Author Topic: DHS buying more hollow points...  (Read 10900 times)

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Offline Glock32

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2013, 03:52:12 AM »
The birth of tyranny always depends on repurposing existing infrastructure and institutions in service to that end. Did anyone seriously think the military and police would somehow be exempt? The real genius of the tyranny is that it can repurpose these things all while continuing to enjoy the veneration afforded to those institutions by people who prefer to associate them with their noble past, by people who are otherwise politically opposed to the unfolding tyranny.

Every time we ooh and aah over a sophisticated weapon system being used to kill little brown people somewhere, there's an implied threat "we can use these against you too, you know...just saying".
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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2013, 12:23:56 PM »
Where did you get the information that the rest will be on American soil?

I think the fact they they have started to redact information on such purchases  is all of the proof we need that they aren't going abroad. Just as the we know that local police are getting armored vehicles and drones.  Just as we know Borat is using the sequester to cut Military spending, but isn't touching DHS. Then there are the confirmed FEMA purchases of coffins and Mobile Bulletproof checkpoints.  The Police stops to hand out pamplets. The Immigration checkpoints being set up 100s of miles from any border. Just as we know this regime has boldly stated that it may kill Americans on American soil without trial at will - at obvious odds with the Bill of Rights. Simply making that statement should be enough to support a charge of treason.

They are preparing to come for the "Bitter Clingers"  - because PROGRESSIVES ALWAYS MASS MURDER THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS  

I recently got into an discussion  with a guy over if Obama is destroying the economy because he wants to attempt a Marxist Coup, or if he just wants to punish and kill white Americans. (no I don't know the answer) - the idea that is isn't deliberate didn't even come up.

He was part of a group of people I see every year or so-- and how the attitude has changed. 4 Years ago it was "boy that Weisshaupt Character is extreme!"  -  Now its how many bullets, guns  and gold got dropped in the river in the boating accident.  

Progressives use whatever nasty bits of power and corruption they can accumulate. If it's a little, they smear you. If it's a lot, they kill you. DO. NOT. DOUBT. ME. - The Gunslinger

They have a lot of power now. They are accumulating more. I hoped I was wrong. I hoped everyone would be laughing by now at the big bag of beans and the money I spent.

They are all getting guns, and taking concealed carry classes, and asking me where to buy dried  food and where to invest their recently cashed out 401k.  The Endgame is coming. The question is when, not if.  The question is how far are they willing to go down the path of mass murder and genocide  and what methods will they use , not if they are willing to go there. Limbaugh likes to say he will tell us when its time to panic.  Well, gun sales indicate that time has arrived, people are panicked, or are at least convinced enough of the severity of the incoming storm that they are "emptying the grocery store shelves" of the needed supplies.  

The warnings of Nukes from North Korea,  the Threats from Iran,  the strong arming from China means that our enemies smell the blood in the water. Every day we get a new piece of news in the   long train of abuses and usurpations and proves that they are  pursuing invariably the same Object and evinces a design to reduce us  under absolute Despotism.

THIS. IS. COMING. AND. PROBABLY. COMING. SOON.  Maybe this year. Maybe in 3 or 4. If they can keep this charade of an economy intact we may even see a third term for Borat.  Or it will be a new leftist douchebag. When you cheat at the elections  and let foreigners  whose crimes you forgave vote  a legitimate election isn't going to happen.  But this can't go on forever. The rest of the world, including China and Russia will end it as soon as they think they can benefit. There is no way we have as long as 10 years.  And hopefully people will be laughing at me by then. But I doubt it.

This is not a "purchase." You don't even have an effing CLUE what you're talking about.

This place has apparently turned into Prison Planet while I was gone.

Nice to see you all again.

Bye bye!

I thought it was nice to see you again.  I was wrong.  You came back here and pulled an admirable imitation of John McCain denigrating Rand Paul on the Senate floor.

I guess I'm just supposed to do like you are, and assume the United States Marine Corps is going to wage war on us?

You're not "supposed" to do anything except keep a respectful attitude toward other people's opinions around here.  I can see, however, that whatever bug you got up your ass that caused you to flounce off last time is still there.

The majority consensus among Conservatives is that Obongo and his merry band of thugs is planning something ... err ... unpleasant for us, and billions of rounds of hollow point ammunition -- you know the rounds that the International "community" frowns upon for use in international conflict -- being stockpiled by the Feds is only one of the reasons for that consensus.

I don't know where you've been hanging, RedState maybe, where people *aren't* alarmed, so, yeah, bye-bye to you as you find your way back there.

And don't let the door hit ya.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2013, 01:27:54 PM »
Some thought on the apparent "confusion" over the use for these vehicles --

Supposedly, Navistar is rehabbing those being returned from Iraq and A-stan for military use, for war?  Are we at war somewhere else of which I'm not aware (our little intervention in Africa notwithstanding)?  And I know I saw a piece somewhere detailing the millions of dollars worth of equipment that will not be brought home; too expensive.

So, in the meantime, they *will* be on American soil, no?  Granted, it takes time to do the retrofitting, so that's a factor.  What else is worth considering is that now, while Obongo's sequester is set to cut around $20 billion from the increase in the military's annual budget, he's also willing to allow the spending required to upfit these vehicles?

None of this jives, for me at least.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2013, 01:33:54 PM »
Janny - I've enjoyed your posts and participation right up until this thread. Your latest posts read like someone hijacked your account. In the event that those weren't yours I'd empathize that there is no litmus test for posting here other than a basic show of respect.

I am not in 100% lock-step with every opinion expressed here, I rather doubt that anyone is. There is no requirement that you conform to the opinions expressed about the MRAP's or the recent ammunition expenditures by the regime. You are free to hold other opinions - or no opinion at all.

You may want to take care of the broad-stroking... prison planet? Really?!

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2013, 01:38:25 PM »
Nobody hijacked her account.  She pulled the same kind of crap before she flounced off the last time.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"


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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2013, 01:56:33 PM »

Yeah, they were WTF moments.

As to the MRAP's, I am of the opinion that when we leave a theater we either destroy our equipment, leave it in goodwill to the exiting nation or bring it home. At home it's either refurbished and stored to be used later or auctioned off.

Military auctions have always been interesting/fun. 
I don't have a problem with them bringing equipment home.  If they use it for some non-traditional purpose, that could be a problem.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2013, 02:09:24 PM »
I am not in 100% lock-step with every opinion expressed here, I rather doubt that anyone is. There is no requirement that you conform to the opinions expressed about the MRAP's or the recent ammunition expenditures by the regime. You are free to hold other opinions - or no opinion at all.

Actually I would love to have someone post a convincing argument that I am over-reaching  or interpreting events wrong. I really don't want to believe this is where we are headed, any more than the Captain of the Titanic when he saw and knew that the magic fifth  compartment would be flooded.  I am sure he would have loved to hear a reason his eyes were playing tricks on him, that the final compartment wouldn't be breached, that there was something he could do to stop the flooding, that there was some way to survive and limp back to port.
Storming off the bridge in a huff because the captain noticed the ship is going down - because you think you are on the "unsinkable ship" , certainly isn't going to change anyone's mind. And yes, that is why we have these people getting mad at us and seeing tin foil hats.. because they believe the United States is unsinkable. After all - in 200 years it hasn't sunk. The fact that the compartments have been flooding one by one for the last 100 years notwithstanding.    It took over 2 hours for the Titanic to sink, but it was inevitable ( and the bridge crew knew it)  from almost the moment it happened.   The ship America  hit the iceberg before I was born. Its just taken this long for the flooding to finally take her down.  

Offline Glock32

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2013, 02:19:54 PM »
I can understand why people will refuse until the bitter end to see what is before their eyes. German citizens lived within smelling distance of concentration camps, and refused to acknowledge the evil done in their name. The human proclivity for wishing for normalcy in the presence of evil is a trait of the species. When the truth is more than your mind wishes to bear, some will ignore the truth, and lash out at those who tell it.

I won't speculate as to what motivates or informs the opinions of anyone in this thread, but just wanted to emphasize IDP's point above. We are really beginning to see many of the classic symptoms of a society at war with itself. The human mind is geared to seek normalcy, and comfortable illusion is preferable to uncomfortable truth for many, many people. Wasn't there a subplot in The Matrix about one of the resistance members working with the Agents in exchange for being allowed back into the false reality?

And not to dogpile, but in the list of items of concern that IDP mentioned, I have one more that lends credence to the worries expressed here: the Army war college is now openly running simulations and scenarios where it engages American citizens on American soil, and never just any American citizens. One infamous general staff course was so specific as to say "the Tea Party" takes control of Darlington, SC and the Army will be brought out to show them that they're now up against real professional soldiers. The whole thing was dripping with authority fetish if you bother to read it. The military refuses to admit there is even such a thing as Islamic terrorism, but has no trouble at all wargaming against the government's perceived enemies. It describes them with a laundry list of details: veneration of the Constitution, gun rights advocacy, Gadsden flag displaying, and so on. You can't make this stuff up. It's not some conspiracy in the fevered imaginations of tin foil hatters, it's in the government's own white papers and instructional materials.

Does anyone really think the words "fundamental transformation" are something to be nonchalant about? What would it mean to apply fundamental transformation to your house? Picking out new blinds for the living room? Repainting the bathroom? No, more like bulldozing it down to the concrete slab and building something new in its place. We're meant to be bulldozed.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 02:27:31 PM by Glock32 »
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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2013, 02:37:01 PM »

If there is a better forum it is well hidden.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2013, 02:44:52 PM »
I am not in 100% lock-step with every opinion expressed here, I rather doubt that anyone is. There is no requirement that you conform to the opinions expressed about the MRAP's or the recent ammunition expenditures by the regime. You are free to hold other opinions - or no opinion at all.

Actually I would love to have someone post a convincing argument that I am over-reaching  or interpreting events wrong. I really don't want to believe this is where we are headed, any more than the Captain of the Titanic when he saw and knew that the magic fifth  compartment would be flooded.  I am sure he would have loved to hear a reason his eyes were playing tricks on him, that the final compartment wouldn't be breached, that there was something he could do to stop the flooding, that there was some way to survive and limp back to port.
Storming off the bridge in a huff because the captain noticed the ship is going down - because you think you are on the "unsinkable ship" , certainly isn't going to change anyone's mind. And yes, that is why we have these people getting mad at us and seeing tin foil hats.. because they believe the United States is unsinkable. After all - in 200 years it hasn't sunk. The fact that the compartments have been flooding one by one for the last 100 years notwithstanding.    It took over 2 hours for the Titanic to sink, but it was inevitable ( and the bridge crew knew it)  from almost the moment it happened.   The ship America  hit the iceberg before I was born. Its just taken this long for the flooding to finally take her down. 

First, a preface: "Hope for the best - plan for the worst"

As much as I wouldn't put anything past Øbongo if he decided that conditions warranted it, it is my belief that he is playing a ginormous game of "flinch" with the American people. I don't personally have any compelling evidence that he is preparing to ship people en masse to some FEMA camps. that doesn't mean it couldn't happen.....

Occam's razor can be mis-read to interpret the recent mass purchases of ammunition and the refurbishment of the MRAP's to meaning one thing and one thing only: the intentional subjugation of American citizens. I just might but I have yet to see convincing evidence to support that conclusion in any way other then subjective and circumstantial.

Øbongo feeds on fear and preys upon the dis-ease of his subjects. "Never let a good crisis go to waste". And if you don't have one available, make one. Sequestration. Gun control. These are artificial crisis's that he is exploiting to move his agenda forward. As a Sociopath he doesn't have the slightest inclination toward regard for the suffering of the masses so, if he can goad a 'winger into pulling the trigger, he will gain traction with his ambitions.

That's what Occam's Razor tells me.

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2013, 02:49:59 PM »
I think he's daring us to throw the first punch

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2013, 02:51:58 PM »
"Hope for the best - plan for the worst"

My motto, and the motto of many here.

I don't like contemplating our own military being twisted and shaped into an instrument available to the likes of O'Bongo and his ilk to cow the population in to accepting slavery, but denying that it is even possible when history has shown it can and will happen anywhere anytime is just naive and not a little dangerous.  This is not the United States many of us grew up in that respects individual rights and the rule of law, we have had our Republic co-opted by statists dominating the major political parties, by unelected bureaucrats and feckless state and local institutions and aided by more than willing accomplices in the MFM/Entertainment Complex.  It can happen here, the script is being followed and the point of no return may have already passed and many may not be aware of when or how.

"Hope for the best - plan for the worst"?

Damn right, and do not discount the latter!!!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2013, 03:05:44 PM »

My father instructed me to "make a U-turn", I responded that I couldn't just do that in the middle of the road. He asked, "is there a sign that says you can't?"  That's what America is today, the ignorant waiting for permission.


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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2013, 03:12:53 PM »
And no doubt the same permission-seekers will let these assholes off the hook again when they once again stand up to be counted among the destroyers of the Second Amendment.

I've been around too long to think these assholes can be held politically accountable for treasonous actions, other action will be necessary.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #54 on: March 11, 2013, 10:51:04 AM »
For what its worth, Forbes and Denver Post are also covering this now  - complete with 1.6 Billion round number, and the MRAPs  - and  implies  without evidence (via another blogger) that DHS is getting the MRAPS via the Marines, along with anecdotal info that they have been actually sighted on US Streets.

from the comments:

Daniel 13 minutes ago had this *months* ago. OLD NEWS.

AJ’s site isn’t so wacky, now is it?

And that, I  think, my friends, is the point.  I have been adding info-wars to  my weekly site troll  for weeks now. I used to visit there for the occasional laugh, and I still laugh at some of the interpretations of the information they come up with.  But the info, that seems to be getting ever more solid, in  a way that it never has been.

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.


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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #55 on: March 11, 2013, 11:07:24 AM »

Glad you monitor him and edit him for us. He does bring forth salient information. 
It just give me a headache sorting it out.

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #56 on: March 11, 2013, 11:12:41 AM »
Another illustrative reason (among millions of examples) why the special Hell reserved for the Deomcrat-Media Complex conspirators needs to be expedited!

They are already dead to me, making it official will be easy.
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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2013, 11:55:19 AM »
I love it when Regime asshats refuse to answer to those who provide the funds...time to cut the funds off 100%!

GOPussies won't do it though.  Ask, piss and moan, throw arms up and quit.

And people wonder why their party is dying...

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #58 on: March 21, 2013, 07:29:52 PM »

Hey now, your being mean, a down right bully.
You know they are really trying hard.  They
should be penned with a ribbon.

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Re: DHS buying more hollow points...
« Reply #59 on: March 21, 2013, 08:10:48 PM »

Hey now, your being mean, a down right bully.
You know they are really trying hard.  They
should be penned with a ribbon.

Posthumously, I take it.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.