Author Topic: Rubio Solicits For Input Re Immigration Reform At His Website, Hilarity Ensues  (Read 5242 times)

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Offline trapeze

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And remember, the comments that you see have been cleaned up, the really offensive suggestions not used.

04/25/2013 10:08 AM
No Ammensty!!
As a Cuban-American myself,I can tell that a lof of Cuban-Amercans are agaisnt this bill if the border is not secured first.I would not be voting for Sen Rubio again if border security is not first achieved.

Alice Hill
04/25/2013 08:31 AM
Secure the border 1st, this is not debatable.

Geoffrey Wynn
04/25/2013 07:49 AM
Secure the border, deport the illegals that are already here, and solitary confinement prison sentences of no less than five years for second offenders... simple.

The above are the most negative comments in the first three pages before, I assume, the word got out that Rubio was looking for advice. It goes rapidly downhill from there...

Gene Bergin
04/25/2013 07:09 AM
Take the talking points that you have been making the rounds with and write them down on a piece of paper. Now submit that half a page of good reform as a replacement for this crappy legislation. You can then spend the rest of your career trying to get the other 1499 1/2 pages passed. What are you thinking?

james hay
04/24/2013 07:02 PM
You are selling us out. Savior of the Republican Party? More like its undertaker. Are you too dense to see legalized guest workers is a much better way for us than citizenship. Why cheapen what my dad gave his life for! I have no respect for you or any other traitor that wants to sell our country out. When you first hit the lights as a young conservative I thought you were pretty good. Now, you talk like a phule.

Tom Mueller
04/18/2013 11:07 PM
The main reason Democrats want illegal immigrants is for their vote. Read the Mexican rules for immigration and use some of their laws especially the part about NOT being allowed to vote,ever,affecting their politics,and several other laws we should consider.Of course it will never happen as we do not have the guts.

carol chandley
04/18/2013 10:37 PM

Phil Mulcahy
04/18/2013 10:01 PM
NO Amnesty for those here illegally. Enforce the current laws and stop the flow period. We have too many Americans out of work.

john scharr
04/18/2013 08:16 PM
enforce the laws that we already have

Dennis Howard
04/18/2013 07:22 PM
Senator asked now, after an immigration bill has already been introduced, how to improve the bill. This is after we (your constituents) trusted your word to protect our borders, particularly in this time of economic recession and massive unemployment. So, here's how to improve the bill...KILL IT.

Larry Benson
04/18/2013 06:45 PM
NO, No, NO. Let each of the current illegals be deported back to their native countries and start the legal process to enter legally--Each can be issued a special Rubio "go-to-the-head-of-the-line" ticket,button so they can cut in the line sooner on their lawful attempt to enter and gain citizenship. No if's, and's or votes.

Eileen O'Connell
04/18/2013 06:38 PM
So, you are saying that all government assistance will be withdrawn from all the people who are hear illegally. All the foodstamps, schooling and healthcare will be taken away from them???? I doubt it! And you wonder why we are going broke!!!!! Secure the borders and send them home!

This is what happens when you begin to believe what is said about you in the press. So Rubio is sort of started down the McRINO road to Maverickville. The problem is that this is now, in this economy, with this president and too many people have heard and seen this BS before. And they aren't in the mood to be BS'd again.
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Online Pandora

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NOW he wants help "improving the bill"?! 
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline trapeze

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The most recent comments are the more pointed and negative ones.

I have to wonder if Rubio has done this after realizing how horribly his charm offensive went with the talk radio crowd. It is possible that he is now looking for some kind of political cover in order to back out of the mess that he has gotten himself into. I would at least like to think that is what is happening here.

Byron York offers his view here and says that Rubio's staff is working on reviewing/screening over 1000 comments. Once the word really gets out I think that there will be a few more than just a thousand for them to sift through.

A visit to the “Help Us Improve the Bill” page shows the senator has posted just 147 out of the 1,100 suggestions he has so far received.  Rubio’s staff is reviewing each one — a wise move, given the emotions that the immigration issue can involve and the tendency of some people to say nasty things on the Internet.  But even after screening for foul language and general content, the suggestions Rubio has so far received are remarkably negative.  Actually, they are overwhelmingly, crushingly negative, criticizing a wide spectrum of issues included in the Gang of Eight bill.  The commenters Rubio has invited to speak really, really, really don’t like what he has done.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 12:51:09 PM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.


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We'll see if my comment makes the Rubio cut:

You actually trust Democraps, Marco?  What a naive fool.

We already have enough immigration laws on the books.  Why not enforce those first before throwing the Country out with the bathwater?

Like others, I say secure the bloody border (no pun intended) before any more "reform" is to be done.  Illegals are killing Americans with the full approval of Barack Insane Owebama.  He has an illegal alien auntie living openly in Boston and receiving benefits.  Just how the hell will Owebama enforce any new laws when the putz does not enforce the ones we currently have?

Oh, and if you are going to go ahead with this abortion of a bill (Planned Parenthood would be so proud {sniff, sniff}), then why not throw a little line in the bill that says the language of The United States of America is English and all government transactions will be in English ONLY; I am so sick of seeing ballots here in NYC written in every language under the sun.  Plus, no government phone system should ever have "Press 1 For English."  If you can't speak English, there are plenty of places to learn.  Or go home.

This selling out of America and Americans so that the PC multi-culti morons (including Precedent Fist Bump) are happy is suicidal.

No more Shamnesty!

Offline trapeze

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I would say that if you have a Twitter account that this is what it is for. We need to get the word out to as many people as possible and flood the zone. Try and overwhelm his website with comments. Get people talking about it. It was stuff like this that killed the gun control legislation...especially the sentiment that existing laws need to be enforced. Because that really is what it's all about when you boil it down.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Online Pandora

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I would say that if you have a Twitter account that this is what it is for. We need to get the word out to as many people as possible and flood the zone. Try and overwhelm his website with comments. Get people talking about it. It was stuff like this that killed the gun control legislation...especially the sentiment that existing laws need to be enforced. Because that really is what it's all about when you boil it down.

Levin advised the following:  "Secure the border".  Period.

That's a good start, as far as it goes, but interior enforcement needs to happen as well.  And I've been augh!ing over the guest-worker and visa program details, specifically, the citizenship aspect; any holders of each of those privileges that gives birth while here, presents us with a new "citizen" and the attendant benefits and permanent strings to his/her whole family.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Glock32

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I always want to vent my spleen hard on these cretins, but I usually end up moderating my "tone" just so my comments aren't immediately dismissed out of hand.  So I said:

You want to improve the bill? Do it the same way we "improve" cancer: get rid of it!

The essential starting point is to implement meaningful border security. Only then can we even begin to have a conversation about the status of those who have already entered the country illegally.

The current proposal is like debating what to do about the water-damaged flooring in the bathroom even as the overflowing sink faucet is still running full blast. Your first step is to turn off the water!
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My comment, awaiting moderation:

Mr. Rubio, with all due respect.

You politicians think you can wear the American people down by continuing to press for those things we've already clearly said we do not want and will not accept.

This issue is no different.

People who are here illegally broke the law. Either we are a nation under the rule of law, or we are a nation whose laws are subject to the whims of men.

Men such as yourself, apparently. And I can't tell you how disappointed I am with you, after your bright beginning on the national stage.

I can solve the illegal immigration problem, right now, today:
1) Secure the border with deadly force.
2) Cut off all - ALL - welfare benefits to non-citizens. Yes, even illegal children.
3) Make it a felony to employ an illegal immigrant.

This would solve the problem. You know it, and I know it. The problem is, as the evidence suggests, politicians do not want the problem actually solved. Politicians want to use the issue for political fodder, and ultimately, the Leftists want a huge influx into the underclass for the purpose of demagoguing class warfare.

Thank you for reading.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson


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Good letter, IDP. 

A threat or defamation will at best be rejected.
The best approach is a well thought out, firm, and rational statement.
One must get his attention, keep it, and cause him to consider the
thought; otherwise it will detract from the purpose.

Online Pandora

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Good letter, IDP. 

A threat or defamation will at best be rejected.
The best approach is a well thought out, firm, and rational statement.
One must get his attention, keep it, and cause him to consider the
thought; otherwise it will detract from the purpose.

He'll read none of it, CO; his staff will and then present him with a bullet-point summary, complete with percentages.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Alphabet Soup

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NOW he wants help "improving the bill"?!  

I won't presuppose to know WTH he is thinking - or doing, but it looks a lot like an attempt at affirmation - finger in the wind trying to see if it's blowing the way he had hoped it would. I'm not ready to give up on him entirely but my support depends upon a sign from him that he "gets it".

I haven't seen one yet...


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How he responds to these responses will be a good indication.
He is a very appealing guy, I hope he takes a hint and runs with it.
I'd love to send him a campaign donation, hope he motivates me
to do so.

Offline trapeze

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I did leave a comment. It is pretty much the same as everything else that has been written by conservatives. I have little hope that it will make an impact even if it is part of an ocean of complaints.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Libertas

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"You are selling us out. Savior of the Republican Party? More like its undertaker."

That's it in a nutshell.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Rubio, Rubio, where fart out thou, lout Rubio?

[blockquote]    President Barack  Obama is slated to fly to a series of Latin American diplomatic meetings on Thursday and Friday, which he will use to tout cross-border trade and the Senate’s pending immigration rewrite.

“Our relationship with the countries in Central America is vital … and it is certainly not limited at all to the matters of immigration reform in this country,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday.[/blockquote]

Offline Libertas

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Rubio, Rubio, where fart out thou, lout Rubio?

[blockquote]    President Barack  Obama is slated to fly to a series of Latin American diplomatic meetings on Thursday and Friday, which he will use to tout cross-border trade and the Senate’s pending immigration rewrite.

“Our relationship with the countries in Central America is vital … and it is certainly not limited at all to the matters of immigration reform in this country,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday.[/blockquote]

Great, SS will be off whoring again...vital relationships n' all.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Marco Rubio Polo, more hilarity ensues - - -
Rubio told Mike Gallagher, a nationally syndicated talk show host. “It will have to be adjusted, because people are very suspicious about the willingness of the government to enforce the laws now.”

He continued: “That is a very legitimate suspicion, it’s one that I share, and if there’s anything we can do to make [the bill] even tighter … that’s exactly what we should be working on.”[/blockquote]    
Looks as if he paid heed to those comments.\

Offline Libertas

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They always step back and say crap like that, but the reality is a bad bill gets passed and the nation gets shoved deeper into the sick of the whole sorry dance!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online Pandora

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Ditto that ^^ .
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Predator Don

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Marco Rubio Polo, more hilarity ensues - - -
Rubio told Mike Gallagher, a nationally syndicated talk show host. “It will have to be adjusted, because people are very suspicious about the willingness of the government to enforce the laws now.”

He continued: “That is a very legitimate suspicion, it’s one that I share, and if there’s anything we can do to make [the bill] even tighter … that’s exactly what we should be working on.”[/blockquote]    
Looks as if he paid heed to those comments.\

If he shared the suspicion, he wouldn't give us this bill. He would know better.

I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.