Author Topic: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...  (Read 205714 times)

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #360 on: September 24, 2015, 09:19:08 AM »
........right now Trump is scaring the scat out of establishment rodents.

And I'm enjoying way more than I should.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #361 on: September 24, 2015, 09:51:25 AM »

South Park episode rapes and murders Trump,

As one Canadian explains in a clear dig at Trump's rise to prominence in the polls this summer: 'There were several candidates during the Canadian elections. One of them was this brash a****** who just spoke his mind.

'He didn’t really offer any solutions, he just said outrageous things. We thought it was funny. Nobody really thought he’d ever be president. It was a joke! But we just let the joke go on for too long.

'He kept gaining momentum, and by the time we were ready to say, "OK, let’s get serious now, who should really be president?" he was already being sworn into office.

'We weren’t paying attention… We weren’t paying attention!'

I am still convinced that this is how TPTB are selecting the GOP candidate for us this year.  The eGOP might not be pleased, but I am sure the Democrats are.  Trump is an old buddy, fully invested in the Status Quo,  and he won't wander off the reservation if elected.  The Two "Stump for Trump" women were on infowars the other day - telling Democrats to switch parties and go vote in the Republican midterms ( for Trump of course)  - Sound Familiar? yes, the Demos do it every primary - which is why we had Romney and McCain instead of people we actually would want to vote for.  Trump is and always has been a joke. Its gone on long enough, but Reality TV addicted America has a fever and the only cure is more TRUMP.   There is NO DIFFERENCE at all between this man and Hillary.  He will not shake anything up once in office. He will just funnel a greater share of national wealth and more importantly ( and the reason he is in it )  more of the American attention to himself.  He will not repeal  or suspend Obamacare ( apparently Presidents can suspend laws now)  He will not fix the monetary crisis.  He will "stop illegal immigration" by simply making it explicitly  legal just as Obama has done defacto. There is no way I am voting for a a Fascist, Crony-capitalist, Oligarchical Democrat, and that includes Trump.  Rape and murder is too good for him. 

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #362 on: September 24, 2015, 11:29:04 AM »
I think there are areas where Trump would be different from either Hillary or an E-GOP stooge...and there would be areas where there would be very little difference.

I see Trump much like I saw Ventura in MN when he took the Governorship.  Mixed bag.

But, for the sake of making a larger point...lets assume everything Weisshaupt said is 100% true, my question would be: So what?  Doesn't the E-GOP deserve this?  Rational Americans like us had gone without a POTUS who was one of us since we were born!  And we've gone without one like us ever since Reagan left.  And every damn time a non-establishment person comes along, they get crucified by the GOP and the media.

If you ask me, these fothermuckers got it coming.  The GOP has to die, any and all means to effect that is my only motivation to pay any attention.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #363 on: September 24, 2015, 11:58:59 AM »
I think there are areas where Trump would be different from either Hillary or an E-GOP stooge...and there would be areas where there would be very little difference.

Well, the areas that would be different are the areas in which Trump's self interest and Hillary's self interest would diverge. Trump may be marginally better in that I don't think he has a political philosophy- being so entire focused on his own ego.  However, I think that makes him far easier to manipulate- and the people who will have the most sway with that sort of manipulation will be rich Democrats - you know , the crowd he runs and hangs out with. Fights with the eGOP just ensure that they will have even less input when the time comes, and it goes without saying tat Trump could care less about the people who elected him ( as long as he has their attention) Seriously, we have been watching this guy on reality tv and on the news for years now. I think its pretty obvious what things drive him to do what he does, and I doubt it is love of country, principles, or our founders.

Point is, we need a solution - and Trump isn't it. There probably isn't a candidate who could solve it at this point, but there is no point in getting your hopes up on Trump.  Its a foregone conclusion he will simply maintain the rigged game he knows how to play well. I think its also pretty obvious that t a lot of Trumps base are disaffected Democrats and the Democrats are fine with them running under the GOP banner instead of their own. 

Offline Glock32

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #364 on: September 24, 2015, 02:14:45 PM »
My litmus test for success, at this point, is not winning the White House but in dealing damage to the GOP as a party.  It needs to be put down, it needs to be forced out of the way of whatever will replace it.  Since it refuses to die with dignity, I say it's time to just put a bullet behind its ear and dump it in a ditch somewhere.

Many people in the country are feeling a sense of genuine outrage at the way things have gone, and they've been trying (without success) to channel their outrage into electoral politics.  The reason it has been without success is because of the GOP, full stop.  That energy has been wasted on the GOP, by design.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #365 on: September 24, 2015, 06:51:21 PM »
In releated news


WELL, NOW WE KNOW WHERE TRUMP STANDS ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT: “And if the tweets don’t work, he’ll threaten to sue critics or stick the FCC on them for daring to criticize him on TV,” Betsy Newmark writes in the midst of a lengthy roundup of the day’s events. “Just the temperament we want in a president. Rich Lowry said that Carly Fiorina ‘cut [Trump’s] balls off with the precision of a surgeon’ and then tweeted that Fox News owes him an apology for using ‘such foul language on TV’ and the FCC should fine him for saying ‘balls’ on TV. And this is the guy whose big appeal is that he doesn’t try to be all politically correct. Lowry ridicules Trump’s thin skin….How typical that Donald Trump wants to and thinks it’s possible to censor political speech on cable TV. Just more proof that he’s a true liberal pretending to be a conservative.”

Related: Trump turns to the government for help — again.
Posted at 5:12 pm by Ed Driscoll
via instapundit.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #366 on: September 25, 2015, 07:42:35 AM »
Wow, the hypocrisy runneth every direction!

If it is fair game to beat Trump up for being "thin-skinned" and a closet fascist for wanting to sic the FCC on someone on the one hand from people who cover the asses of their thin-skinned DemoProgs on legitimate criticisms of leadership, character and decision making that gets twisted by these MFMers as a "personal attack" when it isn't and these same people have no problem when DemoProgs sic the IRS or EPA or whoever government goon on political enemies is OK...then why isn't the reverse allowed?  Oh, well we know why it isn't allowed.  How is someone talking about cutting someones genitals off somehow unworthy of condemnation?

I find all the participants on the periphery of this little spat to be petty, ignorant and useless.  This should only be between Lowry and Trump, but the knives are out for Trump from all quarters.  But this is no different than how Carly was treated earlier by the E-GOP or the DemoProg Political/Media cabal, same for Cruz, Palin...

Once again I long for some old fashioned code of honor...Lowry and Trump should engage in a duel, or the challenged party can slink away a yellow dog coward and wear that brand the rest of their pathetic life.

Man, I was born centuries too late!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #367 on: September 25, 2015, 08:39:24 AM »
Wow, the hypocrisy runneth every direction!

There is no news. There is only the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.
None of it is real, and none of the playing characters is worthy of being taken seriously. Not worth getting upset over how one puppet is treated over another. The truth of the signal is that personal slights, feuds and revenge make good entertainment and push the desired narrative, whereas debates over actual policy, facts and possible courses of action do not.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #368 on: September 25, 2015, 09:33:31 AM »
Wow, the hypocrisy runneth every direction!

There is no news. There is only the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.
None of it is real, and none of the playing characters is worthy of being taken seriously. Not worth getting upset over how one puppet is treated over another. The truth of the signal is that personal slights, feuds and revenge make good entertainment and push the desired narrative, whereas debates over actual policy, facts and possible courses of action do not.

But I want to make it real...but only if dueling is allowed.   ::whoohoo::

But yeah...we're in agreement on the basics...

The illusion of a Republic is not the same as a real Republic...

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Offline Glock32

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #369 on: September 25, 2015, 11:30:50 AM »
It's all theater, true, but I still relish any chance to see that craven little worm Rich Lowry get bitchslapped.  As you recall, he was the one who made a big deal out of firing John Derbyshire and calling him a "racist" (gasp!) when Derbyshire wrote that "The Talk -- White Parents' Version" editorial.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #370 on: September 25, 2015, 11:32:33 AM »
I agree, hence my dueling start piling up a bunch of Prog & Establishment carcasses about...people will shape up or STFU.   :D

You see this story?

Trump in drag?   ::whatgives::


As in "sh*t! I thought that was scrubbed from history?!  WTF?!"

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Offline John Florida

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #371 on: September 25, 2015, 08:21:22 PM »
  The establishment doesn't want Trump and I hated Johnny Mac and they stuffed him down my throat and I want to shove Trump down theirs.

   They have pulled this sh*t on all of us for years and now we have a chance to stick it to them and I say it's time we got our turn.
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Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #372 on: September 30, 2015, 04:09:53 PM »
I am afraid that the establishment is B'rer rabbit and Trump is the briar patch. 

I continue to support Cruz. Two guys I thought were good got NO traction at all, (Walker and Perry) as second and third choices.  That leaves the pool considerably smaller for anyone I could consider at all. I do not even know how to number the remaining candidates but. Kasich, Bush, Pataki, Graham, Christie and Paul are all Thirds, in other words I will vote third party before I will support any of them, even against Hillary or Sanders. I might be able to swallow my fears and vote for Carson, Carly, Rubio, Jindal and Santorum under the right circumstances. But, I will say in the primary if it was down to Bush or Trump, I would vote for Trump, but I'd be holding my nose with my left hand.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #373 on: September 30, 2015, 04:54:13 PM »
I always find these confessionals interesting.

I mean no offense ChrstnHsbandFther.

I could respond to anyone's the same.

What I find interesting in these things is the rationale each of us makes.
(Me too)

I will, almost assuredly, be voting third party.

I really wanted to consider Cruz but...

He's not a natural born citizen
His wife is very big in Goldman Saks
Voted for the Patriot Act
Voted for raising the debt ceiling
Voted for NDAA and Freedom Act
Voted for the trade bill.

His actions don't match his words.

Perry wanted to force little girls to get vaccines that would give them ovarian cancer (among other things)

I thought Paul (a long time ago) was a pragmatic chip off the old block and would be a Constitutionalist.
Instead he's just an idiot.

Fiorina-I posted a long article in the Fiorina thread.

Santorum is a neo-con fascist.

Carson is soft on illegals and 2A and Sharpton.

Rubio is a neo-con who will give amnesty

I'm not a Trump-ette but some things make sense to me.
His new tax thing is better than most.
Even though I am a Fair Tax guy, Trump is offering a pro-growth plan.
Anybody remember Reaganomics?

Immigration? Anybody else close to him?

He concealed carries.

He's so rich he doesn't need to be bought off.
Doesn't need the money.

As an outsider, he isn't beholden to anyone.
And he's not taking anyone's crap.

At least he's putting ideas out there.
What is anyone else doing?

There are things that I am concerned about with him and they are, maybe, some of the same things some of you may bring up

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #374 on: September 30, 2015, 07:04:42 PM »
I still have Lizard People, Deez Nuts and SMOD...plenty of choices left.   ;D

Y'all see this?

“The Democrat Party, of course, is the party of the KKK. Of Jim Crow laws. And perhaps just as bad right now, of servitude. ‘Now you do this, and we’ll take care of you, pat you on the head, take care of all your needs.’ Which keeps people believing that’s what they actually need,” Mr. Carson told the small group.

Yup.  And the Progs jump on him for speaking the truth.  Up is down...
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 07:21:27 PM by Libertas »
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #375 on: October 01, 2015, 12:17:24 PM »
What a clueless yutz...

Jeb Bush sees himself as 2016's version of John McCain...and I do not question the comparison...just not for the reasons this clueless fool thinks!


What an imbecile!   ::hysterical::
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #376 on: October 01, 2015, 02:00:21 PM »
Yeah, that's the ticket.  Compare yourself to one of the previous LOSERS.  Yutz.
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Offline John Florida

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #377 on: October 01, 2015, 04:16:37 PM »
  He's the smart one!!!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #378 on: October 02, 2015, 09:10:52 AM »
OMG, more stupid!

Marco "Gilipollas" Rubio can't find one immigration enforcement bill to his liking.

Yooooooouuuuu're OUT!   ::asskicking::

Palette cleanser - Carson - Take away CAIR's tax exempt status!

And I got a few thousand more or so to add to that list!   ::whoohoo::
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #379 on: October 05, 2015, 08:05:03 AM »
If the sorry state of latter day America's democracy where choices are restricted to bad and worse isn't bad enough, if the active meddling of Prog-fested media and constant leftist propaganda and manipulation isn't bad enough...we can always count on the ever declining intelligence of the average American to help shove us down the sewer drain...

Shelley Brannon, 62, can sum up the Obama presidency with three words. Well, three words and an exclamation.  “He screwed us,” said Brannon, a coal miner from Wise County, Va., as he sat outside a rally for the United Mine Workers of America. “Man, he screwed us.”
He shook his head under a camouflage hat that matched his camouflage UMWA T-shirt, and he described his fantasy of dumping nuclear waste in the yards of environmentalists, “if they think coal’s so bad.” He mulled over the mistake UMWA had made in 2008, when it endorsed Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. Then he explained why he would probably be voting for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the next Democratic primary.

Yup, pissing on one Prog and embracing another who will also send you industry and your job into the tar pits is about as bright as it gets, eh?  But hey, "union proud, f**k yeah!".

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