Author Topic: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine  (Read 97361 times)

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #720 on: April 18, 2022, 10:22:03 PM »

People are over using the word "genocide" etc.
Alexander Mercouris reports that the UA guys trapped in the steel works are running out of food and water.
That seems strange.

I notice that that the MSM reports that Mariupol has not fallen rather than the steel works have not fallen.

He recommends a blog. VERY good.

... much more at link
The 40,000 155mm rounds that Uncle Sam plans to send to the Ukraine, which would arm 18 self-propelled howitzers that Uncle Sam plans to send to the Ukraine, can be moved long distance only by rail.  Before that happens (or as it happens), Russia will destroy the railroad switches, bridges, or other infrastructure, or rocket or bomb the trains en route.

Next, the 10 counterbattery radar stations that Uncle Sam plans to send, would need highly-trained crews to be effective, and to be integrated within the Ukraine’s existing artillery units.

Problem is, the Ukraine’s existing heavy artillery units are mostly destroyed already.  Most of the personnel are dead, deserted, in hospital, in captivity, or (more likely) pinned down somewhere in a bunker in the Donbass, not utilizing their skills.

Training new personnel is not an option—Russia has been bombing or rocketing recruit staging areas, training grounds, etc., killing hundreds and hundreds.  It’s gotten so bad that Zelensky has cancelled the spring call-up.

At this point, no one is going to make good use of those radars.  It’s like donating tent stakes or lawn chemicals to someone who needs to change the tires on their car.

Next item.  Russia has already destroyed over a hundred Ukrainian helicopters, over two-thirds of the fleet.  Will sending in another 11 change anything?  Very soon, there won’t be any fuel for them, anyway.

Folks, this is not a video game.

The USSR was able to incorporate some Anglo-American hardware and to train army, after army, after army, after army in 1941-1943 (as they were progressively destroyed or partially chewed up), in part because it had a rear area.

The Ukraine has no rear area.  Anything can blow up anywhere at any time.

The Ukraine is also just about out of idiots who want to die for Zelensky and the Maidan cult.

They can round up all the men they want, but there’s no more fresh, new, willing manpower that will stand and fight.  Whoever is under arms right now, is all there is.  There’s no more “bench.”

As I have said more than once, and I said it weeks or even months before the war, it won’t be a “peoples’ war.”

I’m NOT saying the people are all for Russia, but once the Ukrainian army (and some number of yahoo militia who don’t quite reflect or represent the public) is run down, that’s it.  The supply of fresh, motivated bodies is very limited.

Of course, the U.S. and its bloc will keep sending more and more stuff, regardless of what happens to the stuff.  What else can they do?  Their populations don’t want to get involved directly.

The Ukraine will be destroyed… and the Four Horsemen will come to YOU

Recall the 300 million rounds.

300 million rounds is enough to keep the war going (at least as an Afghanistan-style conflict) for several years.  As I’ve said, the Ukraine will be totally destroyed.

I have written repeatedly, since the first days of the war, that if Brandon and the Europeans keep pushing Saint Zelensky to fight, and keep arming and escalating and raising the stakes, rather than trying to make a deal…..

… will lead to the total destruction of the Ukraine, turning it into a very well-armed, starving Somalia in Europe, with a number of severely under-maintained nuclear power plants—one or more of which will go up into the air, likely sooner than later.

And, as has been established already, the global fertilizer shortage (made much worse by U.S. sanctions on Russia and Belarus) coupled with Ukrainian wheat going offline, means that up to 100 million Africans will need to get off the planet, or at least, leave Africa.  It will be a sight.  And this is just what we know for sure, so far.

I’m calling it now, the Four Horsemen are coming.  This will affect you.  Some of my “VIP” readers may think they are immune, living in $1.5 million row houses on Capitol Hill or wherever.  You’re not immune.  In fact, DC will be the pits.   

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #721 on: April 19, 2022, 09:20:47 AM »
Finally, agreement that a continued and expanding conflict is on everyone's is unavoidable and none will escape and there is nothing the oppressed captives anywhere can do to stop it...

There's a RivetJoint that patrolled the Eastern border of the Baltics this morning...prospects continue to rise for festivities all across Europe...
« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 09:24:18 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #722 on: April 19, 2022, 11:53:56 AM »
Yo, Pat...I think a horse was left out...

I wonder if the pics above have a similar provenance as this one from "News Front"?

Just another Putin can take a Russian out of the KGB, but...   ;)

Also, just like in the post-war years of WWII...looks like a lot of people have their favorite Nazi's around...


Such charming symmetry in the worlds last days...

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #723 on: April 19, 2022, 03:47:16 PM »

I saw a couple videos of Zelensky. In one, before he became president, he admitted to starting his day with coke. In a very recent video his eyes were glassy and he was high or drunk.

There may be hope. The Duran said that in no EU country did a majority of people say they would suffer (par more for gas etc.) to support the war in Ukraine. Most around low 40s percent and that is sinking. Macron is afraid to say much about the war as an election is upcoming.

Pres Trump recently said UA should negotiate and that endless war means lots of bodies and what is so good about that?. JD Vance is running for congress in Ohio and went from 4th place to first in the primary when he came out as anti war.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #724 on: April 19, 2022, 04:19:24 PM »
I highly doubt anybody's elections are solving this...or that anybody cares what serfs say...Euro's have cucks and cowards too, just like we do...most newb's get's a rigged game everywhere...


People seeing a nice easy peaceful way out of all of these messes are waitin' a long time for a train that won't come...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #725 on: April 20, 2022, 11:37:27 AM »
Neat, more loose talk about nukes...

President Vladimir Putin said in a statement which accompanied the announcement that the new Sarmat missile will provide "food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia."

Ha!  You'd think a guy rumored to be so bright would know his opponents are just as bombastic and full of blood lust as he and his oligarchs...and if so then he must just enjoy saying it anyway...

Code name "Satan"...   ::laughonfloor::

Lately there's been widespread speculation over whether Putin would be "willing" to use tactical nukes in Ukraine - something which Foreign Minister Lavrov categorically rejected in Tuesday statements.

On Tuesday Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked in an interview with India Today about the possibility of using nukes, to which he responded that Russia will only use conventional weapons in Ukraine.

Naturally, they would be used in NATO nations...duh!!!

And, some contradictory statements...

Alec Luhn
Russian emergencies ministry site publishes "Recommendations in case of a retaliatory nuclear strike by NATO countries."
? 🤔


CBS Evening News
Members of President Biden’s own party, like Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, say it's time for the president to consider sending in U.S. troops to Ukraine to help fight Russia. The president has repeatedly said he won’t.

And more toys/parts for toys to Ukraine...

All lunatics are on the same global annihilation script...who says people cannot get on the same page?!   :o
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #726 on: April 20, 2022, 12:50:49 PM »
Much of this is MSM fear porn.
"Putin may use nukes, chemical weapons."
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #727 on: April 20, 2022, 04:46:36 PM »
So, he didn't say it?

Not saying not propaganda...but then the other idiot mentioned "retaliation" if a first-strike was an option...propaganda too?

What if not a bluff?  Nobody they?

But everybody is always certain what is said by X is true and what is said by Y is false and vice versa...and they X & Y say opposing things...

If nobody is honest or everybody isn't bluffing...guess what?  Serious mistakes happen...

Fear?  Yes.  Fear porn?  Says who?  Got proof?


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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #728 on: April 21, 2022, 08:57:26 AM »

No sh!t?!

I've only being seeing daily and documenting almost as often all the buzzing going on over not just here but in America as well...all the heavy-mover traffic, and the snoopers, trackers, spies and tankers (fighters) patrolling from the Black Sea to the Baltics...


Think all these assets are in play for no reason?  Think Putin and his privy council not aware of their activities?  First time on planet Earth?


The Big Game is on...plan accordingly.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #729 on: April 21, 2022, 09:45:49 AM »
Pouty little snowflakes in the JoeFraud regime...

...predictable.  But really, what could anybody talk to their counterpart about anyway...loose nuke talk there...pariah talk here...

Really, nothing...

And like this is news...



Oh, but a "mysterious" fire in Russia...

...yeah, not seeing anything mysterious there...they know it started in an Admin area...probably some dude doing shots of Stoli with his secretary when some hanky-panky started and knocked over the ashtray holding the Cuban puro...

Moving on...

Oh, here we go...Mariupol Liberated!  Let the people in, open the bars and restaurants and...uhh, what?  Come again?

Never mind...

Are they at least going to broadcast the executions of those Azov Nazi's...we were promised executions of Azov Nazi's?!

Russian forces have been blaring on speakers their demand for Azov fighters to lay down their arms and exit the complex 'or else'.

Maybe it is just me...but I would opt for "or else"...especially if it is quicker and more merciful than starving, bleeding out...would not want to surrender...but who knows how brave these Nazi's are or are not...I would rather charge, sing my death song and take some enemies out before I drop...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #730 on: April 21, 2022, 02:05:08 PM »

The Russians did this humanitarian corridor thing before in Syria. Sometimes even allowing the soldiers to exit to areas not under Russian or Syrian govt control. Erdogan later used them as canon fodder in his various adventures.

I noticed that the UA guys in the steel mill claimed to have lots of civilians at the last minute. No photos of them however.

There is still question as to whether a missile sunk the ship. Some poor quality photos suggest otherwise.

Maybe a year ago some Belarusian journalist/activist was arrested after his plane landed/was forced down in Belarus. The west got butt hurt and sanctioned Belarus and avoids their air space to this day. There is some question as to the landing details.  IMO the guy was involved in a US funded regime change operation. Maybe months ago there was a reported failed US backed coup in Belarus according to the Duran.

Now there is a likely killing of a Chilean born US educated blogger Gonzalo Lira by the UA govt and the west is silent.  He was last seen via cell phone in Kharkov a few days ago. T He was critical of the Kiev govt and that alone can get you killed. There was a recent (a day ago?) execution of a pro Russian journalist in Ukraine, maybe Mariupol or a southern city. Shot him in his car.

The G20 walk out was only partly successful with many countries staying to listen to the Russian person.

Meanwhile Wimbledon banned any Russian players. The EU is likely to commit suicide and ban Russian gas and oil but some Germans are opposed.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #731 on: April 21, 2022, 04:36:06 PM »
Sh!t happens in war...who knew?

Bottom line unchanged...shot-callers all sides don't care, doing what they want...nobody has control of their leaders...keep hearing all this opposition to war in Russia...apart from resignations and sackings and hardliners in charge news is sporadic...gosh I wonder why...

Still haven't seen defense minister...alive or dead...

Clown world...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #732 on: April 21, 2022, 07:30:31 PM »

I heard that support for the war and Putin in Russia went through the roof. They have been following this conflict for years.

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #733 on: April 21, 2022, 07:37:42 PM »
More of the same. UA is winning the propaganda war. It is hard to keep up.
Was bombing of Mariupol theater staged by Ukrainian Azov extremists to trigger NATO intervention?
Max Blumenthal·March 18, 2022

Testimony by evacuated Mariupol residents and warnings of a false flag attack undermine the Ukrainian government’s claims about a Russian bombing of a local theater sheltering civilians.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #734 on: April 22, 2022, 08:30:51 AM »

The Russians did this humanitarian corridor thing before in Syria. Sometimes even allowing the soldiers to exit to areas not under Russian or Syrian govt control. Erdogan later used them as canon fodder in his various adventures.

I noticed that the UA guys in the steel mill claimed to have lots of civilians at the last minute. No photos of them however.

There is still question as to whether a missile sunk the ship. Some poor quality photos suggest otherwise.

Maybe a year ago some Belarusian journalist/activist was arrested after his plane landed/was forced down in Belarus. The west got butt hurt and sanctioned Belarus and avoids their air space to this day. There is some question as to the landing details.  IMO the guy was involved in a US funded regime change operation. Maybe months ago there was a reported failed US backed coup in Belarus according to the Duran.

Now there is a likely killing of a Chilean born US educated blogger Gonzalo Lira by the UA govt and the west is silent. He was last seen via cell phone in Kharkov a few days ago. T He was critical of the Kiev govt and that alone can get you killed. There was a recent (a day ago?) execution of a pro Russian journalist in Ukraine, maybe Mariupol or a southern city. Shot him in his car.

The G20 walk out was only partly successful with many countries staying to listen to the Russian person.

Meanwhile Wimbledon banned any Russian players. The EU is likely to commit suicide and ban Russian gas and oil but some Germans are opposed.

Not dead.  People wanting to elevate him to martyr status will be disappointed...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #735 on: April 22, 2022, 08:32:57 AM »

I heard that support for the war and Putin in Russia went through the roof. They have been following this conflict for years.

Lovely, then they are in lock-step pro-war agreement with lemmings in the West...another boon for longer/harder war.   ::whoohoo::


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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #736 on: April 22, 2022, 08:47:41 AM »
More of the same. UA is winning the propaganda war. It is hard to keep up.
Was bombing of Mariupol theater staged by Ukrainian Azov extremists to trigger NATO intervention?
Max Blumenthal·March 18, 2022

Testimony by evacuated Mariupol residents and warnings of a false flag attack undermine the Ukrainian government’s claims about a Russian bombing of a local theater sheltering civilians.

Well Vlad can send his Dmitry Utkin led fascist Wagner Group stormtroopers in to deal justice upon those Uke Azov fascists.   ::laughonfloor::

Probably be immortalized in films East and West...if there are films or people in the future...

In others stories, well, whatever...

Incompetence or saboteurs?  And if the latter...homegrown...imports...foreigners?

And, apparently any harsh words directed at Orban have been patched up with his Finish counterpart...because it appears NATO membership of Finland is on the fast-track...

Orban paving the way for Finland to join NATO is one of the least “Putin tool” things Orban could do. It definitely was not on my Bingo card. As I noted in my post about Orban, he’s not a Putin tool or even a Putin ally. He’s a politician who knows on which side his bread is buttered.

Russia’s lawless invasion of Ukraine has put Orban in an uncomfortable position. He appears to want to position Hungary as a bridge between East and West. Hungary is a member of both the European Union and NATO. He also maintains cordial relations with Russia. He has gone along with sanctions on Russia. He is resisting sanctions on Russian gas because Hungary is reliant upon it. He is providing humanitarian relief to Ukraine and is sheltering about 140,000 Ukrainian refugees. He has supported Zelensky’s demand that Russia respects Ukraine’s territorial integrity. What he refuses to do is ship arms to Ukraine or let arms shipments to Ukraine pass through Hungary. This is more of a problem of appearances than anything else. Still, Zelensky has accused Orban of standing in the way of European solidarity. Zelensky is right. But Orban is the prime minister of Hungary, not Europe, and the voters agreed they wanted things to stay that way.

Trending in all respects and by all parties remains solidly pro-war...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #737 on: April 22, 2022, 12:33:43 PM »
No secret this would happen...

...they also do mixing...

But then, why are Energy-outfit Bankster Oligarchs getting suicided?

And not just the Oligarch's...their families...

See, in the West prominent Banksters (there were a lot during the Obamao years)...died solo, not taking their families with them, more standard Arkancide work...suicide by nail gun...with the nail gun in the victims off hand...same with pistol suicides...then there's the jumpers pushed...the drowned...this Russian Oligarch & family business is nasty, reeks of old-time Soviet the question really is - is Putin sending a message to other Oligarchs or are Oligarchs sending a message to Putin?  I would guess the former. Ukraine news...NY Slimes given green light to spill the beans I already threw on the table many weeks ago - the Russian desire to link to its breakaway folks in Transnistria, Moldova...

Yes, Greater Russia needs to be Greater Russia!

So moving...
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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #738 on: April 22, 2022, 06:06:40 PM »

Gonzalo Lira was detained by the UA SBU. Then released. He said he was not free to talk about it much and was not free to leave the city. He is alive.

I recall some other recent  oil sanctions with oil transfers at sea and the usual monkey business.

There was an oil embargo of Italy after they invaded Africa. That raised the oil prices. So Russia sent tankers.
I recall some commie (Arthur Koestler?) shocked that tankers flying the flag of third international were docking In Italy.

Also, the NYT is trying to smear this guy and saying that the 2014 US backed coup was a myth, after previously reporting on the coup in the NYT. As Tony Heller often says "The NYT does not read the NYT."

This has some history on the 2014 coup in the beginning.
New Cold War Witch Hunt Targets Journalists Opposed to US Empire
Premiered Apr 20, 2022
BreakThrough News
104K subscribers
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: The Battle over East vs West (Russia vs Europe) continues in Ukraine
« Reply #739 on: April 23, 2022, 02:57:07 PM »

Some alternate sources for news on Ukraine.
Lots of good links to video clips from Ukraine.
Sitrep: Operation Z
33878 Views April 22, 2022 174 Comments
A Ukrainian politician has stated the following: “Ludmila Denisova, Ukrainian Parliament’s Commissioner for Human Rights, says that the Russians are planning to hold an independence referendum in Kherson during May 1-May 10 to create another DNR and LNR like statelet in southern Ukraine. Ballots are reportedly being printed.”

“At least 2/3 of the residents of southern Ukraine, in particular, Kherson oblast, parts of Nikolayev oblast and Zaporozhye, would vote in favor of joining Russia, if an appropriate referendum were to be held”, says Crimean senator of the Russian Federation Council Sergei Tsekov

this guy
More links

Lots of captured UA arms from kharkov armory.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown