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World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by patentlymn on May 30, 2024, 12:00:48 AM »

Here is a link on decolonizing Russia. Why do it out in the open? You think Russians can't read? The US says were are no threat to Russia.
Entertainment / Re: What are you watching on TV, Internet?
« Last post by patentlymn on May 29, 2024, 04:51:23 PM »

I have a dog a blue heeler border collie mix. I can see the border collie more now after watching these videos. Their hair is not long, similar to mine who has even shorter hair..
My body my choice alive and well in the abortion world. Sue? She'll be dead
Unbelievable. Coming soon to law school exams near you.
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by patentlymn on May 29, 2024, 01:30:10 PM »

I did not read the ISIS lists. Sometimes random locals will claim they are members of iSIS or AQ to gain street cred.
I still think that ISIS is often used by the US. I think the Taliban went after ISIS in Afghanistan.

My point was that Taliban back then had likely never traveled far from their villages and were ignorant about the outside world. . Now they are better educated.
The BS, illegal, disingenuous and conflicting instructions ironically make it more not less likely the odds of acquittal or hung jury...but being cherry-picked un-sequestered NYC jurors who knows what kind of influence and pressure are applied to them...

What a disgusting mockery of equal justice under the law!

Shame!  SHAME!

The discrimination of the corrupt CDC and corrupt AST in no way legitimizes your violation of the Hippocratic Oath you despicable ghouls!  What happened to "my body, my choice" you low-life hypocrites?!  As this article shows the unvaxed should have a stronger recovery/success rate than the vax-maimed, vax-injured and vax compromised!

She needs to sue Mayo, CDC, AST, drug companies and FJB regime into bankruptcy!  They all have zero credibility and Mayo et al have no legitimacy to offer humane medical care to a vole let alone a human being!!!
Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Funny Thing On The Net" Thread
« Last post by patentlymn on May 29, 2024, 01:23:43 PM »
Very good!
General Board / Chase Bank Building Explodes in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio
« Last post by Libertas on May 29, 2024, 01:08:30 PM »
A massive explosion ripped through the heart of downtown Youngstown on Tuesday afternoon, injuring six people and leaving one missing.

Initial reports suggest a gas leak may be to blame for the devastating incident. Witnesses described hearing a loud boom followed by thick smoke billowing from the Chase Bank building, located on the ground floor of the Realty Building.
Sources indicate that construction was underway in the basement of the Chase Bank Building when workers heard a hissing sound and smelled gas, according to KDKA.

Were any of these workers recent FJB imports?
World/Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia
« Last post by Libertas on May 29, 2024, 01:02:02 PM »

I do not follow the Taliban, ISIS, or AQ.
I became aware in Syria that the US was directly or indirectly arming and funding ISIS and AQ.
There is the famous John Kerry quote on tape noting with approval that iSIS was advancing on Damascus.
Another quote maybe Clinton, said that AQ was on our side now.
In Syria, some US Gen flew in to meet with some jihadi group. he told them their name sounded to radical so he renamed them the Free Syrian Army.

I heard that the the Taliban, in their time out of power, attended western universities and became cosmopolitan..

I also believe that ISIS has become an arm of the US govt as they now never attack US or US allies..

In the book Soldiers of God, Robert d Kaplan embedded with the Taliban against the Soviets. Brave man.

I think China just wants to make money and Russia wants to not get invaded or  messed with. I recall China is the leading trading power of most of South America.

I do not think that Russia or china want to 'decolonize'  the US.

A cosmopolitan Muslim is still a Muslim, they still believe in Sharia and are doing pretty much everything they used to so "cosmopolitan" really means nothing.

And according to Wiki (which is habitually Leftist) over the years they've attacked everybody, us, allies, everybody...

The latter were empowered by the idiotic reign of error and terror of The Kenyan and his Arab Spring BS et al...and they turned on everybody and became autonomous terrorists...for control of them I have seen no proof, and their terror has impacted everybody...
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