Author Topic: NAACP vs. Romney  (Read 2874 times)

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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2012, 10:50:55 PM »
Another facet of Romney's addressing the NAACP is the importance of addressing the role of non-blacks in achieving civil rights equality in the US.

Romney's father certainly deserves the kind of credit accorded MLK and others for their roles in the Civil Rights movement.  Therefore shouldn't Mitt have as much right to address the black community with as much legitimacy as Cora King, or a Jesse Jackson, Jr.?

It's high time somebody went to the black community and said, "Your leaders are screwing you over, and this is how I am going to fix that."

NO.  Nobody can "fix that" but them, and to be telling them, yet again, that stuff is gonna "get fixed" for them is just more of the same "it's up to da White Man" to "fix" for them what's wrong.

Too frequently I hear about the how the education establishment, and the same bullsht goes on right here in my school system, is all worried and concerned and looking for the next great "fix" to close the "education gap" between Whites/Asians and Black/"hispanic".  There is an ongoing debate in some small circles on whether "the gap", such as it is, is possible to close because, as a group -- and this is how many Blacks self-identify, as a group -- the IQ scores are less than impressive.  In "acceptable" circles, this is put down to poor nutrition, poverty, parents (that'd be baby-mama) who don't read to their children, when it can be discussed at all without people screaming "raaaccissst".  Some studies have shown a "hopeful" increase as a result of some "programs", but most of the educrats are more engaged in dumbing everything and everyone else down instead.  The result is now ignorant kids of every race.  Hooray; "we" are achieving equality at las'.

When "the Black community" decides for itself it has had enough, when their kids stop referring to a duty to properly educate themselves as "acting White", when half of the dumbass Black teachers get on the stick and decide to speak proper English, and when Donna Brazile stops saying "axe" instead of "ask" on national TV, that's when we will see them "fixed".  And not until.
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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2012, 10:58:24 PM »
Unh hunh; right on time:

The other author of the report Lindsay Rosenthal pounted out the learning gap to msnbc, highlighting that lower-income students are falling behind and 'less likely to have the same access to robust learning opportunities'.

"Lower-income students", code for what?  Being poor does not equate to stupid -- don't even point to nutrition; these kids have taxpayer supplied food via multiple avenues -- and they're all going to the same schools, so what's with the 'less likely ... access ... to .... learning opportunities"?

Read more:

H/T bonz
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2012, 11:30:36 PM »
I thought Mittster's speech was adequate. I agree that it was not a banal or uninspired move. It showed a shimmer of brass testicle.

But ever one to be dissatisfied with milquetoastery, I would have loved to hear him take his critique of Obama and his monolithic Black support one step further.

After criticizing Obama and noting the inconvenient truth of his failed presidency in regard to Blacks, it would have been refreshing if he'd have made the point that Obama's Blackness demonstrably makes him no more likely to govern effectively for Blacks or anybody else, and that King's dream of character over skin color was ignored in the last election, to everyone's detriment, including Black Americans.

But that's just me. I like truth, and hate politics.
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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2012, 07:54:26 AM »
Another facet of Romney's addressing the NAACP is the importance of addressing the role of non-blacks in achieving civil rights equality in the US.

Romney's father certainly deserves the kind of credit accorded MLK and others for their roles in the Civil Rights movement.  Therefore shouldn't Mitt have as much right to address the black community with as much legitimacy as Cora King, or a Jesse Jackson, Jr.?

It's high time somebody went to the black community and said, "Your leaders are screwing you over, and this is how I am going to fix that."

NO.  Nobody can "fix that" but them, and to be telling them, yet again, that stuff is gonna "get fixed" for them is just more of the same "it's up to da White Man" to "fix" for them what's wrong.

Too frequently I hear about the how the education establishment, and the same bullsht goes on right here in my school system, is all worried and concerned and looking for the next great "fix" to close the "education gap" between Whites/Asians and Black/"hispanic".  There is an ongoing debate in some small circles on whether "the gap", such as it is, is possible to close because, as a group -- and this is how many Blacks self-identify, as a group -- the IQ scores are less than impressive.  In "acceptable" circles, this is put down to poor nutrition, poverty, parents (that'd be baby-mama) who don't read to their children, when it can be discussed at all without people screaming "raaaccissst".  Some studies have shown a "hopeful" increase as a result of some "programs", but most of the educrats are more engaged in dumbing everything and everyone else down instead.  The result is now ignorant kids of every race.  Hooray; "we" are achieving equality at las'.

When "the Black community" decides for itself it has had enough, when their kids stop referring to a duty to properly educate themselves as "acting White", when half of the dumbass Black teachers get on the stick and decide to speak proper English, and when Donna Brazile stops saying "axe" instead of "ask" on national TV, that's when we will see them "fixed".  And not until.

You are correct, if I am going to make up hypotheticals, it should have been "...and here is how you are going to fix that."
My doctor told me to start killing people.  Not in those exact words, she said I had to reduce the stress in my life.

Same thing.

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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2012, 11:27:54 AM »

Coalition Of 1,300 Black Pastors Heading To Houston To Protest NAACP’s Support For Gay Marriage…

What does the NAACP do when it can’t play the race card?

Now that Romney has addressed the NAACP and did not capitulate, he should target the 1300 pastors who oppose gay marriage. Like Trap stated, he only needs to strip off a few % of blacks....Plus, it would be interesting to see how many of these black "leaders" would embrace a Romney message in this matter.

If Romney can't get them to vote for him, the next best thing is to get them to not vote.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2012, 11:31:08 AM »
I thought Mittster's speech was adequate. I agree that it was not a banal or uninspired move. It showed a shimmer of brass testicle.

But ever one to be dissatisfied with milquetoastery, I would have loved to hear him take his critique of Obama and his monolithic Black support one step further.

After criticizing Obama and noting the inconvenient truth of his failed presidency in regard to Blacks, it would have been refreshing if he'd have made the point that Obama's Blackness demonstrably makes him no more likely to govern effectively for Blacks or anybody else, and that King's dream of character over skin color was ignored in the last election, to everyone's detriment, including Black Americans.

But that's just me. I like truth, and hate politics.

It was smart- because it ensured Media Coverage of the "You want free stuff, vote for the other guy" angle.  I just wish he would have taken that a step further-- something liek this

"Because it isn't free stuff.  You hate "whites" because they enslaved "blacks" 200 years ago - that makes YOU the racist.  Slavery was Wrong?  Well here you are advocating that others ( mostly white) be enslaved  and indentured to the government to provide you with free stuff.  You think its payback? You were never a slave, and none of the people you want to punish was ever a slave owner. Most of their ancestors came to this country AFTER the civil war.  What about the Blacks in Africa that sold your ancestors to the Whites to begin with?  If you want this nation to heal from these scars you need you need to Follow MLK and follow HIS dream.  You need to give up your victim-hood and and reject the hard racism of low expectations foisted on you by rich white liberals- demand that people stop assuming  you  inferior via affirmative action and other government handouts, and require that they hold you to the same standard as Whites. Confront those racist assumptions and  prove you can make it without anyone's help and in spite of any racism you do encounter. Democrats oppose vouchers, and fight to trap your  children in failing schools. When  you ask your children what they want to be, you will NOT hear them say Lawyer, Doctor or Engineer - because those professions are WHITE and you wouldn't have a chance in them. Students who work hard in school are maligned by thier black friends as "acting white" and because of that the  White Racists then have already won- they don't have to keep you down, because you are keeping yourselves down with your own low expectations - and the Democrats are happy to pay you to do it. After all, the party that opposed Lincoln, the party of Jim Crow, the party that opposed the Civil Rights Act,  is more than happy to pay you to be poor, to offer you a bribe of taxpayer money to believe in your victim status. After all, if you didn't believe that,  you might be successful enough to live in their gated community and join their country club.  They are more than willing to use taxpayer money to pay you to stay out, and like the good Nigger you take their money and obey. "

I would love to hear the "outrage" of the MSM to that...

As an aside, when I attended Columbia (that is in Harlem for those who aren't aware) there was a asshole black guy on my floor who was always giving me crap - in a really mean and disrespectful way.  One time, a good friend on my floor  (who was black) said to me " Why do you let him do that?"  I, being raised in lily white Colorado, had been bred with the reflexive fear of being branded a racist.  The two black kinds (out of 2000)  in my High School were uber popular- mostly because no one would ever say anything bad about them.  I told this guy that I was afraid to say anything bad about the asshole for fear of being labeled a racist. It was the first time I ever saw this black friend of mine get really mad. He yelled at me - "No! Don't you dare give that asshole a pass because he is black you racist cracker!" - he was dead serious, and I was mortified and scared. I really liked this guy and the last thing I ever wanted to do was offend him.  Seeing this I think he took pity on the poor Colorado Hick, and calmed his voice and said "You need  hold everyone to the same standard- and expect the same of everyone regardless of color. Giving him a pass on that because he is black makes you the racist. Calling him an asshole when he is an ASSHOLE is the least racist thing you can do."

I apologized to him. I told him he was absolutely right. And I recall every minute of it as if it were yesterday. And that was the last day I was ever a racist. (Though Obama is trying really, really hard to make me one again)  Oh, and Obama is a Black Asshole.


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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2012, 01:59:04 PM »
And now for Biden's rebuttal to Romney at the NAACP...


The above picture was taken just before Biden was set to speak by CBS News’ Rodney Hawkins who says the NAACP is blaming the lack of attendance on the rain. Anyone buying that excuse?
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Offline Predator Don

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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2012, 03:00:31 PM »
And now for Biden's rebuttal to Romney at the NAACP...


The above picture was taken just before Biden was set to speak by CBS News’ Rodney Hawkins who says the NAACP is blaming the lack of attendance on the rain. Anyone buying that excuse?

Obama takes the black vote for granted because he can....
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.


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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2012, 05:18:50 PM »

His appearance was as close to perfect as possible.
He was polite. he spoke his mind, he spoke the truth,
he invited them into his heart and offered them equal
hospitality.   That's statesmanship.

IIRC, Bush didn't go and McCain pandered, more than
a few exited the auditorium yesterday with more respect
for Romney than when they arrived, they will also consider
his words.

Offline John Florida

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Re: NAACP vs. Romney
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2012, 08:16:35 PM »

His appearance was as close to perfect as possible.
He was polite. he spoke his mind, he spoke the truth,
he invited them into his heart and offered them equal
hospitality.   That's statesmanship.

IIRC, Bush didn't go and McCain pandered, more than
a few exited the auditorium yesterday with more respect
for Romney than when they arrived, they will also consider
his words.

 And the head of that bunch of racists was on O'Riely sticking it to him and even ;ieing about what he said even with tape to prove him a liar.So Screw them.
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