Author Topic: Dollar Being Isolated  (Read 45230 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #100 on: May 05, 2015, 11:40:22 AM »
Saw that.  Fairly valued...heh!  Our crony-capitalist economy led by statists more in line with fascist socialism manipulate the hell out of everything...and here come the Chi-Com crony-oligarchs...

Fairly valued?  As good as any I guess...


At least they have been hoarding physical gold while we've been moving it off with paper!

As for the ADB/AIIB thingy, time will tell if this works to China's favor, all things being equal it should, but stuff happens.  And speaking of stuff...we don't know what surprises lay in store in the secretive Obama Regime Trans-Pacific Partnership being schemed behind closed much of it will be protect America's ass vs sell America's ass away?  With this idiot it likely will be all over the place...but for certain this will affect China somehow.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #101 on: June 30, 2015, 07:19:14 AM »
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #102 on: August 24, 2015, 08:24:30 AM »
interesting article on ZH  that explain how the low oil prices are killing the petrodollar 

It is something I hadn't thought about but it makes perfect sense... since the dollar's worldwide value is largely driven by the need to purchase oil.. if the price of oil falls, you will get more dollars floating around looking for homes. .. but the more the economies of the world lag because of it - the less oil will be produced and so oil prices will continue to have downward pressure, and therefore so will the dollar. The relative "strength" of the dollar is still more than other currencies, and that also adds to the problem - eventually forcing other nations to "de-peg"  or to seek other payment schemes... 

Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #103 on: August 24, 2015, 12:52:26 PM »
Yup, until a lot of sizable trade is conducted in another medium the dollar wins by default, and since the currency wars are still raging and are a sub-set of the wider central bank shenanigans in cahoots with political debt addiction...throw in lack of any real GDP growth and its a mess.  Of course ZeroHedge thinks PetroDollar is impacted more than PetroRuble, even though the Rooskies need oil to prop up their economy more than ours since they have so little else to offer besides military hardware and ammunition, vodka, crime and hookers...maybe a little caviar on the side.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #104 on: August 26, 2015, 07:49:06 AM »
China dumped $100 Billion in treasuries in the last two weeks

Gee,  devalue your own currency.. strengthen the dollar and then sell dollars.  A move worthy of Soros.
 No seriously, what else would they do? - they are sitting on a pile of dollars that will become worthless if they don't exchange them for something else.   You can bet that all of the nations sitting on larger dollar reserves are doing the same..  That is why the "crisis" is happening now..  The American people are too stupid to panic.  Foreigners see the writing on the wall and simply want to exit while  retaining as much value as possible.  So while we race to the bottom and Dollar is king-- its the best time to "sell" dollars. and trade them for real goods - you know - like Gold.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #105 on: August 26, 2015, 08:15:55 AM »
China dumped $100 Billion in treasuries in the last two weeks

Gee,  devalue your own currency.. strengthen the dollar and then sell dollars.  A move worthy of Soros.
 No seriously, what else would they do? - they are sitting on a pile of dollars that will become worthless if they don't exchange them for something else.   You can bet that all of the nations sitting on larger dollar reserves are doing the same..  That is why the "crisis" is happening now..  The American people are too stupid to panic.  Foreigners see the writing on the wall and simply want to exit while  retaining as much value as possible.  So while we race to the bottom and Dollar is king-- its the best time to "sell" dollars. and trade them for real goods - you know - like Gold.

Yup.  I also noted that here along with the devaluation news about India and how China plans more.  I would expect to see more Treasuries converted to shiny barbarous relic, after all the brainiacs monkey-hammer it down to price levels that make it impossible to pass on, especially if you are China and India.
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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #107 on: September 01, 2015, 06:47:11 AM »
That could be an inducement to get some Merc's in on the game...

"You keep what you kill"   ;)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #108 on: November 15, 2015, 07:03:31 PM »

Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #109 on: November 16, 2015, 07:50:31 AM »
and Yuan is now getting into the SDR basket

Step by step...

Meanwhile back in the Stupid States of many times have we (Them!) done one stupid thing after another?  I'm an accountant and even I lost track...


But, the END doesn't really matter whose fiat is top TP...every nation on this planet has issues, serious issues...there is no "win" to be had except in a short-term whooptie-doo PR-sense...


In the END only real value will matter, everything else is scat.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 08:16:34 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #110 on: November 30, 2015, 08:18:01 AM »
More short-term whooptie-doo...

The Chi-Com's are coming!  (Again!)


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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #111 on: May 17, 2016, 11:44:37 AM »
Ho Li &%$#!

Are we closer to monetary armegeddon or what?!

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #112 on: July 19, 2016, 07:26:00 AM »
What the heck is China going buying more?

Must be a head-fake.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #113 on: November 17, 2016, 05:38:56 PM »
Sweden - you don't need no stinkin' cash!

1's & 0's are so much easier to manufacture, this is a winner of an will run out the string to it's last digit.

Meanwhile in India...

...they really hate their lower caste there...loud, whiny, is banned, gold is banned...cows are worshipped...

...mass hysteria!

I wonder what it takes to piss off a billion people?  Whatever, forward!  Let's find out...
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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #115 on: February 10, 2017, 07:35:46 AM »
Yeah, I read that.  Lots of data, lots of projections and assumptions where the devil is.  And units of measure are, well, units of measure - they are what they are!  Petrodollar?  Sure.  But there are Petrorubles, Goldyuan, etc...the point being everything can be and is a commodity.  What makes it all go around is belief and a track record to match that belief combined with some reality and a fat dose of compliance.  I am not necessarily saying he is wrong in the end result...I'm just saying this guy also as a business to run and a living to make and as with most things of this nature it all comes down to the your bets on that one but I think the kabuki masters across the globe aren't played out yet.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #116 on: April 03, 2017, 07:07:33 AM »
Another milestone reached...

...kinda the opposite of Nixon 8/15/71, eh?

Well, it worked for a time, but now King Dollar is going to get knocked down a bit.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #117 on: May 23, 2017, 08:50:39 AM »

Yeah, you see the can't be the reserve currency, because a reserve currency is is wide use and the Yuan isn't.  And popularity is permanent.  You could replace dollar with  Sterling, and Yuan with Dollar and these factors would have been true 200 years ago of the dollar as well.  I am just amazed a person can write this and not realize they are trying to rationalize away the threat.

Well that geek in high school will never be accepted or popular, because how popular you are in High School is how popular you will be  forever.  Not true? Things can change?  Maybe try applying that idea to your analysis of why the Yuan can NEVER be a reserve currency because its not used that way now.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #118 on: May 23, 2017, 11:39:07 AM »

Yeah, you see the can't be the reserve currency, because a reserve currency is is wide use and the Yuan isn't.  And popularity is permanent.  You could replace dollar with  Sterling, and Yuan with Dollar and these factors would have been true 200 years ago of the dollar as well.  I am just amazed a person can write this and not realize they are trying to rationalize away the threat.

Well that geek in high school will never be accepted or popular, because how popular you are in High School is how popular you will be  forever.  Not true? Things can change?  Maybe try applying that idea to your analysis of why the Yuan can NEVER be a reserve currency because its not used that way now.

Fricken hilarious!  Obviously the Tylerz posted this so Fight Club could make sport of it.  That bit about fiat being a store of value, ha!  That's a dead giveaway this guy is either woefully naive or a stooge of the kabuki masters!  No surprise then that real stores of value were not even mentioned.  And to the point of the article...if I were Chinese I would take this as a challenge gleefully taken up...all there needs to be for anybody to assert their currency as a reserve currency is a) an economy of size sufficient for the attempt, b) allies with which to broaden that influence, c) the long-term will to stick with a plan of isolating the current fat lazy king on the hill and d) the patience and persistence to allow others to slowly one by one adopt your replacement.

Valentin Schmid
Valentin Schmid is the business editor of the Epoch Times. His areas of expertise include global macroeconomic trends and financial markets, China, and Bitcoin. Before joining the paper in 2012, he worked as a portfolio manager for BNP Paribas in Amsterdam, London, Paris and Hong Kong.

The Epoch Times is poorly represented.  I would offer to replace this idiot, and probably for less than what they are currently paying this moron!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Dollar Being Isolated
« Reply #119 on: May 23, 2017, 01:59:05 PM »
That bit about fiat being a store of value, ha!  That's a dead giveaway this guy is either woefully naive or a stooge of the kabuki masters! 

I saw many  took that view in the comments. I don't mind them saying its a store of value.. anything other humans see as valuable is a store of value. Houses, Furniture, Gold, Silver, Shells, carved stones, specially printed bits of paper.  Anything that is near universally accepted as having value becomes a store of value ... The dollar is currently seen as a store of value - if it were not the cascade would have occurred and our bank account balances would have something other than a  '$" before them. Its value is based on the US Government's ability to indenture its citizen's current wealth  and future productivity   to the Federal Reserve Bank.. Our currency is based on "property rights" - the right of the US Government to treat its citizens productive ability as collateral to take on and pay interest on loans.

The dollar will collapse only when it is seen that ability as being compromised to a degree where that can't be maintained.

There is nothing really different about a paper note and a gold coin. They both have intrinsic value:   The paper could still be used to wipe your butt or start a fire. The Gold  useful for adornment and some industrial uses.  Intrinsic value is ALWAYS separate from Currency Value..

There is no guarantee humans will always find Gold valuable either.. maybe huge asteroids will be found of gold and each person could make a house out of it and have enough left over to pave the streets, and any currency based on gold would then become as valuable as one based on the leaves torn off of trees. If buggy whips were used commonly as currency at some point , they would probably STILL be used as currency today - even though the intrinsic  value of a buggy whips has declined drastically.

Gold and Silver have been traditionally used as money simply because they are 1) in short supply 2) not easily counterfeited 3) easily recognizable 4) Humans seem to be impressed or Dazzled when you use it to adorn yourself or your abode and dazzling people is often a useful (and valuable thing)

If people stopped being dazzled by gold and it was seen as just another rock. Watch Mark Dice videos - Chocolate is often perceived by Californians to be more valuable than gold or silver. Most don't see it as money, but as an object, and don't know enough about tat object to know its worth a many boxes of chocolate, just as if I showed you some antique furniture worth $1000s and you might mistake it for a $5 garage sale find. You are unaware of how rare it is, or that there is a market for it, so you undervalue it.  If everyone does that, then it becomes a $5 garage sale item.

I know I am harping a bit, but this is really , really important to understand. We may already past the point were people will see Gold/Silver and be ready to accept it as money, and post teotwawki you may be better off with boxes of Hershey bars to trade with. In  WWII chocolate(and of course cigarettes) - and with FDR's ration books, those ration coupons became currency since they could be reliably traded for tires, or nylons, or fuel.  Its the predictability and reliability of the trade - knowing that it will have value to a lot of someones in the future,  that make a thing a store of value, and nothing else.

If we go full mad max, you can bet that beans and bullets care a better store of value than bullion - at least for a time- which is why smart preppers collect all three.  You share the world with idiots, and you never know what idiots will find consistently valuable