Author Topic: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale  (Read 50703 times)

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #400 on: July 02, 2012, 11:37:43 AM »

Rush is reporting that this "disastrous" opinion was reported correctly in this article, therefore, Roberts is effectively hostage to the media.  He changed his opinion because of media pressure and the dissent did not mention Roberts because they were so mad at him the left him out.

Ann jumped the shark when she advocated not voting for Romney, none the less this topic would be remiss if her commentary were not included.  It's a
lively read.

[blockquote]Stupid, Stupid Jackasses. Part 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - June 30, AD 2012 3:32 PM MST
It isn’t just Lindsey Graham that is a stupid, stupid jackass. If you’re buying any of this, “Everything’s fine! We actually WON on ObamaCare, and Roberts is a genius!” jackassery, then go look in the mirror and behold the Sombrero of all Asshats.

Are you detecting ire? Are you getting the sense that I’m just a LITTLE pissed off? It’s one thing to watch a bunch of godless, drug-addled, moloch-worshiping Marxist dumbasses spew mental diarrhea, but to have to sit and watch pretty much everyone on the right do the same thing is just too much. Do you people not have functioning brains? Is there truly no capacity for any intelligent thought or the ability to recall and parse objective facts and evidence? Really?

Let’s start with an analogy. Defending this week’s SCOTUS decision is directly analogous to the following:
    Ann’s Omelet Recipe

    1. Gather every egg in your kitchen. Throw them all down the garbage disposal. (This omelet is going to be so good. Trust me.)

    2. Go out to your breaker box and turn off the electricity to your entire home. (No, really. It’s going to cook up better than anything you’ve ever had before.)

    3. Burn your house down. (This omelet is going to be delicious. You’ll see.)

    4. Find a handgun. Load it, cock it, put it in your mouth, pull the trigger and blow your brainstem to kingdom come. (Can’t you almost smell how delicious this omelet is going to be?)[/blockquote]

Roberts is not a “Machiavellian genius.” Roberts is a moral degenerate lifetime Washington D.C. politico, who is well known in the beltway to be borderline obsessed with his image. In other words, Chief Justice John Roberts emotionally operates on the same level as the average twelve year old girl, and just sold out not just the Republic, the Constitution and the entire American populace, but really the entire planet, because now that the United States is no more, the forces of evil will run absolutely rampant over the rest of the planet. And Roberts did it so that a bunch of coke-snorting sodomites and psychopaths in Georgetown will pretend to like him – for about five minutes.

Roberts just ratified the “right” for the government to tax people on their existence. Either you purchase a service commodity, thus paying a tax which is collected by the insurance company itself, or you will pay a tax to the IRS directly. Insurance is, for all intents and purposes, an innovation of the last fifty years, meaning that almost no one carried any insurance of any kind, and insurance was itself in some places ILLEGAL (and now we know why, because if allowed to cover anything other than large disasters, insurance will, by mathematical definition, destroy any market that it comes into contract with and end in fascism.)

All of this ObamaCare mandate is a pure function of being a living human being. My required car insurance is a corollary to my totally optional decision to own and drive a car. The requirement that I carry “full coverage” insurance instead of the minimum liability-only insurance is a corollary to the fact that I freely choose to lease my car, and thus there are additional conditions that I must meet. Income tax was tied to the fact that I chose to work and generate income – not on my existence itself. Property tax is a corollary to my decision to buy real estate. The gasoline tax is a corollary to my free decision to drive a car, and a car that runs on gasoline. Yes, I think that income and property taxes in particular are intrinsically morally dubious, but that is not the debate before us. The debate before us is whether the Federal government, or ANY government can ever, ever licitly tax human beings on the very fact that they EXIST.

The obvious answer is NO. We do not choose to bring ourselves into existence. Human life is the property of God Almighty, who has of His own goodness, charity and perfect will deigned to gift us with free will so that we might exist in His image – sovereign, reasoning and thus capable of authentic love, the freely chosen gift of self to some “other”. And even at this, God only asks that in return we worship Him at His Mass on Sunday, and that we *voluntarily* tithe ten percent of our income, or whatever we can manage. But the tithe is *voluntary*, not coerced.

The state, fully ratified by the emotional schoolgirl John Roberts, has now elevated itself above God, and has done nothing less than declare itself god. The state now sees itself as the source and arbiter of human life, demanding and coercing tribute in exchange for permitting human life to continue. Fail to pay tribute to Moloch for your very existence, and your property, your liberty and eventually your life will be forcibly confiscated.

Oh, but all of the dumbasses out there swear up and down that this step in the battle for the Republic had to be lost so that we could later, in some grand strategy, win the war.

Listen dumbasses, the war is already lost. YOU JUST LOST IT. You didn’t just sac your queen in order to set up a checkmate. Your ass just got checkmated and Barry Obama is sitting on the couch lighting up a joint, and texting Reggie Love to come over for a little celebratory sodomy.

Which brings us to Barry Obama. One of the big arguments I see is that Roberts’ decision “catches Obama in a lie, so we’ve got him now!”

I don’t even know what to say to this. It is so stupid it just makes me want to give up on the entire deal.

Listen Jackasses, everything Obama has said and done for his entire adult life, his entire political career, his entire campaign, and in his entire regime is a lie. For the love of God, EVEN HIS NAME IS A LIE. He passed an obviously forged birth certificate last April. Every single thing he has said, promised and done has been total, complete, objectively proven lie after lie. And you think you’re going to checkmate him with THIS? You think that a point of semantics between “penalty” and “tax” is going to bring him down in this nation of Snooki-watching imbeciles? Are you on drugs, or just merely stupid?

Stupid, Stupid Jackasses. Part 2
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - June 30, AD 2012 3:29 PM MST
And now the argument that if we just get a few more “republicans” into Washington D.C., we can stop him!

This plane of stupidity makes me the most irate. What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you not have any recollection of anything that has happened? How did those 2010 elections work out for you? Boy, that really put the brakes on the Obama regime, huh? Wake the hell up. Obama has not been slowed down in any way. His tyranny and destruction has not been held up or checked in any way. It has only accelerated since the day he usurped the White House.

Remember the Debt Ceiling fiasco? Remember how Obama utterly rolled everyone, and I had to explain that we didn't win, but instead got prison raped while everyone on the right was celebrating the great victory over Obama? Remember that clusterbungle? You know what the Congress managed to do with regards to the debt ceiling? Um, yeah, they gave Obama EVERYTHING he wanted, plus some. Obama said, “Raise the ceiling.” They raised it. Obama said, “Increase taxes.” January 2013 will mark massive tax hikes kicking in. Obama said, “Increase spending.” Done. Obama said, “Give me carte blanche spending authority with no Congressional oversight so I can loot the Treasury and embezzle and write billion-dollar checks to my oligarch cronies.” Done. Automatic spending cuts, called “sequestration” were written into the debt ceiling negotiations. Obama has just said, “Blow the sequestration cuts off.” Done. In September, Obama will say, “Just eliminate the ceiling altogether.” Nancy Pelosi has already said that is what is coming. Guess what will happen?

Obama just declared by executive fiat de facto amnesty. What have your precious little Tea Party freshmen done to counter that? Nothing.

Obama has by executive fiat declared same-sex marriage the “law of the land.” What have your precious little pants-pissing Tea Party congressmen done to counter that? Nothing.

Obama has started wars and entered the United States military into new combat theaters with ZERO congressional approval, and has told the congress through Leon Panetta that congress will no longer even be CONSULTED OR INFORMED of new wars. No. Obama MIGHT notify them, after he has consulted the U.N., if he has the time and feels like it. What have your mighty, mighty Tea Party freshmen done to counter that? Exactly nothing.

Obama has intentionally armed narco-terror armies in Mexico with the expressly stated intention of using firearms found at scenes of mass murder in Mexico to engage in sedition against the Second Amendment and thus disarm the American people. I count at least THREE capital offenses in that: mass murder, shadow war against a sovereign nation, and sedition against the United States. What have your precious little Tea Partiers done? Written a few letters with some mildly strong language? Sat and watched while the Attorney General LAUGHS at them? Take a purely symbolic vote to “shame” people who are murderous psychopaths and have no shame?

Arrest Holder, Hillary Clinton, and Obama, try them for mass murder, making war against Mexico and sedition against the United States, convict them with due process, put them against a wall and shoot them until they are dead, and then you come back and give me your little rah-rah speech about how “everything’s gonna be fine.” But not one second before.

And for the last time, spare me any of your truly, truly demented and psychotic fantasy-weaving about Mitt Romney, the father of ObamaCare and vociferous defender of the mandate, riding to the rescue and repealing his own precious, beloved demonspawn.

Watch the video below. I recorded it back in January and almost forgot about it. I listened to it this morning, and hearing Patrick Henry’s words again now in the context of Roberts’ decision, the escalated and unfathomable lawlessness of the Obama regime just since January, and the complete state of insane denial of reality from the right makes Henry’s speech positively SPOOKY.
Bottom line, if you continue to argue that Roberts’ decision was anything less than the end of the Republic, then you are either a total jackass, or you are despicable liar looking to keep some stream of revenue or power concentration flowing. And may God forgive you for whichever sin you choose to wallow in; unrepentant cowardice, unrepentant willful stupidity or unrepentant greed; because, knowing what’s coming, I’m not sure I can.[/blockquote]

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #401 on: July 02, 2012, 11:55:04 AM »
Rush was tipped off by someone in the know that Roberts is a preening, vain, consummate-insider type, who is obsessed with reputation and legacy. I think he knew Roberts was going to cave, because in the few days prior to the announcement I distinctly got the impression that Rush was trying to prepare his audience for grave disappointment.

Roberts' character flaws are apparently well known in the DC political circles, because he was specifically the target of all the statements (and veiled threats) from Democrat senators, the White House, and the media. They knew exactly which buttons to push, and it worked. It's absolutely disgusting. The Supreme Court is there to defend the Constitution. Any consideration coming before that is grounds for impeachment. Our Republic had been on life support for quite a long time before this ruling, but the ruling effectively pulled the plug. Now we're just waiting for clinical death, with the very small chance that the patient could resume breathing on its own in November.
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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #402 on: July 02, 2012, 11:56:52 AM »
Ann rocks once again.  That part of rounding up the key proglodytes perpetrating this effrontery to founding principles absolutely rocks!   ::thumbsup::   ::cool::   ::whoohoo::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #403 on: July 02, 2012, 01:09:10 PM »
My daughter and I were talking about this the other night.  We used to call it backbone.

I don't understand caving.  But I guess I've spent most of my life being the odd one out.  The doctors want to do something I ask why and then if it doesn't sound reasonable I say no.  I don't do well-baby care doctor visits.  Everytime my kid is sick I don't run to the doctor( forever aggravating my mother-in-law).  I insist on being in the examination room. I homeschool.  We go to church.  I don't buy things for my kids because everyone else is buying it for their kids. My kids do chores.  I have refused to do things because of my religious beliefs. I say no we don't have the money.  I won't let my high schoolers ride in a car driven by another high school driver (boy, am I really out there on that one!).  I review the movies my kids are allowed to go see. ETC ETC

None of these things by themselves is really a big deal but I get push back on everything because I operate from a certain level of expectation and principles for myself.  And so often my POV is inconvenient or annoying or challenges someone else's POV.  So I've gotten used to being accused of dogmatic, stubborn, etc.

Plus I hate the feeling of having sold out.
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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #404 on: July 03, 2012, 01:16:54 AM »

Short Version
Rep. Allen West: Obama Wants Americans To "Be His Slave"
Rep. Allen West: Obama Wants Americans To "Be His Slave"

Long Version
Allen West - Obama Wants Americans To "Be His Slave" - (7/1/12)

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #405 on: July 03, 2012, 02:43:15 AM »
"Toldya. Repub Sen. McConnell has Already Folded
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - July 2, AD 2012 5:33 PM MST
ObamaCare is not being repealed. The only way to get rid of it is either a junta or a civil war and establishing a Second American Republic.


If you give any money to any of these First Republic scumbag politicians instead of preparing for the war, you are an idiot. A complete and total idiot.

Senate Republican leader McConnell stated today that it isn't going to be repealed. It comes fairly quickly in this local news segment out of Louisville, KY today:

Even with repeal, ’Obamacare’ will be hard to unwind, McConnell says

"If you thought it was a good idea for the federal government to go in this direction, I’d say the odds are still on your side," McConnell told workers at Hardin Memorial Hospital."

Meh.  Go listen for yourselves --
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline John Florida

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #406 on: July 03, 2012, 08:34:30 AM »
   Why am I not surprised that a man that wears the face of a fool is in fact a fool!!We have an election to win and he tells the world that even if we have majorities in both houses and a GOP w.h. we caan't do shyt!!

   So somebody tell me why were going to vote? ::gaah::
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #407 on: July 03, 2012, 08:46:22 AM »
   So somebody tell me why were going to vote? ::gaah::

I can guarantee the Founders would be shooting by now.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #408 on: July 03, 2012, 10:05:00 AM »

In the end Reality is going to repeal this, and Social security, and Medicare. The only real question is are we going to be in  any state to enjoy the victory, or will we be  pushing up daises?

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #409 on: July 03, 2012, 10:09:59 AM »

In the end Reality is going to repeal this, and Social security, and Medicare. The only real question is are we going to be in  any state to enjoy the victory, or will we be  pushing up daises?

I don't know where we'll be when reality requires the piper be remunerated, however, thanks to Roberts, Congress' ability to tax has been permanently severed from the Constitutional requirements that a tax be levied in support of one of the Feds' 18 duties and responsibilities.  See:  the Good and Plenty clause.

So, who knows what the hell they'll decide to tax next.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #410 on: July 03, 2012, 10:24:14 AM »
Exactly.  What thing or not-thing?  What activity or not-activity?  This is some Queen of Hearts sh*t right here.  Straight out of Alice in Wonderland.
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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #411 on: July 03, 2012, 10:26:49 AM »
Donate to the DNC - or pay a "penalty" that SCOTUS has ruled is a tax.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #412 on: July 03, 2012, 10:38:07 AM »

In the end Reality is going to repeal this, and Social security, and Medicare. The only real question is are we going to be in  any state to enjoy the victory, or will we be  pushing up daises?

I don't know where we'll be when reality requires the piper be remunerated, however, thanks to Roberts, Congress' ability to tax has been permanently severed from the Constitutional requirements that a tax be levied in support of one of the Feds' 18 duties and responsibilities.  See:  the Good and Plenty clause.

So, who knows what the hell they'll decide to tax next.

  What ever the hell they want!!And if you don't produce enough to pay for the ones deemed not to be able to produce you will be punnished.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #413 on: July 03, 2012, 11:26:18 AM »
I don't know where we'll be when reality requires the piper be remunerated, however, thanks to Roberts, Congress' ability to tax has been permanently severed from the Constitutional requirements that a tax be levied in support of one of the Feds' 18 duties and responsibilities.  See:  the Good and Plenty clause.
So, who knows what the hell they'll decide to tax next.

It won't do them any good. Raise taxes, actual real production goes down, more deficit spending, inflation goes up.  They don't call it a debt death spiral for nothing.   Look at the IRS stats and assume somehow they nullify Hauser's law so that they can exceed 20% of GDP...

 In 2009, if you collected 100% of every  dollar made over $100,000  from the 29 million or so households earning that much  ( many of them double incomes) as reported in AGI, you would get: 1,865,054,370 Trillion from that. That is every F'ing dollar over $100K.

Add that to the money you collect under $100K and total income tax revenue would be 2.2 Trillion. In reality 2009 give the government 865 Billion.  That is right, with a "B". Its a huge difference from 2006, when it was about a Trillion.  If you collected every AGI taxable dollar you would get just 5 trillion.

Hey but lets go after those corporations too! We will take every dime of profit.. oh that is 984 Billion. Another one of those "B's-

So if we confiscate every bit of profit, and every individual income, we have 6 Trillion dollars and have given the people 0 reason to work, so there will be no more money coming in next year.  Okay, so that will run the current National Fascist  Socialist government for 1.5 years.  Oh, but we have State and local governments too.  Okay  that means we can run everything for one year if we take EVERY DOLLAR OF AGI. And that is without  attempting to pay for Obamacare or increasing Medicare and SS costs.  We do it now by borrowing.  We will continue to borrow, and raise taxes. Say they manage to collect an extra trillion by raising taxes on the "rich" - or more accurately on the "middle class" - because that is where the majority of the money to be had is..   - the additional outlay required by Obamacare/Medicare/Social Security  will wipe it out- especially as people emigrate, or   Galt out as the tax rate increases. And don't forget the leeches who will pay the ta-penalty rather than buy insurance - because that is what they are being encouraged to do - causing Medical Insurance to become unavailable except on the "exchanges"  - paid for by State Taxes... 1/7th of the economy will just tank as no one can find insurance, or what is paid is paid at a loss from the State Govt coffers. (Your State didn't create an exchange? No Private insurance to buy?  Oh Nos! we need Single Payer! The "Free Market" private insurers failed us! And all the leeches demand the state create an exchange ) Of course, with 1/7th of GDP suddenly removed from the "individuals earning tax revenue" column into the put into the Government "we don't produce anything, we just spend money" column, this just goes further downhill.

I think the chances for an Obamacare repeal with Mittens and the current GOP are nill- its too hard!
We have certainly passed the event horizon now.  Nothing left to do but pop some popcorn, set up a lawn chair and watch the Liberals spread poverty equally until the Civil war starts, WWIII starts or the dollar collapses, or some combination.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #414 on: July 03, 2012, 11:40:09 AM »
I agree Weisshaupt, no way will the weakling Pubbies be able to do what it takes to repeal ObamaCare and all the other crap put on us over the past 80 years.

I'm just waiting for my "Paint Your Wagon" moment ala Lee Marvin's "Welcome to hell!" line.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #415 on: July 03, 2012, 11:44:56 AM »
It won't do them any good.

Lol.  And when did that ever matter?
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #416 on: July 03, 2012, 12:13:41 PM »
What ever the hell they want!!And if you don't produce enough to pay for the ones deemed not to be able to produce you will be punnished.

Just be unable to produce, then they will pay your penalty for you.  $44K is the magic number for a family of 4 to not have to pay for their insurance. You will get a "Tax Credit" to pay for it then. Think about it - its hard to earn more money. Its relatively easy to earn less. When the time comes, I will probably tell my company I am leaving, but I am willing to work as a contractor 3 days a week.  If they take it, cool. If not, I find someone else willing to take that deal. Or I  start a small part-time business- and refuse to take appointments after I make my quota. Sorry pal, too busy. Booked till August.... Or I get a minimum wage job, or no job at all, and go on food stamps and get my EBT.  After all, why work when I could go fishing or hiking or help home school my kids?  $44K is plenty  when you have no debt and produce some percentage of your own food and power.

If they decide that I have to pay out of my own pocket? Well they can try to collect, but I will be paying them in lead.  


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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #417 on: July 03, 2012, 12:24:55 PM »
I wonder when they're going to drop all the remaining pretenses and just bring out "wrecking" as a crime, a la Stalin.  At that point they will have made Going Galt a crime, and can continue to hold out "wrecking" as a general purpose catch-all for anyone not doing their part for the glory of socialist labor.

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #418 on: July 03, 2012, 12:41:50 PM »
I wonder when they're going to drop all the remaining pretenses and just bring out "wrecking" as a crime, a la Stalin.  At that point they will have made Going Galt a crime, and can continue to hold out "wrecking" as a general purpose catch-all for anyone not doing their part for the glory of socialist labor.

Right.  Another penalty for "not doing".
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: SCOTUS 2012: The Grand Finale
« Reply #419 on: July 03, 2012, 12:55:45 PM »
I wonder when they're going to drop all the remaining pretenses and just bring out "wrecking" as a crime, a la Stalin.  At that point they will have made Going Galt a crime, and can continue to hold out "wrecking" as a general purpose catch-all for anyone not doing their part for the glory of socialist labor.

Yeah, well that will be  another "I will pay my debt to society with lead" moment.
I just hope I am around for the moment when these libtards get their first taste of slavery when the EBTs don't get changed and someone shows up at their door to form a "work party"