It's About Liberty: A Conservative Forum

Topics => Politics/Legislation/Elections => Topic started by: Glock32 on November 04, 2012, 12:35:50 AM

Title: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 04, 2012, 12:35:50 AM
Might as well go ahead and start this one up.  I hope and pray to God that this will prove to be nothing more than a hypothetical discussion.  But seriously, what if he wins -- legit or otherwise?

Just the thought of it, now that the possibility is only 2 days away, fills me with a combination of dread, anger, and pre-mourning. I will honestly feel like I no longer have a country. If it happens, sad to say that it will officially be time to put to bed the ideals of the Founders, because an electorate that could return this man to office is an electorate that is literally incapable of carrying forth those ideals. The fact that this election is even up for contention does not bode well for the future of this country. There shouldn't even be anyone who would publicly admit their intention to vote for Obama.

What are your plans for the future if this happens? I don't think I have ever yet stared down the barrel of such a life altering moment. I really do believe an Obama re-election is the final nail for this country, and the thought of that has caused a great deal of mental and emotional anguish.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 04, 2012, 01:14:05 AM
I don't even want to think about it, much less discuss it right now.  Time enough for that later, if .......

I will say this, though:  this may be the last American-style administration we'll be able to muster (should Romney win) unless we get a firm handle on legal immigration and the illegal invasion, and education.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 04, 2012, 09:05:50 AM
Think of the mandates of a 2nd Obama administration.

I believe he will lose. But if he wins - whether by a wide margin or slim - he will unquestionably assume a wide and deep mandate to further destroy the country, ensconce his agenda, and consolidate hard-Left power.

I can scarcely bring myself to begin enumerating in my own mind the things he will assume the liberty to do. I fear a Barack Hussein Obama without the constraints of electoral politics. And you know what? We're going to get that Barack Obama whether he is re-elected or not.

If he is not, I fully expect outrage after outrage from 11/6/12 through 1/20/13. Then I fully expect a microphone to be in front of his face daily, as he takes the mantle of King Race-pimp, and the primary go-to guy when the media needs America-bashing or Republican-bashing.

He will be a thorn in the side of this country forever. His election truly was a pivotal moment in American history. Pivotal in an extremely negative and dangerous way. When I think of events that challenged the existence of this nation - like the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, or WWII, and the countless lives lost, I see that America emerged from those existential crises because of the nation's character, which was built upon a set of principles which became ensconced in our constitution.

Thus far, countless lives have not been lost to this existential crises, but it threatens nonetheless. And when I compare, I believe that the crises manifested in the election of Obama threatens the existence of America more. The character of the nation and the constitution that ensconce our supporting ideals teeter on the edge of irrelevance or non-existence. Where a birthing revolution, a civil war, or a world war could not destroy, a nation willing to send Barack Hussein Obama back to the White House may succeed in destroying.

The constitution was never built to sustain a craven electorate and a malevolent president.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: hemm on November 04, 2012, 09:13:24 AM
In response to the thread title: we're f**ked.

After McCain snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, I guess I am still somewhat pessimistic.

I just can't shake that feeling of dread I had when Dole lost, Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend was reelected and the leash that was put on Palin.

I will be glad when its all over and pray the "W" is in the Republican column this time.

Icing on the cake would be a nice House gain and a take over of the Senate even by the slimiest of margins.

With f**king idiot (R)'s making rape and abortion comments, it really has made me ask what and the sam freaking hill are they thinking to say it in the first place and then my very next thought is do they really truly believe what they are saying? which is as scary as listening to the likes of Nanzy Reed and Hairy Pelozi.

It is what it is. And will be what it will be.

God help us.

R&R 2012
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2012, 07:14:39 AM
Mitt whould win big, it shouldn't even be close, but close is what all the asshat pundits and pollsters are saying today...pure Democrat-Media Complex bovine excrement!

Obama can stay in power only two ways - Massive electoral fraud or assuming dictatorial power, he loses in any fair straight up fight.

But, if the impossible and unthinkable were to occur, I'm gone baby!
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 05, 2012, 11:33:20 AM
We might have to see if our new forum friend from Canada has room for a few refugees. :)

I honestly have no idea what to expect over the next few days.  I am also concerned about the Senate.  We are in a position where we have to run the table to have any chance of preventing a long slide into Euro style socialism.

I don't know what I am going to do if the people of this country decide to twist the knife they already plunged into our heart in 2008. It should be clear to everyone that working for a living will be a fool's game.  The order of the day should be to stop being productive, and instead shift gears into consuming what you have to provide as much escapist comfort for yourself as possible. There will be no point in working for delayed gratification or something as nebulous as "the future", because there isn't going to be a future.

Just try to enjoy yourself as much as possible until grassroots activism inevitably turns into brassroots activism.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 05, 2012, 11:49:40 AM
Agreed.  I told my liberal friends flat out back in the mid-80's that there is no way I will EVER live in a socialist state, I told them that if that dark day ever happened here in America that I would NOT work anymore, better to crash the system I thought than to let it live one more day longer than it should.  And here I am a quarter century later ready willing and able to execute that promise.

Funny how stuff happens.  I bet those morons thought I was just full of sh*t.  We'll see what they think once it happens.

May the brassroots activism be passionate and widespread.

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: trapeze on November 05, 2012, 11:54:16 AM
Firearms sales through the roof on November 7th. Ditto ammo.

Riots somewhere when he loses, though.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 06, 2012, 10:54:53 PM
Okay.  Now's the time for this thread.  And May God have Mercy on us.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 06, 2012, 11:01:00 PM
Okay.  Now's the time for this thread.  And May God have Mercy on us.


Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: ToddF on November 06, 2012, 11:05:58 PM


It was a good ride.

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 06, 2012, 11:21:39 PM
The big lesson for me tonight was that we now have proof of what we previously only suspected: the takers do in fact outnumber the makers. A majority of the people in this country (I won't call them countrymen or fellow citizens, because they are neither) believe they have the right to hire the government to loot you on their own behalf.

So we know the score, and that's something. Harden your hearts against these others among us. Steel yourselves to be indifferent to their sufferings. You will need it for what is surely to come.

Otherwise, is there anything true tonight that wasn't true yesterday? I mean there is a certain finality to the act, yes, but the coming destruction was already set in motion anyway.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 06, 2012, 11:24:50 PM
The big lesson for me tonight was that we now have proof of what we previously only suspected: the takers do in fact outnumber the makers. A majority of the people in this country (I won't call them countrymen or fellow citizens, because they are neither) believe they have the right to hire the government to loot you on their own behalf.

So we know the score, and that's something. Harden your hearts against these others among us. Steel yourselves to be indifferent to their sufferings. You will need it for what is surely to come.

Otherwise, is there anything true tonight that wasn't true yesterday? I mean there is a certain finality to the act, yes, but the coming destruction was already set in motion anyway.

Just our willingness to hope. Other than that, no.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 06, 2012, 11:26:03 PM
my youngest is in tears
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 06, 2012, 11:27:46 PM
my youngest is in tears

Sorry, LV.  At least your youngest realizes there's something worth crying over.  The Left, on the other hand, is cheering.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 06, 2012, 11:38:37 PM
my youngest is in tears

Sorry, LV.  At least your youngest realizes there's something worth crying over.  The Left, on the other hand, is cheering.

I was handling it pretty well until she started. 

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 06, 2012, 11:41:30 PM
Then cry with her, to validate her, and your, righteous feeling of loss.  Then, big girl pants time.  We have work to do.  I don't know what kind of work yet, but we are not without Purpose.  Maybe just to preach for the benefit of the Remnant.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 06, 2012, 11:54:01 PM
Then cry with her, to validate her, and your, righteous feeling of loss.  Then, big girl pants time.  We have work to do.  I don't know what kind of work yet, but we are not without Purpose.  Maybe just to preach for the benefit of the Remnant.

Mine (8 and 10)  knew something had changed.  They were worried we would move to NZ. I guess its a possibilty, but I don't see te point. The end is in sight.  Collpase.  Rebuild.  That is what we do.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 12:01:56 AM
Then cry with her, to validate her, and your, righteous feeling of loss.  Then, big girl pants time.  We have work to do.  I don't know what kind of work yet, but we are not without Purpose.  Maybe just to preach for the benefit of the Remnant.

I know you are right.

But I'm sick to my stomach right now.

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: trapeze on November 07, 2012, 12:16:38 AM
Okay.  Now's the time for this thread.  And May God have Mercy on us.

Unfortunately, and I have said this before in one of my darker moments, God is not having mercy on us* and isn't likely to start any time soon. God is, instead, judging our nation and meting out punishment.

We are a nation that has God's name on our currency. We have His Ten Commandments carved into the building that holds our highest court. We use His name in our Pledge of Allegiance. And yet, we mock Him with our actions and with our words. We have been killing the innocent for decades and the death toll is in the millions. We sanction the "marriage" of those who practice what He has declared is an abomination. We have turned our backs on His chosen people.

We are fallen. We are now a post-Judeo/Christian nation. And unless we repent and turn from our wickedness we will continue to be judged and punished. For now He has delivered us into the hands of our destroyer.

*and by "us" I am referring to us as a nation. If you meant us personally as individuals then I wholeheartedly agree...May God have mercy on us because our president will most definitely not. May God also deliver us from evil. Have you ever noticed that popular culture (especially Hollywood) seems to overwhelmingly believe in Satan but imagines God as someone who just isn't really there? That's our nation. We are very good at portraying God as irrelevant while showing Satan as being pretty darned powerful. And here we are.

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: trapeze on November 07, 2012, 12:23:53 AM
I suppose our first clue was in 1996 when we re-elected a known and proven liar. A known and proven sex offender and serial adulterer. When our senate refused to convict him for a very obvious crime, perjury.

That was the first clue that our nation was sick. But we ignored it. We pretended that it didn't matter, that it was an aberration, an anomaly.

I am sure that many years from now it will all be crystal clear as to our downfall, how it happened, when and where.


I am going to hit the sack. This is one of the more depressing days of my life. Everything that I have insisted on believing about my country has been undeniably proven wrong. I can't ignore it anymore.

I guess it had to end sometime.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2012, 12:27:48 AM
I agree trap.  In the days before the election I prayed to God to deliver us from wickedness and licentiousness, acknowledging that we have all (to some extent) been guilty of tolerating it, and even as I made the request I knew we deserved nothing but His judgment.

We profane His name by daring to include it in our nation's symbols, even as we officially countenance the murder of innocents by their millions every single year. This nation deserves a reckoning of Biblical proportions.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AlanS on November 07, 2012, 12:41:48 AM
WTF? I got to bed and wake up to this nightmare?
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 07, 2012, 01:03:17 AM
Sorry, Alan.  We tried.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 01:24:40 AM
I agree trap.  In the days before the election I prayed to God to deliver us from wickedness and licentiousness, acknowledging that we have all (to some extent) been guilty of tolerating it, and even as I made the request I knew we deserved nothing but His judgment.

We profane His name by daring to include it in our nation's symbols, even as we officially countenance the murder of innocents by their millions every single year. This nation deserves a reckoning of Biblical proportions.

God has mercy and millions were praying.  People were praying and saying they were like I've never heard before.

And God heard us.  But his answer wasn't what we wanted.

I've been fearful for years of what we as a nation will get for killing millions of unborn babies.  And now we have same sex couples.   

We watched on tv as Terry Shiavo died.  We watch shows and movies that showcase disgusting behavior.  Our public schools are test tubes of filth.  We've accepted it all because no one wants their morals questioned. 

I believe those Biblical proportions are coming. 
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2012, 02:04:34 AM
It's late but I can't go to sleep.  I am somehow afraid of sleep, because it's as if going to sleep and waking up in the morning cements what has just happened tonight, makes it real.

It is such a strange, alienating feeling to be fairly young (30s) in my supposedly prime years and to be hit with the realization that I have no future in this country. Not only will ambition and hard work be penalized and villainized, I don't want to make any contributions even if I can.

I saw a comment over at Ace of Spades that captures how I think we are all feeling right now -- "I now know exactly how Charleton Heston felt at the end of Planet of the Apes."
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 02:28:25 AM
It's late but I can't go to sleep.  I am somehow afraid of sleep, because it's as if going to sleep and waking up in the morning cements what has just happened tonight, makes it real.

It is such a strange, alienating feeling to be fairly young (30s) in my supposedly prime years and to be hit with the realization that I have no future in this country. Not only will ambition and hard work be penalized and villainized, I don't want to make any contributions even if I can.

I saw a comment over at Ace of Spades that captures how I think we are all feeling right now -- "I now know exactly how Charleton Heston felt at the end of Planet of the Apes."

I know exactly what you mean.  I can't sleep either and I will be totally useless tomorrow today.  But I cleared my calendar for tomorrow today--I was either going to be celebrating the whole day or consoling myself.  It's weird--I had moments where I thought we just might get a chance to right things BUT I also had this foreboding I tried to ignore.  I heard a Romney commercial the other day and at the end when he said I'm Mitt Romney and I'm running for president I was overcome by the sense of something never meant to be.

I just think that we've had one thing after another and it keeps building. I really think we will see out in the open suffering in the years to come.  If what happened in Benghazi and 23 million out of work, etc isn't enough to shake people then what is there?  The answer scares me.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2012, 02:43:25 AM
I think that has been part of the problem, lack of real suffering. There has been a disconnect between cause and effect.  In previous generations, long term high unemployment would have been resulting in people losing everything they had, standing in soup lines, real 1930s type stuff. This time around, they've had 2 years of unemployment checks conveniently deposited directly into their bank account. The amount of money in many cases was enough to deter the recipient from taking anything other than an ideal job.  Rush has alluded to it several times by saying "people aren't working but they're not starving".

The merits of this arrangement can be debated, but the overall point is people are allowed to continue making bad policy decisions because they aren't feeling the consequences of failure. More of the infantilization of the populace. But, and it's a critical but, it's just another unsustainable band aid. Just like $16T in debt won't always be serviced at 0% interest rates, they can't keep insulating people with never ending unemployment checks and food stamps.

Ugh. I think I am taking a sick day. Why bother going to work at all anymore.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 02:47:02 AM
I think that has been part of the problem, lack of real suffering. There has been a disconnect between cause and effect.  In previous generations, long term high unemployment would have been resulting in people losing everything they had, standing in soup lines, real 1930s type stuff. This time around, they've had 2 years of unemployment checks conveniently deposited directly into their bank account. The amount of money in many cases was enough to deter the recipient from taking anything other than an ideal job.  Rush has alluded to it several times by saying "people aren't working but they're not starving".

The merits of this arrangement can be debated, but the overall point is people are allowed to continue making bad policy decisions because they aren't feeling the consequences of failure. More of the infantilization of the populace. But, and it's a critical but, it's just another unsustainable band aid. Just like $16T in debt won't always be serviced at 0% interest rates, they can't keep insulating people with never ending unemployment checks and food stamps.

Ugh. I think I am taking a sick day. Why bother going to work at all anymore.

to gather what you can until the time when what you make no longer outweighs the burden of working

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AlanS on November 07, 2012, 04:19:18 AM
Sorry, Alan.  We tried.

We all did. Evidently the 51% majority are now the parasites.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Sectionhand on November 07, 2012, 05:08:38 AM
Sorry, Alan.  We tried.

We all did. Evidently the 51% majority are now the parasites.

As much as I detest Bill O'Reilly , that was his assessment last night and I have to agree with him .
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: ToddF on November 07, 2012, 05:35:49 AM
I suppose our first clue was in 1996 when we re-elected a known and proven liar. A known and proven sex offender and serial adulterer.

I was thinking exactly that.  Add to it, the elevation to rape, and how he's still celebrated by Democrat women.  That was when the countdown started.  It was only a matter of time.  Bush's performance accelerated that clock.

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: ToddF on November 07, 2012, 05:37:00 AM
This is one of the more depressing days of my life.

Days?  Last Tuesday I put my cat of 12 years to sleep, after a brief illness.  This Tuesday...?  Nice way to sandwich a week.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2012, 05:50:44 AM
I suppose our first clue was in 1996 when we re-elected a known and proven liar. A known and proven sex offender and serial adulterer.

I was thinking exactly that.  Add to it, the elevation to rape, and how he's still celebrated by Democrat women.  That was when the countdown started.  It was only a matter of time.  Bush's performance accelerated that clock.

I can't help but consider a lot of this to be the true George W. Bush legacy.  I could see how 2008 was going to end up, starting around 2005-06 when the narrative really became firmly established about him. I knew the winning candidate in 2008 would almost certainly be whoever was not the Republican, that being their only required qualification, and that the Democrats had a golden opportunity to nominate the most liberal leftist. They did and that's what we got.

This is one of the more depressing days of my life.

Days?  Last Tuesday I put my cat of 12 years to sleep, after a brief illness.  This Tuesday...?  Nice way to sandwich a week.

Very sorry to hear that. Pets are family members and one of life's biggest injustices is that they don't live as long as we do. May your pet rest peacefully.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: ToddF on November 07, 2012, 06:01:26 AM
Thanks.  Saturday I noticed she wasn't as active, Sunday she was in the "meat loaf" position most of the day.  Monday I got the bad news from the vet.  Tuesday they called with a blood test with the worst kidney readings they've ever seen in a cat that was still alive, and that was that.  One week later America died.

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2012, 07:14:13 AM
This sucks.  I didn't sleep well, not even the bourbon helped, I tossed and turned all damn night...wondering wtf is wrong with people, wondering how fast I can sell all my crap and not work, just hasten to collapse of this terminally diseased nation...

The "Free Shyt!" party is triumphant, we can expect full implementation of ObamaCare, higher taxes are a certainty, as are increased regulation in to every aspect of our personal and economic life, the debt will soar...that crying pussy Boehner might as well introduce legislation to raise the fricken debt ceiling to $100T and just let everybody spend like drunken maniacs and kill this sorry ass state.

Only fire can purify this contagion, and fire is coming, bank on it.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2012, 08:19:03 AM
Right now Glenn Beck is trying to do some grandiose comparison to Washington and his troops encountering hardship, and I can't even listen to it. This is not some hardship, no the people of this country have freely chosen this path.

I don't even see the point of Rush and others continuing their shows. If I were Rush I would take my substantial wealth and GTFO while I can.

There's no coming back from this one.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2012, 08:39:41 AM
Beck and his pacifism piss me off.  Take up arms, help lead Texas and other states to withdraw from the union or STFU!

If I were Rush I would come on the air and encourage seccession, but he's too optimistic to go that route, he'll muddle along.

I'd like to hear what Mark Levin & Jason Lewis have to say.

I want rebellion, but I expect nothing but cowardice, latter day American's have pissed away their heritage and principles...I'm starting to detatch myself from giving a damn what happens next...
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 07, 2012, 08:59:01 AM
I just walked outside to pay the lawn-guy - he's blowing the leaves now instead of mowing -- and he unloaded; "I'm so upset.  I'm usually a soft-spoken Southern man, but I, I just don't understand people.  Four more years of this; FOUR MORE YEARS.  I just don't understand people.  Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice ....  I'm upset, my wife's upset, my two sons are upset, he's upset (gesturing at the young man working with him) and he's biracial!  He's more conservative than I am and he's always arguing with his family .... they're all liberals, y'know ....... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for unloading on y'all".

Gunsmith had come outside at some point, so he was standing there nodding.  I took the man's hand, and I couldn't help it, I just started to cry.

So sorry about your puss, 'Hawk.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Weisshaupt on November 07, 2012, 09:32:16 AM
This sucks.  I didn't sleep well, not even the bourbon helped, I tossed and turned all damn night...wondering wtf is wrong with people, wondering how fast I can sell all my crap and not work, just hasten to collapse of this terminally diseased nation...

The "Free Shyt!" party is triumphant, we can expect full implementation of ObamaCare, higher taxes are a certainty, as are increased regulation in to every aspect of our personal and economic life, the debt will soar...that crying pussy Boehner might as well introduce legislation to raise the fricken debt ceiling to $100T and just let everybody spend like drunken maniacs and kill this sorry ass state.

Only fire can purify this contagion, and fire is coming, bank on it.

I had to buy small bottles of Jameson last night.  Liquor store was out of the bigger bottles.
I watched Blues Brothers with the kids- and sadly I am not as upset now as I was the day they upheld Obamacare. 
I guess I have gone trhough my stages of grief over the past few years and I have accepted it. Maybe its just that there is no more worry.  We now know.  Its scorthed earth socialism  from here on in, and History WILL play out as it has in the past.   Because of that we know what is coming. We know what we must do.  There is no more Hedging the bets, wondering if we were wrong, or  depending on false hopes.  However, do not think that  the country really went against us. The Democrats cheated. They always cheat.  In some places the cheating was blatant.  IN some places fewer Republicans voted than they did in the 2010 or 2008 elections.  Does anyone think that is possible.  They lie. They Cheat. They Steal. and they think they are clever because they do so. After all, its only wrong if there is a consequence, and there won't be with Holder Justice.

The only rational course is to Go Galt,  and the go on the Dole (if you can stomach it)  Why work when you can hike, fish, hunt, and spend time with your family and live nearly as well as you do now? Can't save for retirement?  You can't if you are working ether.   Can't take that trip to Europe? Did you really still want to go? The reason you rarely see mega-rich conservatives is because MOST of us decide  that we don't NEED that much.  We don't enjoy or want  the power. And while everyone point is different, after one has that first million or two in the bank, I think most decide that they  are comfortable enough and devote their attention to other things.

The only question is how many have reached that point where they understand further advancement is not possible, and how many others  Beck, Limbaugh, etc will encourage to muster on (because if we loose interest in the politics, they loose their jobs)  The movement might be massive.. lots of people moving IRAs, and taking cash out could even cause a  bank run..  I very well might take 10K out in cash today just because. . How many will close businesses, cut back on hours, or just stop working hard?  How many will pick up and move to NZ and other places? Capital flight is real, and there are no points of light to cling to now. There is no stopping them. They will try and stop the engine of the world and return us to poverty.


Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 07, 2012, 09:36:12 AM
I remember hearing the story of my granddad from 1932.
Apparently, he didn't get out of bed all day when FDR won.

That was a fundamental transformation.
But America was still recognizable

This proves that America and the idea of America are only nice ideas that are in the history books.
For now.
Until that has been completely eradicated
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2012, 09:46:08 AM
This sucks.  I didn't sleep well, not even the bourbon helped, I tossed and turned all damn night...wondering wtf is wrong with people, wondering how fast I can sell all my crap and not work, just hasten to collapse of this terminally diseased nation...

The "Free Shyt!" party is triumphant, we can expect full implementation of ObamaCare, higher taxes are a certainty, as are increased regulation in to every aspect of our personal and economic life, the debt will soar...that crying pussy Boehner might as well introduce legislation to raise the fricken debt ceiling to $100T and just let everybody spend like drunken maniacs and kill this sorry ass state.

Only fire can purify this contagion, and fire is coming, bank on it.

I had to buy small bottles of Jameson last night.  Liquor store was out of the bigger bottles.
I watched Blues Brothers with the kids- and sadly I am not as upset now as I was the day they upheld Obamacare. 
I guess I have gone trhough my stages of grief over the past few years and I have accepted it. Maybe its just that there is no more worry.  We now know.  Its scorthed earth socialism  from here on in, and History WILL play out as it has in the past.   Because of that we know what is coming. We know what we must do.  There is no more Hedging the bets, wondering if we were wrong, or  depending on false hopes.  However, do not think that  the country really went against us. The Democrats cheated. They always cheat.  In some places the cheating was blatant.  IN some places fewer Republicans voted than they did in the 2010 or 2008 elections.  Does anyone think that is possible.  They lie. They Cheat. They Steal. and they think they are clever because they do so. After all, its only wrong if there is a consequence, and there won't be with Holder Justice.

The only rational course is to Go Galt,  and the go on the Dole (if you can stomach it)  Why work when you can hike, fish, hunt, and spend time with your family and live nearly as well as you do now? Can't save for retirement?  You can't if you are working ether.   Can't take that trip to Europe? Did you really still want to go? The reason you rarely see mega-rich conservatives is because MOST of us decide  that we don't NEED that much.  We don't enjoy or want  the power. And while everyone point is different, after one has that first million or two in the bank, I think most decide that they  are comfortable enough and devote their attention to other things.

The only question is how many have reached that point where they understand further advancement is not possible, and how many others  Beck, Limbaugh, etc will encourage to muster on (because if we loose interest in the politics, they loose their jobs)  The movement might be massive.. lots of people moving IRAs, and taking cash out could even cause a  bank run..  I very well might take 10K out in cash today just because. . How many will close businesses, cut back on hours, or just stop working hard?  How many will pick up and move to NZ and other places? Capital flight is real, and there are no points of light to cling to now. There is no stopping them. They will try and stop the engine of the world and return us to poverty.


Yeah, I am not interested in soldiering on in some dumb herd to stupid to realize it is experiencing the end of the species as we know it, I am going elsewhere.  I just want to go into the woods and be left alone.  I am feeling totally disengaged, completely uninterested in the fate of those who brought us to this sorry state.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2012, 09:47:03 AM
I remember hearing the story of my granddad from 1932.
Apparently, he didn't get out of bed all day when FDR won.

That was a fundamental transformation.
But America was still recognizable

This proves that America and the idea of America are only nice ideas that are in the history books.
For now.
Until that has been completely eradicated

My grandfather survived FDR, not many will survive Obama, some choices have real consequences.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Predator Don on November 07, 2012, 10:18:56 AM
I'm also reassessing my charitable contributions. I don't want to give anything which may end up in some northeastern socialist hell hole. If I give something or assist someone, I'll hand it to someone directly.

I'm also seriously considering asking anyone doing work for me who they supported in the election. I'm not too keen to do business with obamaites. I don't care if it may be considered illegal.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 10:33:48 AM
I just walked outside to pay the lawn-guy - he's blowing the leaves now instead of mowing -- and he unloaded; "I'm so upset.  I'm usually a soft-spoken Southern man, but I, I just don't understand people.  Four more years of this; FOUR MORE YEARS.  I just don't understand people.  Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice ....  I'm upset, my wife's upset, my two sons are upset, he's upset (gesturing at the young man working with him) and he's biracial!  He's more conservative than I am and he's always arguing with his family .... they're all liberals, y'know ....... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for unloading on y'all".

Gunsmith had come outside at some point, so he was standing there nodding.  I took the man's hand, and I couldn't help it, I just started to cry.

So sorry about your puss, 'Hawk.

I slept two hours last night.  I woke up and I felt like throwing up.

My dear youngest just asked me "should we go to Canada?"  :)  she's trying hard to understand

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: ToddF on November 07, 2012, 10:48:10 AM
Tossed and turned myself most of the night, as I'm prone to do if upset with something, deep down.

I know, it's not very Christian of me, but we started a food drive Monday at work.  Bring something, wear jeans.  I brought Monday and Tuesday.  Today I'm not in jeans, nor will I be up to Thanksgiving.

Dear Leader provides all so why bother?
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 10:52:32 AM
Dear Leader provides all so why bother?

I think charitable giving will take a big hit.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 07, 2012, 11:01:10 AM
Tossed and turned myself most of the night, as I'm prone to do if upset with something, deep down.

I know, it's not very Christian of me, but we started a food drive Monday at work.  Bring something, wear jeans.  I brought Monday and Tuesday.  Today I'm not in jeans, nor will I be up to Thanksgiving.

Dear Leader provides all so why bother?

Copy that, and I feel bad about it.  Surely, I have something for which to give thanks, I say to myself.

I woke up and I felt like throwing up.

I didn't feel like throwing up until the lawn-guy made me cry.  Now, it won't go away.  It probably doesn't help that the Left is everywhere crowing.  Gunsmith said, "yeah, that's what they do -- crow .... until they're the first to be lined up against the wall and shot".

Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 11:04:27 AM
Tossed and turned myself most of the night, as I'm prone to do if upset with something, deep down.

I know, it's not very Christian of me, but we started a food drive Monday at work.  Bring something, wear jeans.  I brought Monday and Tuesday.  Today I'm not in jeans, nor will I be up to Thanksgiving.

Dear Leader provides all so why bother?

Copy that, and I feel bad about it.  Surely, I have something for which to give thanks, I say to myself.

I woke up and I felt like throwing up.

I didn't feel like throwing up until the lawn-guy made me cry.  Now, it won't go away.  It probably doesn't help that the Left is everywhere crowing.  Gunsmith said, "yeah, that's what they do -- crow .... until they're the first to be lined up against the wall and shot".

saw a car cruising down the road yesterday with bumper sticker "I Heart Obamacare".  Car driven by old lady.  The first to suffer under Obamacare.  But she'll never know.......

My mom tells me she felt ill until a few hours ago and now she's ready to move on.

I guess I need to grieve a little longer.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 07, 2012, 11:09:12 AM
We may be entering the new dark ages.
I think I will try to keep the embers of Liberty and Freedom going through my kids.
Talk more about what it's like.

Work on withdrawing from this society and interact with it as little as possible
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 11:15:21 AM
We may be entering the new dark ages.
I think I will try to keep the embers of Liberty and Freedom going through my kids.
Talk more about what it's like.

Work on withdrawing from this society and interact with it as little as possible

same here
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 07, 2012, 11:16:54 AM
Maybe this is time to re-read the Winter Soldier message

"These are the times that try men's souls.
 The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will,
in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country;
 but he that stands it now,
 deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
 Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us,
that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph.
 What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.
 Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods;
 and it would be strange indeed,
 if so celestial an article as Freedom
 should not be highly rated."
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2012, 11:20:15 AM
Thomas Paine, another old dead white guy racist out-of-touch loser.  I guess I was born 200 years too late.   :'(

As for what to do now...

I like the enclave model, it's worked for unassimilated immigrants, why not flip that around and create our own true conservative Founding principles enclaves?

I'll tell you what, if a liberty-loving state were to secede, I would be sprinting to it in a heartbeat!
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Predator Don on November 07, 2012, 11:26:07 AM
We may be entering the new dark ages.
I think I will try to keep the embers of Liberty and Freedom going through my kids.
Talk more about what it's like.

Work on withdrawing from this society and interact with it as little as possible

Guess that's where my heart is......I may fight like hell 4 years from today, but now, I'm gonna focus on my family, be quiet, live as best I can, show as little sales as possible and stay in my own little world.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 11:43:20 AM
We may be entering the new dark ages.
I think I will try to keep the embers of Liberty and Freedom going through my kids.
Talk more about what it's like.

Work on withdrawing from this society and interact with it as little as possible

Guess that's where my heart is......I may fight like hell 4 years from today, but now, I'm gonna focus on my family, be quiet, live as best I can, show as little sales as possible and stay in my own little world.

sounds like a good plan
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Glock32 on November 07, 2012, 11:44:02 AM
Massachusetts voted for legal physician assisted suicide. That will dovetail nicely into Obamacare. And the next stop is physician mandated suicide. They're already doing it in Europe without calling it that.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 07, 2012, 12:44:05 PM
I'll tell you what, if a liberty-loving state were to secede, I would be sprinting to it in a heartbeat

Can't blame you for that.
For me, I'm on the hill I'll die on

As I was watching the returns last night at work on the computer, one thing that really struck me about the Pa map as it filled in.

Of Pa's 68 counties, maybe 8 were blue.
The whole rest of the friggin' state was red and still Romney  (and Tom Smith) got their asses handed to them
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Pandora on November 07, 2012, 12:52:18 PM
I'll tell you what, if a liberty-loving state were to secede, I would be sprinting to it in a heartbeat

Can't blame you for that.
For me, I'm on the hill I'll die on

As I was watching the returns last night at work on the computer, one thing that really struck me about the Pa map as it filled in.

Of Pa's 68 counties, maybe 8 were blue.
The whole rest of the friggin' state was red and still Romney  (and Tom Smith) got their asses handed to them

Did you get the election result you wanted, AP?
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: AmericanPatriot on November 07, 2012, 01:06:20 PM
Did you get the election result you wanted, AP?

No, Pan.
Really saw very little to have hope for.

I was always hard on Romney here but he was always better.
Far from good but a lot better.

Local guy, Tom Smith, ran for Senate and was trounced by the empty suit Bobby Casey.

Across the country, I saw mostly defeat.

Not sure of the final Senate numbers but I think we lost ground
If the House would do anything, they could go a long ways to save the country.

But they won't
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: IronDioPriest on November 07, 2012, 01:21:08 PM
...If the House would do anything, they could go a long ways to save the country.

But they won't

Hell, we could have Obama laughing on tape swearing allegiance to Vladimir Putin and promising to destroy the country, and the eunuchs in the House of Representatives wouldn't have the balls to impeach.
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: LadyVirginia on November 07, 2012, 02:00:37 PM
...If the House would do anything, they could go a long ways to save the country.

But they won't

Hell, we could have Obama laughing on tape swearing allegiance to Vladimir Putin and promising to destroy the country, and the eunuchs in the House of Representatives wouldn't have the balls to impeach.

you're correct
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: ToddF on November 07, 2012, 03:47:56 PM
...If the House would do anything, they could go a long ways to save the country.

But they won't

Hell, we could have Obama laughing on tape swearing allegiance to Vladimir Putin and promising to destroy the country, and the eunuchs in the House of Representatives wouldn't have the balls to impeach.

Um, we basically had that, didn't we?  Just wait until I'm more flexible to properly suck your... ::bustamove::
Title: Re: The "if Obama wins" thread
Post by: Libertas on November 07, 2012, 08:24:49 PM
Did you get the election result you wanted, AP?

No, Pan.
Really saw very little to have hope for.

I was always hard on Romney here but he was always better.
Far from good but a lot better.

Local guy, Tom Smith, ran for Senate and was trounced by the empty suit Bobby Casey.

Across the country, I saw mostly defeat.

Not sure of the final Senate numbers but I think we lost ground
If the House would do anything, they could go a long ways to save the country.

But they won't


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