Author Topic: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine  (Read 97642 times)

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #420 on: January 27, 2022, 09:03:13 AM »
Damn, Obloya may have an out ofr JoeFraud...

In December, The Associated Press reported that the Biden administration was considering pressuring Ukraine to grant the separatists (Lugansk and Donetsk) autonomy, a move that could significantly de-escalate tensions in the region.

Totally could see Obloya & JoeFraud strong-arming Ukraine into this move and crowing about "peace in our time" which obviously would be total BS since all it would do is prove might makes right in any territorial dispute...which as I've said before means seizing crap from our neighbors and telling them and the world to fvck off and get over it...and Lord knows we could use a much bigger buffer with Mexico...time we took care of this border crime - illegals, drug cartels & human smugglers...once and for all!  And Cuba, fvck those clowns, they're going down hard, damn island is OURS!  Got some sh*t to settle with those damned Canadians too...some business to transact there.  I can get totally into the spirit of this!   :D

Anyway, not sure how the DeepState feels about its festivities being threatened...obviously will need to be thrown a new bone if this one is taken away...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #421 on: January 27, 2022, 06:34:26 PM »

Peter is biased but so are others.

Jimmy Dore brings in Peter. He filled in some details about the proposed agreement with the EU that Ukraine turned down which lead to the 2014 coup. Peter used to be part of The Duran. He is an American ex pat who lives in Moscow.
The part about the EU agreement starts around 12 min.
The TRUTH About Ukraine, Russia & War
Jimmy breaks down the looming crisis with RT host and Russia expert Peter Lavelle.
Jan 25, 2022
The Jimmy Dore Show
942K subscribers
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #422 on: January 28, 2022, 07:57:04 AM »
Be interesting to know why this guy went ex-pat and chose Moscow?  I forget the gals name but I posted a video a while back...linked to it were other videos, all were about culture shocks East and was an almost universal sentiment from average Russians on the street when American's talk to them about visiting Russia and the people all ask "Why would you come to Russia?"...LOL!  Long way of saying there is a story with this Peter guy.

Anyway, long on talk, short on would be unwise to take his take of a former Ukrainian President's word on an agreement as definitive without reading the document in question...and Peter undercuts his own points on ridiculousness by throwing out Stalin's actions et al...

Yeah, no duh ethnic Russians displaced ethnic Ukrainians back in the bad old days....flash forward to latter days and those butthurt over a pro-Russia President being bounced flee to oblasts dominated by ethnic Russians and then demand to break away from the country whose borders were agreed to in Budapest...proving agreements don't mean jack sh*t and only might makes right...or what idiots let you get away with.

Seriously, cannot talk to anybody on this subject because everybody makes sh*t up as they go...right/wrong/indifferent people are locked into their narrative of choice and are searching for ways to lock it into permanence.

This is the definition of a sh*t show, this is the end result of original sins committed long ago that NOBODY wants to acknowledge let alone discuss.

It's sad pathetic and unfortunate...but perhaps the DeepState is right albeit for the wrong reasons...seems to be only a lot of bloodshed will settle this, but it has to be gotten out of everybody's system so it better be real damn bloody and real damn definitive...or the sh*t show will only rev up again and again and again...

So, let everyone dance away from reality and into the purifying flames...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #423 on: January 28, 2022, 08:18:25 AM »
I cannot remember Peter's story. I think it was a professional interest and job opportunity.
The interesting part to me was his summary of the EU deal the Ukraine initially took a pass on. It was a bad deal as I recall.

The EU has also been known to screw some countries, especially if they are part of the Eurozone.

I used to listen to Peter more. He described the differences he saw on the street from 10 years ago to now. Improvements.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #424 on: January 28, 2022, 12:11:39 PM »
President Joe Biden reportedly told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday to brace his country for a certain Russian invasion.

Biden told Zelensky that an invasion is virtually certain and to ‘prepare for impact,’ CNN reported. He said Kiev could be ‘sacked’ by Russian forces.

He reportedly said Ukraine would not be getting significantly more military help, including reiterating that no U.S. troops would be deployed there, nor would there be preemptive sanctions on Russia or any progress with NATO.

The warning was not part of a White House readout provided after the call.

LOL!  JoeFraud leadership is weak and bankrupt, Euro's are cake-eating clowns wanting everything and committed to nothing...Russia is ravenous and Ukraine is screwed by all of the above...all it can do is consent to the raping pillaging and murdering...

Somebody should have given them nukes...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #425 on: January 28, 2022, 03:10:23 PM »
President Joe Biden reportedly told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday to brace his country for a certain Russian invasion.

Biden told Zelensky that an invasion is virtually certain and to ‘prepare for impact,’ CNN reported. He said Kiev could be ‘sacked’ by Russian forces.

He reportedly said Ukraine would not be getting significantly more military help, including reiterating that no U.S. troops would be deployed there, nor would there be preemptive sanctions on Russia or any progress with NATO.

The warning was not part of a White House readout provided after the call.

LOL!  JoeFraud leadership is weak and bankrupt, Euro's are cake-eating clowns wanting everything and committed to nothing...Russia is ravenous and Ukraine is screwed by all of the above...all it can do is consent to the raping pillaging and murdering...

Somebody should have given them nukes...

I  would love to be a fly on the wall listening to the world leader talk about the senile US president.
Ukraine is so screwed. They pass on a crappy EU trade deal so the US backs a coup. Then the new govt signs up for the crappy trade deal and goes after the ethnic Russians in the East and Crimea and war breaks out and Crimea leaves.

Then their trade situation gets even crappier as the anti Russians sanctions mean Ukraine cannot sell to Russia but can't sell much to the EU either so much of their population leaves and .....

The Ukraine govt is un believably corrupt. The govt does not rule, the oligarchs rule. I cannot remember the exact deals, but I recall that drug lords were buying Soviet equipment like helicopters and planes for maybe 5 cents on the dollar. That was in Ukraine.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #426 on: January 28, 2022, 05:36:30 PM »
President Joe Biden reportedly told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday to brace his country for a certain Russian invasion.

Biden told Zelensky that an invasion is virtually certain and to ‘prepare for impact,’ CNN reported. He said Kiev could be ‘sacked’ by Russian forces.

He reportedly said Ukraine would not be getting significantly more military help, including reiterating that no U.S. troops would be deployed there, nor would there be preemptive sanctions on Russia or any progress with NATO.

The warning was not part of a White House readout provided after the call.

LOL!  JoeFraud leadership is weak and bankrupt, Euro's are cake-eating clowns wanting everything and committed to nothing...Russia is ravenous and Ukraine is screwed by all of the above...all it can do is consent to the raping pillaging and murdering...

Somebody should have given them nukes...

I  would love to be a fly on the wall listening to the world leader talk about the senile US president.
Ukraine is so screwed. They pass on a crappy EU trade deal so the US backs a coup. Then the new govt signs up for the crappy trade deal and goes after the ethnic Russians in the East and Crimea and war breaks out and Crimea leaves.

Then their trade situation gets even crappier as the anti Russians sanctions mean Ukraine cannot sell to Russia but can't sell much to the EU either so much of their population leaves and .....

The Ukraine govt is un believably corrupt. The govt does not rule, the oligarchs rule. I cannot remember the exact deals, but I recall that drug lords were buying Soviet equipment like helicopters and planes for maybe 5 cents on the dollar. That was in Ukraine.

Familiar with our current illegitimate government, unelected DeepState operatives and Globalist/Marxist corporate oligarchs?

It's not different in Russia...Putin strong-armed people into changing laws to keep him Czar for life and big company oligarchs and militarists are his oligarchy and their press is state-controlled just like ours...same for Europe, China, the Americas, Africa, Middle East...everywhere the Elite call the shots...people are fodder...people can argue over degrees (which is foolish since even a little servitude is still not freedom) but it is an undeniable fact.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #427 on: January 29, 2022, 10:38:01 AM »

Yeah, totally possible...i already warned about the shiny object risk...but the genie gets out of the bottle, a distraction can start some really nasty stuff...but something nasty approaches...these demons do not relent...nor should our resistance to tyranny and oppression!

And with Germany causing fractures more than any other nation not in Asia...these risks could be increasing...

Latvia is going on the attack, lashing out at Germany for its seemingly 'compromised' relations with Russia and China.

Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks slammed Germany’s “immoral and hypocritical” relationship with Russia and China, accusing Berlin of driving a wedge between eastern and western Europe, at a time that unity is paramount. "It’s immoral and hypocritical. It’s driving a division line between west and east in Europe," Pabriks said in the Financial Times interview published Friday.

"How are you acting yourself when it comes to Lithuania, Russia, China?" Pabriks asked hypothetically of Germany. He answered his own question: "It’s immoral and hypocritical. It’s driving a division line between west and east in Europe."

"Germans forgot already that Americans were granting their security in the Cold War," the defense minister added. "But they should [remember]. It’s their moral duty." The suggestion was that Germany should stay lockstep with Washington on the issue of Russia's 'threat' to NATO's "eastern flank".

"European security cannot be done without a German leading role. At this moment, when we’re looking at how they’re acting on European defense and NATO, the readiness of the Bundeswehr, the hesitance to use military force, it’s absurd for the current times," Pabriks described.

Pabriks is not wrong...and if anybody believes Germany will every shut down NS2 if Russia invades Ukraine...they might also be interested in a bridge for sale in Brooklyn...

As for this request...

...don't expect the presscorpse to carry that banner...they might not be JoeFraud fans but such accountability in 2-Amerika mobocracy only applies against mobocrat enemies...and the corrupt illegitimate regime sure as sh*t can't come clean on its own...transparency is something to beat your enemies with...nothing a mobocrat need worry about...

« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 11:07:30 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #428 on: January 31, 2022, 05:47:36 PM »

Kim is back on her own channel  but still on the hill rising I hope. She is very popular there according to the comments.
Kim Iversen: Ukraine Tells Biden To STOP With Russia Invasion Rhetoric
Jan 31, 2022
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #429 on: February 01, 2022, 09:00:10 AM »
Getting JoeFraud or any of his mouth-breathing handlers and recycled leftist department heads and their vassals respective mouths shut is impossible...

Yapping because they think they're the most brilliant people on the planet keeps them yapping...

Zelensky is going to have to make a bold move, one that will likely get him killed by angry foreigners or citizens alike.  He should schedule a summit in Kiev with the head of the EU, think its a Frenchy named Michel, and Putin and hammer out an agreement on everything.

But, like I said...he'd probably get whacked before the ink was even dry...

Anyway, war still could go hot...

Nice spot for a "oops!" moment...

...might last longer floating in the Black Sea than the North Sea...

« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 09:37:30 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #430 on: February 02, 2022, 09:54:58 AM »
This says more about the independent sensibilities of Hungary under Orban than it does for those wanting to overread this meeting with the backdrop of NATO/EU/US vis a vis the Ukraine situation.

Viktor always looks out for his people and speaks his mind no matter what...that is to be respected, not exploited for anybody else's agenda.

But, I reckon nobody will respect that truthful distinction...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #431 on: February 03, 2022, 12:19:35 PM »
Bear's TU-95's oh my...

...brings back fond memories of naval air intercepts of Bear's, Badger's...running off the ubiquitous "fishing trawler" Rooskie spy boats...

Ahh, good times!

Meanwhile.. JoeFraud's string-pullers seriously considering some sort of arms control deal?  Acceding to Russian desires on that may not solve the Ukraine issue with any permanence and does not seem to make sense strategically to both give Russia what it wants there (and handcuffing yourself on that front) while holding fast to NATO membership of Ukraine (which the previous would render the latter's Article 5 options to purely conventional actions that its current force structure and logistical issues could not realistically hope to stop a determined Russian seizure of most all of Ukraine) this groping for a way out seems rife with stupidity...which clearly indicates batshyt=crazy minds are behind it.  The right way is more the Trump way...walk away from failed arms control treaties the Russians do not honor and give up this expanded NATO fact cut NATO and the EU totally loose!!!

Anyway, morons are unlikely to find a way around brute force...

3k more troops for Germany & Poland...

Poor bastards...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 12:44:20 PM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #432 on: February 04, 2022, 08:44:49 AM »
Presstitutes are worms...

But when one worm get hilarity...

Poor AP guy is asking a FoggyBottom puppet parroting DeepState talking points to provide "proof" of his Department's allegations?

 ::hysterical::   ::rolllaughing::   ::laughonfloor::

This illegitimate regime is handing total victory to every foe and potential foe.

Sadly, it's not just America who is porked...a lot are going to be porked...

And it isn't just over there...or over's everywhere...

Lt.Col. Shaffer is sharp and knows his stuff, watch it all.

ETA - Proof that being a puppet of psychotics guarantees failure, misery and shame...

...a total sh!tshow...

« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 09:06:25 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #433 on: February 04, 2022, 11:10:48 AM »
I saw that. I expected the govt guy to say that do not disclose sources or methods but he was a dimwit.
He seemed to thin his say so was good enough. I think the journalist mentioned the weapons of mass destruction.
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #434 on: February 07, 2022, 09:06:14 AM »
The cozying up to the thugs and lunatics is a major stumbling block in me ever trusting Putin in anything...

Red China, Red Cuba, Red Venezuela...makes me think the KGB officer in him never left...

And propping up the psychotic Mahdi Death Cult in Tehran makes  me think he's lost his mind...or its proof of his cynical and sinister persona above...

And as far as this Libertarian is concerned...

...other than posting your hand-wringing screeds...what have you done to restore sanity in American government?  Where were you when the bureaucracy turned for themselves and against the people?  Were you still with the CIA?  What great deeds in the defense and preservation of truth justice and Liberty did you do?
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #435 on: February 08, 2022, 12:54:32 PM »
The Unholy Macron...

...whatever...looney granny chaser is about as trustworthy as a snake in the garden...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #436 on: February 09, 2022, 10:39:05 AM »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #437 on: February 10, 2022, 09:53:54 AM »
LOL...the Obloya & the DeepState got one useless puppet on their hands!

...only way he/they/them can stop NS2 is if he is told to issue orders to strike it...

...and while this BRICs bastard is having fun with it...and really, who isn't?... doesn't take an old FoggyBottom fan-boy to see cheese-eating surrender-monkeys and castrated Krauts wetting themselves over being ground zero for another European war...after all the masters they've sworn perpetual energy fealty to aren't Soviets any more...or much...just land-grabbing Imperialists...about as benign a master a slave could want... no duh they will throw the US under the bus...'s yet another argument against US belonging to this hoax called NATO or spending one more cent or one more American life on defending these ungrateful deadbeat Euro punks!
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #438 on: February 10, 2022, 04:20:14 PM »
Busy day...

This distraction gets out of hand it will turn into a real nightmare...

Stingers arriving in Ukraine...

Lavrov & Truss pointing fingers...Lavrov accusing he West of being deaf and dumb...funny, get in line pal!  We in Marxist occupation been suffering it longer than you, Skippy!

Nuclear exercises in Belarus could be a blast...

DoD advertising the obvious routes into Ukraine by the Rus...

Chatter about Rus troops including Spetznaz on the confirmation found as yet...not that there necessarily will be right/wrong/indifferent.

Also, speculation that the increased Rus naval activity around Tartus, Black Sea & North Atlantic & Arctic could be eye candy from ground movement around Ukraine...which like uhh, duh...satellites and drone flights should be able to discern...and it ignores a more obvious ploy to thin out Western naval forces and perhaps some air force resources.

Denmark agrees to host US nice...


This distraction if poorly contained...could be a major disaster in the making for all sides...

For the West their domestic arenas of the plandemic collapse, economic misery and rising resistance among the people to be fodder for the elites may make an adventure in Ukraine to irresistible to rationally walk away from...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #439 on: February 10, 2022, 06:32:10 PM »

Geez. Germany and others want Russian gas so they do not freeze in the dark. How hard is that for Biden to understand?

The Germans are the ones who begged for Russia to build NS2, because they shut down their nukes or were going to after the Japanese incident. You know, because of all the tidal wave danger in Germany.  Most EU countries are telling Ukraine to not start anything because the EU will not back them up.

Reminds of an old joke. Jimmy Carter threatened to cut off the Pepsi supply to Russia after they invaded Afghanistan.
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