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US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« on: August 26, 2013, 08:14:57 PM »
I reckon we can move from the low-profile to outright warfare phase with this whole Syrian appears these idiots are readying for imminent entanglement in something the US has no national security cause to concern itself with.

There is this post at ZeroHedge that has some mostly intersting indicators that action is very near.  On it's own that is not conclusive.  There is the retarded "trust us" speech by Lurch that appears to be all the American people are expected to get from this Regime.  Then, there is the more telltale report of warplanes landing in Cyprus on the heels of the earlier reports of British warships joining up with American warships in the eastern Med.  More evidence of anonymous "officials" alerting MFM outlets of imminent action] lending credence to such act as it appears to be in typical keeping with Regime tactic of throwing crap out there and hearing no meaningful objections proceeding with military action as planned.  Interesting to see if O'Bongo and the Euro's cave to Russian demands for a Security Council vote on Syrian intervention (which they have pledged to veto) but I am guessing not given that veto threat, but what pretext...the Syrian chirren?

Anyway, bang the war drums...keep the beat, Amerika, fook yeah!!!
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Offline Glock32

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 11:37:41 PM »
Seems like it's been a foregone conclusion for 2 years now. Also interesting that so much of the casus belli is taking the same form as Bush's prelude to the Iraq invasion, even down to a Sec. of State issuing a "look, you're just going to have to trust us" statement.

As Weisshaupt mentioned in another thread, when the WMDs didn't materialize in Iraq, one of the leading theories was that they had been spirited away to Syria prior to the UN arms inspectors and the later invasion. Wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events if these chemical weapons used in Syria were in fact those ex-Iraqi WMDs?

Assad may not be up for any Nobel Peace Prize nominations (and what a high bar was set for those) but you can guarantee he's light years better than anything likely to replace his regime. We should not be getting involved on behalf of either side.
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 07:32:05 AM »
Most definitely, and given Saddam's nature, I always thought he spread his WMDs to all of his neighbors who have America as their sworn mortal enemy, so it would not surprise me in the least that Iraqi WMDs are in Syria, Iran and maybe Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah.  The latter two may be in doubt since they've not used them as yet, but the crazies have always been good at playing the waiting game.  And the presstitutes must not have any sense at all, because anybody with a normally functioning cortex would recoil at the laughable casus belli being tossed up by this Regime.  At least Bush lobbied, arranged a broad international coalition with multiple UN resolutions to lean on and went in with everybody agreeing to the casus belli...these Obama assholes have no coalition beyond a couple Euro states, no congressional authorization, just a load of "trust me"!  Libiots can say what they want about Bush...but it is Obama that is acting way below Bush League status on this Syrian bullsh*t!

The Obama Regime's reasoning, if you can call it such, is 100% argumentum ad ignorantiam!

Just like Mubarak, kicking Assad out is going to only create another radicalized Islamic sh*thole...the secular Islamic sh*thole was at least contained.

And since O'Bongo has zero chance of getting any UN backing for this misadventure, he'll have to go the Clinton route (Kosovo) and use NATO to do his illegal war.

There are rumors the Regime is groping for a diplomatic way of sacking Assad that will allow O'Bongo to save face...but Putin will have none of that, he know's he has this fool by the he always had since day 1 of this clowns ascendance!  So pushing hard in Syria is going to get the Rooskies in.

And I would bet Iran plays nothing more than a hidden side role, I think the Rooskies would like to see them stay out of it.

Every lame-brained idea for US intervention here is wrong, wrong, wrong!


1)  Today, the office of House Speaker John Boehner asserted that Syria had crossed the “red line” staked out by Obama last year – the use of chemical weapons on its own people.

We'll, there goes BigGov Boner givng Obama his out.

“If he chooses to act, the president must explain his decision publicly, clearly and resolutely,” Buck wrote.

Uhh, he'll say he did that, dumbass.  You're boss already sealed the fix.  What a moron!  Pubbies!  They suck!

2)  It's almost comical, seeing one ruthless asshat regime call another ruthless asshat regime on the carpet and be correct!

3)  Russian Foreign Minister blasts US, says no evidence Assad used chemical weapons and warns of regional conflict if the West does anything foolish.

Sorry Alexander, something foolish cometh.

4)  It appears Plan B is quickly becoming Plan A - All the nominal NATO clowns have to save face may be a punitive strike with some cruise Clintonian.

Wow, Team O'Bongo is like watching the Keystone Cops...except the Keystone Cops were funny and not nearly as stupid!


And lastly - Looks like the markets like war drums...oil, PM's, all rocketing up the charts.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 08:07:50 AM by Libertas »
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2013, 07:34:18 AM »
Everybody warning everybody...blah blah blah...

Stupid, whatever fallout comes from this should be wrapped around Obama's neck...but as we've seen with Benghazi, Egypt, F&F et al...the bastard in charge is not seen as being in charge...which says some pretty disturbing things about this society...

All I know is a big chunk of us know who is responsible and one way or another they'll be called to account.

ETA - Otay, heah comes duh proofs!!!

Yeah, who dey kiddin'?!

« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 08:08:45 AM by Libertas »
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 09:23:10 AM »
Great writeup on the stuttering clusterfail's telling the world our exact war plan, including end date.

Loose Lips on Syria
U.S. leaks tell Assad he can relax. The bombing will be brief and limited.

"Factors weighing into the timing of any action include a desire to get it done before the president leaves for Russia next week," reports CNN, citing a "senior administration official."

Do they teach the retards that in Poli Sci 201 - War Waging, Polls, Vacations and You?

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 09:29:14 AM »

Yoo hoo....  ::bus::

Offline robins111

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 10:16:02 AM »
The muzzies' shooting' burning and gassing each other is not a thing we should be getting involved with-- this is the type of behavior we should be encouraging-- Personally the smart thing to do'-- in my opinion is to paradrop thousands of functional flame throwers into that region---

Offline Glock32

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2013, 10:35:57 AM »
To me the bigger question is, to what extent will Russia aid and defend Assad? Is there a risk of this quickly spiraling into a square off between the USA and Russia?  The Infowars types are worked up into a lather about this being the precipice of WWIII, but I don't know about all that. From Russia's perspective I could see them instead working behind the scenes to make sure this becomes a long, inconclusive, and embarrassing trap for the US, but without excessive saber rattling directly from them. Sort of like how the CIA said they were going to turn Afghanistan into a "bear trap" during the Soviet occupation.

I am going to enjoy watching all the dumbass liberals contort themselves into supporting exactly the sort of cowboy adventurism they condemned daily during W's presidency.
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2013, 10:56:10 AM »
It occurs to me to wonder if the regimes of the world have figured that there is no way out of the mess they've created aside from a world war.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Offline Libertas

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 11:51:42 AM »

Yoo hoo....  ::bus::

"Hmmm, instructions...Made in China, of course...ahh, here it is - Step 1: Pull pin.  OK, that was easy.  Step 2: Place in rectum.  Huh, well, OK, not the only thing I've put up there. (Grunting sounds)  OK, that's done.  Hey, I gotta tell Reggie about this!  Let's see...Step 3:  Put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.  Yeah, I can do that...hey!  Uhh, wait a sec..."


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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2013, 11:57:05 AM »
It occurs to me to wonder if the regimes of the world have figured that there is no way out of the mess they've created aside from a world war.

Just like WWI.  Just Like WWII.

Online ToddF

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2013, 12:00:12 PM »
IBD has a great editorial on what if the stuttering clusterfail planned Normandy.

If Obama planned D-Day like this Syria attack

May 14, 1944--Aides tell reporters the president is considering options presented by his national security team and that the surprise invasion could come some time in the next few weeks.

Hagel credited the president with a brilliant ploy to con Germans into thinking the invasion was coming where it wasn't, namely the Pas de Calais, lead by a fictitious U.S. Army division.

June 3, 1944--Obama aides called a 48-hour lid on any attacks, saying the invasion would not come on the weekend when the president golfs.

What the hell, the whole thing is quotable.

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2013, 12:02:54 PM »
To me the bigger question is, to what extent will Russia aid and defend Assad? Is there a risk of this quickly spiraling into a square off between the USA and Russia?  The Infowars types are worked up into a lather about this being the precipice of WWIII, but I don't know about all that. From Russia's perspective I could see them instead working behind the scenes to make sure this becomes a long, inconclusive, and embarrassing trap for the US, but without excessive saber rattling directly from them. Sort of like how the CIA said they were going to turn Afghanistan into a "bear trap" during the Soviet occupation.

I am going to enjoy watching all the dumbass liberals contort themselves into supporting exactly the sort of cowboy adventurism they condemned daily during W's presidency.

Well, step one is getting civilians the heck out of Dodge.

This has all the hallmarks of a limited air strike, nothing massive.  There is BS flying around about Egypt closing The Ditch to US & allied warships because of this pending action in Syria as they have a defense agreement with them, but that makes no sense from two perspectives: 1) Ditch isn't mission critical for a limited strike and 2) not sure of the legalities, but it was my understanding that international shipping points like this are controlled by international law, I am not sure the Egyptians could discriminate against any nation or type of ship...and there is the enforcement angle that goes along with that, so...sounds like BS to me.  There is also BS coming out of Iran about US troops and allies (MB?) massing on Jordan/Syria border.  I call BS on that too, no way Obama is going to put boots on the ground.  Then again with diaper-wearing old fools like J-Mac calling for regime change in Syria (and thus giving Barry a green light to do whateverthehellhewants) it's not impossible, I just see no evidence of it, some Persian rag does not impress me.

And there is more chatter coming out of the Obama Regime - the PNR being reached -

Whatever.  Same as the "red line", right?  Who came up with that? Jarrett?   ::mooning::

Whatever is done you can bet the blowback will be proportionate to the level of stupidity that started it.  But Team O'Bongo has a serious hard-on to go into Syria...and you know how hard it is to pull out when things get hot.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2013, 01:01:45 PM »
Has "responsibility to protect" been tossed into the narrative yet?  Surely it's in there somewhere.


Also, let me put on my tin foil hat and wonder aloud if the Cyprus bank "bail in" had anything to do with it now being used as a launchpad for air strikes? Was the bank controversy sort of like the mafia leaving a horse head in your bed? "Now we can put a stop to any further ugliness right now, you just gotta play ball later this year and you'll know when."  Thoughts? 

« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 01:06:47 PM by Glock32 »
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2013, 02:54:06 PM »
Good link, I think the Cyprus thing made them EU's bitch, landing planes there was probably not even a request..probably radioed the tower and just said "we're landing, gtfo out of our way".

Nice smiley.   ;D
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2013, 07:45:01 PM »

Hilarious, silly Pubbies, Obama doesn't need any Congressional oversight, he is the Dear Leader.

ETA - Looks like the Rooskies helped put the nix on UN endorsement of the Obama Regime's Syrian quagmire, but NATO dutifully endorsed siding with crazed Jihadi scum to topple the Assad Regime, so that is all Emperor Headiccus Rectumus needs to fustercluck everything up.

And then the Rooskies decide to up their naval presence in the Eastern Med, but basing at Cyprus is hardly a bold move...if they want to be where the action is they're gonna have to shadow the Amerikans & Brits and whoever else as toys in the area...not luxuriate at Limassol!  Interesting place though, Cyprus, eh?  Rooskie ships, Euro fighter planes...a drunken brawl in a nightclub could start the festivities! least that sounds like fun (says my younger self!).

And so far there is just one Deomcrat calling for a Congressional vote authorizing use of force, this from the Party that wouldn't let the eeeeeeeeeeeevil George Dubbya Bush land one plane overseas without a permission slip from Congress!  Interesting how indifferent these Democrats are about the Constitution, Congressional approval and oversight and such when it is opne of their own who wants to get their game on, eh?  Hypocrites?  Sure.  Liars?  You betchya.  Liberties for me but not for thee assclowns?  Most definitely.

But who is going to hold them to account?  The Pubbies?  Pah!  I spit on feckless Pubbies!  The People?  Pah!  The people just want free shyt and to know what the fricken Kardashians are up to!

We're going to war to support batsh*t jihadi scum, get used to it!

Oh, and lest we forget:  "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." - Obama, - Interview with Charlie Savage, December 20, 2007

No mas pantalones. el fuego!

Oh, and here is the sternly worded letter from the carrot-colored thumb-sucking cry-baby some call the Speaker of the House -

I bet the Emperor enjoys wiping his arse with that love letter.

Well, lets see the playing fieldm shall we?

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, no way the Emperor can f**k this up, eh?  I mean, not like there is anything in the area to worry about, just some planes and a few gubmint troops loyal to Assad...we got crazy jihadi maniacs and all this cool US/NATO hardware to pulverize and terrorize with, piece of cake!


Can the US crush Syria and topple Assad?  Yes.  Should we?  No, not our fight, not our problem.  Will it be pain free?  Hell no, and if Saddam's WMDs are there, we could be walking into a nightmare!  And if Israel gets sucked in we get sucked in deeper, and that will surely get the Persians to go all in and the Rooskies will be forced to act, and then the whole region is on fire.  Personally I don't think WWIII is around the corner because this must sandland isn't worth nuking each other over, but the region itself could be decimated and the body counts on all sides far exceeding even an insane persons estimate for reasonable.

Bloody stupid mess, should just walk the Hell away!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 07:33:27 AM by Libertas »
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2013, 11:48:02 AM »

Not exactly iron-clad proof one way or the I still have huge reservations about the veracity of reports and who supposedly did what to whom!
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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2013, 12:46:33 PM »
Things are moving fast to a Cuban Missile Crisis in Syria, where Obama has been outfoxed by a combination of Russia's Putin and the war theocracy of Iran.

... The most accurate account of the gas attack this week comes from, a site that is close to Israeli intelligence, meaning that it varies between telling the truth and spreading information useful to Israel. However, the French conservative newspaper Le Figaro stole the story from Debka this week, and published it as its own.

Here is the story:

    The sarin nerve gas atrocity of Wednesday, Aug. 21, alleged to have claimed more than 1,000 lives, was the work of the 155th Brigade of the Syrian army's 4th Division, headed by President Bashar Asad's younger brother Gen. Maher Assad.

    The poison gas shells were fired from the big Mount Kalmun army base south of Damascus, one of the three repositories of Syria's chemical weapons. ... Not a single shell or gram of poison gas is loaded for use at any of the three sites without an explicit directive from the president or his brother. ... Therefore, the clamor raised by the US and French presidents, Western prime ministers and Russian leaders ... is nothing but playacting. The facts are known and the evidence is present. And the price for refusing to come down to earth and putting an immediate stop to this horrifying precedent may be unimaginably grim -- not just for Israel and Jordan -- but for the rest of the Middle East and beyond."

If this is true -- and I believe it is -- there are four urgent questions.

1. Who is behind it? (Iran, Syria, maybe Putin)

2. What is their aim? (To trap us).

3. Is it a trap? (Yes)

4. How should the West respond? (VERY carefully).

Let's take it from the top.

Is this analysis helpful?  Wheels within wheels ......

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Re: US/Euro Intervention in Syria
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2013, 02:24:10 PM »
I really don't think Assad ordered this. It seems far too convenient that Obama comes out and says "we're going to treat any use of chemical weapons as our red line, carte blanche to do whatever we want" and then one year later to the day we, lo and behold, have those chemical weapons used. I don't see why Assad would allow them to be used since doing so would be crossing that loudly proclaimed red line.

A monkey with a hand grenade, that's about the best description of this situation. We have a bunch of power mad psychopaths in charge of our government and other governments, and seems they are willing to play with reckless abandon knowing the death and misery will be reserved for the little people.

What does the New World Order need to truly come to fruition? A total destruction of the Old World Order, and a world war is a great way to do that. There's a certain internal logic to it. They've been spending like there's no tomorrow, and maybe that's because they don't intend for there to be a tomorrow.

Regardless of the direction this ultimately takes, I hope the liberals are enjoying their smart diplomacy, pacifist president. At least he's not like that cowboy George W!
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