Author Topic: 6 Discreet Weapons You Can Carry Anywhere  (Read 1120 times)

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Offline Maddy

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6 Discreet Weapons You Can Carry Anywhere
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:30:08 PM »
Good article - and note the comments. Some great ideas there too.

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: 6 Discreet Weapons You Can Carry Anywhere
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 02:11:43 PM »
I just finished reading this.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Offline richb

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Re: 6 Discreet Weapons You Can Carry Anywhere
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 03:18:22 PM »
Used the mag lite on an attacker once,  when I was doing a security guard job in college (at the school).   Does work pretty good (they had trained us to use it as a weapon,  since the college was in Illinois).     The attacker was an ex of a friend who had a restraining order against him.   He had also been banned from the campus (he was never a student, but a problem trespasser).   

So I was working when I saw him in a parking lot.   I knew the guy was dangerous (I had known him from high school) so detaining him was out (detaining is what we would do with a trespasser normally,  waiting for police to come arrest them).    I called in the code for imminent danger to my dispatcher,  which meant,  call 911,  tell police it was a life and death situation,  come lights and siren ASAP. 

So I am telling other students to get out the area,  as i shadow the guy,  and I figure where he is going.   The idea was to keep someone like that outside,  not allowing entry into a building.   So I get to the building he is going to first, and lock the door.   He discovers I have locked him out,  as I am standing there on the other side of the glass doors.   Oh,  he is as high as a kite (of course).   

He is pissed that I am in his path,  and I am telling him to leave the property,  that the police are coming.   Of course this yelling is drawing a crowd.   No one on campus had ever heard me talking so loud before as I am ordering him to leave.   Word spreads fast (as it does in a small college like that),  so the ex (my friend) suddenly appears behind me.  That of course really sets him off.   So there we are screaming at each other.   Meanwhile a broom has been threaded into the door handle to reenforce it,  as he is trying to break the door.    Finally he picks up a concrete garbage can and throws it through the door.   

I draw the mag lite,  yelling to my dispatcher,  where are the police?  He advances on me and i tell him I am going to hit him with the flashlite,  he keeps coming,  and I hit him on the head.

Hard!   Since he is so high, it only drops him to knees (even on his knees,  he is still taller then me).   Then I see the laser sight on his chest as the first cop finally gets there, coming up behind me,  his gun drawn on him.   

The cop was coming up on us from behind me (from the quad side of the building), as I had hit him.   He would have shot the guy had I not hit him.  I was glad he didn't,  as he would have had to shoot over my shoulder.   

But it shows how dangerous things can get, quickly.