Author Topic: Obama Cares  (Read 781 times)

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Offline oldcoastie6468

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Obama Cares
« on: November 22, 2013, 08:31:05 AM »
U.S. Coast Guard veteran, 1964-1968

Will Rogers never met Barack Obama. He would not like Obama.

I hate liberals. Liberalism is a disease that causes severe brain damage after it tries to suck knowledge and history out of yours.


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Re: Obama Cares
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 08:59:30 AM »
A bit screwed up on the link.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Obama Cares
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 11:53:26 AM »

 ::cussing::  Obama!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline oldcoastie6468

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Re: Obama Cares
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2013, 02:59:37 PM »
A bit screwed up on the link.

Hmm, worked OK for me. But hey, Thanks!  ::thumbsup::
U.S. Coast Guard veteran, 1964-1968

Will Rogers never met Barack Obama. He would not like Obama.

I hate liberals. Liberalism is a disease that causes severe brain damage after it tries to suck knowledge and history out of yours.

Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: Obama Cares
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 07:12:13 AM »
How a Presidency Unravels
By George F. Will, Published: November 22 E-mail the writer

For concision and precision in describing Barack Obama’s suddenly ambivalent relationship with his singular — actually, his single — achievement, the laurels go to Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.).

After Obama’s semi-demi-apology for millions of canceled insurance policies — an intended and predictable consequence of his crusade to liberate Americans from their childish choices of “substandard” policies sold by “bad apple” insurers — Scalise said Obama is like someone who burns down your house. Then shows up with an empty water bucket. Then lectures you about how defective the house was.   

What is now inexplicably called Obama’s “fix” for the chaos he has created is surreal. He gives you permission to reoccupy your house — if you can get someone to rebuild it — but for only another year.  At least he has banished boredom from millions of lives. Although probably not from his.

The place to begin understanding the unraveling of his presidency is page 274 of “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama.” The author, David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, quotes Valerie Jarrett, perhaps Obama’s closest and longest-serving adviser, on her hero’s amazingness:
“He knows exactly how smart he is. .?.?. I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. .?.?. He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do. He would never be satisfied with what ordinary people do.” ( ???)
Leave aside the question of whether someone so smitten can be in any meaningful sense an adviser. About what can such a paragon as Obama need advice? (Although he did recently say, “What we’re also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy.” Just to buy.) It is, however, fair to note that what ordinary people ordinarily do is their jobs, competently. Obama’s inability to be satisfied with anything so banal has plunged him into Jimmy Carter territory.

Carter’s presidency crumbled when people decided they still liked his character but had no confidence in his competence. Obamacare’s misadventures, and Obama’s response to them, have caused people to doubt both his character and his competence.
The White House, disoriented by adoration — including the self-adoration — of its principal occupant, sits in a city that has become addicted to its own adrenaline. It is in a perpetual swivet stoked by media for which every inter-institutional dust-up is a crisis.
This year began with the “fiscal cliff” crisis. (You may have forgotten, there having been so many supposedly epochal events to keep track of: All the Bush tax cuts were set to expire; the “crisis” ended when only those cuts for the wealthy were allowed to lapse.)
Then came spring and the “sequester crisis,” meaning discretionary spending “slashed” by “draconian” cuts of .?.?. 2.3 percent. Autumn brought the crisis of the shutdown of (part of) the government and the crisis surrounding the inevitable raising of the debt ceiling. The ostensible crisis was that the Obama administration might choose to default on the nation’s debt even though government revenues were 10 times larger than required to service the debt.

Good grief. The 1854 passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was a crisis. As was the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the Great Depression and Pearl Harbor. But as for 2013’s blizzard of supposed crises: Arguments between the houses of Congress, or between the executive and legislative branches, about money should not be called crises; they should be called politics. The separation of powers that is the essence of the constitutional system assumes rivalrous institutions. When, however, the conflict is not about money but about the nation’s constitutional architecture, perhaps the language of crisis is apposite.

The New York Times reports that last March Henry Chao of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which superintended creation of the Web site, told a conference that he had worries: “Let’s just make sure it’s not a third-world experience.” When such an embarrassing experience occurred, Obama responded like a ruler of a banana republic unfettered by constitutionalism and the rule of law. Although no president has even a line-item veto power (which 44 governors have), this president asserts the power to revise the language of laws by “enforcement discretion,” and suggests no limiting principle.

But even this is a crisis only if Congress makes it so by supine acquiescence. Congressional Democrats are White House poodles. They also are progressives and therefore disposed to favor unfettered executive power. Republicans are supposed to be different.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

Offline warpmine

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Re: Obama Cares
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2013, 12:13:24 PM »
"He knows exactly how smart he is. .?.?. I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. .?.?. He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do. He would never be satisfied with what ordinary people do.”

Are you sh*tting me Valerie? If he's so bored then perhaps he can move on to something more akin to his intellect, picking up residential curbside refuse.

So "talented", he can't do anything himself not even speak without a teleprompter. So talented, he lies with impunity. Then there's physical talent, can't shoot hoops, can't throw a baseball in a manly manner, can't use a shot gun let alone hold it correctly, can't hold an umbrella to protect his head from the rain. He can body surf with the best of them as if it takes a great amount of talent to lie in the water during a wave event. ::cussing::

Perhaps the great intellect can be an electrical engineer, a chemist, a doctor? No, just an inclination to be a lying politician to which he's excelled far and beyond any before him. Ms Jarret's real expertise is obviously, propaganda and I'm not to sure she's any good at that. birds of a feather?

Anyone with any talent whatsoever has picked up and left obviously because their intellect was substantially inferior to Dear Leader's. Chances are, they couldn't convey any point of reference to the idiot-n-chief thus he became a hindrance to their sanity...time to leave or be institutionalized in Bellvue hospital, NY.
Remember, four boxes keep us free:
The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.

Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: Obama Cares
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2013, 09:23:42 PM »
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.