison to insects is quite apt.

However, it appears the demonazi's are not content with Herr Mueller's unwillingness to exceed the letter of the law though he certainly bent it and slapped it around during his hunt...and they are saying what he isn't saying indicates Trump clearly is a criminal and should be impeached...

So eager the leading fascisti are to undo the electoral will of the people they are hatefully clinging to the flimsiest of footholds...that "glue strip" Pablo mentioned...they don't care what they have to do to get there.

And so far the demonazi Old Gaurd is resisting the rabid cries of the curs beneath them screeching for impeachment.

Only in the hate-fueled minds of drooling fascists can the absence of a crime be proof of a crime.

They are psychotic and they don't care if the nation bleeds and burns.  Their reign of tyranny cannot be tolerated any longer...frankly I think Pelosi is right, she knows her ilk, they cannot win a straight up fight and the leadership prefers a trial in the presscorpse to actually risking anything.  I am inclined to not yield them any courtesy.  I say egg them on, dare them to pounce.

I'm not getting any younger here...

And thanks to deep-seated corruption and tyranny..., is hard to see any way out of this that doesn't involve blood.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 08:13:33 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #101 on: May 30, 2019, 09:56:46 AM »
Quote is hard to see any way out of this that doesn't involve blood.

You say that like it's a bad thing ;'}

I was having a conversation with a leftie yesterday about the latest sordid chapter of the Trump witch hunt. Not to worry - I had no expectation of anything other than shyt coming out of his noggin (and I wasn't disappointed). My experiment was to see if there was even a glowing ember of humanity left (there wasn't).

The thrust of my assertion was that the investigation (such as it was) is over and now it is time to get (back) to work.

His response confirmed everything I suspected - an abject denial that anything had changed or that the witch hunt was (or should be) concluded. He upped the ante with an absurd tu quoque (you do it too) as a lame pretext at justification.

I replied that in my opinion Øbama was the worst president in our history, that he trampled laws and conventions in ways that are only now coming to light, and that he committed several offenses that were arguably impeachment worthy. But the difference was that I didn't call (or agitate) for his impeachment because I was smart enough to recognize that tactic as a political solution in the guise of a legal solution. Any political solution requires consensus to succeed. Sure, we could have gone forward with an impeachment against Øbama (he rolls his eyes at the thought) but it would have gone nowhere.

(OK, so I've handed him the edge - now let's see if he can be pragmatic and rational)

Nope, he seizes on the tactical advantage at the expense of the strategic one. He goes for the shiny object (admission that an Øbama impeachment would fail) as a concession that my statement somehow absolves Øbama of any blame or complicity while leaving the door wide open for persecution of Trump. He does so at the expense of any reasonable attempt at objectivity (not that he would ever notice or care).

Thus ends the rational part of the discussion.

Recognizing that this discussion has zero possibility of success, I fall back to my (now) default position.

"You people (I love using that phrase!) have worked yourself up into an emotional state where you are incapable of seeing reality. You are obsessed with demonizing our president and are willing to do anything - however foolish or dangerous - in pursuit of that false premise. In that sense you are like the dog chasing the car - you have no idea what you would do if you caught it. I'm here to tell you that what lies next will be bloody and painful. Even if you win you will surely lose."

"Proceed carefully as if your very life depended on it."

Him: "I don't want to talk anymore about this."

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #102 on: May 30, 2019, 12:03:14 PM »
Quote is hard to see any way out of this that doesn't involve blood.

You say that like it's a bad thing ;'}

I was having a conversation with a leftie yesterday about the latest sordid chapter of the Trump witch hunt. Not to worry - I had no expectation of anything other than shyt coming out of his noggin (and I wasn't disappointed). My experiment was to see if there was even a glowing ember of humanity left (there wasn't).

The thrust of my assertion was that the investigation (such as it was) is over and now it is time to get (back) to work.

His response confirmed everything I suspected - an abject denial that anything had changed or that the witch hunt was (or should be) concluded. He upped the ante with an absurd tu quoque (you do it too) as a lame pretext at justification.

I replied that in my opinion Øbama was the worst president in our history, that he trampled laws and conventions in ways that are only now coming to light, and that he committed several offenses that were arguably impeachment worthy. But the difference was that I didn't call (or agitate) for his impeachment because I was smart enough to recognize that tactic as a political solution in the guise of a legal solution. Any political solution requires consensus to succeed. Sure, we could have gone forward with an impeachment against Øbama (he rolls his eyes at the thought) but it would have gone nowhere.

(OK, so I've handed him the edge - now let's see if he can be pragmatic and rational)

Nope, he seizes on the tactical advantage at the expense of the strategic one. He goes for the shiny object (admission that an Øbama impeachment would fail) as a concession that my statement somehow absolves Øbama of any blame or complicity while leaving the door wide open for persecution of Trump. He does so at the expense of any reasonable attempt at objectivity (not that he would ever notice or care).

Thus ends the rational part of the discussion.

Recognizing that this discussion has zero possibility of success, I fall back to my (now) default position.

"You people (I love using that phrase!) have worked yourself up into an emotional state where you are incapable of seeing reality. You are obsessed with demonizing our president and are willing to do anything - however foolish or dangerous - in pursuit of that false premise. In that sense you are like the dog chasing the car - you have no idea what you would do if you caught it. I'm here to tell you that what lies next will be bloody and painful. Even if you win you will surely lose."

"Proceed carefully as if your very life depended on it."

Him: "I don't want to talk anymore about this."


Which is why my most common refrain continues to be "let's push them harder!", I am so tired of their filthy lying mouths spewing sewage everywhere and always!  Time for their asses to cash the checks their mouths are bouncing!

Taunt them, dare them, tease them, heckle them, challenge them, correct them...and most important laugh and snort at them!

Sooner or later they'll do something dumber than their last stunt...something guaranteed to provoke an appropriate response...we all know they cannot help themselves...they have hard-wired ignorance and hate into their's a matter of when not if they light the fire...

Look at this batshyt crazy...

Scarborough compared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeaching Trump to President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves.

Credibility?  Human decency?  Pah!

The fact that it spews from a likely homicidal rapist is just more insult on injury!

Nothing to see here, move along...hey, look...more shyt pulled from my arse about Trump!  Get that!

All fascists have it coming!
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 12:15:44 PM by Libertas »
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #103 on: May 31, 2019, 08:08:53 AM »

Liar, coward...DeepState puppet.

Sure as heck not coming off The List.   ;)

Mobocrat logic...or what passes for it...



More unimpeachableness torturing the demofascist's paleomammalian cortex!

« Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 11:43:14 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #104 on: June 03, 2019, 08:05:47 AM »
Barr should look into Mueller misconduct very diligently!

What's the legal argument here?  It's not corruption or a coup if the "right" people are doing it for the "right" people reasons?

I can play that fricken game too MFer!!!   ::angry::   ::cussing:: 



Oh, and President Trump should step in on this one and order the fricken DOJ to comply or everyone refusing will be fired!!!

« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 08:17:35 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #105 on: June 05, 2019, 07:54:13 AM »
Well, this is disappointing and makes me wonder if hidden pressure was applied by the DeepState to make the judge accept this ridiculous excuse for non-compliance of potentially explosive exculpatory evidence.

Flynn agreeing to a plea should not be a factor either...but probably didn't help fortify spines.

We are left with public releases of all documents...and try this in the court of public opinion like our enemies do and see if it can be exploited to gin up official proceedings...
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #106 on: June 10, 2019, 12:26:59 PM »
H/T - WZ

El Rushbo nailed it.
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #107 on: July 03, 2019, 07:16:34 AM »
Somebody needs to prosecute Mueller for misconduct and this exculpatory evidence is cause for at least a re-trial for Manafort.

All ::cussing:: Demonazi-DeepState- GoebbelsMedia cabalists need to swing!!!
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #108 on: July 24, 2019, 12:29:06 PM »
Welcome to the Demonazi shyt-show to repackage the failed coup plot of the corrupt DeepState investigation that found nothing into a Demonazi plot to twist reality into trial by corrupt GoebblesMedia stooges as their primary 2020 political strategy.

Mueller looks like a doddering old fool and obvious figurehead to an investigation stacked with DeepState insiders all too eager to try to find something to hang the person they despise and hide their own crimes and those of Obama & Clinton.  They failed in the former and had no chance with the latter, but the latter didn't matter because they had obstructors buried deep in the bureaucracy, owned 90% of the old media and probably closer to 95% of the new media to help flush things down the memory-hole and buying time for the obstructors to do that corrupt treasonous crap they do.

No wonder Nadler kept extending this long-desired show...his main star having a hard time remembering his lines!  His rehearsals sucked so bad...he had to bring a handler to help move his lips!  But no matter how desperately Aaron Zebley tries to wiggle his fingers he cannot adequately direct the puppet.  Aaron has a long history of being the power behind Herr Mueller...but in the public arena behind cannot help the man out front.  And the man out front looks old, weak and stupid.


Refuses to answer HOW he made the conclusions he made...but has no problem saying others conclusions why he did what he did was wrong.  Isn't it great to live a free Republic where public servants being paid by and using taxpayer funds can decide what they can and cannot answer?  Is this a special right granted to all in our egalitarian society?

He knows what Barr is looking at, he knows Barr is the gatekeeper for releasing the fraudulent documents used to execute the coup plot against President Trump, he knows the President is removing obstructors one by one...he knows he hangs with the rest and that is why he is being the fool, answering or not answering...stuttering like wounded animal trapped in a cage of his own making and clinging to a false hope that somehow he and they can survive what comes.

Oh, and the plotters cannot hang onto that no evidence/not exonerated BS in the Herr Mueller report...Ratcliff destroys the shyt out of that editorial dreck on this point and riddled throughout the most useless report ever written in American judicial history.

Pathetic upon pathetic!  Shame!  Shame!  Shame!

Thanks Demonazi's...we couldn't have asked for a sorrier or more pathetic performance.

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #109 on: July 25, 2019, 03:51:41 AM »
They keep doubling down and failing, making themselves look worse and worse.

'Course, nobody but us chickens are paying attention, so most are just missing it.
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #110 on: July 25, 2019, 10:55:02 AM »
Yup, and props to Mr. Turner for kicking Herr Mueller in his dried up raisins for calling out the rank political bias throughout his report...focusing entirely on the non-legal term the demonazi's and GoebbelsMedia are hailing as their motto - "not exonerated".

What a dumbass...says he won't get into legal stuff over powers...then blurts out "he should know" the AG doesn't have exoneration power...admitting he himself has no such power as well.

Need to keep ramming this down demon throats!  They'll keep trying to peddle it...we all need to beat them relentlessly with the truth!
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #111 on: July 26, 2019, 02:30:58 PM »
Ted 'full-o-pooh" Lieu off his meds again and roaming into GoebbelsMedia studios unsupervised...

Sum ting wong, Ted?

Yu and pals okie dokie?


Meanwhile, the post Herr Mueller flameout fallout continues...

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #112 on: July 30, 2019, 11:52:28 AM »
Fat bastard generates his own gravity...and shifting tides...

Part of the speshul nature of being a complete brainless drooling idjit...

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #113 on: September 25, 2019, 08:04:06 AM »
Part of the railroading thrown off the tracks...

...what sick disgusting bunch of reprobates we have in these corrupt institutions!   ::outrage::

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #114 on: October 01, 2019, 07:47:13 AM »
About that Flynn plea...can you spell "coercion" and "duress"?

As highlighted, Michael Flynn -under pressure from Mueller’s prosecutors- signed a plea to avoid his son, Mike Flynn Jr., being indicted/accused.  As we suspected General Flynn signed a plea deal to avoid seeing his son charged with a fabricated FARA violation.

It is a smart strategy for Flynn’s defense to inform Judge Sullivan -now- of the undue pressure and threat from Mueller’s assigned prosecutor Brandon Van Grack.

First, this information will help Judge Sullivan reconcile many of the troubling aspects behind the Flynn plea.  Against ongoing defense and prosecution arguments about Brady evidence, the highlight in this short status update will not be missed; it will reconcile to the court why Flynn’s defense attorney is seeking supplemental information.

Second, the timing is smart.  Strategically the next time each party squares off in court, Judge Sullivan will have a frame of reference.  Additionally, Judge Sullivan now has the legal insight of his peer, Judge Andrew Trenga; along with the thoughts and information behind why Judge Trenga took the extraordinary step of nullifying a jury decision and dismissing the case.  The DOJ prosecutors facing Sullivan will be on egg-shells.

The level of evil and the casual way in which it operates should enrage everyone who has the slightest pretense to cherishing Liberty, Freedom and God-given rights!

That there are not waves of millions of citizens storming the bastions of oppression an meting out righteous corrective action disheartens me more than I can express.

And people like Jack are incredulous people are oblivious of a double-standard...and wonders if the truly guilty will ever see justice?  Well, wonder no more...the answer is painfully obvious.

I am ashamed to live a in country populated with so many people so disinterested in such rampant and cavalier corruption and rank evil machinations!

I damn them to Hell with the perpetrators, may God forget either ever existed.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 07:51:09 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #115 on: October 02, 2019, 08:10:23 AM »

This Van Grack asshole is a real POS.

OK Judge Sullivan, the prosecutor just told you to go eff yourself...what are you going to do, hmmmm?!  Drop the hammer on 'em or piss your pants and surrender?

 ::whatgives::   foottapping

In another case...

...I'm not finding a lot on those three DOJ people to know if they are in or out of the DeepState.

Latter Day America blows...

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #116 on: October 03, 2019, 11:55:50 AM »
No crime worth prosecuting...

...goobermint IG's are about as useful as tits on a rooster...

...the statist scumbag all statist scumbags...deserve patriot justice c1775!!!

And then there's these two scum-sucking swamp jockeys...

...yeah, that's the way honest non-conspiratorial people communicate with each other...


 ::cussing::  Tree of Liberty is famished!!!   ::gaah::
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #117 on: October 25, 2019, 08:21:32 AM »
More of Herr Mueller's partisan shyt-show falling apart at the seams...

The ambush, the leaks, the lies, the withholding of exculpatory evidence and denying basic due process, the casual routine extra-legal behavior of rogue agencies evidenced in Clapper's "kill shot" quip...

...this is the Dem/DeepState/MFM cabal so praised as "patriotic" by the NY Times...the cabal Diktator Pelosi et al is so beholden to that they are willing to run a dark Star Chamber deep under the Capitol to gin up reasons to get rid of a sitting President they hate like no other...this is the cabal they are all so willing to set the nation ablaze to protect!

The Government lawyers argument was simple and moronic–i.e., they said that because Flynn pled guilty to a charge where the Government knew he had not lied but insisted he was still guilty. Stupid logic like this is, I believe, one of the reasons the average person hates lawyers.

Those are not mere lawyers...those are Gestapo and Beria style goons!  They have a desired outcome...the means to achieve it are all that matter to them...all that matters to their masters higher in the Cabal!

They all need to swing for treason!!!

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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #118 on: October 29, 2019, 07:32:15 AM »
The Powell evidence seems overwhelming...

...looks like the Mueller sh*t-show is about to come crashing down!  Will render that fictional crap Schiffhead wants so badly to ash!

Hopefully, the pending inspector general report on the DOJ/FBI FISA abuse issues will be released prior to the next hearing.   There is a possibility that IG report will contain background material on FBI and DOJ misconduct that will be supportive of the defense case highlighting how Flynn was set-up.

Make it so!   ::thumbsup::
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Re: Mueller sends report on Trump investigation to AG Barr
« Reply #119 on: November 03, 2019, 11:33:36 AM »
DeepState Praetorians say they are above the awaiting Flynn attorney response to the second double-down on above the law defiance...

...this isn't a good reflection on the state of our judicial ranks that this merry-go-round of BS keeps spinning!  A sane judge would have immediately cried "BS!" on the first instance!

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