Author Topic: Corrupt DeepState Manhattan DA Cyrus R. Vance, Jr's witch hunt of Pres. Trump  (Read 2822 times)

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A federal judge has tossed President Trump's attempt to fight a subpoena by the Manhattan district attorney for his tax records, handing the Commander in Chief a loss in his high-profile legal battle.

The news follows a 7-2 decision by the Supreme Court last month that a New York Grand Jury can have President Trump's tax records - after Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, Jr. subpoenaed eight years of returns along with other records in connection with an investigation into hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Vance Jr. (whose father was Jimmy Carter's Secretary of State - and who took money from Harvey Weinstein while declining to prosecute him for sexual assault - and who sought a reduced sex-offender status for Jeffrey Epstein) wants to see if Trump's reimbursement of former attorney Michael Cohen for payments to Daniels and another woman violated any laws in New York, and whether Trump's accounting firm falsely accounted for the reimbursements as a legal expense.

Victor Marrero - Clinton appointee, and on February 11, 2020, Marrero allowed T-Mobile and Sprint to complete their merger after nine states and the District of Columbia sought to block it.


I encourage the application of brut-force stuffing of authoritarian democracy (aka Jacksonian democracy) down the throats of my tormentors as a default setting - so, losers made thier darling little rulings...umm, can you enforce them?

Also, I seriously doubt President Trump's records are not clean...this is just an abuse of power by people with no standing getting their cronies and compromised corrupt puppets to pervert the legal system to get their hands on his taxes, and upon finding nothing in them remotely related to the lies that got them in the first place and no appology for all the wated time and money...FakeNews will ride in to save the Commie Day by excoriating the grotesque white privelege inherit in this wealthy capitalist imperialist fascist racist mysogynist cracker.

Lastly, is a Clinton-method worth testing?  Sh!t, Cy...I know I had all that sh!t right here in this fvcking locked file cabinet right here!  WTF?!  Fvcking Russians!!!

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Good!  He is appealing again.

And the AP DemCom propagandists are LYING again...

Trump is the only president in modern times who has refused to make his tax returns public.

Ha, bullsh!t!

Presidential Tax Returns
Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals.

Like all other citizens, U.S. presidents enjoy this protection of their privacy. Since the early 1970s, however, most presidents and some vice presidents have chosen to release their returns publicly. In the hope of making this information more widely available, Tax Analysts has been collecting and archiving tax returns filed by American presidents, vice presidents, and candidates for over 20 years. Our archive of presidential tax returns can be seen below along with answers to some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are presidents required to release their tax returns?
Presidents aren’t required by law to release their tax returns.
Nevertheless, between 1974 and 2012, every president but Gerald Ford has made a voluntary release of the tax returns they filed while in office. Ford released no complete returns, but released 10 years of summary data including gross income, taxable income, major deductions, and taxes paid.

Trump - 1

Pence - 10

MICHAEL R. SISAK of the AP is a LIAR!!!


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A case so has to be leaked to fellow travelers in the juice it up.

Like father, like son...Vance,Sr and his pal Brzenzinski let the radical Mahdi death cultists take over his demented spawn is going Laventiy Beria on Trump.

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POS Vance still scraping barrels..., looks like a Mueller-scale nothingburger...but, proof of crimes is at the bottom of the list of things POS Vance cares about...trial by public demonization is the goal...
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Trial by public demonization continues...

Check out this negatively spun "dang, we got nuthin'" BS!

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has indicated he does not currently plan to charge the Trump Organization with crimes related to allegations of “hush money” payments and real estate value manipulations, according to a personal lawyer for Donald Trump.

Ronald Fischetti, a New York attorney who represents the former president, said on Monday that in a meeting last week, he asked Vance’s team for details on charges they were considering.

[…] According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks. It has been widely reported that those perks included cars and apartments and appear to only involve a small number of executives.

“We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” Fischetti told POLITICO. “They said, ‘No.’”  “It’s crazy that that’s all they had,” he added.

It's the kind of never-ending persecution one can only expect from the likes of criminal Marxist trash like Cyrus a sane world such despicable low-life criminally traitorous scum would be literally run out on a rail...
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Pathetic...these stinking lawless Marxists persecuting political enemies out of nothing but pure hatred...

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says he believes federal tax fraud charges filed in New York City against The Trump Organization’s longtime finance chief will end up being dismissed.

“You can’t get a city district attorney indicting somebody for failing to pay federal income taxes when the IRS hasn’t even gone after him,” Dershowitz said in a July 3 interview with Newsmax.

“One of the charges, a major charge, is grand larceny against the United States government.

“That shows the extent to which they are prepared to stretch existing law and the Constitution to give them authority over federal taxes. It’s absurd.”
“I believe the political forces driving today’s events are just that. It’s political, politically driven, notwithstanding the statements by my colleague at the DA’s office in court today,” Futerfas said.
Dershowitz told Newsmax he believes the charges against Weisselberg, who has intimate knowledge of The Trump Organization’s financial dealings, are a pressure tactic to get him to testify against Trump’s company.

“If he doesn’t turn, they will sentence him to prison, probably will not be a long prison term. Generally for crimes like this relating to a relatively small amount of taxes, there’s either no prison time or a small amount in prison time,” Dershowitz told the outlet.

“That’s the goal, to try to get people like him to testify against the higher-ups,” Dershowitz said.

“The ultimate goal here obviously, is Donald Trump. And the question is, will they get people to turn on him?”

Kinda disappointing that our side has no operatives to deploy to turn the tables on these rogue Marxist criminals, eh?

Well, maybe that is by design...instead of going from point A to point B etc to point R...folks are skipping the middle sh!t!
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Fighting in corrupt courts...

Place your odds...

Accusations no matter how fabricated is all that matters...The Law is dead...
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Why "temporary"?   ::whatgives::

Sundance says its basically due to cowardice...

...silly me missing the ever-present character flaw of this putz!

Of course this only saves the putz as long as Congress flips and the Cucks drop could still be an issue for the moron to settle...after the DemoCommies respond what then?  Start the clock on Trump's legal team to respond to DemoCommie clarification/justification?  How about outright ending congressional overreach fueled by political hatred and a desire for an open-ended fishing expedition and issue a permanent "no"!?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2022, 08:56:04 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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SCOTUS cowards.

Well, OK...begs the question - next moves?

Trump can either blow them out there on the web for all to see and get ahead of any discussion...likely it will amount to ad hom anti-Capitalist BS, which is rich coming from corrupt insider trading types like Pelosi et al and the media whores burying their corruption...or he can ignore it.

More importantly, MAGA Republican's now have stare decisis in their quiver to take aim at JoeFraud, Heel's-Up Harris, Garland... ... ...
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The other sketchy bogus case doing nothing legal but exacting more persecution for persecutions sake with the help of useful idiots...

I tell ya, this country is chock full of imbeciles...criminals...trash...demons...
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"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Gosh...when hasn't somebody with the Jim Jones/Charlie Manson crazy-eyes been a total loon?

Hopefully this lefitist moonbat CNN appearance...

...and subsequent fallout...

...sees this politically motivated railroad job get tossed into to sewer.

PS - That lunatic needs an exorcism!   ::speechless::
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Doesn't she just!  Looking at her reminds me of the pix of Peter Strzok at the Congressional hearings:

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Latest Soros-funded radical Marxist Manhattan DA continuing the political persecution of political enemies.


FYI - Remember, since this arrest news is being presented by the NYT, it is in fact official narrative direct from DOJ/KGB Fedsurrectionists!  Also, protest in small groups, armed with video and overwatch and make citizens arrests (have plastic ties ready) of any Fedsurrectionist plants trying to foment violence.

Monkey has seen an odd uptick in flights to and from The Spa not seen in a long time...indicating a possible Fedsurrection move coinciding with this bogus arrest if it occurs...

Prima facie these cannot hope to stick...but again, these demons are Marxist-trained create a crisis and exploit it graduates so expect the worst.

Frankly, I think their schemes could backfire in spectacular fashion...but stupid will be stupid...


And, if you are serious, better issue subpoena's right now for tomorrow morning!

« Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 10:34:31 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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You're a late arrival to the party Wayne...I was pushing this as far back as the mid-80's pal...where the F y'all been?!


Anway, back to this arrest BS...

First, what actual law was broken?  They ain't got one. Last I saw giving money to somebody isn't a crime, no contraband exchanged...blah blah the long precedent of not doing jack in the glaring obvious example -


Second, no legal justification to make a felony out of nothing from an asshole who drops felonies for hardcore criminals to misdemeanors for his Lord and Master Satan...the clear politicization is stark.

And, again...

...America was Founded in part to end the chicanery and corruption of the Old World...DemoMarxists bringing all the Old Evil back!  Eff that and them!

And, sadly putting anybody before this Soros-paid Demon's hand-picked grand jury is likely to be ignored if it deviates from the predetermined outcome...

So, in the end I think these psychotic despots are going to do much more harm to themselves in the end...

Great minds 'n all...

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