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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #60 on: August 22, 2012, 07:32:48 AM »
Sarah Palin is advising for someone to make a 3rd party run, but that doesn't help the senate seat count. Just saying.....


Somehow, I think that the GOP is going to battle Todd Akin in his run for the senate anyway. So, do they really want that senate seat? He's electable, and especially if they would support him. Of course, this won't be the first time that they openly opposed one of their own candidates. Go figure?

« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 08:30:13 AM by radioman »
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2012, 08:27:03 AM »
Sarah Palin is advising for someone to make a 3rd party run, but that doesn't help the senate seat count. Just saying.....

Maybe she should move to Missouri and step up to the plate.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2012, 09:22:13 AM »
Sarah Palin is advising for someone to make a 3rd party run, but that doesn't help the senate seat count. Just saying.....


Somehow, I think that the GOP is going to battle Todd Akin in his run for the senate anyway. So, do they really want that senate seat? ...

No, this is the out they've been waiting for.   The want the perks
not the responsibility.  Now they will be able to enjoy the Country
Club without having to perform.  Mytch will be able to enjoy his
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #63 on: August 22, 2012, 09:48:16 AM »
The conservatives in MO have no choice --they have to try to get this guy in.  It's not like there aren't or haven't been bozos in the senate before....
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2012, 10:13:18 AM »
Rush and Levin both articulated what it is about this whole episode that irks me.  This is not just any other election.  This is the last one that will give us any chance at halting the fundamental transformation. The stakes could not be higher. So if you have an 80% probability of winning in a particular race, WTF do anything that would reduce that to even 79%?

IDP is right, the Republican leadership should not have immediately gone public in their demands. But they did, and it's done. That horse has already bolted the barn. He is now a severely handicapped candidate, possibly ruining the chance to win a Senate majority. Does it now really matter why he is a weakened candidate?  He just is, period. Knowing this, I find it unforgivable that he not step aside and let another candidate run for the seat. Because the stakes are just that high.

It seems a lot of his defenders are basing that defense on all the should-bes. The Republican Party should have backbone. The media should make an issue out of Democrat stupidity too. Etc, etc, and so on. Yeah, all that is true. But what good does it serve to bicker over recriminations? In every single election this year, we need the candidates who stand the very highest chance of defeating their Democrat opponents. Now, for a variety of injuries both self-inflicted and not, we have one in Missouri who is substantially less likely to defeat his loathsome opponent. Why isn't that enough of a reason to fall on your sword and let one of your fitter colleagues enter the ring?

I can tell you one thing, if next year we lack a majority in the Senate because Claire McCaskill kept her seat, I will take exactly zero comfort in the idea that Todd Akin really stuck it to those GOP insiders. That's a fool's prize.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2012, 10:31:47 AM »
Rush and Levin both articulated what it is about this whole episode that irks me.  This is not just any other election.  This is the last one that will give us any chance at halting the fundamental transformation. The stakes could not be higher. So if you have an 80% probability of winning in a particular race, WTF do anything that would reduce that to even 79%?

IDP is right, the Republican leadership should not have immediately gone public in their demands. But they did, and it's done. That horse has already bolted the barn. He is now a severely handicapped candidate, possibly ruining the chance to win a Senate majority. Does it now really matter why he is a weakened candidate?  He just is, period. Knowing this, I find it unforgivable that he not step aside and let another candidate run for the seat. Because the stakes are just that high.

It seems a lot of his defenders are basing that defense on all the should-bes. The Republican Party should have backbone. The media should make an issue out of Democrat stupidity too. Etc, etc, and so on. Yeah, all that is true. But what good does it serve to bicker over recriminations? In every single election this year, we need the candidates who stand the very highest chance of defeating their Democrat opponents. Now, for a variety of injuries both self-inflicted and not, we have one in Missouri who is substantially less likely to defeat his loathsome opponent. Why isn't that enough of a reason to fall on your sword and let one of your fitter colleagues enter the ring?

I can tell you one thing, if next year we lack a majority in the Senate because Claire McCaskill kept her seat, I will take exactly zero comfort in the idea that Todd Akin really stuck it to those GOP insiders. That's a fool's prize.

Your entire position is based on the premise that if Todd now resigns and let someone take his place, then this issue will go away and it will increase the odds for a GOP victory. Right?

My position is that even if Todd steps down, the democrats are still going to go after the blood in the water, and that his stepping down will not quiet this issue down one bit. The blood has already been spilt and you can't put the blood back in the bottle. 

My position is that the best way out of this scenario is for the GOP party to throw their entire support behind Todd and do everything they can to get him elected. Anything less than that, then THEY own the defeat, not Todd.

The substance of Todd's answer was that he opposes abortion even in cases of rape. Guess what? That policy is still part of the GOP party platform, so do they really have a legitimate reason to have bashed him like this? That is the party platform, and that is the issue that the democrats are going to hammer the GOP with. Regardless of Todd.

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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2012, 11:16:28 AM »
Yes, my position is that stepping aside would have increased the odds of a GOP win in that race. The Democrats would continue to try to get mileage out of it, but they wouldn't get nearly as much mileage out of it as they will now.  I'm also not certain his abortion position is what riles people. It's the moronic, medieval concept of magic lady parts preventing conception in rape. He might as well just discuss how Columbus was a heretic for believing the Earth is round. That's the public perception now.

The only real question is this: is he or is he not a weaker candidate than he was prior to Sunday, August 19th?

I say he is. Arguing over why he is, or whether it's rightly so, doesn't really matter. He just is. And it's an extra burden we didn't need in 2012.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2012, 11:30:58 AM »
Yes, my position is that stepping aside would have increased the odds of a GOP win in that race. The Democrats would continue to try to get mileage out of it, but they wouldn't get nearly as much mileage out of it as they will now.  I'm also not certain his abortion position is what riles people. It's the moronic, medieval concept of magic lady parts preventing conception in rape. He might as well just discuss how Columbus was a heretic for believing the Earth is round. That's the public perception now.

The only real question is this: is he or is he not a weaker candidate than he was prior to Sunday, August 19th?

I say he is. Arguing over why he is, or whether it's rightly so, doesn't really matter. He just is. And it's an extra burden we didn't need in 2012.

The main point of his answer was that abortions should not be allowed even in cases of rape, because we should never punish the unborn baby.

He got sidetracked by mentioning his beliefs about the body being able to reject a pregnancy, but because you don't agree with that, and you think it was a stupid statement to make, then that rises to the threshold of demanding that he step down? Are we at the point now, that we should demand candidates not have opinions other than our own?

Because if you're looking for stupid statements by candidates, then don't stop or start with Todd. Remember, was it Midway that may capsize? Did we make him resign? no, we chuckled, and used it as fodder for a lot of jokes.

My position is that it is the GOP establishment that is 'F****ing up, and if they are really serious about taking over the senate, they better get their A$$$es in gear, and quit being such MORONS!!

The real kicker here with Todd is that he is an unabashed Christian that is unwilling to walk away from his strong held beliefs that is rankling the GOP. That is why they jumped on this so quickly, because thay have been looking for an excuse to begin with to dump him. Fact: there is no room in the GOP for an unabashed evangelical Christian.

A Politician Whose Faith Is Central to His Persistence
Published: August 21, 2012
•   NYT
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Throughout his political career, Representative Todd Akin’s agenda has been driven by a belief that his mission came from God.
As a Republican member of Congress, he has sponsored legislation to name 2008 “The National Year of the Bible,” and to promote greater recognition of the Ten Commandments. A member of the Presbyterian Church in America, Mr. Akin has accused liberals of trying to remove God from the public sphere. And as the Republican establishment closed ranks on him Tuesday, trying to force him to withdraw from the Missouri Senate race after his controversial remarks about rape and abortion, Mr. Akin provided divine reasoning as to why he would not quit.
It was “appropriate to recognize a creator, God, whose blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the very source of American freedom,” Mr. Akin, 65, said in a radio interview. “And that part of the message I feel is missing” from the campaign, he said, adding, “That’s the reason why we’re going to continue. Because I believe there is a cause here.”
Mr. Akin’s defiance and insistence that even without the establishment’s support, he can defeat the incumbent Democrat, Senator Claire McCaskill, in a race that could decide the balance of power in the Senate was indicative of his nearly quarter-century in politics in which he regularly embraced the underdog role, relying on grass-roots support and his faith to power him through.
Outspoken and blunt — too blunt, some might say — Mr. Akin, 65, is no stranger to incendiary comments. He has criticized federal spending on things like school lunches and student loans and has been quick to equate government spending to socialism.
“ ‘God called me to run’ — that’s the way he thinks,” said Jeff Smith, a former Democratic state senator in Missouri, said of Mr. Akin, a six-term congressman who represents parts of eastern Missouri. “I think he thinks it’s his destiny, and so you’re going to have to get somebody pretty high up there — or, in his mind, pretty close to God — to push him out.”
Before Sunday, Mr. Akin was favored to defeat Ms. McCaskill. But then a Fox affiliate in St. Louis showed an interview in which he said that women possess a biological mechanism to ward off pregnancy if they become victims of “legitimate rape.” Major donors responded by saying they would cut off Mr. Akin’s financing. Prominent national Republican officials have asked him to drop out of the race, fearing he could not win.
Mr. Akin was first elected to the Missouri House in 1988 and much of his base in his early years as a legislator came from being a part of a network of parents who home-schooled their children. All six of his children were home-schooled. His election to Congress in 2000 was a stroke of good fortune, local political analysts said. He was seen as an outside candidate in a five-way Republican primary that he won by 56 votes, in part because the more moderate candidates cut into each other’s tally.
In the three-person Republican Senate primary this year, Mr. Akin also was not favored, yet he won in part because Ms. McCaskill and her supporters spent nearly $2 million on advertisements highlighting his conservatism. This was part of the McCaskill camp’s strategy to help Mr. Akin win the race, as it thought he would be the easiest candidate to beat in the general election.
William Todd Akin was born in New York on July 5, 1947, but grew up in St. Louis, near where his family had a steel business. He is, in some ways, an enigma.
While he home-schooled all of his children and is appealing mostly to a working-class constituency, he graduated from an elite suburban St. Louis prep school, John Burroughs. He got a degree in engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute before earning a master’s in divinity from the Covenant Theological Seminary in Missouri.
He worked as a manager at now-bankrupt Laclede Steel, the company his great-grandfather founded and served at as president, succeeded by Mr. Akin’s grandfather and father. Mr. Akin’s great-grandfather, grandfather and father all attended Harvard.
Mr. Akin chose a different career path, one influenced by his faith.
Rick Mathes, of the Mission Gate Prison Ministry, where Mr. Akin serves on the advisory board, said that Mr. Akin’s beliefs drive his political approaches and work. “He wouldn’t violate his beliefs if you shot him,” said Mr. Mathes, who added that he and Mr. Akin, who participates in Bible studies and prayer groups, were “far to the right” of people like Rush Limbaugh.
Mr. Akin, said Mr. Mathes, believed that “America needs to be returned to its roots, its Judeo-Christian roots.”
Yet officials worry that though Mr. Akin has had success speaking to an evangelical constituency, he would struggle in appealing to diverse groups of voters.
But Jonathan Sternberg, a state Republican committee member, said he was drawn to Mr. Akin by his well-spoken, common-sense economic approach. At one event, Mr. Akin spoke of how he had to tell President George W. Bush that he could not vote for education, Medicare and bailout bills that the Mr. Bush asked him to support because of their budgetary implications.
Still, he acknowledged that Mr. Akin’s mouth could sometimes get him into trouble. “Todd Akin works so hard and tears himself so ragged,” Mr. Sternberg said, “that he has the propensity to say things without thinking.”[/
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2012, 11:42:31 AM »
My position is that it is the GOP establishment that is 'F****ing up, and if they are really serious about taking over the senate, they better get their A$$$es in gear, and quit being such MORONS!!

Yes, but the fact is they DID pull the rug out from under him. They've cut off his funding and publicly repudiated him. It's past tense. Over. Finito. His options were to step aside for someone else and stew in his own fury about what a raw deal he got, or fight some quixotic battle that is now much harder than it needed to be.

I know which option I would have taken, the one that is most likely to result in Claire McCaskill going home.

Perhaps I see this election too severely. In my view we are in "throw the weak off the life raft" times. This is the final battle. We get the Republicans in control of both chambers and the White House this November, or it's over.

There's really nothing more I can say on this subject because it doesn't really matter now. He has decided to stay in the race, so we'll just have to see what comes of it. I hope he wins.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2012, 12:35:51 PM »
Basically, Todd called their bluff and stayed in the race.

So, now, the ball is in their court. Are they, or are they not, going to support him? How bad do they want to take control of the senate?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 01:07:25 PM by radioman »
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2012, 12:58:22 PM »
The irony here.....if we must stop the fundemental transformation of America, as we all feel we must do......I'd want a staunch conservative christian on my team. Mr Akin fills the bill.

So I'm glad he stayed. Call me what you will. If our republican leadership exhibited a small fraction of the conviction Mr Akin has shown, we wouldn't be debating this today.

There are a few bridges I don't want to die on.....But this isn't one of them. Hopefully the voters will understand his conviction and vote for him. Freakin republicans sure don't.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2012, 01:07:49 PM »
The irony here.....if we must stop the fundemental transformation of America, as we all feel we must do......I'd want a staunch conservative christian on my team. Mr Akin fills the bill.

So I'm glad he stayed. Call me what you will. If our republican leadership exhibited a small fraction of the conviction Mr Akin has shown, we wouldn't be debating this today.

There are a few bridges I don't want to die on.....But this isn't one of them. Hopefully the voters will understand his conviction and vote for him. Freakin republicans sure don't.

Amen Bro'!
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #72 on: August 22, 2012, 01:55:36 PM »
I've rarely or never seen establishment, respected conservative punditry, and grassroots conservatives line up so quickly or decisively to demand an end to a Republican's political race.

The list of people from Rush Limbaugh to Mitt Romney and everyone in between united to demand Akin step aside is nearly universal.

There is NO WAY the GOP and grassroots organizations can now back this guy, and not become the party of magical sperm-killing vaginas.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2012, 02:01:17 PM »
I've rarely or never seen establishment, respected conservative punditry, and grassroots conservatives line up so quickly or decisively to demand an end to a Republican's political race.

The list of people from Rush Limbaugh to Mitt Romney and everyone in between united to demand Akin step aside is nearly universal.

There is NO WAY the GOP and grassroots organizations can now back this guy, and not become the party of magical sperm-killing vaginas.

They do have the option of 'butting' out and let the locals do the voting without the GOP going on national TV, campaigning against Todd. They can just  'shut up' and spend their time trying to get Romney elected.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2012, 02:08:30 PM »
I've rarely or never seen establishment, respected conservative punditry, and grassroots conservatives line up so quickly or decisively to demand an end to a Republican's political race.

The list of people from Rush Limbaugh to Mitt Romney and everyone in between united to demand Akin step aside is nearly universal.

There is NO WAY the GOP and grassroots organizations can now back this guy, and not become the party of magical sperm-killing vaginas.

While the libs are magical baby killing vaginas. We need people who understand how to structure the argument.
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Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2012, 02:26:59 PM »
...We need people who understand how to structure the argument.

Rush made that point today. The argument can be made (I said this at the outset too) that a child in the womb is the ultimate innocent victim of rape, and should be killed under no circumstances. That was most certainly Akin's point - a point upon which he stood and was elected by the Missouri GOP electorate. But he complicated everything by wading into the deep end without the ability to swim in it.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #76 on: August 22, 2012, 05:43:57 PM »
Yes, my position is that stepping aside would have increased the odds of a GOP win in that race. The Democrats would continue to try to get mileage out of it, but they wouldn't get nearly as much mileage out of it as they will now.  I'm also not certain his abortion position is what riles people. It's the moronic, medieval concept of magic lady parts preventing conception in rape. He might as well just discuss how Columbus was a heretic for believing the Earth is round. That's the public perception now.

The only real question is this: is he or is he not a weaker candidate than he was prior to Sunday, August 19th?

I say he is. Arguing over why he is, or whether it's rightly so, doesn't really matter. He just is. And it's an extra burden we didn't need in 2012.
Top it all off, Claire was a very weakened candidate going into this even without her rubber stamp vote for Commie-care let us not forget the jet thingy and all the rest of the unbelievable stupid sh*t she's said over the last  six years. The seat was ours for the taking except that now that the TEA party was beaten and bashed upside the head by Porky Butthead and his clan of Merry "who gives a rat's ass about the country" men.

All this pointing again to stupid GOP putting up limp candidates for a race that was all but won to an Obama lackey. sh*t, I'm so pissed but not quite expecting anything else from these asshats in the establishment. You want change back to constitutional republic than we're going to have to dust off the guns and begin a real bloody war. ::dueling::
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #77 on: August 22, 2012, 08:32:00 PM »
One glimmer of hope is that this entered the news cycle prior to the conventions. I have a feeling the OWS garbage outside of the convention halls are going to push Todd Akin to the back pages of the news.  They're already discovering stashes of bricks, rocks, and other projectile weapons designated with graffiti in Tampa.
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #78 on: August 22, 2012, 08:49:49 PM »
One glimmer of hope is that this entered the news cycle prior to the conventions. I have a feeling the OWS garbage outside of the convention halls are going to push Todd Akin to the back pages of the news.  They're already discovering stashes of bricks, rocks, and other projectile weapons designated with graffiti in Tampa.

Where did you see that? 
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Re: Todd Akin, MO's R Senate candidate, opens mouth inserts foot
« Reply #79 on: August 22, 2012, 09:00:42 PM »
One glimmer of hope is that this entered the news cycle prior to the conventions. I have a feeling the OWS garbage outside of the convention halls are going to push Todd Akin to the back pages of the news.  They're already discovering stashes of bricks, rocks, and other projectile weapons designated with graffiti in Tampa.

Where did you see that?

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