Author Topic: Tropical Storm Sandy  (Read 13563 times)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #80 on: November 02, 2012, 07:54:08 PM »
The help isn't coming fast enough. Obviously Obama doesn't care about the mostly white people in New York and New Jersey. He is still campaigning instead of dealing with the disaster. Obama is a racist and no one should vote for him.

Can you imagine the coverage if this had happened under a Republican?

And the liberals who are stranded, expecting the govt to fix it (within hours, not days, weeks or months-- there was a Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowwe was cleaning out Houses from Kartina a year later) learn nothing.  Big Govt is good. It will save you. Its just the wrong people were in charge.


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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #81 on: November 03, 2012, 11:36:59 PM »


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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #82 on: November 04, 2012, 01:04:36 AM »
I barely remember Donna in 1960.  I was four years old.  My only memory is me riding on my brother's shoulders as we went next door to my best bud's house (well, my best bud at the time though Timmy moved shortly after).  I have one of those repeating images of the wind and the rain and what fun it all was.  After all, I was only four.  But that one I heard talked about into my teens, mostly as a cautionary tale not to underestimate hurricanes.  Like I said in another post, Norfolk didn't get hit too often.  But when it did get hit, like in September, 1938, it gets hit.  I can't find them now of course (thank you internet), but I remember photos in the paper as well as browsing some local history books showing an image of a person standing next to one of the 'downtown' buildings (something that might have been approaching maybe 7 stories) and the gentleman was pointing upward and 39 feet above him was a slash of paint on the brick wall highlighting the high water mark stain line.  It was an incredible image, one that, again, made me cautious around these wild and woolly (formerly all) ladies.  When you get hit with a 39' surge, there's simply not a whole lot you can do.  Compared to the Cat 3 1938 unnamed hurricane, Donna being a Cat 2 was a piece of cake, the cake being relative.  Of course, it matters where the eye hits, as shown by New Jersey with Sandy.  NYC was a couple of hundred miles away from the eye and look at the storm surge here.  Donna was more of a brush, but that 1938 one was a 'close enough for government work' hit.  Even though it was twentysome years later, I still heard apocalyptic tales about that storm, both as an 'I survived' personal history and a warning.  Like I also said earlier, once you get past the Chesapeake Bay, most hurricanes go out to sea, with the exceptions hitting land this far north.  People are like dogs when it comes to hurricanes:  They live in the moment and completely forget the past -- and have to be painfully reminded about the real dangers hurricanes create once again, not only with their direct impact, but the loss of normal services like electricity and water for quite some time.  As you've all ably pointed out, most people do not prepare -- FOR ANYTHING -- lasting longer than a trip to the store for milk.  But this far north, I'm sure it's been generations since anyone here remembers a hurricane hitting, if there's anybody here at all what with immigration into and emigration out of NJ.  So there is probably no one old enough to remember such storms hitting the area, and even if there were, who'd listen to them today?  The idiotic reporters standing in the blowing rain know better, after all, they haven't left.  Total idiocy, but people live near the San Andreas Fault, too.  As I also said earlier, what're you gonna do?


(on the chart, you can see one of the dots right over the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay)

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #83 on: November 04, 2012, 10:12:38 AM »
FEMA's vaunted "lean forward" strategy that called for advanced staging of supplies for emergency distribution failed to live up to its billing in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

In fact, the agency appears to have been completely unprepared to distribute bottled water to Hurricane Sandy victims when the storm hit this Monday. In contrast to its stated policy, FEMA failed to have any meaningful supplies of bottled water -- or any other supplies, for that matter -- stored in nearby facilities as it had proclaimed it would on its website. This was the case despite several days advance warning of the impending storm.

FEMA only began to solicit bids for vendors to provide bottled water for distribution to Hurricane Sandy victims on Friday, sending out a solicitation request for 2.3 million gallons of bottled water at the website. Bidding closed at 4:30 pm eastern.

Breitbart News spoke with contracting officer Annette Wright, who said that the winning vendor would be required to deliver the 2.3 million gallons of bottled water to an East Farmingdale, New York distribution center that was listed in the solicitation request by Monday, November 5th. Ms. Wright was unable to say when or how the water would be delivered from the distribution center to needy Hurricane Sandy victims in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island, and other boroughs of New York City. Vendors "are currently being evaluated," she said, and when the vendors are announced, they will provide information on how local distribution will occur.

They waited until almost a week AFTER the storm to open the bid for water, delaying procurement and distribution for yet ANOTHER three days?  What a fustercluck!  These people cannot do anything right.

Including ....

Chaos reigns at "free" gas fiasco

Thousands of fuel-starved New Yorkers were able to get much needed gasoline from the government at no cost yesterday, but not without a high-octane fit of confusion and double talk from state and federal authorities.

The trouble-plagued giveaway began when Gov. Cuomo’s office announced in the morning that officials would try to ease the post-Sandy gas crisis by giving out free fuel to both “emergency vehicles and the general public.”

The gas was to be dispensed from trucks at five locations around the area — and throngs of desperate drivers showed up to fill their tanks.

 But by the afternoon Cuomo spokeman Matt Wing rolled back the offer of free gas, announcing that fuel was intended for emergency vehicles first and foremost.

The change came after the US Department of Defense — which provided the gas in coordination with the National Guard — said the gas was only for first responders.

A Cuomo-administration source blamed the mix up on the military.

“They told us. We simply conveyed the information provided by them,” the source said. “We had nothing to do with the execution. We didn’t select the sites. It wasn’t our trucks. It wasn’t our people. It’s not our fault.”

The hallmark and slogan of every Democrat administration:  "It's not our fault!"

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #84 on: November 04, 2012, 10:25:46 AM »
Then there's this:

"“We don’t need it,” Mayor Bloomberg said on Wednesday during a press update on the city’s ongoing Hurricane Sandy cleanup. “The NYPD is the only people we want on the street with guns.”"

Yet, it was the National Guard dispensing "free" gas in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Freeport, LI, according to the previous article.  Besides, isn't it up to the Governor, not NYC's Mayor, to decide this issue?

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #85 on: November 04, 2012, 11:22:23 AM »
On Monday night Superstorm Sandy left the armory of the New York Army National Guard’s 69th Infantry Regiment without power.

Thankfully Victoria’s Secret was in town for an event at the Regiment’s armory, and had brought in huge generators. The National Guard reached out for help from the producers of the show. Power was restored hours later:

    For the show, the producers had hauled in eight massive 500 kilowatt generators. Of course, the producers said, we’d be happy to help. Hours later, the lights flashed back on.

    “We were dead in the water until Victoria’s Secret showed up,” says Capt. Brendan Gendron, the Regiment’s operations officer.

... The troops also needed help distributing food. The Federal Emergency Management Agency had begun bringing tractor-trailers’ worth of emergency provisions to the armory. It was up to the troops to break up the pallets, load them in military trucks, and bring them to the seven distribution centers in Manhattan where the Salvation Army would hand out meals to Hurricane victims. One problem: the 69th didn’t have a fork lift. So again, they turned to the Victoria’s Secret crew.

I'm quite surprised the Guard Armory had no generator and no forklift.  You'd *think* ...........
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #86 on: November 04, 2012, 11:24:07 AM »
Considering the NYPD's recent track record with shooting incidents, I'm not sure the National Guard is who the Mayor For Life should be worried about.

And what is up with this free fuel?  I have never seen or heard of that happening in any other hurricanes. I lived through Hugo in '89, which moved inland at unusually high speed. This meant it was still hurricane strength even 200 miles inland. It made an absolute unprecedented mess of Charlotte. Schools were closed for 2-3 weeks, we had no power for over 2 weeks, and there was definitely no free gas giveaways from the gubmint.
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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #87 on: November 04, 2012, 11:50:34 AM »
Considering the NYPD's recent track record with shooting incidents, I'm not sure the National Guard is who the Mayor For Life should be worried about.

And what is up with this free fuel?  I have never seen or heard of that happening in any other hurricanes. I lived through Hugo in '89, which moved inland at unusually high speed. This meant it was still hurricane strength even 200 miles inland. It made an absolute unprecedented mess of Charlotte. Schools were closed for 2-3 weeks, we had no power for over 2 weeks, and there was definitely no free gas giveaways from the gubmint.

I suspect Cuomo screwed the pooch on the gas announcement; he either didn't listen or understand that the "free" gas wasn't intended for the civilians, but for the first responders.

Neither here nor there, really; I heard it yesterday, on the "news", that "the Feds" aka as FEMA will be picking up the tab for everything, including refunding whatever money the MTA didn't collect because mass transit wasn't operational.

How generous they are with our money.
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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #88 on: November 04, 2012, 12:25:23 PM »


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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #89 on: November 04, 2012, 06:42:38 PM »

Offline Glock32

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #90 on: November 04, 2012, 08:52:12 PM »
Large urban areas are essentially human zoos. The inhabitants are completely dependent on the zookeepers providing food and water. Also like caged animals they start to develop neuroses not seen in nature. Ever see a lion pace aimlessly back and forth in a cage?  That is unnatural behavior for a lion. It comes from being captive and unengaged in hunting. I think the same basic thing happens to humans in cities.

I'm sure the "anti-gouging" enforcement will be making a prominent show of itself. When demand is high and supply is low, nothing encourages more suppliers to enter the market quite like threatening them with draconian fines for making a profit on the endeavor.

Right on schedule.
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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #91 on: November 04, 2012, 10:40:02 PM »
These people are dying for water up there.  Whaddaya think it would cost for me to rent a truck, buy water and load it up, pay for the gas fill-up and a half, and drive, hell-bent for leather, up there?  Then, they're gonna scream about what I'm charging for water, figuring my expenses?

Same goes for ice, batteries and food.

f**k 'em and their "anti-gouging" laws.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline Glock32

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #92 on: November 04, 2012, 11:21:33 PM »
Oh yeah.  Even though the opportunity for you to make money is the very thing that would solve one of their most pressing needs (water), you would be the villain rather than the inept, top-heavy government that has proven time and again people's faith in it is misplaced.

This really gets back to a fundamental ignorance of basic economics, and you can thank the education system for quite deliberately maleducating people on this. In a disaster area they see someone selling bags of ice for $10 and all they can do is act like these are the new money changers in the temple. It never occurs to them that we only have one meaningful way of mediating between supply and demand, and it's called price. It also never occurs to them that, while $10 is an awful lot of money for a bag of ice under normal conditions, it is in fact the very thing that motivates more suppliers to enter the market. Price also works pretty well at separating buyers according to need. Someone who needs ice to keep their insulin cold is probably more willing to pay the extra cost than someone who simply wants to keep milk and eggs from going bad.

They will never, ever understand any of this though.
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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #93 on: November 05, 2012, 06:09:48 AM »
You had it right earlier G, inmates of the Human Zoo cannot think even one day ahead, they just riot and blame others for their misfortune...which apparently includes the ability to think like a real human being.

Hard to work up a lot of sympathy.

Then they turn away help because   ::speechless::  they're from a right-to-work state.


And look at all those storms that raged during the Eisenhower years...didn't hear anybody blaming Ike back then.  But of course back then people understood acts of God, preparing, and looking out for your family and neighbor...once the Great Society sh*t kicked in, it's all Uncle Sam's responsibility now...I can be a stupid lazy moron!


Species in decline, led by the Human Zoos and their (cough) caretakers...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #94 on: November 05, 2012, 07:22:41 AM »
One more thing that makes this hurricane different from those which hit Florida or Texas or the Gulf coast:  The temperature.  I don't know about anybody else, but I've never heard of temps a week after a hurricane hit dropping to the upper 30s and highs in the mid to upper 40s.  Normally a hurricane is a warm weather event, but this sucker got sucked in by a cold front that is now threatening even more low temps combined with more severe weather (wind and rain in the City area and snow in the northern 'burbs).  Even warm salt water is uncomfortable after a lengthy time as the water's colder than the temps.   People in normal hurricanes can get to work cleaning things up in their shorts and t's, but not so here.  It is friggin' cold, and the hurricane hit over 1 week ago (1 week later this evening).  Not excusing the morons who either didn't prepare of evacuate or both, but this severe cold after a hurricane is a new phenomenon to me.

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #95 on: November 05, 2012, 12:15:49 PM »
It does happen with late season hurricanes that drift that far north. The counter-clockwise spin of the hurricane drags cold air down on its western side. It's what gave us 20 inches of snow in the southern Appalachians.

This storm was really more like a large Noreaster than a hurricane -- slow moving, weak winds (by hurricane standards) but very widespread. I think the affected area was also hurt by the fact that they are not used to hurricanes and large storm surge. Down south you don't see so much stuff built right at the high water line on the beach because we get hurricanes often enough that any such construction would have been washed away a long time ago.

I just wish people could learn something about their predicament. They should see just how critically important oil is, and it should be painfully obvious that there is nothing even close to being a viable replacement for it. I would also hope that someone in New Jersey sitting in the cold and dark for a week would be furious over the behavior of unionized utility workers attacking out of state linemen who came a thousand miles to try and help get the power back on as soon as possible.  But you know what, they won't.  The union stranglehold of the northeastern economy will not change one iota, nor will their voting habits.
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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #96 on: November 05, 2012, 05:01:15 PM »
And maybe they'll learn a lesson by watching regulations eased to move product. Think they could understand it is the overburdening regulations which cause thier unprepared asses to wait longer for life sustaining oil(power) and water?

Who am I kidding.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #97 on: November 05, 2012, 05:04:06 PM »
And maybe they'll learn a lesson by watching regulations eased to move product. Think they could understand it is the overburdening regulations which cause thier unprepared asses to wait longer for life sustaining oil(power) and water?

Who am I kidding.

Kills ya, doesn't it.  They've got Obongo throwing himself under the bus by averring he's going to cut the red-tape regulations getting in the way -- that he and his ilk are responsible for.
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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #98 on: November 05, 2012, 05:07:27 PM »

WalMart/Lowes/Home Depot:

5 gal water container w/water $10.00

Two-burner propane stove:  $50.00,
           propane heater: $40.00
           propane bottles:$04.00

Canned food: Campbells soup, Dinty Moore stew, Hormel corned beef hash, canned tuna, crackers, chips, bean dip, bread, shoe string potatoes.

There are a number of people that were blistered and no amount of preparation would have helped, I feel sorry for them and pray for them. 

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Re: Tropical Storm Sandy
« Reply #99 on: November 05, 2012, 05:23:26 PM »

WalMart/Lowes/Home Depot:

5 gal water container w/water $10.00

Two-burner propane stove:  $50.00,
           propane heater: $40.00
           propane bottles:$04.00

Canned food: Campbells soup, Dinty Moore stew, Hormel corned beef hash, canned tuna, crackers, chips, bean dip, bread, shoe string potatoes.

There are a number of people that were blistered and no amount of preparation would have helped, I feel sorry for them and pray for them. 

You're right about the "blistered" ones; they'd have lost their preps as well.

CO, in case you didn't know, there's something called a "propane tree" with multiple hook-ups for different items.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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