Author Topic: Obama Wins: What To Do Next  (Read 11787 times)

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Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #40 on: November 07, 2012, 10:57:14 PM »
What I'm doing next.

Buying even less.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Offline trapeze

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #41 on: November 08, 2012, 12:42:11 AM »
I wonder how all those ObamaVoters are going to feel when their employers cut their hours to avoid having to pay for healthcare?

My understanding is that 30+ hours is "full time" employed under the new rules. What will employers do? Hmm...
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline warpmine

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #42 on: November 08, 2012, 05:23:33 AM »
I wonder how all those ObamaVoters are going to feel when their employers cut their hours to avoid having to pay for healthcare?

My understanding is that 30+ hours is "full time" employed under the new rules. What will employers do? Hmm...
Goo around that. Hire more with fewer hourly totals. Spread that wealth around. Soon we look like France.
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The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.


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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #43 on: November 08, 2012, 06:23:28 AM »
(Originally made a separate thread as I hadn't seen this one.  Sorry.)

I've not posted here much so take this for what it's worth.

I am devastated by the election.  I mean devastated.  I've nothing more that I can say except to wish you well with our new communist overlords.

To know that so many of my fellow citizens in this country, dead, illegal or otherwise, in voting for The New Face Of Tyranny voted for OwebamCare.  They voted to kill me as I would not survive any medical panel valuing life as the banal bureaucrat sees fit.

I'm done with politics for a while, maybe a long while, I really don't know.  I just know that I've got some serious evaluating of my life to do.

As I've said before, I really have lowered my internet postings here and elsewhere a lot of late, but now it's just not worth it.  It's just words.  I will not submit to communists -- ever.  Period.

Thanks for letting me (infrequently) post, but I have kept up with the posted thread updates and some others.  I've simply quit reading as much as I used to, and for a variety of reasons.  But for now I want nothing to do with politics on the internet, I do not want to follow the latest deadly political scandal because who in this country actually gives a sh*t?  The ones who voted for the Jug Eared F*ck?  (There are times I seriously damn word nannies.)  I've seen my nation come to the point where a racist lying communist f*cktard is reelected to the highest office in the land while in our national deliberative body, the Senate, we have a clown and a fake indian.  We have also, with this reelection, shifted longstanding national policy as we are now fully embracing and assisting the islamic jihad, so that pleasure will also be coming to everyone's block.  This is not my country anymore.  I'm not very mobile (as I said health issues) but . . . I just don't know right now hence the need to evaluate.  Everything.

Thanks again and to those with children (I do not), and I mean this as sincerely as I can type it, good luck with them.  They are now going to face a barrage of Cult of Personality with regard to King Putt like nothing we've ever seen before in this country.  Already we see the school murals all over the place.  (Rhetorical question:  How many Bush murals in those same schools were there?)  We've seen the communist/fascist style motivational artwork/propaganda.  We see our Fourth Estate become worse than Fifth Columnists.  We see the takers voting themselves your legally confiscated largess, and that will never change now.  We have also seen the last of any semblance of fair elections (card check's nothing).  With this election, there will be no Justice Department investigation into vote fraud, and voter ID laws will die on the vine.  Not to put too fine a pessimistic point to it, but we're f**ked.  This is no longer my country and I've to think about what to do.


(I'll leave the light on for the rest of the day so . . .)

Offline Libertas

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #44 on: November 08, 2012, 07:23:28 AM »
(Originally made a separate thread as I hadn't seen this one.  Sorry.)

I've not posted here much so take this for what it's worth.

I am devastated by the election.  I mean devastated.  I've nothing more that I can say except to wish you well with our new communist overlords.

To know that so many of my fellow citizens in this country, dead, illegal or otherwise, in voting for The New Face Of Tyranny voted for OwebamCare.  They voted to kill me as I would not survive any medical panel valuing life as the banal bureaucrat sees fit.

I'm done with politics for a while, maybe a long while, I really don't know.  I just know that I've got some serious evaluating of my life to do.

As I've said before, I really have lowered my internet postings here and elsewhere a lot of late, but now it's just not worth it.  It's just words.  I will not submit to communists -- ever.  Period.

Thanks for letting me (infrequently) post, but I have kept up with the posted thread updates and some others.  I've simply quit reading as much as I used to, and for a variety of reasons.  But for now I want nothing to do with politics on the internet, I do not want to follow the latest deadly political scandal because who in this country actually gives a sh*t?  The ones who voted for the Jug Eared F*ck?  (There are times I seriously damn word nannies.)  I've seen my nation come to the point where a racist lying communist f*cktard is reelected to the highest office in the land while in our national deliberative body, the Senate, we have a clown and a fake indian.  We have also, with this reelection, shifted longstanding national policy as we are now fully embracing and assisting the islamic jihad, so that pleasure will also be coming to everyone's block.  This is not my country anymore.  I'm not very mobile (as I said health issues) but . . . I just don't know right now hence the need to evaluate.  Everything.

Thanks again and to those with children (I do not), and I mean this as sincerely as I can type it, good luck with them.  They are now going to face a barrage of Cult of Personality with regard to King Putt like nothing we've ever seen before in this country.  Already we see the school murals all over the place.  (Rhetorical question:  How many Bush murals in those same schools were there?)  We've seen the communist/fascist style motivational artwork/propaganda.  We see our Fourth Estate become worse than Fifth Columnists.  We see the takers voting themselves your legally confiscated largess, and that will never change now.  We have also seen the last of any semblance of fair elections (card check's nothing).  With this election, there will be no Justice Department investigation into vote fraud, and voter ID laws will die on the vine.  Not to put too fine a pessimistic point to it, but we're f**ked.  This is no longer my country and I've to think about what to do.


(I'll leave the light on for the rest of the day so . . .)

You are not the only one reevaluating everything Rick, do what you need to do to keep your sanity and drop in whenever you feel like, you are always welcome here!

God Bless!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline John Florida

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2012, 08:24:23 AM »
Rick just don't let this be a reason to lose contact with your friends. I understand what you're saying and am not far behind you.I will probably lighten up on the talking heads for a while.

  I just don't want to hear it.Stay well.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2012, 08:56:19 AM »
I just don't know right now hence the need to evaluate.  Everything.

As Pan said, we all are. The talking heads, quite frankly, a pissing me off.  Instapundit was quoting some Canadian that said that theuy lived under this sort of tyranny for 20 years.  Of course you did, because Canadians are too stupid to fight.  Its a Common Sense moment folks.  The liberals wish to deny us our basic, inalienable, rights.  The government has made it clear that not only will it not stop them, it will help them, with Robert's decision to violate the separation of powers and deny the Court's role in "protecting us from ourselves" via legislative overreach.  The Government is now 100% illegitimate. It does not govern by the consent of the governed.  There is no peaceful demonstration or civil disobedience solution to the problem, because the liberals have  regard for us, our feelings, or our rights.  As C.S. Lewis put it

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

The government will not protect us. There are no avenues to correcting that left. They have left us NO OTHER OPTION but to defend our rights by force.  If that means its just me in my driveway, then so be it. But WAR is the only option they have left us. The talking heads are still talking about enduring under this, hoping for some future peaceful fix.  So did the slaves in the South and their supporters in the North- for Hundreds of years.  It never came, till a war did.  Sometimes, war IS the only answer. There HAVE TO BE FIREWORKS if you want a solution.

Schoolhouse Rock Fireworks

"Its only common sense. If a government won't give you your basic rights,  you better get another government"

You now have two options. Fight or Run.  Going Galt is middle ground between the two- but eventually they will come for you.  For your guns.  For your right to own animals. For your right to grow food. For your right to use water.  You will either capitulate or end up dead in your driveway, hopefully with a thug or two laying there beside you.

Emigration is running, and while you might find a place that grants you more liberty, you will sacrifice modern living, family, friends, and culture - and ultimately still never be accepted in your new locale as the United States continues down its path to crashing the world economy. You will still not be free in the sense that we have  understood it -  the rest of the world is based on racism, class, and the law of the Jungle. If you are allowed to do as you please it will only be because no one else cares about the backwater you moved to.

If a State leaves the Union, I am sure we will all flock to it to fight and defend its right to do so, but until one does, there is no place to go. They have left us no ground to run to. The only logical course is to fight. And if you are still having a hard time identifying a target, it IS your govt and any individual who supports it.  Tories were all enemies of the people during the First Revolution.

We don't strike first. They will do it, just as King George did.  Obama and his handlers will ratify the UN treaty and come for the Guns, or they will deprive us of the right to own land or produce food. They will deprive us of the right to buy stuff without a valid RFID chip. They will do something that most will not abide ( and no Obamacare is not that issue, though it SHOULD be)  - there will be a protest. A refusal. A demand of "Make Me." -  The only question is if that demand is made by individuals in their driveways, or made by a town, a county, or a State.  If the former, go to your rest and may God punish those that force you there. If the Latter, may God lead us to victory over the tyrants, who deserve no mercy. They know what they do, They choose to do it because they think they are strong, because they think it proves they are good people,  and they do not deserve a shred of mercy.  Those who deny others their rights, have no cause to claim theirs are protected.  Those who break our laws and use them as weapons against us, have no legitimate claim to be tried under them.  They deserve no trial. They deserve no Court. they deserve nothing but than to be treated like the intolerant, ignorant, self-righteous grade-school bullies they are, and the only thing such people understand is force.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2012, 09:11:30 AM »
Weisshaupt, I think you're on to something
Personally, I think they've been itching for a fight to use as an excuse to bring the full weight of the totalitarian state  down on us and finish the job

We are unorganized and weak and that's why they want it.

In order to not make seditious statements but merely as a theoretical exercise, how would one begin to overthrow the yoke of tyranny?

I'm thinking that we need to build organizations.
Look for a peaceful solution but prepare for an other.

Maybe like Sinn Fein and the IRA in Northern Ireland

I don't remember the story exactly, so I'll paraphrase about breaking the window

A law abiding citizen was walking home from work one night, frustrated about the way things were going.
He saw a large window of a government office and several bricks

He had never done this before but he picked up a brick and threw it
Eventually, windows were broken across the country

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #48 on: November 08, 2012, 09:26:16 AM »
"Tired.  That is my overriding sensation as I write this.  How to bang one's first impressions of hell out on a keyboard?  Let us begin a new day, in a new world, with a first principle of sorts -- in this case, a negative principle.  Here is a short list of words or turns of phrase that I never want to hear again.

(1) "America is a center-right country."  Center and right are entirely relative terms.  The "center" between Lenin and FDR, for example, is very far to the "left" of George Washington.  And political self-identification is a meaningless standard of judgment, even by meaningless current standards.

Many on the "right" are fond of reminding us that only twenty percent of Americans self-identify as "liberals."  I actually heard Brit Hume trying to squeeze this bromide out during the Obama victory post-mortem.  But in a nation that embraced a vast social welfare system eighty years ago, and has expanded it continually ever since; a nation that for the past fifty years has moved inexorably towards the locus classicus of socialist egalitarianism, government-controlled health care; a nation that elected and re-elected a man who has openly self-identified as a progressive and advocated wealth-redistribution; and a nation in which the popular culture is dominated by artless harlots, pimps, and gangsters, a "centrist" is a person who embraces social disintegration and authoritarianism.  To be "moderately conservative" in such a milieu simply means that one finds the latest music video about teenage lesbian orgies just a little over the top.

America is not a center-right country, whatever that means.  It is -- notwithstanding its still-sane minority (which includes almost everyone reading this) -- a socialist-leaning nation that lags behind the rest of the progressive world only due to a slight residual guilt complex regarding all that old Constitution stuff.  The events of the past couple of days suggest that even that little bugaboo has now been largely overcome by the majority, for whom most inhibitions about accepting their chains -- and chaining their neighbors -- are now gone.

(2) "Mitt Romney was only the nominee because of a thin primary field."  Phooey.  He was the nominee because the entire GOP establishment threw everything it had at all the other candidates, in order to guarantee that it would get the candidate most likely to succumb to their advice and direction.  As of September 2012, Romney was the only candidate left in the primary field whom no one had ever described as a conservative, let alone a constitutionalist.  That, in short, is why he was the nominee.

(3) "Republicans need a candidate who can appeal to moderates."  See point 1 above.  Appealing to moderates means apologizing to voters for not being quite as forward-looking as Barack Obama.  It is to set oneself up as the inferior choice.  It is to presume that the moderates are with the Democrat candidate by default, and must be peeled off by stealth.

This election was the last chance to spare America the final degradation of ceasing to be a constitutional republic altogether.  That battle has now been lost.  The things most needed now are clarity and forthrightness.  The danger most imminent now is that, having forsaken the principles of liberty, the nation will simply forget that those principles ever existed.  Therefore, from now on, to whatever extent possible, every candidate running against the Democrats in any election must be the most unapologetic, relentless constitutional conservative available.  He or she must call out the Democrat as a leftist, a socialist, an authoritarian, and every other simply accurate designation appropriate to the situation.  And he or she must be intellectually prepared to prove that case against the Democrat, and to make the moral, constitutional case for individual freedom.

Will this kind of blunt, hard truth lead to victory?  Not likely, or not in the short run.  The danger, however, is that if the true identity of modern American leftism is swept under the rug in the name of the big lie of "electability" (another word I hope I never hear again), the popular optics will forever belong to the Democrats, who, after all, have actively created a society in their own image and will therefore always appear as the most natural position to their monstrous offspring.

The name of conservatism, and more importantly its proud truths, must never be allowed to slip from the public consciousness.  They will do exactly that if the non-Democrat in future campaigns hides from this name and from these truths.  Eventually, it will be impossible -- realistically, if not legally -- to run as a genuine conservative.  (I do not use the word "legally" facetiously; the more entrenched authoritarian socialism becomes, the more an advocate of liberty becomes a perceived threat to the nation's basic principles.)

The real alternative to leftist authoritarianism (to be labeled as such at every opportunity) must be presented often and with vigor.  Politely asking to be forgiven for not being as exciting as one's leftist opponent is the surest path to permanent serfdom.  The only way out of this morass is to stand firm on principle and speak proudly of the superiority of one's position.  Over time, a new generation may rise up that will find this clear light more appealing than the dull gray of socialism.

Yes, it may take a generation, or more.  But it is the only way to victory -- not merely electoral victory, which is meaningless without defining principles according to which one can govern, but victory in the name of liberty, of the American Founders, and of civilization.

(4) "I know he's a good man, and wants what's best for America."  I hope this is the last presidential election in which conservatives will have to hear this validate-your-opponent claptrap from their standard-bearer.  Barack Obama is neither a good man nor one who wants what is best for America.  He is a bad, conscienceless man, who wants to undo America in the name of a very foreign model of social organization.  When we say this among ourselves, the mainstream media's dupes do not hear us.  A conservative presidential candidate, on the other hand, is the one man who has the national microphones of the mainstream media at his disposal -- the one man, in other words, who has the ear of those dupes.  To fail to speak truth to illegitimate power at that moment, and into that microphone, is nothing less than an act of cowardice.

Allen West, who is not a coward, may just have lost his congressional seat.  He is losing it in part because he had the courage to say what we all know -- that there are communists in the United States Congress -- and his supposed compatriots in the GOP abandoned him as a crank.

Michele Bachmann -- whom I strongly supported in the primaries -- came within an inch of losing her congressional seat.  She almost lost in part because she has had the courage to speak out about a host of constitutional issues, from the debt to the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the government, and her supposed compatriots in the GOP quietly refused to support her campaign in the hope that she would disappear, and take her embarrassing hard truths with her.

No more apologies.  No more embarrassment.  No more veiled language when on the big stage.  The left won the day by making the most radical, anti-human irrationalism of this epoch seem safe and normal, while portraying freedom and individualism as the dangerous, radical path.

The electoral battle between leftism and liberty is lost, and perhaps will now remain so for a good long time, regardless of the name of the winning party in any given election.

The moral war, however, is still in its early stages.  It is an educational war, which means a war of ideas, which means a civilizational war.  It is going to get ugly, and we are going to lose more battles than we win.  As you know, however, the ultimate victor is the side that wins the last battle.

"Forward"?  Bring it on."

A Few Things I Never Want to Hear Again
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #49 on: November 08, 2012, 10:14:58 AM »
The moral war, however, is still in its early stages.  It is an educational war, which means a war of ideas, which means a civilizational war.  It is going to get ugly, and we are going to lose more battles than we win.  As you know, however, the ultimate victor is the side that wins the last battle.

You cannot have a moral war against people with no morals. These people believe anything they do is right because they are such "good" people. They have no principles other than their own dominance over others - by right of their superiority and super-narcissism.They are the aristocrats of old, and dumb enough to think the aristocratic class can be a majority in a world of ever decreasing production. .  The only way you "educate" these people is by killing them, and its better than they deserve. I personally would like to see them stave to death and be tortured while they do it.

They have already sown the seeds of their own destruction.  The Fed will become irrelevant as the dollar becomes irrelevant if they don't move to more totalitarian methods. They WILL BE FORCED into open displays of their Tyranny, as the money they control us with now becomes worthless.  The EBTs will eventually buy nothing, unless guns and soldiers enforce the transactions. At some point,  the 2nd Amendment works as intended or it does not.  They will, of course, get us into a World War, to justify these actions at home. Don't you want to support the war effort?  (If I had a country I thought worth defending, maybe. My Country however is gone. Murdered. By the same people who will now start this war)

If we don't have a rebellion the "Last Battle" will be against lawlessness and starvation. They cannot support what they have. They cannot fulfill the promises they have made. Their "optics" inevitably become those of Eastern Europe under the Soviets. You get environmental devastation,  F'd up production and propaganda that no citizen believes - and that culture is not sustainable either.  Even without Reagan the Soviets would have eventually fallen to money printing, inflation and war.

We know what is coming. We know we are strapped in for the ride. Our only chance is to refuse them and their control. Collectively or Individually.  I have accepted  the formulation of "Liberty or Death" and accept what obeying that principle will ultimately apply.  Liberals will be happy to deal out death - it was people like them who ran the concentration camps in Germany. They enjoy power over others. They Enjoy feeling superior. Give them an excuse to feel those things and they will commit any atrocity asked of them.

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2012, 10:19:08 AM »
But for now I want nothing to do with politics on the internet

I could never quit the internet but I no longer have any interest in listening or watching this crap.  I emailed the sibling to pass on getting me Rush or Beck on line, anymore.  I just don't care to devote 3 hours of my day to it.  I imagine I won't want to read all that much about it either.

Pop culture?  I'm already pretty disconnected.  I imagine I won't be getting back to connecting with this rotten culture.  I've always imagined I'd start looking for a place in a cheaper, more tropical part of the world for that "winter home."  I couldn't imagine ever doing it full time.  Now I wonder why I would want to still anchor myself in a country that is no longer exceptional.

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #51 on: November 08, 2012, 11:44:43 AM »
I got kin there.  It's a possibility.  Although Austin and Houston are human zoos, and even parts in the DFW metroplex has its fair share of feral trash.   ::)
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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2012, 12:14:41 PM »
We didn't vote for revenge, but we can exact it on those who did...I like it!

My employer is libiot-run, all for ObamaCare...I should hurl myself down the stairwell and sue 'em silly...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2012, 12:19:28 PM »

La résistance des pays.

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2012, 12:26:35 PM »
We didn't vote for revenge, but we can exact it on those who did...I like it!

My employer is libiot-run, all for ObamaCare...I should hurl myself down the stairwell and sue 'em silly...

Go for the sexual harassment charge. Less pain. More fun. More personal.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2012, 12:43:48 PM »
Personally I would rather move somewhere colder. The harsh winter has always been a superb selective force on the development of populations. I see winter as still having the capacity to deter the looter class, particularly when Leviathan's social infrastructure crumbles.

I hope the civil war begins sooner rather than later.  My fear, as also mentioned in Pandora's earlier post, is that if we have too much time go by, the younger generation will literally have known things no other way.
"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

- Yours Truly

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2012, 12:48:50 PM »
...My fear, as also mentioned in Pandora's earlier post, is that if we have too much time go by, the younger generation will literally have known things no other way.

Your comment reminds me of a few of the young people we experienced in China. Perfectly wonderful, pleasant young people, espousing the greatness of Mao Tse Tung, seemingly out of nowhere. It was bizarre, disconcerting, out of place, and so telling about how quickly things like genocide and liberty can be forgotten.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2012, 12:53:11 PM »
Personally I would rather move somewhere colder. The harsh winter has always been a superb selective force on the development of populations. I see winter as still having the capacity to deter the looter class, particularly when Leviathan's social infrastructure crumbles.

I hope the civil war begins sooner rather than later.  My fear, as also mentioned in Pandora's earlier post, is that if we have too much time go by, the younger generation will literally have known things no other way.

I would rather consider somewhere colder myself, but there are other weather considerations, such as growing seasons.  If things get as bad as I expect, that's going to matter a lot.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2012, 12:53:41 PM »
...My fear, as also mentioned in Pandora's earlier post, is that if we have too much time go by, the younger generation will literally have known things no other way.

Your comment reminds me of a few of the young people we experienced in China. Perfectly wonderful, pleasant young people, espousing the greatness of Mao Tse Tung, seemingly out of nowhere. It was bizarre, disconcerting, out of place, and so telling about how quickly things like genocide and liberty can be forgotten.

Last spring I heard a young mother from China speak on Chinese culture.  She said it wasn't until she came to the US that she learned of China's rich and long history.  She said those in China don't know it.
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Re: Obama Wins: What To Do Next
« Reply #59 on: November 08, 2012, 12:56:03 PM »

the younger generation will literally have known things no other way.

That's the game plan.