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Penn State Scandal
« on: November 08, 2011, 11:50:50 AM »
IMO, if you see somebody assaulting a boy and you don't kick the guys ass senseless, you are a piss poor representative of a normal adult male.  Not reporting it to police is the second most damaging failure of manhood.

IMO Paterno has been nothing but a figurehead of late, and as this case indicates, has been a figurehead since the 90's...he should have all of his victories from this time forward expunged from the record books.
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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 04:35:58 PM »
At his advanced age, I don't think he could kick his way out of wet paper bag, but he STILL could have reported it to the cops since the AD didn't do didley squat.
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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 06:45:58 AM »
The grad asst did squat and he told his father who did squat other than tell Paterno, who promptly did nothing but tell his boss...and the janitor didn't do squat.  The latter said he feared losing his job!  Huh?  How can you lose your job for reporting a crime to the cops?  Who would blame anybody for kicking this losers ass before the cops got there?  And, hey, do you really want to work somewhere were it is OK to rape kids?  Is that really a job you want?  But I guess this janitor has dementia now, so he may be the only one lucking out on this sorry story.  There are at least 7 adults who failed to man-up about this, Paterno included.  They should all be gone, period.

This story brings up a lot of anger in me.  A long time ago before I joined the Navy I had a new friend I only knew for about 2 years.  I joined up in late September, the previous month my friend wanted me to stay with him at his home for a while, so I did.  He was a quiet but good natured kid with a sarcastic sense of humor and we got along fine.  His mother was kind of mousey and detached.  It was obvious she didn't take as active a role in her sons affairs as she should, and relied upon her husband, who was a stepfather to my friend.  I stayed a couple weeks and then he dropped me off and an hour or so later he was dead.  I won't go into the particulars of the death, but suffice it to say he probably felt compelled to a course of action no kid should ever have to contemplate.  I heard about it a week later and attended the service, hugged his mother and shook hands with his stepfather.

I think it was a full 2 years later when I came home on leave for a month that my mother told me the whole sordid story.  My Friend was being sexually abused by his stepfather, his mother knew about it and did nothing.  It is obvious he wanted me around at the time to prevent his stepfather from grabbing him.  I had a hair-trigger temper then and if I had known what was going on...well, I'd probably still be in prison for murder.  No way I could answer the parole board with anything other than "hell no!" if asked if I "feel remorse for what I've done"!  Looking back at it I think there were times when my friend seemed like he wanted to tell me something, but couldn't.  I suppose it is a nightmare trying to think how to tell somebody something so horrible.  I wish he could have found a way...I spent many hours over preceding years wonder what I could have done different, but I there isn't anything I could have possibly done.  I just wish I could have found out in time and put an end to it.  One of the few regrets I have is not being able to do something.  I vowed ever since that I will never miss an opportunity to help a kid, never.

Everybody at Penn State involved in this issue needs to go and if guilty of covering it up they should be nailed to the wall.
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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 08:03:15 AM »
At first I had a tough time grasping why Paterno was getting all the crap he was getting.  It was only later I heard that Paterno knew second hand what Sandusky was all about, but also letting Sandusky come back to campus, and continue to use Paterno's locker room to entice and bugger more children!

That makes Paterno a willing accomplice, and subject to criminal charges.

That grad assistant should also be jailed for just walking by, and letting a horrible crime continue to happen.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 08:07:24 AM »
I agree, it was confusing at first and having heard sandusky was let go along time ago I was like "why is this coming out now"?  Then I hear they let this idiot back on campus and Paterno was told by the grad asst and his father (all family friends!) about this, Paterno's detachment become less detached in this case.  The janitor also witnessed an earlier incident and did nothing.  The whole thing is just sick and none of these 7 or so involved behaved like real men!  I condemn them all!
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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 08:20:14 AM »
Let me start by saying I am no fan of Penn State.
I usually root for Pitt and whoever is playing Penn State (unless it's Notre Dame, then I don't know)

Unless you've been around Happy Valley, you can't truly realize how much football influences everything there.
Paterno is a god.
Rumor is this will get him to resign. It should.
But, I will be mildly surprised if he does

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2011, 09:27:58 AM »
AP Source: Paterno to retire at end of season

I say no way.  He will be crucified on opposing fields.  Hell, probably at home, also.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2011, 11:08:07 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2011, 11:12:13 AM »
AP Source: Paterno to retire at end of season

I say no way.  He will be crucified on opposing fields.  Hell, probably at home, also.

Agreed.  How many Rape-U taunts etc does he think he can stand to hear?  They go to Madison on the 26th, that crowd will be merciless.  And they already lost the top recruit in the state over this, more to follow.  They will be tarnished for quite a while...


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Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2011, 11:19:28 AM »
This is disgusting behavior by these men who did nothing.

If I'd seen it I would have been screaming bloody murder and calling the cops at the same time.  If one of my kids had come home with a story like this we'd been calling the cops not the coach or the school!

My next call would have been to the media (and a lawyer in anticipation of the accusations hurled at me).

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2011, 10:12:08 PM »

On Sandusky and This Nation of Cowards
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - November 8, AD 2011 8:09 PM MST

I read the grand jury report on Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky and couldn't believe what I was reading. I'm not going to link to it because it is awful. If you want to read it you can find it yourself. It wasn't the fact that Sandusky was a pedophile that was so shocking. We all know about the horror of pedophilia and that it exists in the world. No, what really shook me were the actions of the people around Sandusky - and two of those people in particular.

One was a 28 year old (at the time) graduate assistant in the Penn State football program. He testified before the grand jury, and the grand jury found him to be "extremely credible". This grad assistant testified that he literally walked in on Sandusky anally raping a ten year old boy in the Penn State football locker room showers. Right in the middle of the act itself. He even testified that both Sandusky and the child turned and looked at him - in the middle of the rape act.

What did this grad assistant do? He ran away. He ran away from a child in the midst of being raped. The next day he went to Joe Paterno's house and told Joe Paterno what he saw. In this we have the proof that Joe Paterno KNEW what Sandusky was, and he basically let it slide. For this, Joe Paterno deserves not only to lose his job, but he also deserves to spend some time in prison. Aw, but he's a kind old man. That may be. But that "kind old man" let a man whom he KNEW to be a child rapist have the run of his football facility until JUST LAST WEEK.

What should Joe Paterno have done, you may ask? Well, let's look to history. Have you ever noticed, or thought it strange, that there is no significant mention of child rapists in the courts or prisons in Western Civilization up until about 100 years ago? Why do you think this is? Is it because sex crimes against children are a recent invention? No. The difference is that up until recently, society was healthy enough that it was able to police itself when necessary. When men were caught, and I mean CAUGHT IN THE ACT, like Sandusky, of raping a child, justice was carried out almost instantaneously. There was no need to involve the courts and humiliate and further traumatize the poor child. The crime was eyewitnessed, and the penalty was an absolute given. And so, the men of the community would discreetly either shoot or hang the pedophile. And it was over. The child could move on, and the men in the community moved on secure in the knowledge that the pedophile would never harm another child, with most of the community remaining unscandalized having known nothing about it, and the pedophile, knowing that he was about to die, was also afforded the mercy of the knowledge and understanding of the urgent need for his repentance and to earnestly beg God's forgiveness before he died. This was, by far, the best possible outcome for all concerned.

But what do we do today? Apparently, most people do nothing. They are too narcissistic, too greedy, and too cowardly to act, even if it means to save a child who is being raped. Joe Paterno was more concerned with his reputation and Penn State's reputation, and so he watered down Sandusky's crime to mere "horseplay" and let it slide. Joe Paterno spent YEARS sitting in meetings, palling around, back-slapping, glad-handing and socializing with a man he KNEW to be a child rapist. He didn't even call the police. The mind reels. And I'll say it again: Paterno should spend some time in prison, as should anyone who aids and abets a pedophile.

Now back to the grad assistant. He wasn't alone. There was another instance in exactly the same showers when a janitor walked in on Sandusky orally raping another young boy of about 11 years of age. This janitor was so shaken by the grotesquery of what he had seen, even remarking to his co-workers that it was far worse than the intense combat carnage he saw in Vietnam, that his co-workers thought the man was going to have a heart attack. But again, what did the janitor do upon catching Sandusky? He RAN AWAY. He didn't try to stop any of it. He just ran.

And this is a microcosm of the problem with our culture and why it is collapsing. There is evil in the world, and up until recently, we Christians had the strength and moral authority to not just confront evil, but to literally run at it in a full battle charge when we came across it. That is what we are supposed to do. Those men should have each rushed Sandusky and then either beat him into unconsciousness or broken his arms and legs, thus immobilizing him. They should have then covered and secured the child, and then called 911. But these men were so cowed by their own self-absorption, with both admitting to have feared for their respective positions at the time, that they literally ran away from a child in the midst of being brutally raped.

This is a sick and yet pristine allegory for what is happening to this culture on a macro scale today. We SEE what those "in power", like Sandusky, are doing. We keep catching them in flagrante dilecto and are so overcome with fear, so far removed from Christ and His strength, that we do NOTHING. We slink away into the shadows of self-preservation. And more children are slaughtered. And more Mexican civilians are killed. And more money is stolen. And more mosques are built.

And so, to finish out the allegory, I am the janitor who came around that corner and saw the child being raped, and instead of running away and keeping my job, I bayonet-charged the rapist like a mercenary honey badger. There is no guarantee that I will be successful. My enemies are now simultaneously the Obama regime and the entire muslim death cult.

BUT, can you IMAGINE how those two boys felt when they saw a man there who could save them, and then seeing that man run away? The wound from that might have been worse than the wound from Sandusky himself. Those boys knew Sandusky was a pervert. What must have been hell for them was trying to figure out why the men who COULD have saved them, didn't. Being abandoned is far, far worse than being violently attacked. You can get your head around being violently attacked - the violent attacker wants something from you. Abandonment simply says, "You're not worth it." Even if those men had just stood there and screamed at Sandusky, at least those boys would have known that someone gave a crap about them.

I guess you could say that what I'm doing between my private war against islam and my tax strike is trying to leave a record that someone actually gave a crap.

Sorry to have conceitedly worked myself into the allegory, but the "put yourself in those shoes" lesson about cowardice jumped out at me as being very instructive. Pray for Sandusky's victims, which as of this writing are now numbered at over twenty boys. There will likely be more, as Sandusky was a stone-cold predator who had plenty of people "throwing blocks" for him.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2011, 10:19:14 PM »
BUT, can you IMAGINE how those two boys felt when they saw a man there who could save them, and then seeing that man run away? The wound from that might have been worse than the wound from Sandusky himself. Those boys knew Sandusky was a pervert. What must have been hell for them was trying to figure out why the men who COULD have saved them, didn't. Being abandoned is far, far worse than being violently attacked.

I was considering this just today.  It resonates for reasons having to do with my own experiences.

I'm of the type that couldn't NOT react, even at my personal expense.

Cowards.  Evil-indulging cowards.
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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2011, 11:27:47 PM »
they ran...

i can't get my head around that....

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2011, 12:12:26 AM »
The evil present in this story is monumental.

It is as big as Penn State University itself and it must be destroyed.

Consider: Apart from the morally reprehensible behavior that is walking away from a rape in progress rather than confronting it directly there is the cover up.

So let's discuss the cover up.

Paterno knew. The athletic director knew. The university president knew. It is completely reasonable to believe that if these people knew then several other people in positions of authority and responsibility also knew what was going on.

And yet they did nothing. These people made a conscious decision to do absolutely nothing about a child rapist sodomizing children on university property for literally years after it came to their attention.


The only reasonable conclusion that I can come to is that they didn't want to instigate an investigation that would in any way tarnish the football program and reduce the flow of money that came with it. In other words: They weighed the relative costs and decided that millions of dollars of college football money was more important than the souls of the children who were being raped in their midst.

This is what I hope happens to Penn State...

I hope that the victims of Sandusky and Penn State authorities get a really, really good legal team. I hope that the victims pursue a lawsuit against the university and go after the school's endowment in general and the money earned by the football program during Sandusky's time at the university in particular. And that time should extend right up to the moment he was banned from the campus a few days ago.

I hope that the NCAA uses the death penalty to end Penn State's football program. Certainly this is a far worse situation than point shaving or recruiting violations. If the NCAA won't use the death penalty for this then they are a joke.

I hope that criminal charges are pursued against everyone involved. Yes, the grad student. Yes, Paterno. Yes, the university president. Yes, to every adult who knew what was going on and did nothing. Each and every one of them are accomplices after the fact to a felony. They all need to be prosecuted with extreme prejudice.

Penn State has sold its soul and worshipped at the alter of college football, sacrificing the innocent souls of these children for money. For a game.

This is pure, unadulterated evil and it should be utterly destroyed.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2011, 12:25:52 AM »

The contact information for the NCAA is:

The National Collegiate Athletic Association
700 W. Washington Street
P.O. Box 6222
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6222
Phone: 317/917-6222
Fax: 317/917-6888

I get really, really annoyed with chain emails that show up in my inbox but I would be willing to make an exception for one that has this as its subject. The NCAA needs to be seriously lobbied by the public to punish the Penn State football program with the death penalty. Consider sending out an email about this to those in your contact list.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2011, 06:19:55 AM »
No final victory lap around the Big Ten

The above several posts amplified by these people thinking Paterno could actually continue coaching.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2011, 06:34:54 AM »
Heard those Penn St students rallying around Paterno last night...pretty sad they place one man and a football program above the welfare of young boys...pretty much tells you all you need to know about how far we've declined as a society.  

"We're seeing students shouting at each other in classrooms,"

Yup, the culture wars are being played out in microcosm in Penn St, and sure to roil around the nation.

Ann's screed is dead on the money.

And McQueary, the current WR coach who was the aforementioned grad asst at the time of the second witnessed event, is still on the team I believe. Why?

I think a lot of what Trap is looking for is going to happen.  Sandusky is going to do time, Curley & Schultz are in deep crap on perjury charges, Paterno is not out of the woods given his "hindsight" comments last night and all these individuals and the university are sure to be the targets of multiple civil cases.  I don't know about the Death Penalty, this is not a football event, no recruiting violations etc, so I am not so sure a lot can be done on that score, but even if these are not sanctionable events for the existing NCAA rules, they clearly have to make some sort of statement.

This isn't over by any stretch.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2011, 07:07:16 AM »
Well, we're going to find out if trading swag for tattoos are worse crimes in the NCAA than aiding and abetting child rape. 

We're going to find out what's worse, having a cookout for a prospective player, or raping that players little brother.

It's time I find out whether or not I'm going to cosign the NCAA to my personal dustbin of supporting history with pro sports.

I'm really getting tired of everything I love in life becoming corrupted by leftism, or the general culture rot in this country.

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Re: Penn State Scandal
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2011, 07:41:07 AM »
Well, we're going to find out if trading swag for tattoos are worse crimes in the NCAA than aiding and abetting child rape. 

We're going to find out what's worse, having a cookout for a prospective player, or raping that players little brother.

It's time I find out whether or not I'm going to cosign the NCAA to my personal dustbin of supporting history with pro sports.

I'm really getting tired of everything I love in life becoming corrupted by leftism, or the general culture rot in this country.

Well said.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.