Author Topic: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation  (Read 1616 times)

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Offline Glock32

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another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« on: April 10, 2013, 07:26:21 PM »
A Democrat on the city council of Austin, TX at one of those Bloomberg rallies made a point of commenting to a lone protester with a "Stop the gun ban" sign: "There is no gun ban. But because of the work that we're doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly. So you hang onto that."
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Offline Libertas

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 06:33:31 AM »
When one clearly announces in public they are a treasonous anti-constitutional terrorist then they should be dealt with by the patriotic public on the spot.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AlanS

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2013, 10:26:04 AM »
When one clearly announces in public they are a treasonous anti-constitutional terrorist then they should be dealt with by the patriotic public on the spot.

And yet the moment was missed.
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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 10:38:24 AM »
When one clearly announces in public they are a treasonous anti-constitutional terrorist then they should be dealt with by the patriotic public on the spot.

And yet the moment was missed.

Nobody willing to take one for the team.  The Left may want to have such an excuse, perhaps the question to ask is what is the risk in forcing their hand?  Is more time helping them or us?
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 11:35:55 AM »

Nobody willing to take one for the team.  The Left may want to have such an excuse, perhaps the question to ask is what is the risk in forcing their hand?  Is more time helping them or us?

That is a toughie.. I could see a one-off event like icing this guy, however, as helping them. A lot.  It will help them because they will report it as another reason for no guns.  But say guns aren't used, then they push the "dangerous-right-wing terrorists have to be stopped" because next time it might be a gun, or a bomb or whatever. Its will give the the thin veneer of  legitimacy they crave to go after the right wing as if they are are criminals. Not that they won't anyway, but there is some truth that a guerrilla resistance requires a population to be on their side so that someone noticing their activities won't report them.  I say "some truth" because we know most libtards will believe anything the government puts out- they already consider us all terrorists, criminals, and evil - which is why they have no fundamental concern for our rights and no fact or action will change their mind. That type is willing to kill millions of us and not blink an eye, knowing that by doing so they  usher in the great Utopian tyranny of Socialist Marxism. We are second class citizens by virtue of not agreeing with them, and that is all they need ( or want) to know. .. but in Urban areas that squishy middle might make the difference between  a successful operation and a bust.

In the original revolutionary soldiers were already quartered in peoples homes in Boston and the harbor  barricaded ,  and still no one was shooting.  - it was only when they actively moved to disarm the countryside did the war start- and even then many of the men assembled at the Old North Bridge saw smoke and believed the British had set towns on fire. Confusion and high emotions help to start wars, but  only because they  bring to surface what has been smoldering a long time.  The longer Patriots wait, the more soldering there is. The more people who are directly affected by the tyranny get angry. Even the libtards, suddenly paying 20K a year for  LESS coverage with no subsidy - when they were promised they could quit their job and make macaroni pictures, but Pelosi, will be disillusioned. probably not enough to fight, but enough to want to disassociate themselves from the rubes and not take an active part. The longer this plays out, the closer the dollar comes to collapse, the closer the EBT laden armies of the left are to not being able to buy food, the worse everything becomes and less support the regime has.

For the time being the public perception is important. One of the perks of Obama winning re-election is that reasonable people (including the reasonable but ignorant, low information squishy middle) will place blame on Obama for the costs, the economic slowdown, the fascist totalitarian laws etc.    Of course, at some point, Obama might set up a false flag to try and blame Tea-party terrorists to distract from all of that.  If that works, and public perception is lost, there is absolutely no reason for Patriots  to NOT go ape-sh*t - which may be why Borat  hasn't  done it yet - fearing that a false flag may be heard as the shot heard round the world, and will trigger a wholesale rebellion. And yes, A patriot taking that shot   <MIGHT> set that off. Might bring to the surface the smoldering anger. Or it might not. But its certainly very easy to paint Patriots  as the bad guy - acting before the tyrants  actually try to take the guns -actually march upon Lexington and Concord. .  Its still their move. Patriots have shouted and continue to shout Molon Labe. So far, they have only dared to send strongly worded letters about gun permits being revoked.  As Sayet said- first you have protest. Then you have civil disobedience. The killing only begins when the government comes to enforce their meaningless bits of paper.. to silence dissent, to confiscate property for not paying taxes, because they think you shouldn't own guns or whatever other reason. Declaring the intent is certainly treasonous and in a rational world this man would stand trial- but our republic and the rational world are gone. Patriots must, for the moment, wait.  Borat is the one on the time line. It is he who is  loosing power and credibility  each day as the dollar nears its end and the economic situation grows worse. It is he  who has to sell another international war to the American people, most of whom believe "war is never the answer" .   It is he who will be forced to irresponsible and desperate acts of theft and of violence and of persecution  as they take arrest prominent talk show hosts and conservatives,  seize  bank accounts and 401ks, and attempt to take guns. . . Patriots  must strike when the iron is at its hottest, and it gets hotter each day, and I don't think any of us see a break in that trend nor any event that might reverse it.

I do wish some of these asses would  just quietly disappear. Maybe their bank accounts go empty. No one knows what happened.  Maybe he ran off with his mistress to some beach... No statements are issued. No one takes responsibility. No crime scene, weapon , witness, or body is found.   Police investigations turn up nothing. Not that I am advocating such actions - merely exploring a hypothetical case, that would punish the treasonous bastards without doing a lot of damage to the cause. But they will get theirs when the time comes. They all will. Even if that time doesn't involve us and they are standing before God in judgement. 

If a full-on Civil war broke out, the cities will come under siege, and the populations within I am sure would be very critical of the Patriot resistance. Not having food, water, electricity, sewage, fuel  or law and order will do that.  The point is, they will only be angry at the resistance so long, till the point becomes moot. 80% of the people in Urban Areas are people who voted to deny others their rights, and as such deserve no mercy. . . They act like children, so its tempting to think of them as being nothing more and ascribe them a sort of naive  innocence in their actions- but they ARE ADULTS - ADULTS who made the DECISION to refuse adult responsibility, who made the decision to ignore the arguments and warnings of the Patriots, who made the decision to ignore common  sense, reason and thought and decided to try and bully the rattle snake.  Don't Tread on Me was their warning. They deserve no pity or mercy after deliberately taunting the snake and daring the snake to bite.   The other 20% Patriots  can hope are smart enough to see the writing on the wall and plan accordingly.

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 12:21:09 PM »
Great post Weisshaupt.

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!"

That came to mind as I read your post.

There are some who have transcended the question of "if" and are now pondering the question "when" (as well as "where"). My stance as The Badger is LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) - IF it comes I will respond accordingly. It isn't me (or anyone on the right) that is forcing a showdown, it is the left.

The left, and notably Øbongo hisself is indulging in MIHOP (Make It Happen On Purpose). They are engineering the collision and stoking the firebox. I say who am I to try to stand on the tracks and attempt to stop the inevitable?

"Keep it up and I'll give you something to cry about"

Offline Libertas

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 12:36:13 PM »
I would not disagree with any of that Weisshaupt except to add one additional element with revolutionary precedent - the Sons of Liberty.  I think there is a case to be made that includes going up to and occasionally across the line in order to nudge our enemies in the ribs and highlight their escalating tyranny.  They really really want to disarm and enslave us, ship us off for "reeducation" or just outright eliminate us...whatever we can do to prove it should be done.  Look at what has transpired thus far!  We keep asking "What does it take to wake people up?  What does it take to get people to act?", it still feels like we are stuck in that cycle and our enemies continue to push, continue to consolidate. Are there people capable of waking up?  Are there people willing to act?  These are the questions that concern me and make me wonder if we have already lost.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Predator Don

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 12:50:42 PM »
The gentleman holding the sign should have requested this particular democratic official volunteer to show up and confiscate his firearms.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 12:58:08 PM »
Are there people capable of waking up?  Are there people willing to act?  These are the questions that concern me and make me wonder if we have already lost.

Yes, there are capable people. Even the folks who laughed me off 4 years ago are now buying their firearms, complaining about the lack of ammo, and starting to prepare for the worst. Many I know are smoldering just like we are. Many are ready and waiting for this shindig to start. And many, like you , are scared it never will.  But it will- even if you are alone in your drive way it will. They will keep pushing till they come for your kids, your guns,  for property because they made it impossible to pay taxes, to stop you from growing food, or whatever. At some point they will be on your doorstep and then you know what to do.

If they never come to your doorstep,  then you live your life, ignore their rules and enjoy their impotence.


Offline Libertas

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 01:01:41 PM »
Are there people capable of waking up?  Are there people willing to act?  These are the questions that concern me and make me wonder if we have already lost.

Yes, there are capable people. Even the folks who laughed me off 4 years ago are now buying their firearms, complaining about the lack of ammo, and starting to prepare for the worst. Many I know are smoldering just like we are. Many are ready and waiting for this shindig to start. And many, like you , are scared it never will.  But it will- even if you are alone in your drive way it will. They will keep pushing till they come for your kids, your guns,  for property because they made it impossible to pay taxes, to stop you from growing food, or whatever. At some point they will be on your doorstep and then you know what to do.

If they never come to your doorstep,  then you live your life, ignore their rules and enjoy their impotence.


Aye.   ;)
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2013, 02:48:37 PM »
Weisshaupt, were you Sam Adams in a previous life?

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 04:29:40 PM »
Weisshaupt, were you Sam Adams in a previous life?

As my Avatar suggests, I am nothing better  than a bad Parody of a Founding Father, but I appreciate the comparison.

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2013, 05:59:16 PM »
There are many thoughtful people on this forum and I mean no slight to any of them because I gain from all of them.

It is possible that the Founders were ordinary men who became parts of bigger events and that they weren't necessarily super heroes at the start.

Who knows where history will end up and you may be a re-Founder

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2013, 07:33:44 PM »
There are many thoughtful people on this forum and I mean no slight to any of them because I gain from all of them.

It is possible that the Founders were ordinary men who became parts of bigger events and that they weren't necessarily super heroes at the start.

Who knows where history will end up and you may be a re-Founder

I regard the founding generation as highly as I can across the many generations between us, and to my way of thinking, common sense would indicate exactly what you say. Heroes are rarely anything but ordinary men and women until history and necessity call their name.

We venerate them because of what they did, and conflate that with who they were, assuming that it was great character/wisdom/intelligence/bravery that placed them in history, when in fact, it was history itself thrust upon them, and how they responded manifested those things about them that otherwise may not have been manifest. Perhaps for the purpose of history and its meaning to future generations, that is exactly as it should be.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 07:37:40 PM by IronDioPriest »
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2013, 07:53:00 PM »
I regard the founding generation as highly as I can across the many generations between us, and to my way of thinking, common sense would indicate exactly what you say. Heroes are rarely anything but ordinary men and women until history and necessity call their name.

Mal: It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another. Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2013, 08:05:13 PM » was history itself thrust upon them, and how they responded manifested those things about them that otherwise may not have been manifest. ...
That only makes them greater, I agree with Magnum:
[blockquote] As a believer too you just naturally come to revere and honor the Constitution and realize it was developed by Great Moral and Godly Men that I feel were inspired by God to write and believe in such a wonderful document. 

I truly believe if our nation will respond and turn back to the Lord He will overpower us with blessings and we may become the greatest recovery story in history. [/blockquote]

Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2013, 08:26:25 PM »
God IS in control of everything. I absolutely believe we were blessed for many generations, because man put him first, here.  But, we may have lost that blessing. I fear for my nation and my land and the people who inhabit it. But, I cannot cry out to God, proclaiming it "unfair," because it was us that left him.  We left behind all the blessings he gave us, not the least of which was the liberty to worship him as we understood him to desire it.  And as we left him, we left every freedom too.

Will our children know God? Or have we reached the days that barren women will be glad to have no child, seeing what they would have to endure? But, God has always kept a remnant to serve Him.  It pleases me to hope that each of you may be among that remnant. Your hearts and minds may help rebuild what the foolish have torn down. 

It is not too late to pray for our nation. was history itself thrust upon them, and how they responded manifested those things about them that otherwise may not have been manifest. ...
That only makes them greater, I agree with Magnum:
[blockquote] As a believer too you just naturally come to revere and honor the Constitution and realize it was developed by Great Moral and Godly Men that I feel were inspired by God to write and believe in such a wonderful document. 

I truly believe if our nation will respond and turn back to the Lord He will overpower us with blessings and we may become the greatest recovery story in history. [/blockquote]

“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline AlanS

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Re: another Democrat admits their goal is confiscation
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2013, 12:36:31 PM »
Will our children know God? Or have we reached the days that barren women will be glad to have no child, seeing what they would have to endure?

My children know him because of their upbringing. Whether they reach out to him as adults....I can only pray.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

Thomas Jefferson