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Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:16:53 PM »

I hate it when Trump listens to his warmonger advisers. These people are crazy.
I forgot. When did the WaPo turn into warmongers?
Trump should say he will not do anything unless congress declares war.
They will not. ... ria-130055
Is Trump Going Neocon in Syria?
Monday - September 10, 2018 at 10:15 pm
By Patrick J. Buchanan

Is President Donald Trump about to intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war? For that is what he and his advisers seem to be signaling.
The 2,200 U.S. troops in Syria will remain until we see “the exit of all Iranian military and proxy forces and the establishment of a stable, non-threatening government acceptable to all Syrians.”

“We are not in a hurry to go,” said James Jeffrey, the retired Foreign Service officer brought back to handle the Syria account. “The new policy is we’re no longer pulling out by the end of the year.”

President Obama had a red line against Syria’s use of poison gas, which Trump enforced with bombing runs. Now we have a new red line. Said Jeffrey, the U.S. “will not tolerate an attack. Period.”

In an editorial Friday, the Post goaded Trump, calling his response to Assad’s ruthless recapture of his country “pathetically weak.” To stand by and let the Syrian army annihilate the rebels in Idlib, said the Post, would be “another damaging abdication of U.S. leadership.”

What Trump seems to be signaling, the Post demanding, and Jeffrey suggesting, is that, rather than allow a bloody battle for the recapture of Idlib province to play out, the United States should engage Russian and Syrian forces militarily and force them to back off.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2018, 10:08:19 PM »
I hate having to have anything to do with that place, not worth one American life, it should be those idiot Eurotards fighting Russia over pipelines...but left to themselves the Eurotards wilt.  Pathetic, not that I am as zenophobically opposed to all foreign expeditions like Patrick...but regarding Syria he's not wrong...but it also doesn't make Trump a reliable neocon globalist worthy of blanket condemnation.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2018, 12:12:34 PM »
Get a load of this -

"We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency," Trump wrote.

Good news, GTFO of that s-hole!

And then a cuck has to throw an O'Bungle at him to shame him into keeping those Jihadi bastards he and his worm-feeding pal J-Mac played patty-cake with on the American payroll...

Dear Cuck, the real "Obama-like mistake" was in getting involved with Jihadis in that s-hole in the first place!

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2018, 05:51:09 PM »
Go ahead and get out of Ashcanistan and Iraq while your getting.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2018, 08:08:50 AM »
Oh yeah, here we go!

The Russophiles, Code Pink clowns and hardcore xenophobic PaulBots at Zerohedge that said Trump was a stealth Establishment puppet have egg on their do all the hardcore progressives on the Demonazi Plantation and soft progressives in the AINO/RINO/E-GOP!!!

Erick Erickson - "If we lived in a lesser country than our great nation, today is the day we really would be talking about a military coup.  Soldiers down to the enlisted ranks are raising hell about the President's Syria decision."

WaPo's Jennifer Rubin - "it is time for Senate Republicans to seriously consider removing Trump in the event the House moves to impeach. Trump is a menace to our democracy and national security"

Ed Asner - "With Mattis’ departure could we be seeing the first steps of a coup?"

WaPo's Philip Rucker - "There’s going to be an intervention. Jim Mattis just sent a shot across the bow. He’s the most credible member of the administration by five grades of magnitude. He’s the steady, safe set of hands. And this letter is brutal.He quit because of the madness"

CNN seems to be pooping kittens like the rest of them all, like Lawrence Tribe - "Yes: this. Retweet if you were hoping a grownup like Jim Mattis would stand between Trump and the nuclear codes."

Bloomenthal, Warner, Pelosi, Schumer, Graham who started this tantrum...

It's a full-blown Establishment

Is this not stunning?  Contrast the rational and sensible approach and the tangible results achieved by Trump with the utter failure of Obama...the capitulation of payoff of Iran, the absolute dereliction of duty in Libya, the arming of Jihadis in Syria, the incompetence in Iraq, the failure of Vietnamization-like insanity in Afghanistan that led to the slaughter of thousands and especially several dozens...hundreds of special operators, the schmoozing with the worst elements on the planet - Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba!  The spying, the lying, the corruption.  The continued reliance upon and damn-near-full funding of absolutely unnecessary and obsolete outfits like:

Not to mention the over-felxibility with Russia and China...and the coup plot against President Trump when he was still just President-Elect!

Yeah, we are seeing who the real DeepState butt-puppets are, who the Establishment assholes are!

I think Mattis resigned as much over being outed earlier as a Democrat by Trump as anything.  I think he is positioning himself for a run at President, good luck in the Demonazi stakes...they love you now, will hate your ass later!

His letter is pretty neutral, written by someone interested in not burning bridges or disappointing potential allies.

Yup, let all the DeepState traitors go apesh*t, let them do stupid things...let them kick off CW2.0...seriously, please...make my day!!!
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2018, 11:34:34 AM »

If the Sheep see this, they might be tempted to "think." That would be bad. - Mikhail Lysenkomann

Thinking would not be merely "bad" would be catastrophic!!!

But only for the Socialists...

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2018, 12:08:26 PM »
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2018, 12:37:41 PM »
Oh, and yeah...forgot about this unceremonious canning by Hussein O!

Hypocrisy, it's a socialist thing!

Speaking of useless treasonous assholes...

...still misses the taste of BHO gravy...

...probably does pilgrimages to J-Mac's grave and sobs and blubbers between heavy swigs of cheap gin...

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2018, 03:05:39 PM »
I am so old I remember when the Dems were anti-war.

I noted the following long ago:
Libs keep us out of wars saying "War is not the answer."
Libs get us into wars saying "We can't just sit here, we have to do something."
Cons keep us out of wars saying "None of our business, not worth a drop of American blood."
Cons get us into wars saying " Let's go kick some butt, give them a taste of American steel."

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2018, 10:20:41 PM »
heavy swigs of cheap gin...

Cheap gin - isn't that an oxymoron?

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2018, 11:34:07 AM »
heavy swigs of cheap gin...

Cheap gin - isn't that an oxymoron?

Well, he is a I guess it fits.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2018, 06:38:30 PM »
"Endless War Has Been Normalized And Everyone Is Crazy..."
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 12/22/2018 - 18:30

Since I last wrote about the bipartisan shrieking, hysterical reaction to Trump’s planned military withdrawal from Syria the other day, it hasn’t gotten better, it’s gotten worse. I’m having a hard time even picking out individual bits of the collective freakout from the political/media class to point at, because doing so would diminish the frenetic white noise of the paranoid, conspiratorial, fearmongering establishment reaction to the possibility of a few thousands troops being pulled back from a territory they were illegally occupying.

Caitlin Johnstone ?
 Lindsey Graham only wants congressional oversight when it comes to decisions to pull out of wars, never to get into them.
4:10 PM - Dec 19, 2018
It is absolutely bat sh*t crazy that we feel normal about the most powerful military force in the history of civilization running around the world invading and occupying and bombing and killing, yet are made to feel weird about the possibility of any part of that ending

Caitlin Johnstone ?
Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

This is the clearest I've been able to sum it all up so
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2018, 11:45:44 AM »
Yeah...have to take ZH and the Tylerz with lots of grains of salt...there are ill-disguised RussoBots mixed into the usual plethora of Russophiles, hardcore isolationist PaulBots, Code Pink all wars are evil wars types and Jihadis and Jihadi sympathizers...all which are united in the simple-minded belief that whatever is bad for America is good news for them.  It's why to this date that any engagement I've had with folks of this ilk at that site that regardless of the eight shameful years of Obama (whom they said they despised as much as America in general) or Trump (who they mistrust as an Establishment ruse and thus hate as much as America) whenever I ask "with whom does your champion Putin desire to work with so as to eliminate threats on the planet instead of nurturing them?" the only response from them is some variation of American capitulation...which indicates an unwillingness to discuss let alone reach agreement.  In the case of Obama they had nobody more flexible...and still they do not get all they ask for and stay in an anti-America the case of Trump they have somebody they should engage with but are fearful to do so even at a distance to lessen conflict...and so they view Trump as a tool of the Establishment not a the anti-America snit is perpetual.  I'm not saying the actions of some of our folks isn't stupendously stupid and counterproductive...but I have yet seen an intelligent plan from the ZH ilk that would lessen conflict and break the establishment oppression of Trump...all they have is capitulate across the board and nirvana will arrive.


It's why I have been more fond of outright taunting them there...telling them that war is inevitable, that they and Prince Vlad cannot exist with America as an ally, there can only be war.  So eff it, release the dogs!  Let nukes rain!  Nothing is preventing it.  This whole so-called debate over the INF treaty is infantile!  The Russians violate the treaty in letter and spirit...we withdraw...both are equal actions in light of the complete failure of the INF's purpose...yet only America is the bad guy and risks global thermonuclear war?  Really?  Well, if this kind of reasoning is what passes for intelligence in these circles...guess what?  Yeah, we're all completely f**ked!

« Last Edit: December 25, 2018, 10:55:32 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2018, 07:51:40 PM »

I don't take anything from ZH as necessarily true.
I don't care about labels like liberal or nazi or russiaphile or commie.

If I have the time, on some issues I drill down and find assertions that are not denied.
I like to know what happened. I wish the 'news' would report that.
When one side provides details and the other does not and does not refute the details of the other side I smell a rat.

There are many sides to the Ukraine situation, especially about  Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
Accordng to the former US ambassador, caught on wiretap, the Us funneled $5 billion into Ukraine. This led to the coup. Etc.

The recent ship incident was contrived. After a 2003 ship collision Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement with a  protocol to avoid such collisions. It worked fine. The Ukraine president decided to stage an incident right before the G20 meeting.

After the Libya fiasco the UK House opf Commons investigated to learn why they had attacked Libya.
I wish congress would do this. It was all based on BS.

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2018, 11:19:39 AM »
Labels are only as good as their accuracy and the relative intelligence of the observing populace, as the latter is sorely lacking now days they are mostly only useful as blunt objects and I have no qualms using them as prods, because in this world dominated by statist oligarchs and mindless minions everything is one sided...and if I have to use words as blunt objects before I can use something more substantial, so be it.

It is because of the failure of once nominally independent institutions like the press as well as the degradation of intelligence in the populace driven as much by selfishness greed and laziness as much as anything...that has led people to seek truth wherever it can be found.  The problem is not just one of sides and sources, it is quantity vs quality as well...more stories and sources doesn't necessarily mean more truth it may only mean more noise, but sides and sources have biases, natural and bought.  The real necessity is an intelligent mind in the individual seeking...well truth can be hard to come by in its natural form...let us say "knowledge" and the critical and analytical mind that can sift, store and recall and arrive at a "truth as it is for now" moment.

Ukraine is a sh*t-show from the I stated before I am very disappointed that Ukrainian leaders and their orbiting partners gave a people who deserve better only two choices - subservience to the Russian puppet or to the Western puppet.  Some see making that choice is the lesser of an evil...I see the lack of real independence the greater evil by far.

As for Libya...well sure...they probably got their intelligence from the same idiots that had Obama arm jihadis and drag an Ambassadors carcass through the streets of Tripoli...
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2018, 11:55:16 AM »
Typical Tylerz two-step...

One would think getting the US out of Syria would be a boon to Russian prospects...but by joining in the meme of Fake News and the fevered musings of SwampThing Wes Clark...Tylerz and ZH not only reveal their poorly hidden Pro-Russia bias but also their willingness to pile on Trump...meaning they too long for the days of a more flexible leader in the White House for their champion to bend, a desire I've teased them to reveal with biting sarcasm for several months running.

Why else link stories purporting to explain the departure of Mattis to a resurgent Blackwater in Sandland? a palette-cleanser from all of the TDS here's Godless socialists butthurt over Orangeman teasing a 7 year old over the existence of Santa Claus...

And here I thought that myth got wiped out by another?

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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2019, 03:19:54 PM »
Like him or hate him...I've actually done both...he makes some good points.

And if the PTBs have their way and succeed in their will mean forever wars forever.  In an age where fighting on multiple fronts is increasingly unsustainable and debt-busting budgets will eventually lead to no toys for anybody and land ripe for makes zero sense to suffer that which doomed the Romans.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2019, 08:11:33 AM »
Bolton's poison pill re: Kurds was a bit obvious... is Erdogan's decision to ignore Bolton.

Erdogan hates the Kurds as much as Hussein did...and as much as he hates any infidel.

Do a Putin move...protect the Kurdish area, depart the rest...let the Turks, Syrians and Russians screw with the rest.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2019, 04:47:36 PM »
Bolton's poison pill re: Kurds was a bit obvious... is Erdogan's decision to ignore Bolton.

Erdogan hates the Kurds as much as Hussein did...and as much as he hates any infidel.

Do a Putin move...protect the Kurdish area, depart the rest...let the Turks, Syrians and Russians screw with the rest.

  Build an airbase there see how they like that.
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Re: Trump turns neocon in Syria?
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2019, 06:53:52 PM »

Tucker Carson made a good point the other night. Of the reasons given to stay in Syria, won't they still be true in 15 years?

The neocons first said we had to stay in Syria to finish off ISIS. Now they say we must protect the Kurds.
IMO they are pissed becaused Assad is still in power. IMO they want to sabatoge any peaceful withdrawal and also any peaceful Korea settlement.
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