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Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:56:52 PM »
Found this linked at Ann Barnhardt's site.  They do continue to broadcast their assumptions and their intentions, classifying military veterans and constitutionalists as potential domestic terrorists, and now brainstorming papers on Tea Party extremists hypothetically taking over the town of Darlington, SC.  I guess picking that place conveniently gave them an opportunity to use the neo-confederate brush as well.

Because Ann's posts eventually roll off from her site, I am quoting it here:

I tried to tweet this but the website in question, , causes all tweets to go to the home page. Please spread and repost this. It needs to be seen by as many people as possible. Here's the link:

Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future

This isn't some wild bee-ess from some Alex Jones site. This is the real deal. The author is a retired Colonel currently on staff at Ft. Leavenworth, which is the hub of all flag officer advanced education and indoctrination. Ft. Leavenworth is not called "the Little Pentagon" for nothing.

The piece is lengthy, but worth the read. It is basically war gaming how the United States military would be deployed to put down a "Tea Party insurgency". Some choice quotes:

    Under present law, which initially stemmed from bad feelings about Reconstruction, the military’s domestic role is highly circumscribed. In the situation we lay out below, even though the governor refuses to seek federal help to quell the uprising (the usual channel for military assistance), the Constitution allows the president broad leeway in times of insurrection.

    Coupled with a gradual build-up of federal forces in the local area, all covered by the media, the effect of this pressure will compound over time and quite possibly cause doubt about the correctness of the events in Darlington in the minds of its’ citizens and the insurrectionists who control the town...

    The design of this plan to restore the rule of law to Darlington will include information/influence operations designed to present a picture of the federal response and the inevitable defeat of the insurrection.

    Combat units will conduct overt Show of Force operations to remind the insurrectionists they are now facing professional military forces, with all the training and equipment that implies...

    A focus on the humanitarian aspect of the effort will be politically more palatable for the state and local officials. Federal forces continue to tighten the noose as troops seize and secure power and water stations, radio and TV stations, and hospitals.

and this from the comment thread, which is every bit as interesting as the article itself:

    A note of caution to those who have taken offense to the Tea Party- disenfranchised white males is a reality. The more comments we post on here taking offense to the scenario show the public what shade our professional military truly has. The Black Panthers and Nation of Islam have been marginalized and will never gain traction because of their idiocy. The Tea Party and potential fundamentalist groups who follow it will have the resources to make things caustic.

Tin foil hat territory?  Can you even tell anymore?  At this point I believe treachery is the default position of all government entities.
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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2012, 03:37:25 PM »

We get new CIC we get new flag officers. 
Clinton was so bad one committed suicide.
We get new CIC we get new flag officers.

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2012, 07:13:37 PM »
Any officer even thinking of implementing action against citizens of the United States, especially citzens wanting to end the willful destruction of the principles upon which this nation was founded as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights adopted with the Constition, is expressing disdain of our principles and Constitution and is therefor in league with statists who wish to use the military to usher in an age of despotism.  As such any officer and any who would following those orders are in violation of their oaths of service and it is right that they should be removed. 

The first order of business in a new administration should be a directive ordering any such considerations to use active military forces against the citizens of the United States to cease and for any proponets of the same to resign their commisions and face administrative discharge.  Each member on active duty and in the reserves should be given a pocketbook copy of the Declaration and Constitution and ordered to carry it on their person.

If this is not checked the military will cross a Rubicon that cannot be taken back.  They do not want to go there, period.  We do not want to become the next Evil Empire.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 04:44:11 PM »
I have a feeling that many of the line troops would not follow such orders as they would conflict with the Constitution and Bill of Rights (not to mention their own ideas of right and wrong).
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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 07:30:35 PM »
I have a feeling that many of the line troops would not follow such orders as they would conflict with the Constitution and Bill of Rights (not to mention their own ideas of right and wrong).

I wish I believed so, but I do not.  They will confiscate guns, round up and arrest, and fire on us.  Not all, but enough so the hesitant ones will find themselves between a rock and a hard place and in the minority.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline Glock32

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 09:07:59 PM »
I have a feeling that many of the line troops would not follow such orders as they would conflict with the Constitution and Bill of Rights (not to mention their own ideas of right and wrong).

I wish I believed so, but I do not.  They will confiscate guns, round up and arrest, and fire on us.  Not all, but enough so the hesitant ones will find themselves between a rock and a hard place and in the minority.

I have the same concern, and the same opinion.  There are some good comments over at Free Republic about this. In particular this one from somebody named Steel Wolf articulated what we're concerned about:

How many 500 yard scoped deer rifles on up exist in private hands in the USA? Even Hitler would not attack Switzerland.

I don't disagree with what you're saying at all, and you've very articulately pointed out before how novel such a fight would be in world history. Still, the biggest problem we face, bar none, is the pairing of rising collectivist ambition with the inability of the modern military to properly understand or win wars. That's the kind of stuff that tragic miscalculations are made of.

Here's my concern. The left wants a fight. Specifically, they want a fight between the uniformed U.S. security forces (aka the center right) against the TEA Party/Constitutionalists/patriots (aka the far right).

The left doesn't have an army of its own, so their operational concept is to get the organs of the state to fight for them. They sit comfortably behind the flag, while making the actual patriots into public enemies. Rhetorically, it all works for them. The evil conservatives are vanquished, the left doesn't need to spill any blood, and the institutions that many conservatives cherish (military and law enforcement) are the ones that did the deed.

Fact of the matter is, the left has no army and really can't get one. They need a state-versus-patriot fight because there's no equivalent on the left. Just zero liability voters who expect to get paid in exchange for their support. They have needs and demands, true, but they're no pool of warriors ready to be tapped. That job will need to be outsourced.

The security structure in this country isn't leftist by any means, but there's lots of people with mortgages to pay and mouths to feed. They may be center right politically, but they'll do what they're told in the short run if the reason is marginally plausible. And that's the danger. The forces on the left that want the fight also want it to be over quickly, because it needs to be. They don't realize that realistically, once it starts, it could turn into Afghanistan in every single state. Even our own planners didn't realize that Afghanistan was going to turn into Afghanistan. Ditto Iraq. And at the higher levels, some of them are advising the same leftist powers-that-be on military and civil strategies like this.

Sadly, the left wants the fight so badly, and on paper they may think that the fight will be as easy as following the doctrine laid out by the nice men from the War College, but that kind of fight bedeviled us for a decade in the sandbox. It would be a thousand times worse here. It's that lack of understanding what they'd be unleashing that worries me more than anything. At least Hitler feared the Swiss for the right reasons. He may have been a fool in a number of ways, but he learned some hard lessons in WWI up close and personally. I really wonder if the left comprehends what kind of fire they're playing with.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2012, 09:18:58 PM »
I have a feeling that many of the line troops would not follow such orders as they would conflict with the Constitution and Bill of Rights (not to mention their own ideas of right and wrong).

I wish I believed so, but I do not.  They will confiscate guns, round up and arrest, and fire on us.  Not all, but enough so the hesitant ones will find themselves between a rock and a hard place and in the minority.

A lot of the police and military forces are like us-- awake. Even in the disaster scenario that was Katrina some units stood down and refused to confiscate weapons, and that was with a (pretend) conservative as President and before any of this Obama crap.  I expect some units will follow orders, but that just as many will not.  They risk splintering the military with such a move.  Not to mention "putting down an insurrection"  is going to result in  lots of video footage of American men, women and children being shot at by the military for the offense of declaring what is already patently obvious  - the Federal government is illegitimate,  and has demonstrated in a train of abuses that they intend to subjugate us under a despotic system ( this event is further evidence)  and if Romney is in charge when this goes on, the lapdog media won't be able to help themselves but cover it, and spin it to make Romney look bad - because ultimately those useful idiots won't realize what the event means, till they are hauled away and shot for covering it.

They may intend to try this, and they are dumb enough and disconnected enough from reality to think its a good idea, but they ARE disconnected from reality. If 1/2 of the military revolts, or stages a Coup, they will be in serious trouble. Not to mention all of the FORMER military who are already among the citizenry who can help train and lead. The idea that a Tea Party insurrection in a town is NOT being lead by such individuals is ludicrous. That there won't be a trained militia at the heart of it is ludicrous.  The idea that a show of force would make such people back down shows how disconnected from reality this plan is. They think they will be fighting regular Civilians - the normal sheep that pass for people . They won't be.  It will be bloody and messy, and battle lines will be drawn instantly  all over the country.

I don't doubt that these morons want this as a way of getting rid of us bitter clingers, but they assume we are cowards because they are. My liberal neighbors won't have the stomach for it, because it will make it damn obvious they are on the side doing the slaughtering - they don't think "haters" like us have rights, but they will probably balk at the killing of women and children. And if they don't,  they won't be doing it very long.  They have no idea have pissed we are, how very little regard we have for them, and how very, very, little mercy they will be shown.


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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2012, 09:42:22 PM »

The left doesn't have an army of its own, so their operational concept is to get the organs of the state to fight for them. They sit comfortably behind the flag, while making the actual patriots into public enemies. Rhetorically, it all works for them. The evil conservatives are vanquished, the left doesn't need to spill any blood, and the institutions that many conservatives cherish (military and law enforcement) are the ones that did the deed.Fact of the matter is, the left has no army and really can't get one. They need a state-versus-patriot fight because there's no equivalent on the left. Just zero liability voters who expect to get paid in exchange for their support. They have needs and demands, true, but they're no pool of warriors ready to be tapped. That job will need to be outsourced.

That is right on point. This won't be over "quickly" unless they pull out the biological, chemicals or nuke weapons. And they are the ones on the timetable. They can't pay anyone, much less the police or the military, once the dollar collapses - unless they pay them in rape and pillage and power. Obviously there will be takers for that, but no where near the forces they have now. And if even 1% of Americans revolt, that is 30 MILLION people to kill. They have to move before the collapse. They have no choice. 

 We can just disobey and wait for them to come to us. The visuals of a family being killed, including children, because that family wouldn't buy insurance, or weren't following some inane farming regulation, isn't going to play well. Storming a hospital and arresting all of the doctors and stranding their patients without care because the hospital refuses to cover birth control isn't going to play well either.  The Democratic base is based on ego - the firm belief they are righteous and good - And Romney is evil because, after he left Bain, a Steel plant was shut down.  The average useful idiot "Hope N Change" Liberal (sucker)  mentally won't be able to deal with the fact they they voted for and supported fascists. They will shut down and play "let pretend it isn't happening" or they will pass out leaflets or something. The Hard Core, "we know exactly what we are doing" liberals like  Reid, Pelosi, and Obama - the cheaters, will of course be clamoring to sign up, but they won't have an army the size needed. They are too arrogant and elitist to know this, and it will become a quagmire for them. They have given us too many hints and too much time to prepare.  4 years ago, I would have been screwed. I owned no firearms, no bug out property, no skills in self sufficient living.

If they were smart, they would go with the sudden wholesale slaughter of the population via a biological outbreak - providing plausible deniability while allowing them to set up inoculation/quarantine/death camps  where they can disappear individuals, establish travel controls, and then mop up with a foreign army after  90% of us are dead. To be successful quickly, they still need to do this by stealth,  but their own arrogance and stupidity will cause them to F it up. Just like they do with everything.

Me and mine may die in the fight, I just hope I get to hear the liberals complaining about the government  before I go.



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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2012, 09:49:40 PM »
Man, this thing reads like a liberal wet dream doesn't it?

Unemployment continues to hover perilously close to double digits, small businesses cannot meet bankers’ terms to borrow money, and taxes on the middle class remain relatively high.  A high-profile and vocal minority has directed the public’s fear and frustration at nonwhites and immigrants.  After almost ten years of race-baiting and immigrant-bashing by right-wing demagogues, nearly one in five Americans reports being vehemently opposed to immigration, legal or illegal, and even U.S.-born nonwhites have become occasional targets for mobs of angry whites.

Whites are racist. Ask anyone. That is why they were the first race in history to vote to share their power with other races, even fighting a war with members of their own race over it.

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2012, 09:49:46 PM »
Weisshaupt, you are a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, to me.  You have so little faith in Americans, on the whole, yet you hold that there are "awake" military who will defect.  Doesn't it depend on how bad things are economically, that it may depend on whether or not their families are to be taken care of, or made to suffer unless they obey?

A lot of the police and military forces are like us-- awake. Even in the disaster scenario that was Katrina some units stood down and refused to confiscate weapons, and that was with a (pretend) conservative as President and before any of this Obama crap.  I expect some units will follow orders, but that just as many will not.  They risk splintering the military with such a move.  Not to mention "putting down an insurrection"  is going to result in  lots of video footage of American men, women and children being shot at by the military for the offense of declaring what is already patently obvious  - the Federal government is illegitimate,  and has demonstrated in a train of abuses that they intend to subjugate us under a despotic system ( this event is further evidence)  and if Romney is in charge when this goes on, the lapdog media won't be able to help themselves but cover it, and spin it to make Romney look bad - because ultimately those useful idiots won't realize what the event means, till they are hauled away and shot for covering it.

The media will omit covering what they can and spin wildly what they can't.  The news will be told by Youtube via iPhone and will be taken down as fast as it's posted.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"


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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2012, 10:14:14 PM »
I have a feeling that many of the line troops would not follow such orders as they would conflict with the Constitution and Bill of Rights (not to mention their own ideas of right and wrong).

I wish I believed so, but I do not.  They will confiscate guns, round up and arrest, and fire on us.  Not all, but enough so the hesitant ones will find themselves between a rock and a hard place and in the minority.

I have the same concern, and the same opinion.  There are some good comments over at Free Republic about this. In particular this one from somebody named Steel Wolf articulated what we're concerned about:

How many 500 yard scoped deer rifles on up exist in private hands in the USA? Even Hitler would not attack Switzerland.

I don't disagree with what you're saying at all, and you've very articulately pointed out before how novel such a fight would be in world history. Still, the biggest problem we face, bar none, is the pairing of rising collectivist ambition with the inability of the modern military to properly understand or win wars. That's the kind of stuff that tragic miscalculations are made of.

Here's my concern. The left wants a fight. Specifically, they want a fight between the uniformed U.S. security forces (aka the center right) against the TEA Party/Constitutionalists/patriots (aka the far right).

The left doesn't have an army of its own, so their operational concept is to get the organs of the state to fight for them. They sit comfortably behind the flag, while making the actual patriots into public enemies. Rhetorically, it all works for them. The evil conservatives are vanquished, the left doesn't need to spill any blood, and the institutions that many conservatives cherish (military and law enforcement) are the ones that did the deed.

Fact of the matter is, the left has no army and really can't get one. They need a state-versus-patriot fight because there's no equivalent on the left. Just zero liability voters who expect to get paid in exchange for their support. They have needs and demands, true, but they're no pool of warriors ready to be tapped. That job will need to be outsourced.

The security structure in this country isn't leftist by any means, but there's lots of people with mortgages to pay and mouths to feed. They may be center right politically, but they'll do what they're told in the short run if the reason is marginally plausible. And that's the danger. The forces on the left that want the fight also want it to be over quickly, because it needs to be. They don't realize that realistically, once it starts, it could turn into Afghanistan in every single state. Even our own planners didn't realize that Afghanistan was going to turn into Afghanistan. Ditto Iraq. And at the higher levels, some of them are advising the same leftist powers-that-be on military and civil strategies like this.

Sadly, the left wants the fight so badly, and on paper they may think that the fight will be as easy as following the doctrine laid out by the nice men from the War College, but that kind of fight bedeviled us for a decade in the sandbox. It would be a thousand times worse here. It's that lack of understanding what they'd be unleashing that worries me more than anything. At least Hitler feared the Swiss for the right reasons. He may have been a fool in a number of ways, but he learned some hard lessons in WWI up close and personally. I really wonder if the left comprehends what kind of fire they're playing with.

Sounds eerily like the like the popular sentiments before the Civil War.
I have no idea how it's going to come down or come out but short of
a true miracle it's going to be a bluddy mess.

I'm praying for Mitt.

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2012, 10:27:46 PM »
Series up at Porretto's new place, by a contributing author.

Read all six, they go fast.

What say you?
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2012, 10:35:31 PM »
I have a feeling that many of the line troops would not follow such orders as they would conflict with the Constitution and Bill of Rights (not to mention their own ideas of right and wrong).

I wish I believed so, but I do not.  They will confiscate guns, round up and arrest, and fire on us.  Not all, but enough so the hesitant ones will find themselves between a rock and a hard place and in the minority.


Someone with a better memory remind me of the name of the psycho-sociological experiment that was conducted in the early 80's where they divided a class up into captors/captives. Short story, the captors became ruthless, violent, and tortuous of their captives - even though they knew it was just an experiment.

Human nature can be a fearsome thing and given the proper inducement and programming people can do some God-awful sh*te.

My ambition is to nullify as many as I can before I and myself nullified.


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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2012, 10:44:57 PM »

Can't name it but I remember reading about it.
As I remember, the captors started out as nice
reasonable folks.

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2012, 10:51:17 PM »
All I know is, the thing that we've all known is coming soon suddenly feels a lot more "soon" to me.
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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2012, 10:58:51 PM »
Series up at Porretto's new place, by a contributing author.

Read all six, they go fast.

What say you?

I've not read all of it, but my initial take is the author believes -- as I do -- that notions of a 2nd American Republic, while romantic, are fanciful given demographic realities. The far better turn of events is balkanization and breakup of the country into new entities. Perhaps one or a few of those entities will stand a better chance of being the civic heirs of the American experiment.
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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2012, 11:18:41 PM »
Sipsey Street Irregulars has a nice write-up as well -

It reads like the mother of all unintended consequences.

I don't know when the exercise was put together (maybe they said - I'm too tired to search for it) but this close to a national election puts a distinctive odor of malevolence on it. There are some leftists out there who want to goad us on the right into firing the opening salvo. Remember how that worked out for the South Carolinians. At the same time remember how Lincoln jumped the gun and called for 75k troops while he was trying to calm the insurrectionist waters and recall how that turned out as well.

There are a thousand way that things could go very bad very quickly and I blame Øbamugabe for every damned one of them.

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2012, 11:26:00 PM »
Series up at Porretto's new place, by a contributing author.

Read all six, they go fast.

What say you?

I believe Peter Brimelow of VDARE has often said, “This will all end in tears.”

Sorry but I'm all cried out...

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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2012, 11:31:51 PM »
I'm not.  But the more they make me cry, the more pissed off I do become.  And so on ad infinitum.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"


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Re: Wargaming for a Tea Party insurrection
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2012, 11:36:03 PM »

Bottom line: Do not jump the gun.
If it's going to happen let them do it.