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Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Funny Thing On The Net" Thread
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 10:18:38 AM »
Wanna say I've posted this before, but regardless, it makes me chuckle...


I looked up his record, started as a bubblehead on attack subs and boomers, pretty solid career lot of recognition...

If a fairly straight arrow looking chap can fall prey to the lure of post-service is almost certain others have/are doing to same now...especially in latter day lax contracting practices, little oversight/consequences and rubber-stamped funding bills...
Faith & Family / Re: America is being destroyed by woke Evil
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 10:05:08 AM »

We all know why...

 ::outrage::   ::asskicking::

And FJB and the rest of the demonazi filth is already parroting the "convicted felon" mantra like crazy which is the centerpiece of their campaign strategy (along with rampant lying about their own record) and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt what this was all about from the get-go.


And persecuted just keeps raking in donations and support...because people know they'll be next...

It's why they are still being thuggish with Jones, Giuliani, Eastman et al...

These Satanic bastards go after regular folks expressing their Constitutional Rights!

They are trying to bully Judge Cannon and the 11th Circuit has had to say they are ignoring them!

The handwriting on the wall is so large and undeniable it cannot be ignored!  ANYBODY daring to claim later they didn't know is a straight-up liar!

And MFM trash like Streptococcus continue to gaslight and spew lies...

This banana dictatorship bullsh*t will not cease until the hammer drops, We the People are the hammer, and we need to demand law enforcement officials start charging and trying demonazis in a like manner on a massive scale.

And we need to let them know who they call felon we call Champion!

I hear chatter about 10% of "GOP voters" are dropping support of Trump in wake of this corrupt trial...whatever, say it is means a bunch of Cucks who always hated Trump because he is anti-Establishment who didn't vote for him before will still not vote for him...yeah, whatever! 

 ::mooning::   ::hysterical::

What they fail to realize is the big uptick in Independents and yes, even so-called "minorities" because they see the decent into madness that needs to be halted and reversed or America is well and truly f**ked nine way to Sunday.

"Using Chinese influence, using Chinese diplomats, Russia is doing everything to disrupt the summit. Regrettably, such a big, independent country as China has become an instrument in Putin’s hands," Zelensky said Sunday in Singapore.

Yes, this summit is an effort to get tail-wagging going to put pressure on Russia and it's allies and it is DOA because of the Eastern territory already annexed...but whoever wrote that line above has to know that even a polite way of calling Xi a bitch of Putin's aims in Ukraine is going to strike a nerve...mostly because it is true...Russia & China and the rest of it's shared motley crew of pals are inextricably tied to each other for good & bad.  Pointing it out is just so rude!  Not wrong, though...

That line made me snort!

Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Funny Thing On The Net" Thread
« Last post by Libertas on Today at 08:47:46 AM »
I use a big cup and pour them into my mouth...

I guess I am a savage...

Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Funny Thing On The Net" Thread
« Last post by Pablo de Fleurs on Yesterday at 02:48:17 PM »
Cheetos Ad Dominant hand
Cheetos | The Other Hand

Funny to me because

A. I DO use my dominant hand &
B. I am INSANELY addicted to Cheetos Puffs (wife prefers Crunchy) -- I can devour a Party-Size Bag by myself in 3-4 days (but I still run, else I'd have to enter rehab).

Btw, when I finish a Cheetos munch-session, our 2 dogs, who know the sound of the bag opening, are already by my side waiting to lick that dominant hand! ;D

Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Bit Of Music On The Net" Thread
« Last post by patentlymn on June 01, 2024, 01:26:31 AM »

A cool story I had kinda heard about. The Finnish group Nightwish had been having trouble with their lead singer who good but not great. They were in Denver in 2012 and she got real sick. The group who opened for them was Kamelot and they had two female lead singers

They gave the crowd a choice. Cancel the concert and refund money. Or have the crowd sing many of the songs plus have the two female singers do their best. The crowd voted the later. One of the singers sort of knew some of the songs as she had auditioned a while back. The other knew none of the songs. They had 55 minutes to learn the show as best they could. They were given sheet music to take on stage.

A very memorable show for the fans.

The next show on tour was in Salt Lake City where the regular singer did the show. They asked a Finnish singer Floor Jansen to fly in and learn the show for Seattle in 48 hours which she did. They fired the regular singer.
Nightwish - The Denver Debacle (2012)
Elize Ryd & Alissa White cover for a sick Anette Olzon during a concert at the Ogden Theater in Denver, CO, 2012.

This video is a collection of multiple videos,  to recreate the concert and tell a story of the event.
Entertainment / Re: What are you watching on TV, Internet?
« Last post by patentlymn on May 31, 2024, 03:33:14 PM »
How much it costs to train AF pilots by plane
Entertainment / Re: The "I Saw This Funny Thing On The Net" Thread
« Last post by patentlymn on May 31, 2024, 02:22:07 PM »
Cheetos Ad Dominant hand
Cheetos | The Other Hand
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