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Offline LadyVirginia

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Tesla review
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:03:39 PM »
Saw two on the road around town this weekend.  Retails for between 60,000 and 95,000.  One of them had a license plate which read "No GS TNK". 

Do you love how the rich environmentalist are helping us all out?  So we have a lovely world thanks to them.

So I looked up reviews and found this which was a gem:

my husband accidentally spilled the cooler inside the car after he hit the break, and the car just stopped in the middle of the road. the car was totally dead (was embarrassed as a lot of people that drove by knew it was a Tesla ~___~ and waved at me) and waited 2hrs for the roadside assistant to arrive. the next day the Costa Mesa service center called, and they were willing to change the connectors that had water damage for us for free, I WAS HAPPY THAT TESLA WOULD TAKE CARE OF THIS ISSUE AS I BELIEVE THEY SHOULD BECAUSE THIS IS NOT SOMETHING UNCOMMON TO HAVE IT HAPPENED INSIDE OF A CAR, WHO DOES NOT HAVE A COOLER? AND WHO DOES NOT CARRY WATER IN THE CAR? after a wkend, I called Tesla to check on my car, and they told me that the original way they thought would work did not work, and the car is still dead ,~__~, and said needed to change the whole harnest which will cost me $7500+, I was so shocked with what water had done to a car like this? THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE TO ME, so say if it rained, and you jumped into your car wet, oopse, you can't go anywhere, because you are wet, and you got your car wet, and your car won't start? does it make sense to anyone? does tesla say NO WATER IN ANY TESLA VEHICLE? this might be the draw back of EV car, I love the car, however, this incident scared me with thoughts of what if your kids or pets peed inside the car? then the car just dies in the middle of no where, it might create serious problems, and what if there is a emergency and you spilled your water and you can't go anywhere 'cuz the car is dead? What if my husband was on the highway, and the car just stopped in the middle of the highway, imagine what would have happened because the car does not have outlet for water inside out? I honestly think this is a design flaw, and this is serious!!!! A car MFG needed to test a car's safety under thousands of different situations and situation's simulations to know how the car would react when things happen, and for a car like this to just STOP, and once STOPPED, you can't even put it into neutral to push the car to the side of the road? THAT'S A HAZARD FOR ALL, and prevent it from happening. THIS IS A CAR, CAN YOU IMAGINE YOUR CAR JUST SHORTS OUT LIKE THIS? THIS IS A TESLA, NOT A cellphone, even cellphone is waterproof these days, and does not just die on you on the spot! Anyone who reads this, what would you do if you were me?
link-I didn't make this review up
The reviewer still gave it 3 1/2 stars out of 5.

People this is a Tesla! It's special!
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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 09:09:08 PM »

Tesla burns down houses

Offline trapeze

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 11:43:53 PM »
The really stupid thing about this or any electric car is that the environmental "savings" are a farce. Because of economies of scale the resources used to create an electric car are more taxing to the environment than the creation of conventional cars. Add to that environmental damage done with the creation and disposal of batteries, the efficiency losses of power transmitted over distance and the fact that, with the exception of a very tiny percentage of the whole, all of the electricity used has been generated with carbon based systems.

The fact is that if there isn't a demand for something, a real consumer driven demand, then it doesn't make sense to do it no matter which angle you look from.

Recycling is another feel good environmental theme which almost always causes more harm than good in the big picture. If you don't get paid to recycle something (like, say, copper and aluminum) then it shouldn't be done. Recycling glass is probably the biggest boondoggle of them all. There is a staggering cost to recycle glass. It has to be sorted by color, any paper or plastic labeling removed, then washed and then crushed before it can go into a kiln to produce fresh glass. All this to avoid creating virgin glass from one of the cheapest and most plentiful substances on Earth...silica or sand, as most people call it. Paper is almost as bad for the environment to recycle. And yet we do both of them to make some people feel good about themselves.

But electric cars as environmental saviors are just as bad. They do not help the environment one bit and almost certainly harm it when you step back and look at the whole process of making and then using them.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2013, 06:58:53 AM »
Question: "Where does that electricity come from?"

EcoTard: "The outlet."

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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2013, 09:36:27 AM »
Great rant, Trap!

Did I ever tell you my recycling story (doesn't matter cuz I'm a-fixing to tell it again ;-)

Several years back I was doing some contract work at a rather major US corporation (which shall remain nameless). These folks had a reputation as being extremely "tuned-in" and environmentally conscience (oxymoron).

One afternoon a couple of us went to lunch at one of their campus bistros (they had a bunch with a variety of styles so we would alternate locations just like frequenting favored restaurants in the real world). This was one of the first times I had ever encountered a recycling station in a cafeteria, which consisted of a string of receptacles marked for the sort of crap they wanted you to dump. One was obliged start at one end placing plastic stuff in one container, food in another, paper in another, etc. It amused me to note that the "natural" flow of emptying ones plate was stymied by the fact that they had placed the containers non-sequentially. That is, the receptacle for the plates was first, and everything else second. Imagine the confusion for these drones to be compelled to step out of line to "feed" the garbage cans, then to have to force themselves (all done very sheepishly and apologetically of course!) back into line to dispose of their plate.. It was a never-ending source of entertainment to watch the retard ballet.

After lunch my buddy's and I went out by the loading dock to have a smoke. There I noticed the cafeteria staff emptying the trash containers - all into the same bin! All that effort to sort and recycle was all an empty sham meant to feeeeeeeeel good about the en-var-I-n-ment.

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 11:19:29 AM »
Retard Ballet!!

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Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2013, 12:43:36 PM »
I have environmentally concerned neighbors.  They wanted a second garbage truck to some down our private road we (all the homeowners) have to maintain ourselves to pick up recyclables.  We voted no.  She left in a huff and contracted with the company on her own.  They also have water delivered by Culligan every week.  They jet all over the world as they are experts in their field and they own a 2nd home in Colorado. But they make up for it by recycling and driving a Prius.

Another neighbor used to be involved in the recycling industry.  He said it's a joke.
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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2013, 01:09:29 PM »
Our little town " went green" and decided to make available several large garbage bins, all neatly labeled for certain types of refuse. It took about a month for the industrial park road, where the cans were located, to look like a dump. It was a free for all. The bins were removed.

Not to be deterred, the next step in this progression was to force a 2nd trash can on everyone inside the city limits......a " green" can and one for everything else. ( I still have not found out the cost). It was furnished. So as a test, I threw away " non" green trash in the " green" bin. You know what, those trash guys collecting it never look at the contents. Would you?
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Offline trapeze

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2013, 01:16:19 PM »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2013, 01:17:42 PM »
We pay about $100 a year for the privilege of sorting and trucking our garbage to the "recycling" center.  We've been sorting for so long, it's just force of habit now, even as I'm aware there's no damn good reason for it as recycling the glass/cans/paper is more expensive than producing new.  Nevertheless, it's the ultimate in aggravation to get to the center, all sorted and loaded up, and find the bins haven't been emptied in a timely fashion, so we're directed to dump EVERYTHING in "the bulky bin", which is a giant dumpster with a compactor.  So much for the virtues of recycling.

One good thing is a friend is raising chickens, so everything "food", except for meat scraps -- and I mean everything -- gets bagged for the chickens.
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Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2013, 01:20:57 PM »
when friends come to visit and want to know where the recycling bin is for their bottles and cans I tell them "they" don't have recycling here.  "They" is us and we're not paying for it. 

And THAT makes me feel good.

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2013, 02:25:50 PM »
This is exactly what I was saying about electric cars.

"But a more rigorous analysis would consider the environmental impacts over the vehicle’s entire life cycle, from its construction through its operation and on to its eventual retirement at the junkyard"

Asking a libiot to think (let alone think more than two steps ahead!) beyond their feeeeeelings...    ::hysterical::

And yes, RIDICULE is the only proper and effective tactic to use against them!!!
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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2013, 02:32:26 PM »
This is exactly what I was saying about electric cars.

"But a more rigorous analysis would consider the environmental impacts over the vehicle’s entire life cycle, from its construction through its operation and on to its eventual retirement at the junkyard"

Asking a libiot to think (let alone think more than two steps ahead!) beyond their feeeeeelings...    ::hysterical::

And yes, RIDICULE is the only proper and effective tactic to use against them!!!

We could ask them instead to consider their mantra of "privatizing profit while socializing costs is wrong".  Think they'll get it?  Or, asking about the "externalities" involved in their pursuit of environmental "virtue", which is just another way of pointing how much more costly and dirty their electric cars are than my "gas-guzzling" truck.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2013, 02:35:24 PM »
when friends come to visit and want to know where the recycling bin is for their bottles and cans I tell them "they" don't have recycling here.  "They" is us and we're not paying for it. 

And THAT makes me feel good.


Since my bill is part of my association dues I honestly don't recall what is paid for...we have garbage & recycling picked up by the same doubt the charge includes whatever value they assign to the recycling...either way I am using both receptacles...I have no illusion as to what may or may not be done with the stuff...I don't care...they take the stuff from my house and bring it somewhere else...and I do not go out of my way beyond that.

The big thing is these spring recycling days...y'all got that?  What a racket...they tell you when to bring all your crap (big stuff like old tv's, appliances on down to the routine stuff) and they CHARGE you to take your stuff?  WTF?  I paid for it once, why would I pay to get rid of it?  Mysteriously, local apartment units without secured dumpsters and video surveillance have been known to acquire items beyond their normal capacity.  Ain't that a shame?

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2013, 02:37:10 PM »
This is exactly what I was saying about electric cars.

"But a more rigorous analysis would consider the environmental impacts over the vehicle’s entire life cycle, from its construction through its operation and on to its eventual retirement at the junkyard"

Asking a libiot to think (let alone think more than two steps ahead!) beyond their feeeeeelings...    ::hysterical::

And yes, RIDICULE is the only proper and effective tactic to use against them!!!

We could ask them instead to consider their mantra of "privatizing profit while socializing costs is wrong".  Think they'll get it?  Or, asking about the "externalities" involved in their pursuit of environmental "virtue", which is just another way of pointing how much more costly and dirty their electric cars are than my "gas-guzzling" truck.

We can try both methods...either one will cause their heads to pop...both would guarantee it!   ::whoohoo::
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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2013, 09:55:46 PM »

"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

Thomas Jefferson

Offline warpmine

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2013, 10:47:04 PM »
I've noted that in almost all the cases of failed attempts, it seems they were only after one thing....programming you for the future. ::facepalm::
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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2013, 11:11:36 PM »
We pay about $100 a year for the privilege of sorting and trucking our garbage to the "recycling" center.  We've been sorting for so long, it's just force of habit now, even as I'm aware there's no damn good reason for it as recycling the glass/cans/paper is more expensive than producing new.  Nevertheless, it's the ultimate in aggravation to get to the center, all sorted and loaded up, and find the bins haven't been emptied in a timely fashion, so we're directed to dump EVERYTHING in "the bulky bin", which is a giant dumpster with a compactor.  So much for the virtues of recycling.

One good thing is a friend is raising chickens, so everything "food", except for meat scraps -- and I mean everything -- gets bagged for the chickens.

I just had a revelation - I recycle! (damn!!!)

Although I don't bother with cans or bottles or poopy diapers I do recycle all of my yard waste. Apparently I am the only one in my community who does. On garbage day one can see all the strings of cans lined up down the street. And then they get to my house where I have the smallest sized garbage can available and no yard waste or recyclables. The garbageman sometimes looks around for one with a quizzical look and then (almost reluctantly) moves on.

I compost everything small enough to compost and burn everything else. I trim branches down to the perfect 15" length for the firebox and stack it along side the firewood. Makes great kindling. I rarely need to buy potting soil and my compost is magic for the flowers and veggies.

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2013, 09:02:40 AM »
. Apparently I am the only one in my community who does. On garbage day one can see all the strings of cans lined up down the street. And then they get to my house where I have the smallest sized garbage can available and no yard waste or recyclables.

We had the same experience. My  ex-neighbor Liberal whose company exploited Brown people in India by farming out web-design work in the States,  paid for two big trash cans, and they would still be overflowing every week.  We just didn't generate enough trash to even  fill the one.. not enough conspicuous consumption and neighborhood parties  I guess ( We called it the Frat House.. and Yes we actually had to call police a few time to have them turn the noise down at 2 am... )  I am so happy we are outta there.

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Tesla review
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2013, 11:10:05 AM »
Several retail stores near me now have designated parking spots with an electric hookup for the electric cars proliferating here (not). Walgreens just got one.  ONE. That tells me it's for show and not some belief that there will be great demand.

The charging stations will feature either a high-speed direct current (DC) charger that can add 30 miles of range in as little as 10 minutes of charging time, or a Level 2 charger that can add up to 25 miles of range per hour of charge.


From, an interesting article about the deployment of electric charging stations at Walgreens stores, and the recent controversy over their pricing proposals:

"Walgreens announced last week that it will install electric car charging in about 800 of its 7,733 stores nationwide by the end of this year. According to the company, this means that Walgreens will “make up as much 40 percent of all public EV charging stations across the country.” This influx of new charging stations is cause for celebration, but a throwaway line in the media coverage indicates that the drugstore chain will charge a hefty premium for the service: between $3 and $4 for a 90-minute charge.

As we anticipated last year, the economic logic of charging $3.50 for a 90-minute charge deserves more scrutiny—especially when the on-board chargers for various electric cars fill up batteries at different rates. In rough terms, a Nissan LEAF or Chevy Volt could add as much as 20 miles of electric range in 90 minutes, while a Ford Focus Electric or Coda Electric Sedan could add closer to 40 miles. (Faster on-board chargers, such as ones used in the Tesla Roadster or Mini E would mean even more miles added in 90 minutes.)

Sum it up: the cost of electric fuel for a LEAF would be more expensive than gasoline—with slightly better economics for the Focus and Coda. Despite the variation between cars, Walgreens said its final pricing would be based on local electricity rates rather than the vehicle getting charged."
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