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Offline Weisshaupt

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Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« on: June 18, 2012, 11:38:00 AM »
In case you think Leftist will be unarmed, look at the comments here Lefties will like guns just fine when the government isn't there to steal for them. Of course half of them seem unaware there is any move on the left to ban or restrict them. Of course, in the liberal world, they assume the  laws never apply to them, so maybe they don't care.

I already own many guns, from muzzle loaders to semi-automatics (7.62 caliber). Now I am getting more and more ammunition so that I can fight off the Tea Party Nazi’s and the rest of the other far, far-right people. Really, all I need to do now, is trade a .357 for a .380 auto for a better concealed weapon. Yes, we Centrists or Center-Left are armed too.

Yep, those Tea Party types are coming to take your stuff. No wait. They are refusing to give you theirs.

"I’m arming up with buckshot, and big orders of 22cal.centerfire,for 8 tactical longarms because I’m afraid of Far Right Wing and Mormon Militia Batallions in the streets if the election is close. I am an NRA member, as was my father- one of the early Army Rangers in WWII–, but I’m politically moderate….judging from current behavior and conversations on the firing ranges where I practice, the Far Right militia movement is coming unhinged and I’m going to protect my family from them if it comes to gunplay to settle an election or to get food in the aftermath of a far right victory, followed by their induced economic collapse and firing public payroll police forces and first responders around the country…We’re going to be on our own ….there will be no goverment structures to protect ordinary citizens. This is clearly what they want… "

Yeah. We WANT and have engineered the economy to crash because of government handouts and overspending. Ever hear of Cloward-Piven?

"There is increasing evidence that the weather will continue to get worse as a result of man’s influence on the environment. It is just a matter of time before the infrastructure we depend on will collapse and chaos takes over. Democrates want their gun rights as much as everyone else. Obama is not going to take away you gun rights. Do not buy into the conservative fear machine. We are your friends. Once you realize that, we can start living and working together again. We will be needing each others help soon enough…"

 We are your friends. Now gimme stuff at government gunpoint, because we want to pretend the climate is changing because of manmade CO2

"I am what many would call ‘liberal’. I support labor unions, women’s reproductive choice, gay/lesbian rights, separation of church and state, funding for education (sciences AND the arts), progressive tax, sustainable economic activity, environmental protection, a social safety net, all the things us ‘libtards’ like to moan about……..and I own lots of guns, too, ranging from ‘fudd guns’ to the latest ‘tacticool’ AR-15 that I just finished. Why? because I also believe in the individual right to defend one’s life and home. In order to exercise that right, one must have the means. That is why am a proud gun-toting ‘liberal,’ as are many of my friends and colleagues. Gun ownership is not just a conservative vs liberal issue."-Smedley Butler

Right. Yeah, that is why the Dems support anti-gun legislation, and conservatives don't. Because its not a political issue.  What color is the sky where you live?

"Buying weapons to protect myself from the nut ball right who are stock piling weapons
The insane left who have a few legitimate points and don’t lie about sh*t like the
Nutters on the right.
The stupid tea bagers who don’t know what the constitution is and are not “constitutionalist” but rather they are “CONTIPATIONALIST” Who like the right wing nutters would have a NAZI swastika on their lapels and arm bands if they could. And who absolutely hate that an N is their president. Ha ha haha get over it cuz theirs more to come lol. Yup to protect myself my cat and my home from dumb asses who want to impose their religious beliefs on me because hell yea I’m BI I’m a woman and oh yea I’m not married to some fat bastard farting out on stupid kid after another because its “gods plan” I’m an American I was born here and I believe in our freedom of religion freedom of speech and the right to go between different states WITHOUT PAPERS. Like the TSA thinks you should have their NAZI check points. I believe in SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE which in in the CONSTITUTION. Which means I Can marry who I choose and my body is my own business. And when I was in the ARMY I took an oath to protect these things NOT THE AGENDA OF THE OIL COMPANIES OR KOCH BROTHERS …or the NAZI Bush family. Whos agenda was to over throw America starting with Presscot bush who was trading with NAZI germany. Corporations are the enemy. They control our country and our politicians. and. a corporation is not a person btw and I am in a union LOCAL 6171 represent! And. Ill be damned if I allow more American jobs to be shipped over seas. Wake up and realize the truth."-Comment by not a liberal or right winger idiot

Yeah. Separation of Church and State is "in the Constitution" and Liberals never lie, and Obamacare does nothing to  control your body.

"I’m stocking up because of the political division in America. I’m not really concerned about zombies or a foreign army invasion(I mean really, what country is stupid enough to put boots on the ground in America? We have the most powerful military in the world and we can’t even control shepherds in Afghanistan). I’m worried about the civil war that’s going to break out. I also fear the expansion of the government police state. I will go ahead and state that I am for revolution. I see that the masses are manipulated by those with money. I see that both of the main political parties are controlled by big money and it scares me to see the majority of people sucked into the division they’ve created. I don’t think that one side is better than the other, one wants to make it easier for big corporations to exploit us, the other side wants to make it easier for the government to exploit us. I want to be ready when the masses start to realize this and take up arms against our oppressors. Let’s stop the name calling and act like adults, have conversations not arguments, stop the tyranny of the people that control how you view the worlds events. Stop watching mainstream news, be it fox or msnbc or whatever else. They’re just giving you reasons to hate the other view point holders while glossing over the bad aspects of their view points. Wake up America, don’t let one big money funded party take over. Liberals, look at what Obama is doing with the drone kill list. Conservatives, look at the lies Bush fed us to support a war for his own benefit. Realize that both sides are bad and nothing is going to get better until we stop hating one another, and start hating the people that want to exploit us."-Joey

Yeah, can't we all just get along? Oh wait, no we can't, because 1/2 of the country want to use the government to exploit the other half, and doesn't want to discuss it. And no, I don't want to be exploited by big corporations either, but in a free system, I can choose not to do business with them, moron. But its good to know the "centrists" hae really taken the time time to understand both sides of the argument.

"Unlike many others who have posted comments here, I am not much concerned with our politics on the left but am very concerned with the direction our right wing politics is taking. So, yes, I am getting my guns in good working order, purchasing a few more, and stocking up on ammo. I agree with many others that possessing firearms helps to limit the power of government over individuals and to assure that personal freedoms are maintained. Furthermore, in my opinion, if balance isn’t restored to our economy, and by that I mean if the wealthiest individuals and corporations and all the rest of us don’t start paying taxes at the rates that existed under Dwight Eisenhower, we will complete the destruction of the economic power of our middle class and with it the economic viability of our country. Economic instability and collapse cause social unrest. Possessing guns is a powerful way to avoid being an easy target for desperate people."-western age

Because its only "fair" when I get stuff I didn't work for. Maybe the corporations are using govt. power? Maybe actually limiting the govt power would reduce the power of the wealthy, because then it can't be bought? Ever hear of Hauser's Law?


Yeah, take the country back and spit it up evenly and ignore the 100 years of history indicating how well that method works.

I am a political moderate, not a tax hater, and I dislike both presidential candidates, though I do not dislike them equally. I do not like hothead talk of any kind. I worked in skilled trades most of my life and do not like the campaign against the unions, since it only leads to the wealthy having all the money. This country became great with most people making a decent living. That seems to be slipping away from us, the willingness to pay a decent wage. I am an NRA life member and have hunted and enjoyed firearms shooting all my life. Some are ugly and inaccurate, but others are beautiful and simply feel good in your hands, even better to shoot, proud to own them and/or carry them on my person. I applaud the NRA’s success in sweeping away the restrictive and elitist carry permit systems of the 60s, think any state’s carry permit should be good everywhere by law including on Native American reservations. Freedom of movement. I am skeptical of open carry for practical reasons but do not think it should be banned by law. Carrying a concealed pistol and being willing to use it has prevented violence to me a couple times in my 60 years, and I am REALLY glad about that – more practicality. I believe in the idea of heroic rescue by common citizens even when I know it is probably unlikely to happen – too many variables we can’t perceive. I am not afraid and will not be bullied by anyone. Ever.
I heard about Appleseed rifle marksmanship training and took my boy. We both liked it. Learned to shoot rifles with tremendous precision. Bought two rifles for that. I kept shooting and later bought a Garand rifle and several hundred rounds for it. I’m not any kind of prepper. I’m a Westerner, and self-reliance is simply strong there. It has to be. I don’t think people realize how powerful our government is. There is lots of fantasy talk about fighting or violently resisting the government, usually federal. I laugh at that, that’s adolescent fantasy. I think the only remaining purpose of our country is to part the suckers from their money. We are the suckers. If people really want to have a better country, they should start controlling their actions including their mouths and be decent in their conduct, stop wasting precious resources on entertainment devices, save some money for hard times, demand the same from their local and state government officials. The American Civil War was brought on by hothead talk, and nobody really knows how many died in that conflict. Hothead talk and guns. Bad mix. History proves it.

Comment by Whig Party — June 17, 2012 @ 8:18 am

And where are the Whigs now?

First…politically speaking, I am as far left as they come. Not only “righties” like their guns. I lived in the suburubs of Chicago most of my life…where guns are hard to get, and local laws made you a criminal for driving to the range cutting through their town. There were always firearms that I wanted back in Illinois, and could not own…now that I am in New Mexico…I’m a kid in a candy store. I buy guns that are fun and different…also making up for lost time…in 1 year here I have purchased 5…why you ask? Because I can
I hear a lot of people dissing Obama on guns (not a huge Obama fan, but better than the alternatives IMO) I know Obama from Chicago…he is actually very pro-gun, and I think concerns of him wanting a ban are completely unfounded


@JPKirk…please stop blaming the left…there are plenty of us on the left that support Amendment 2 (I happen to run the website Armed and Liberal). People do not fit into neat political packages….we are all complex people. I may be far left…but I also, somewhat, fear the ever growing power and non-accountability of the police…but I don’t plan on starting a war against them…there are other ways to handle it. Just like defensive training…use it only if you absolutely have to.

Yeah. We support the 2nd Amendment and ignore our or party's stance on it because we believe that the government should be in the business of bullying people and engineering our society to suit my preferences.

A couple of years ago, I was walking my dog and had stopped to do some obedience training. He was paying attention to me and I to him, so we didn’t notice the guy across the street walking toward us with a companion. When my dog caught sight of them he barked a couple of times, I turned around and saw who it was and told my dog it was okay and he stopped and didn’t snarl or advance on the men. My neighbor’s buddy said, “Next time, I’ve got a .38 with your name on it.” It caught me off guard because I wasn’t used to people walking around armed on my street. I finally noticed the gun, walked up to the guy and told him that my dog wasn’t threatening him and that he should just go on his way and have a good day. I couldn’t help but think that if he had pulled his gun, he would have had to kill me to get to my dog and that I should have weapons of my own and know how to use them if that option was forced upon me. I researched things, bought a handgun, got my carry permit, practiced until I was good, and now if any right-wing gun nut wants to use his peashooter to show what a man he is, I can defend myself and mine to the utmost. The paranoid right has made it necessary for peaceful citizens to walk armed in the streets to defend against them. Congratulations, but don’t think only you have the guns and the knowledge and will to use them. Just another proud left-wing extremist letting you know.

Translation: I am proud to advocate the government taking guns from you and using their power to confiscate your stuff to pay for what I want! I am ready for you if you try to stop me from bullying you. Actually that is the gist of most of the "liberal" comments. I know you guys are pissed off ( but about what I can't figure, and you can talk t the hand if you try to tell me) but I am ready for you if you come for me.

The vast majority of the comments are about Obama, Prepping and fear of govt.

have enjoyed shooting since I was a kid. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I am teaching her gun safety and the proper usage of guns. I have owned handguns since my 20s, because I like to shoot. Since a black guy was poised to win—and win big—over the political party that has drowned us in debt, sold us out to the Corporatocracy and has sent thousands of our troops to their deaths for one purpose and one purpose only—PROFIT$—I have seen so many ignorant, bigoted and hypocritical ‘patriots’ ‘exercising their 2nd Amendment rights’ at political rallies by toting semi-automatic rifles and other such over-the-top insanity, I have decided to carry just about all the time. I am a VERY fiscally conservative person—like the GOP used to be—and a defender of the rights to pursue their own happiness, not just what a privileged few dictate in a Republic. THis includes the right to bear arms. In a time where ‘zombies’ is a buzz word and an excuse for buying guns with the intent to kill said ‘zombies’, I choose to defend my family and property from the very people bleating ignorantly on and on about “liberals” like me. Just remember, MANY, MANY liberals own firearms, too. And there are more of us than you think. So think about that the next time a conservative pundit implies that it’s open season on liberals. It won’t be the ACLU card-carrying liberals that attempt to take away your guns. It will be the ChristoFascists that certain elements of our scientifically illiterate and woefully uncritical thinking elect. Some people really do need a reality check.

No its the ACLU card carrying liberals who are going to take your rights, therefore requiring the use of guns to get them back. That's reality Jack.

Personally, I think all the cowardice posing as bravado is sad, and a little funny.
Conservatives and liberals are both ruled primarily by FUD. Where the f**k are your
back bones? I own a pistol and rifle for every member of my family because shooting
safely is good family fun, and maintaining one’s own weapons is part of being a responsible
gun owner. All this SHTF nonsense is nothing but childish pretending from people who
have never seen war firsthand. I’m a combat veteran. Once you’ve experienced what it really
is, all this toughguy bravado bullsh*t looks like children playing army. We should be having
an adult conversation on how we as a society can avert this potential clusterf**k before it
becomes a terrible reality. Read about the us civil war and ask yourselves if a do-over is really
in anyone’s best interest!

No of course it isn't. But with one side unwilling or unable to restrain themselves from violating the inalienable rights of others, do you really think there is going to be a choice? They don't want a conversation that doesn't end with "we submit to your tyranny"- witness Pelosi and her comments.

I am addicted to shooting. I couldn’t stop if i wanted to. If “the government” bans ammo i am counting on some kind of social rehabilitation program to get me over my disease like the methadone program for heroin addicts. i just need my fix. maybe they can start by weening me off of the higher caliber firearms first and gradually taking me down to .22 and eventually pellet, airsoft, and finally paintball.

also, the people who think that our country will fall apart over an Obama reelection are idiots. how much different is your life under Obama compared to your life under Bush Jr? or Clinton? or Bush Sr? And if your life HAS been drastically changed by these minor policy changes between puppeteers can you really blame THEM? THEY don’t care about your life enough to push you around. your ruined life was incidental, and would be just as likely ruined by a puppeteer of your own personal selection.

They cared enough about it to pass Obamacare and Soda bans and to raid farms selling raw milk.

"Pretty simple. It’s because of 90% of the idiots who post here. America is screwed.

Comment by Joe — June 17, 2012 @ 1:12 pm"

You see, WE are making this happen with our irrational fear...

The myth of anti-gun regions in the US are just that: a myth. It is fiction that the Obama administration or the government is going to take your guns. A total falsehood. Some politicians may support background checks, or waiting periods, or other minor things like CCW permits, but most people just don’t give a sh*t, despite what the NRA may tell you. Remember: there mission is to sell firearms, so making idiots believe that firearms are about to be taken away is a pretty good tactic. Those rumors are just fun red meat tossed around by Fox News and WND. The conspiracy to take your guns DOES NOT EXIST. But, please read this excerpt taken from the comments below: “Like every good Boy Scout, I like to be prepared. If Obama is re-elected I am condfident the economy will collapse. Obama will declare Martial Law thus suspending all Constitutional rights. The government will try to confiscate our guns but they won’t get them all. The country will experince anarchy and chaos. Armed gangs will roam the streets. Pockets of rebels will be caught and/or destroyed. It is not beyond belief that a new revolutionary war could break out.”

Yep. While the anti-gun agenda is a myth used to sell guns, unfortunately, idiots like that guy do actually exist. There is a good reason why people make fun of paranoid right-wingers and Teabaggers, and this dude is a prime example.

Right, Illinois? California? Washington D.C?

I buy guns so that I won’t be the one dumb ass that brings a knife to a gun fight. When everybody(and I mean everybody!) else gives up their guns, I will give up mine. There are too many low lifes and racist lunatics with guns. I refuse to be a victim of any extremist ideology! President Obama is not the threat to gun rights. Its those idiots that refuse to accept the fact that he is the president and that he just happens to be Black. Those morons that don’t think he is a citizen are just demonstrating how racism in this country is alive and well. It’s unfortunate that people who truly love this country and what it stands for get drowned out by the radical religious right wing of this nation. You won’t here about me and mine being murdered by the KKK or any other nazi organization. i will defend myself and my family!

Because what this country is really about is taking from the those who earned it and giving it to those who didn't to buy votes.

You fools don’t deserve “freedom” you made black people into slaves and never apologized for it. Then you segregated them for decades after slavery was “abolished”, that’s why Zimmerman in Florida is going to pay the price! (Let’s just call it an “example lynching” you know? To keep whites in line? And also to kind of “pay them back” for all of the black lynchings that have ALWAYS happened! You know…to keep Blacks in line?) AND YOU KNOW WHO AINT GONNA DO NOTHIN ‘BOUT IT? Mr. Eric Holder, another “BROTHER EXTRORDINAIRE”. Blacks have now taken over the White House and don’t intend to give it back till this country has undergone the “profound, fundamental change” that Barack promised. It’s BLACKS TURN for the next 200 YEARS!!! Barack can do it and one more term should be enough! “Obama-care” will NEVER be repealed, and through AND by “Obama-care” blacks will “ruin” this country as ya’ll know it and then rebuild it the Black People’s way!
Ya’ll are just jealous of the black leaders like Jessie Jackson, Van Jones, Al Sharpton, Emanual Cleaver and others because of their leadership and you are forced to sit by and watch them TAKE this country from you…AND IT DRIVES YOU MAD! (As the New Black Panther Party said at the polling places last time, billy clubs in hand, “We ‘gonna TAKE this one!”)
BARACK HEUSSEIN OBAMA IN 2012 !!!!  -nay say

I don’t need to BUY guns…I have a ,well let’s just call it “a source”, for all the guns I could ever need!



Comment by say nay — June 17, 2012 @ 7:15 pm

Oh man, that one just speaks for itself doesn't it. Wonder if its real.

1. Home Protection
2. Enjoyment
3. Wingnuts screaming about Obama and liberals.

Don’t try to kill me because of my political leanings or prevent me from legally voting and we’ll just get along fine.

You know, just as long as we keep paying for what you want at Obama's gunpoint and allowing Black Panthers to intimidate conservatives at the polls.

Thanks CTD for the amusing read! After reading some of the idiotic comments from the racist, right-wing knuckle-draggers here, I’m going to place another ammo order with you right away! LOL

Because the only reason to be worried about Government power is racism.

The ammo and gun industry lobbyists are earning a bonus. POTUS Obama has not once as President mentioned the need to take your guns. It will not happen.
The useful fools on this comment list buy right in to the racist lies. Best friend the gun industry ever had.
I am a progressive Independent Vietnam era veteran and I will not be fooled by this baseless attack.
Lots of us on the left are armed and it’s because the big tent side of politics allows different points of view. Dumbing down the education of the USA is paying off big for the reactionaries.

Yep. Baseless. And everyone can have their point of view.. you know as long as they only say politcally correct things, drink soda in 16oz installments, and contribute to society in the ways that liberals deem best.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 12:20:13 PM by Weisshaupt »

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 11:52:23 AM »
These asshats don't scare me.  The crack-addict with an illegal gun who is desperate and strung out is more of a threat than most of these idiotic leftists who think it will be the Mormon Militia   ::hysterical::  or the KKK   ::facepalm::  kicking in their door to rob them or take their guns away...or accost their dog on the street   ::)  or any of this bullsh*t they spout...

Most of these idiots will soil their geranimals before remembering to flip off their safeties...and chances are they'll be shooting themselves anyway, so...stay in the hood and arm up...desperate bands of starving zombies will appreciate the goodies you've left for them...

You make it out to where I'll be, perhaps it'll be more sporting...

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2012, 12:36:16 PM »
The Right starting arming up in earnest just before Obongo was elected, thus making him gun salesman of the month/year, and these people are afraid of US because we fear HIM?

It is kind of frightening that there are that many gun-owners so ignorant and uninformed.
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Offline trapeze

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2012, 01:07:17 PM »
Doesn't matter. Most on the left are terrified of guns and that will not change.


Left no like "scary."

Therefore, the left no get guns.

Too scary.

Go bang.

Loud noise.

Ouch, ears hurt.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 01:08:30 PM »
And, to answer the question, no...not buying guns. Have lots of guns. Am buying ammo. Have to practice.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 01:10:23 PM »
I agree Trap, I think there is more of us than them, but if their them includes gubmint...   ::facepalm::   ::gaah::
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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 01:11:13 PM »
trap, I do not count on that and I hope you won't either.  Even if the majority of those comments are bogus, I'm personally acquainted with a couple/few Lefties who are not afraid of guns.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2012, 01:22:34 PM »
trap, I do not count on that and I hope you won't either.  Even if the majority of those comments are bogus, I'm personally acquainted with a couple/few Lefties who are not afraid of guns.

Ditto.  Leftists will get over their "fear" the second their belly is empty or someone makes them feel important by putting a gun in their hand and telling them to bully some unarmed prisoners.

I doubt the majority of the comments re bogus. There are Obama stickers at the gun show and I know quite a few of these "guns for me, but not for thee" liberals. They know perfectly well they are using government to steal and engendering an entitlement attitude in others, and they know perfectly well the historical consequences.  They want the collapse so their Utopia can follow.

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2012, 01:36:16 PM »
trap, I do not count on that and I hope you won't either.  Even if the majority of those comments are bogus, I'm personally acquainted with a couple/few Lefties who are not afraid of guns.

Ditto.  Leftists will get over their "fear" the second their belly is empty or someone makes them feel important by putting a gun in their hand and telling them to bully some unarmed prisoners.

I doubt the majority of the comments re bogus. There are Obama stickers at the gun show and I know quite a few of these "guns for me, but not for thee" liberals. They know perfectly well they are using government to steal and engendering an entitlement attitude in others, and they know perfectly well the historical consequences.  They want the collapse so their Utopia can follow.

I don't doubt it, but in general I think conservative gun owners still outnumber leftists...even with the criminal element in their column.  But the latter is notorious for not playing well with anybody, so, they are welcome to them. 

What interests me more is where PaulBot's break, other libertarians and the biggest wildcard - the people in civilian and military services?

If PaulBots shoot the way they talk, they'll be shooting at republican's and democrats...I guess that will be anybody not sporting a Ron Paul button, shirt, hat, bumpersticker..whatever.  Will other libertarians join their Paultardian brethren or just isolate themselves and hope to ride it out?  If they choose to ride it out, chances are they won't mess with anybody unless somebody messes with them first.  I can see a lot of these liberal types being the holed up variety.  Some may venture out thinking they can camp in Gaia's nearest national park and live in a harmonious existence...but as soon as the starving hoards show up...once they run out of ammo or get overrun...

And where the military and civilian LE authorities allegiance ends up...that will have a big say on who is succeeding at what just about everywhere.
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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2012, 01:44:33 PM »
trap, I do not count on that and I hope you won't either.  Even if the majority of those comments are bogus, I'm personally acquainted with a couple/few Lefties who are not afraid of guns.

As am I. So I guess we need to rethink the ratio of bitter-clingers to moonbats. Probably somewhere around 800,000/1 rather than a million to one   ::hysterical::

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2012, 07:20:49 PM »
They have the capacity to be a problem in urban areas.  Out in the hinterland they are f**ked six ways from Sunday.  In the part of Appalachia where I have family, which is where my bugout spot is, they wouldn't stand a chance. They would simply disappear, and no one would ever, ever find them.
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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2012, 09:17:46 PM »
They have the capacity to be a problem in urban areas.  Out in the hinterland they are f**ked six ways from Sunday.  In the part of Appalachia where I have family, which is where my bugout spot is, they wouldn't stand a chance. They would simply disappear, and no one would ever, ever find them.

Find who?
My doctor told me to start killing people.  Not in those exact words, she said I had to reduce the stress in my life.

Same thing.

Online Pandora

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2012, 09:22:07 PM »
They have the capacity to be a problem in urban areas.  Out in the hinterland they are f**ked six ways from Sunday.  In the part of Appalachia where I have family, which is where my bugout spot is, they wouldn't stand a chance. They would simply disappear, and no one would ever, ever find them.

Find who?

Nobody.  Nuthin' t'see heah; jes' move 'long now .......
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline EW1(SG)

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2012, 09:24:20 PM »
They have the capacity to be a problem in urban areas.  Out in the hinterland they are f**ked six ways from Sunday.  In the part of Appalachia where I have family, which is where my bugout spot is, they wouldn't stand a chance. They would simply disappear, and no one would ever, ever find them.

Find who?

Nobody.  Nuthin' t'see heah; jes' move 'long now .......

These are not the 'droids you are looking for...
My doctor told me to start killing people.  Not in those exact words, she said I had to reduce the stress in my life.

Same thing.

Online Pandora

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2012, 09:25:26 PM »
They have the capacity to be a problem in urban areas.  Out in the hinterland they are f**ked six ways from Sunday.  In the part of Appalachia where I have family, which is where my bugout spot is, they wouldn't stand a chance. They would simply disappear, and no one would ever, ever find them.

Find who?

Nobody.  Nuthin' t'see heah; jes' move 'long now .......

These are not the 'droids you are looking for...

Mind-melding again, are we?
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2012, 07:03:23 AM »
Ye ain'ts from aroun' heah, arh ya boy?


We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline EW1(SG)

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2012, 08:27:33 PM »
There is only one correct answer to the question.

Because I can.
My doctor told me to start killing people.  Not in those exact words, she said I had to reduce the stress in my life.

Same thing.

Online Pandora

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2012, 11:15:54 PM »
Aaaiiieeeee!  Ya just done it agin!
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2012, 07:27:49 AM »
Heh, doesn't get any simpler than that EW1!   ::USA::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Gilead

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Re: Are you Buying guns? Cheaper than Dirt asks why
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2012, 02:52:27 PM »
I immediately place such questions under suspicion. Why do they want to know why? They are selling a product, people are buying the product - end of story.

I guess my paranoia is showing.