Author Topic: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare  (Read 39326 times)

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #80 on: November 15, 2013, 01:27:32 AM »
This just needs to be here. Now don't get me wrong...I don't like listening to or watching this idiot any more than you do. But what we are seeing here is the exception to what we have been used to...King Putt not happy...King Putt sad...King Putt sort of pissy...King Putt's entourage kinda sorta asking a few kinda sorta difficult questions that King Putt not handle very well...King Putt no have em best buddy teleprompter.

And, now for the schadenboner part: Mary Katerine Ham weighs in with her take on today's festivities...

He knows everything. And yet he seems to know nothing. He’s passionate about the details of domestic policy but wasn’t privy to the details of his own legacy law. He’s an academic with a command of every issue at once but seemingly only finds out what his administration is doing in news reports. He’s so brilliant every normal endeavor he’s tried has bored him, but he couldn’t bother to entertain himself with more than one monthly meeting on the make-or-break program of his presidency. He’s the captain of the Culture of Competency who has overseen the most incompetent rollout of an entitlement program in history.

I was struck by a moment in President Obama’s press conference today where this paradox was on full display. The president floated, throughout the press conference, from profession of utter ignorance to confident declaration and directive. Allahpundit noted that Obama distanced himself from the website’s problems by saying he was never informed of its problems. He knew nothing.

Apparently entirely ignorant of the process of buying insurance, the president decided to demand an overhaul of the entire insurance industry, building the purchasing mechanism himself.

So, when you know something pertinent about federal technology failures that could increase the chances of success for your pet project, do nothing. When you know absolutely nothing about the subject of your ambitious pet project to remake 1/6 of the economy, try to do everything. And, when you do nothing with the knowledge you do have to prevent the Charlie Foxtrot created by your insistence on acting, ahem, audaciously with knowledge you don’t have, insist that your lack of knowledge is proof of your intelligence. Hey, I’m smart enough that if I knew this was going to be such a lumbering catastrophe, I wouldn’t have said those dumb things about how it would be great!

There are going to be more pressers like this. That you can take to the bank.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.


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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #81 on: November 15, 2013, 02:01:02 AM »
Time to start hammering Chocolate Jesus with this rephrased Watergate accusation:  What didn't the President know and when didn't he know it?

Offline warpmine

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #82 on: November 15, 2013, 06:41:50 AM »
Should we refer to him as President Paradox? He's both here and not here at the same time depending on which side of space time you yourself are occupying. Definitely a load of chit in every reality.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 06:45:42 AM by warpmine »
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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #83 on: November 15, 2013, 07:05:54 AM »
President Schrödinger's Cat.

After Apology, Obama Vows to 'Push Back' Against Healthcare Critics

Hours after President Barack Obama declared in a Thursday White House press conference that he "fumbled the roll out on this health care law" and said "that's on me," Obama delivered a defiant speech at a Cleveland plant wherein he vowed to "push back" against the swelling chorus of Americans opposed to Obamacare.

"We are not going to gut this law," said Obama. "And those who say they're opposed to it and can't offer a solution, we'll push back!"

Obama added: "Our politics get screwed up sometimes. Websites don't work sometimes. But we just keep going."

The President's strident tone represented a striking contrast to his press conference statements uttered shortly before his Cleveland remarks. 

"I understand why folks are frustrated. I would be, too," Obama said during his press conference. "Ultimately I'm the President of the United States and they expect me to do something about it."

Obama's recalcitrant posture may strain already tense relations with nervous Democrats facing reelection in less than a year.

"Right now you have Democrats on Capitol Hill in a full panic," said NBC's Chuck Todd. "They've been nervous about this rollout, they've been upset about the website, but now they're in a full on panic."

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that Obama's job approval rating has plunged to its "lowest point ever," as just 39% of Americans now approve of the job he is doing.

Obamacare will cost U.S. taxpayers $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years.

He's sorry one day, except when he's defiant later that same day.  We've seen this before where he contradicts himself in the same bloody speech.  At least this time, there was a plane trip in between the contradictions.

If only the Stupid Party would keep up the pressure.  The thin-skinned Owebama will crack like a rotten egg, and smell just as sulphurous.  He literally cannot stand the heat of rebellion at his magnanimous polices.

Don't you just love how President You Can Keep Your Plan signed a fukced up bill (which he never read) into law, added 20,000 pages of regs to fukc up the law even more, then expects others to bail his scrawny @ss out of this clusterfukc of his own making?  The man truly is pathologically delusional.  I'm not sure at this point whether the hubris inherent in an NPD diagnosis even begins to cover a sociopath like Owebama.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #84 on: November 15, 2013, 07:31:59 AM »
Should we refer to him as President Paradox? He's both here and not here at the same time depending on which side of space time you yourself are occupying. Definitely a load of chit in every reality.

That's good.  But I like President Litterbox, he just drops scat everywhere and prances off thinking his shyt don't stink!
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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #85 on: November 15, 2013, 07:36:22 AM »
President Schrödinger's Cat.

After Apology, Obama Vows to 'Push Back' Against Healthcare Critics

Hours after President Barack Obama declared in a Thursday White House press conference that he "fumbled the roll out on this health care law" and said "that's on me," Obama delivered a defiant speech at a Cleveland plant wherein he vowed to "push back" against the swelling chorus of Americans opposed to Obamacare.

"We are not going to gut this law," said Obama. "And those who say they're opposed to it and can't offer a solution, we'll push back!"

Obama added: "Our politics get screwed up sometimes. Websites don't work sometimes. But we just keep going."

The President's strident tone represented a striking contrast to his press conference statements uttered shortly before his Cleveland remarks. 

"I understand why folks are frustrated. I would be, too," Obama said during his press conference. "Ultimately I'm the President of the United States and they expect me to do something about it."

Obama's recalcitrant posture may strain already tense relations with nervous Democrats facing reelection in less than a year.

"Right now you have Democrats on Capitol Hill in a full panic," said NBC's Chuck Todd. "They've been nervous about this rollout, they've been upset about the website, but now they're in a full on panic."

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that Obama's job approval rating has plunged to its "lowest point ever," as just 39% of Americans now approve of the job he is doing.

Obamacare will cost U.S. taxpayers $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years.

He's sorry one day, except when he's defiant later that same day.  We've seen this before where he contradicts himself in the same bloody speech.  At least this time, there was a plane trip in between the contradictions.

If only the Stupid Party would keep up the pressure.  The thin-skinned Owebama will crack like a rotten egg, and smell just as sulphurous.  He literally cannot stand the heat of rebellion at his magnanimous polices.

Don't you just love how President You Can Keep Your Plan signed a fukced up bill (which he never read) into law, added 20,000 pages of regs to fukc up the law even more, then expects others to bail his scrawny @ss out of this clusterfukc of his own making?  The man truly is pathologically delusional.  I'm not sure at this point whether the hubris inherent in an NPD diagnosis even begins to cover a sociopath like Owebama.

The time is now for everybody who wants to stand in opposition to Obamacare and the jackasses who gave us this crap to beat it down or die trying...there are no more hills to wait for, this one will kill you if you don't kill it!  If this crap stands there is nothing that can stop amnesty for illegals and every other progressive wet dream from becoming reality...they have to vote on nothing but repeal and defunding Obamacare at the exclusion of all else no matter what the cost, period.  Failure to do so is a final and complete failure.  And if the government has to stay shut down through election day, so be it, this is the hill, there are no others, live or die...that is the choice!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #86 on: November 15, 2013, 10:03:03 AM »
I'm not even all the way through it but this is today's must read column.

When the Obama Magic Died

Forgive the personal reference, but from the very beginning of Mr. Obama's astonishing rise, I felt that I was witnessing something old and familiar. My advantage owed nothing to any mastery of American political history. I was guided by my immersion in the political history of the Arab world and of a life studying Third World societies.

Nails it.  I'm sure much more will be quotable.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #87 on: November 15, 2013, 11:22:15 AM »
I'm not even all the way through it but this is today's must read column.

When the Obama Magic Died

Forgive the personal reference, but from the very beginning of Mr. Obama's astonishing rise, I felt that I was witnessing something old and familiar. My advantage owed nothing to any mastery of American political history. I was guided by my immersion in the political history of the Arab world and of a life studying Third World societies.

Nails it.  I'm sure much more will be quotable.

I find it difficult to believe the bloom is off the Magic Negro rose when people were hypnotized by this bullsh*tter not once but twice...ignorance is one thing...stupidity is quite another and lasts a lot longer!  Once the next charismatic libiot comes along these brainless sacks of bacteria will forget all about Obama and wax euphoric over the next Duh Wun!

ETA - It must be stupid racist negro day too, and we didn't even know it!

Oblahmah -  "...they’re struggling because of the way the system works isn’t giving them a fair shot."

Yes, yes...SSDD...America sucks, America racist...blah, blah, blah...

And I disagree with the shooting people quip...I can be very fair about the people I could shoot!

And in the "this is monumentally stupid but thanks for getting the GOP out of fixing this shyt department"we have Obama threatening to veto the fix to his fukcup!


And Orca throwing the racist label around like it is one of her fat Orca fins...

"There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American."

Orca, you ignorant whale...we don't disrespect the offce, we disrespect him, because he is a constitution-killing, job-destroying, health-enslaving fascist arogant piece of scat!  Got it, idiot?!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 11:34:13 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #89 on: November 15, 2013, 11:48:56 AM »
Even the stupid are going to stop listening to a person who keeps pushing the blame on others after saying he's going to do something for you.

After all, there are only so many times you're going to believe daddy's bringing you a pony before you finally realize he's not. You move on with the knowledge he let you down.
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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #90 on: November 15, 2013, 01:11:46 PM »[/url

I have a problem with this one.  The technology may be outdated, but it worked.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #91 on: November 15, 2013, 01:25:21 PM »
Oprah is the very embodiment of Ugly American.  What's surprising is that people are still giving the hag the time of day, after her last adventure into made up stories about racism.


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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #92 on: November 15, 2013, 01:44:53 PM »
Oprah is the very embodiment of Ugly American.  What's surprising is that people are still giving the hag the time of day, after her last adventure into made up stories about racism.

Not only that, but she was given a free pass, too, for attending Wright's racist Black Liberation Theology church.

Yet the beeyotch made her money off white women.  Racist skank ho.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #93 on: November 15, 2013, 03:03:59 PM »
Yet the beeyotch made her money off white women.

White women made her rich and famous.

And Whites elected Obongo, twice.

There's not enough Blacks in this country to have done that for them, by themselves.

So, what the hell is she talking about?  Same sht -- raaaacisss, raaacissm.  Broken record.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #94 on: November 15, 2013, 03:34:28 PM »

And, now for the schadenboner part: Mary Katerine Ham weighs in with her take on today's festivities...

He knows everything. And yet he seems to know nothing. He’s passionate about the details of domestic policy but wasn’t privy to the details of his own legacy law. He’s an academic with a command of every issue at once but seemingly only finds out what his administration is doing in news reports. He’s so brilliant every normal endeavor he’s tried has bored him, but he couldn’t bother to entertain himself with more than one monthly meeting on the make-or-break program of his presidency. He’s the captain of the Culture of Competency who has overseen the most incompetent rollout of an entitlement program in history.

I was struck by a moment in President Obama’s press conference today where this paradox was on full display. The president floated, throughout the press conference, from profession of utter ignorance to confident declaration and directive. Allahpundit noted that Obama distanced himself from the website’s problems by saying he was never informed of its problems. He knew nothing.

Apparently entirely ignorant of the process of buying insurance, the president decided to demand an overhaul of the entire insurance industry, building the purchasing mechanism himself.

So, when you know something pertinent about federal technology failures that could increase the chances of success for your pet project, do nothing. When you know absolutely nothing about the subject of your ambitious pet project to remake 1/6 of the economy, try to do everything. And, when you do nothing with the knowledge you do have to prevent the Charlie Foxtrot created by your insistence on acting, ahem, audaciously with knowledge you don’t have, insist that your lack of knowledge is proof of your intelligence. Hey, I’m smart enough that if I knew this was going to be such a lumbering catastrophe, I wouldn’t have said those dumb things about how it would be great!

There are going to be more pressers like this. That you can take to the bank.

Either way Barry goes with this,   he appears incompetent.   I have no idea why he would feign ignorance because that makes it look like he was too busy to be concerned about something important.    If he claims to have been part of the planning all along,  he is incompetent to have missed or ignored something. 

Either way,  he really has no way to weasel out of it.   Ignorance is incompetence and so is being part of the failed project is incompetence.   

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #95 on: November 15, 2013, 04:37:17 PM »
Yet the beeyotch made her money off white women.

White women made her rich and famous.

And Whites elected Obongo, twice.

There's not enough Blacks in this country to have done that for them, by themselves.

So, what the hell is she talking about?  Same sht -- raaaacisss, raaacissm.  Broken record.

More Oprah, from the same interview:

In the same interview, Winfrey also declared her desire for “old racists” to die.

    “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die,” she said.

No, bitch, you die.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #96 on: November 15, 2013, 10:23:15 PM »
Over at TRS, this thread is passing 7k comments and 300 is usually good for a hot topic but Orca is surpassing everything.
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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #97 on: November 15, 2013, 10:47:31 PM »
I agree with Mark Levin. The lie he told over and over, about being able to keep your insurance if you like it was fraud and an impeachable offense.

I will not comply. It is that simple.

No matter how ill I become. I will not comply.

There is nothing to lose and everything to gain from non compliance.

Ocare is not going to benefit my health.
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“... sad moral of all human tales; ’Tis but the same rehearsal of the past; First freedom, and then glory—when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption, barbarism at last.” – Roman Historian, Tacitus


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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #98 on: November 16, 2013, 01:27:30 AM »
Ocare is not going to benefit my health.

Silly, it was never designed to do that.  It was designed to benefit the government's health.  You're merely one more egg that needs to be broken to make an omelette for our hungry political Mandarin class.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #99 on: November 16, 2013, 04:16:33 AM »
So, if I follow correctly, the smartest president ever is not smart enough to ensure that his website works; he’s not smart enough to inquire of others as to whether his website works; he’s not smart enough to check that his website works before he goes out and tells people what a great website experience they’re in for. But he is smart enough to know that he’s not stupid enough to go around bragging about how well it works if he’d already been informed that it doesn’t work. So he’s smart enough to know that if he’d known what he didn’t know he’d know enough not to let it be known that he knew nothing. The country’s in the very best of hands.

Steyn at his best.

And I'm thinking that I might go back to calling him President Toonces...Obama driving over the cliff with a car load full of Democrat congress swine screaming all the way to the bottom where it bursts into flames and then explodes. That's about right.

I will say this right now...I am going to try and record as many of the Sunday shows as possible. What else can they possibly talk about? Which, if any, Democrats can they get to volunteer for that duty? What talking points could possibly be good enough?

You know, it's true that the Republican party is pretty stupid but for now and the foreseeable future it is going to be hard to top the DumbassCare debacle for sheer magnitude of stupid. This thing has gravitas in the stupid universe.

And yet, the stupid just keeps coming. They could have cut bait this week but instead they continue to fish. It's like they have some perverse desire to inflict as much pain and damage on themselves as is humanly possible. Unbelievable. Stunning. They call this a train wreck but I've never heard of a train wreck stretching out to this absurd amount of time. Even a slow motion train wreck filmed with a high speed camera and then played back one frame at a time would have been over a week ago. This thing just keeps going. It's glacial in its speed and in its destruction. It creeps over the political landscape one inch at a time, crushing and pulverizing everything in its path and because it is continental in size there is no where to run. Or maybe it's like a decade long meteor shower like in the movie "Armageddon" where whole cities are wiped out one after another with no end in sight. Politically apocalyptic in scope and intensity.

And they did it to themselves.

Can't remember where I saw it but someone was purporting to quote Buchanan...something about panicked Democrats standing at the rail of the sinking ship watching Bill Clinton rowing away in the only lifeboat. Hilarious.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.