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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1241 on: January 26, 2023, 06:54:33 PM »
re: Trump
I remember the GOP debate where they were outdoing each other in how they were going to clobber Russia in Syria. Then came Trump. He said if we get into WWIII it won't be over Syria. That won me over from Cruz. Also, Trump could explain a SCOTUS nomination issue better than Cruz even thought Cruz knows it much better.

Every once in a while some Kiev soldier will complain that 80% oi the locals want Russia to win and rats out the Kiev forces. If that is true, and I think it is in many regions,  then why should the US get in the way? What if Taiwan mostly wants to re-unite with China?
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1242 on: January 27, 2023, 09:19:11 AM »
I doubt the latter...and do not doubt the former the more East you go...but that's just the squatter-effect...

A more apt question to gain acceptance is why do Demoscats prevent a peaceful separation here at home?  Their insistence for open borders and swarms of undesirables, weaponization of institutions against political enemies and open hatred of political enemies seems to indicate their desires are only genocidal in nature...

Good luck!

In war news...

Lockheed eager to ship F-16's to Ukraine...

Cue to 3min. mark...

Like Jeebs, Frank St. John's business is "bangin'"!

Anyway, the reality on ground is unchanged...and the introduction of more weapons is probably not likely to alter that...the truly unfortunate thing or things actually, is that all sides are likely to entrench harder (from the West because their proxy is failing and from the East because Russia is winning...and sadly, the only way to get to a negotiating table is if it reaches a draw in Ukraine and for that to happen the West has to start winning and/or Russia has to start to lose...does anybody see any scenario resulting in a push?  I believe the correct answer is no.), refuse to talk without preconditions everybody will reject and the increase in hostility and level of violence is likely to create its own momentum, expand the war beyond the confines of Ukraine and well nothing good can happen after that point...

Long story short...sans leadership change(s) nothing will alter the trajectory to good or worse...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1243 on: January 28, 2023, 11:35:15 AM »
Thinking we are at 1937 supposed to make people feel swell?

The danger of escalation to a nuclear exchange is real and growing. Will anyone stop it before it’s too late?

I would like to hear the "yes" people expound on why?!

Tank news -

My old-school math puts it at 95-99 with 2 not yet answering.

And, I am hearing that the Abrams are not yet located...meaning nobody in the Army has as yet determined if/what they can part with...   ::hysterical::

And, given logistics, training, support...not to mention structural coordination pending...getting operational for warm weather fighting would be a stretch...and there is the high probability that the Rus won't be playing along with their schedule...

Has fustercluck written all over it!

Here's another great idea - humongous ammo plant in Poland...

...another idea that needed to be already in-place and least they get some credit for actually realizing the need...   ::)

And in what appears to be a total Putinphile self-gratification can't-stop-touching-himself marathon by Helmer...

So, either Helmer is spinning some seriously fantastical propaganda...or Czar Vlad is getting everything he wants.  What would make me snort with robust hilarity is if the Blinken offerr was real and Putin declines!  But, as I suspect this is a wag-the-dog piece to make Russians and Russophiles feel good and for the West and especially American leadership to look stupid.  Really, the latter hardly need any help...

In the end, nothing has changed, both sides locked-in and nobody has the slightest interest in any kind of negotiation...I mean how can the intransigent Americans fighting for their NWO or the Russians for their birthright and unshakeable belief that all Western Devils are liars?

Article is 100% useless.

And, as for this crap out of Peskov...

...yeah, well...your Dear Czar Vlad I blew that opportunity, didn't he?!

« Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 12:00:47 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1244 on: January 30, 2023, 10:09:03 AM »

Oh, well...if North Korea says so...

I'm with ya!


Love the arms deliveries to Vlad's private nazi's...very bullish for long term bloodshed, well done! (snort!)

More shilling for Russia...

Gavrilov is full of sh*t...DU is used as a penetrator to pierce armor (as it is self-sharpening and incendiary) and only a child compares it to a crudely made shrapnel terror weapon intended for masses of humans!

Also, most mention of DU in Rus hands!

At least 18 countries are thought to have weapon systems with DU in their arsenals. These include: UK, US, France, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Pakistan, Oman, Thailand, China, India and Taiwan.

It's simply that the US and UK admit their naturally they should be vilified for the admission, eh?  Up yours, Konstantin! 

And here we have, as Dr. Strangelove would say "The Bland Corporation" weighing in...

...which will be received with silence by the DeepState and the corrupt puppet regime.

Hey, what do their pals at Brookings say?  Bet they are still full-speed-ahead for global annihilation!

As if on cue Medvedev fires up the global annihilation exuberance!

On the same day, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev issued a scathing condemnation in reaction to the Biden administration and other Western officials claiming that ramped-up arms deliveries are actually helping to prevent a world war.

"Firstly, defending Ukraine, which nobody needs in Europe, will not save the senile Old World from retribution if anything occurs. Secondly, once the Third World War breaks out, unfortunately it will not be on tanks or even on fighter jets. Then everything will definitely be turned to dust," Medvedev wrote on Telegram Saturday.

Kremlin officials have of late made the point that the US M1 Abrams as well as German Leopard tanks will make little difference on the battlefield, other than to ensure rapid escalation between NATO and Russia.

Medvedev was also specifically responding to remarks out of Italy's defense chief, as Russian state media writes:

In this post, Medvedev commented, in particular, on Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto’s remarks that the Third World War would erupt if Russian tanks reached Kiev and "the borders of Europe", and that the weapons sent to Ukraine were meant to stop the escalation. Medvedev equated his remarks to the calls from the United Kingdom to provide Kiev with all the weapons NATO has.

See?  It is undeniable that everybody's batshyt-crazy elite are Jonesing hard for global annihilation, failure to see it is an indication one has joined the unsane.

The Big Show, get on the wagon now!
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1245 on: February 02, 2023, 11:13:21 AM »
Last I heard was a chorus of "no tanks"...then there were promises of tanks... (OH, and BTW, I hear the number committed is not up to 321 per SpecOpsMonkey)...

Then we heard "no F-16's...

...this Hungarian outfit has convinced me they are right...go with the Gripen instead.

Having said that...harkening to the beginning...the F-16's are probably coming...Lockheed Martin wants the profits...

In other news we have the schitzo Pepe talking out all sides of his mouth...seriously, few are masters of the art of non-stop bullsh*ttery like Pepe...

...his ridiculous straddling as always is to make his beloved Mother Russia look good no matter if it is peace or mushroom clouds...with peace being tossed out the window as a vile Western ruse and an attempt to snatch victory from the oppressed hands of the preeminent Slavic master race extant.

In the end his straddling is exposed as an undeniable mandate for a victorious Russia no matter what.  Peace be damned!

Yeah, that'll end well for the world...

 ::bus:: ::jihadnanner::
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1246 on: February 03, 2023, 10:02:17 AM »

Yeah, well...Vlad the Genius didn't want to make a deal with you and the DeepState/DemoCommie/Cuck/Globalist/Media Cabal through a non-stop coup against you and are still doing so and the puppets in place are all gung-ho for war and their adversary is showing no signs of giving a crap either, so...

WWIII it is.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1247 on: February 04, 2023, 12:39:08 PM »
A 20 min video with Col MacGregor. The first few minutes feature some NATO admiral who says NATO is ready for war with Russia. MacGregor says this is BS. He knows a lot of  military history. Wrote 5 books. Lived in Germany. Tank commander.
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Overnight night the head of NATO said that that Russia is mobilizing an additional 200,000 troops readying a massive offensive. Poland is ready to send F-16 jets to Ukraine in coordination with NATO. And Ukraine’s head of intelligence says Crimea will be retaken by Ukraine. Colonel Douglas MacGregor joins Clayton Morris to talk about the latest developments.  …
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1248 on: February 04, 2023, 02:13:51 PM »

Lots of numbers on killed, casualties, population left.  11 min long.

 Douglas Macgregor - Manpower Resources Exhausted
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Douglas Macgregor - Manpower Resources Exhausted
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1249 on: February 05, 2023, 09:56:45 AM »
Kinda makes my point...nobody is listening...on any "side" of's like two rams in the rut with locked horns...both would rather die than yield or accept help in yielding from anybody...and they are not concerned about any collateral damage beyond empty rhetoric and ever hardening positions...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1250 on: February 05, 2023, 01:11:03 PM »

Most of this is totally predictable.
When the Kiev forces attacked in spring 2022 Russia would enter the war.
Many soldiers killed. Many civilians killed. Millions of refugees flee Ukr. Most to Poland, second to Russia.
The Ukr economy would be destroyed for a very long time.
Russia would win just like the US would win a war along our southern border because we would have no choice.
At least I hope we would win such a war.

The EU countries should have intervened long ago because the EU would be harmed when the above happened.
Instead they now say that the Minsk accords were just a ruse to give Kiev time to arm and train for a war.
I was kinda shocked when Sec Def Austin said that the US goal was to weaken and degrade Russia.
Why not at least pretend to care about Ukrainians?

Then some US military policy guys said this war is a great bargain for the US because we just spend money and no American lives to weaken Russia. What about Ukr lives? Sociopaths all.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1251 on: February 05, 2023, 01:45:32 PM »

When I look at WWII I see mostly historically common reason for starting the war. Getting land and resources.
Japanese got Manchurian coal and iron mines? Korean comfort women. Malaysian rubber? SE Asian oil. Vietnamese tin mines?

Here is how I see the history. Hundreds of years ago ethnic Russians settled in some areas and never left. Maybe in the 1930s Stalin shipped more Russians into some areas in boxcars and they never left. They practiced their religion and spoke Russian and taught their kids in Russian.

In maybe 1940s there was a movement started to teach some Ukrainian superiority. Some of these people fought on the side of Germany because why not? Stalin was monster. Many of these people also drank the NAZI cool aid and slaughtered 10s or 100 thousands of Jews, Poles, Russian civilians in a short period.

Stalin drew borders through ethnic groups to mess with them, including locating lots of historic ethnic Russia inside new Ukraine borders. USSR collapsed. Ukraine now was split maybe 50-50 pro Russian-Ukrainian but with lots of inter marriage.

US govt decides to mess with Russia as it knows that Russia feels threatened by NATO expansion and would go to war over Ukraine as memos show. US backs a violent coup in 2014 and the elected president flees the country. A more US friendly president is installed. Some of the Donbass is not happy with a foreign installed president and rebels, with Russian help. Ukrainian superiority education ramps up hugely as does anti Russia teachings.

Inside of the modern Ukraine borders there are historically Ukrainian, Russia, Romanian(?), Polish, and Hungarian lands. Kiev considers all of this 'sacred' Ukrainian land.

Germany and France are concerned over this war and negotiate the Minsk accords, leaving the US out of the picture.
Then Germany and France do nothing where they should pressured Ukraine into implementing the if they wanted to avoid further war which would screw them.  Instead they were cucks and now say they never had any intention of implementing Minsk but wanted to give Kiev time to arm and train for war.

What does Kiev want out of this? They want to shut down Russian language TV stations and newspapers, ban political parties, force everyone to teach their children in Ukrainian, destroy Russian books, fine people for speaking Russian in business, and now arrest orthodox priests and seize orthodox churches of the incorrect branch or sect. They have done most of this where they control.  Many people take teaching their children their language seriously. Also their religion.

Kiev does not get Malaysian rubber, SE Asian oil, Manchurian iron and coal out of this. They get to mess with Russians if they win. What a stupid reason for a war.
They could have made an effort to get along.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1252 on: February 05, 2023, 02:50:32 PM »

Former Israeli PM Bennet revealed some things about Ukraine in an interview.
He tried to mediate early in the invasion, between Ukraine and Russia so he went to Russia.
Zelensky had been hiding in a bunker, fearing assassination by Russia.
Putin told Bennet that he would not try to assassinate Zelensky. Then Zelensky came out and said he was not afraid of Putin.

He also said that interference from the West derailed his attempt to mediate.
Zelensky adviser: Bennett’s claims on Putin guarantee ‘fiction’
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba: “Do not be fooled: he is an expert liar. Every time he has promised not to do something, it has been exactly part of his plan.”
Poldolyk tweeted that “claims on "mediation" that Putin allegedly gave "guarantees not to kill" [and] "the West interrupted promising negotiations" are fiction.”
‘Putin assured me he wouldn’t kill Zelensky,’ Bennett recalls
“Do you intend to kill Zelensky?” Bennett recalled asking Putin, during an almost five-hour interview he gave to Israel’s Channel 12.

US, Allies blocked Russia-Ukraine peace deal: Ex-Israeli PM Bennett
Responding to the revelations, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova termed it "yet another confession" that the West wasn't interested in peace in Ukraine. Read More
Sunday February 5, 2023 11:50 PM, IANS
Jerusalem: Russia and Ukraine might have come to a peaceful settlement in April 2022, just over a month after their conflict broke out, but the Western powers blocked it, as per former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, reports said on Sunday.

In an a nearly five-hour-long video interview to Israel's Channel 12 on Saturday, he claimed that his efforts as a middleman came close to succeeding as both Moscow and Kiev appeared to be ready to make concessions and agree to a truce, RT reported.

Bennett, however, said that the negotiations did not succeed because it was "a legitimate decision by the West to keep striking (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, I mean the more aggressive approach".

Asked if the US and its allies "blocked" the peace process between Moscow and Kiev, he said:

    "Basically, yes. They blocked it."

"I claim there was a good chance of reaching a ceasefire. But I'm not claiming it was the right thing," Bennett said.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1253 on: February 05, 2023, 02:53:56 PM »
Ex-Prime Minister of Israel spoke about Putin's promise not to kill Zelensky - (

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Russian President Vladimir Putin promised him "not to kill" Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Bennett spoke about this in an interview with Channel 12, his words are quoted by the Times of Israel (

In an interview, the ex-premier spoke about his meeting with Putin in early March last year, when he flew to Moscow to mediate. “I knew that Zelensky was under threat, in a bunker… I asked [Putin], ‘Are you going to kill Zelensky?’ He replied: “I will not kill Zelensky,” Bennett recalls.

According to him, he asked again: “Do you give me your word that you will not kill Zelensky?” Putin repeated that he was not going to do it, the former prime minister recounted.

Bennett said that after talking with the Russian president, he immediately called Zelensky and relayed Putin's words to him. The Ukrainian leader asked him if Bennett was sure. He replied: “100 percent. [Putin] is not going to kill you.”

Two hours later, Zelensky went to his office and took a selfie there, saying: "I'm not afraid," the ex-premier said.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1254 on: February 05, 2023, 08:03:35 PM »
It might be fun, though, to take a large circular saw & rip Zelensky into 2, perfectly even halves -- then clone each half & see if BOTH could exist on their own.

#ScientificSpeculation #MaybeJustMaybe
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1255 on: February 06, 2023, 10:24:05 AM »
"I claim there was a good chance of reaching a ceasefire. But I'm not claiming it was the right thing," Bennett said.   ::hysterical::

I love a narcissist who is on the winning side of any outcome!


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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1256 on: February 06, 2023, 11:44:26 AM »
Here I thought this talk of Poland taking part of Ukraine was total BS.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Marowiecki has called on Zielenski to "temporarily hand over" the territories of western Ukraine to Poland.

"I don't think Putin would dare to attack a country that is a current NATO member. He is anything but suicidal. The western territories of Ukraine will be safe if they temporarily come under the protectorate of the Polish state," he said.

We think none of those who drew maps of the "supposed partition of Ukraine" could even assume that everything would be done so clumsily and brazenly.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1257 on: February 06, 2023, 12:14:28 PM »
Heh, it could only work if it was made having it ceded to them or by them annexing it...

But, why not?  What's good for the goose is good for the gander...

Or, if you silly rules in the real fight club...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1258 on: February 06, 2023, 01:45:28 PM »
Heh, it could only work if it was made having it ceded to them or by them annexing it...

But, why not?  What's good for the goose is good for the gander...

Or, if you silly rules in the real fight club...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #1259 on: February 07, 2023, 08:41:00 AM »
Heh, it could only work if it was made having it ceded to them or by them annexing it...

But, why not?  What's good for the goose is good for the gander...

Or, if you silly rules in the real fight club...


I'm shocked!


I think a lot of stuff is going to be on hold...

That pesky corruption stuff popping up again...which is hilarious...corruption is in every government on the planet...some are just better insulated than others...and I do not care who they throw lots of money at any of them...the corruption expands in size and scope...all that "aid" to sh*tholes, banana republics and so-called friends and moderate Muslims...might as well set it on fire...but with the collective idiocy of the West plowing everything into can it not be center ring in the global corruption circus?

Will Budanov resist "technical mistakes" long enough to get tanks et al in-theater?

And once here. will it matter?  If Challengers and Leopards are anything like an Abrams...they have a long logistics train...and even if crews (currently training in the UK) get proficient it will still be like handing the keys to a Bugatti Veyron to a teenager and expecting happy results...and those results will be fortunate if a hastily spooled up maintenance crew is returned something salvageable...

Anyway...nobody cares...everybody wants to play war and everybody thinks everything is going to be swell...

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned on Monday in a speech delivered before the 193-member UN General Assembly that the world is headed toward a "wider war" in Ukraine due to the ever-increasing risk of escalation.

"The prospects for peace keep diminishing," Guterres said. "The chances of further escalation and bloodshed keep growing." He then sounded the alarm that "I fear the world is not sleepwalking into a wider war. I fear it is doing so with its eyes wide open."

WWIII coming no matter what...there is zero interest in anything else by every major player in every nation involved in this sh*tshow...all the doomed can do is watch...
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